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The Raft Spider could be the largest, most spectacular spiders. Adult females have bodies over two centimeters, and leg spand of 7 centimeters. They are usually dark brown with white or cream stripes on their sides. They are semi-aquatic and spend their lives in or around pools and water courses. They appear to prefer to live in swampy areas.

Adult raft spiders sit on the surface the water waiting to catch their prey. The raft spider can catch insects as large as Damselflies. It also can catch small fish. The spider attracts the fish by vibrating the surface of the water with its front legs,

The Raft spider does not spin a web because it lives by the water. But it has six spinnerets and is able to build a web if it wants to. It built a web in the jar that we had it in. The Raft spider catches its prey by dangling its legs in the water. The Raft spider is not venomous. Also the Raft spider can walk on water without sinking.