CAS: CAS Overview (original) (raw)


In the early 1900s in the United States, problems requiring actuarial treatment were emerging in sickness, disability, and casualty insurance-particularly in workers compensation, which was introduced in 1911. The differences between the new problems and those of traditional life insurance led to the organization in 1914 of the Casualty Actuarial and Statistical Society of America, with 97 charter members of the grade of Fellow. Dr. I.M. Rubinow, who was responsible for the Society's formation, became its first president. The Society adopted its present name in 1921.

Since the problems of workers compensation were the most urgent, many members played a leading part in developing the scientific basis for that line of insurance.

From its inception the Society has grown constantly, not only in membership, but also in range of interest and in scientific and related contributions to all lines of insurance other than life, including automobile, fire, homeowners, commercial multiple peril, and others.


The more than 4,849 members of the Society are employed by insurance companies, educational institutions, ratemaking organizations, state insurance departments, the federal government, and independent consulting firms.

The Society has two grades of credentialed members: Fellows, who are the voting members, andAssociates. Both grades are achieved by successful completion of a series of comprehensive examinations.

A class of CAS membership, Affiliate, serves qualified actuaries who practice in the general insurance field but do not meet the qualifications to become an Associate or Fellow.

An Academic Correspondent program is available for nonmembers who are involved in teaching actuarial science, mathematics, economics, business or related courses and have an interest in the CAS. Other interested nonmembers may enroll in the Subscriber Program. Correspondents and subscribers receive all CAS publications and may attend meetings and seminars.

There are 2 CAS Special Interest Sections and 15 CAS Regional Affiliates.


Examinations are held each year in the spring and fall in various cities in the United States, Canada, and in other countries around the world.

Successful completion of (or credit for) Exams 1 through 7 and attendance at the CAS Course on Professionalism satisfy the education requirements for Associateship. Satisfactory completion of (or credit for) all nine exams is required for Fellowship, the highest mark of distinction a member can receive. For more information on the examinations, view the Syllabus of Examinations.

A quarterly newsletter, Future Fellows, is produced for the benefit of candidates taking CAS exams.


The Casualty Actuarial Society has two general meetings each year, in May and November. Special and joint meetings with other actuarial bodies are occasionally held. Each of the 15 Regional Affiliates holds meetings periodically on topics of interest to Society members.

Continuing Education

The CAS recognizes its obligation to provide a variety of continuing education opportunities for its members. Each year, the Society sponsors approximately 15 seminars on a wide range of business, insurance, and actuarial subjects. Continuing education sessions held during the Society's two general meetings provide other educational opportunities. Online courses further supplement the CAS continuing education offerings.


The Society also fosters the professional growth of its members by disseminating actuarial-related information through its many publications. These include:


To stimulate original thinking and research within the actuarial profession, the Society annually sponsors four special award programs for the best eligible papers in four categories:

Additional prizes are awarded for the best papers in response to calls for papers on specific research areas such as ratemaking, reserving, dynamic financial analysis, and reinsurance. The CAS also awards prizes for related research by other organizations.

Public Service

The Casualty Actuarial Society Trust was established as a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization that can dispense funds donated by members for scientific, literary, or educational purposes.


The Society's governing body is the 15-member Board of Directors. The principal administrative body is the Executive Council, consisting of the president, president-elect, and six vice presidents. The vice presidents are responsible for managing the Society's major activities including education and examinations, continuing education, membership services, research and development, publications, meeting and program planning, international activities, and administration. The Society is supported by a professional staff, with an office in Arlington, Virginia.

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