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Less and More: the design ethos of Dieter Rams

15th September 2008


Dieter Rams and his influence travels to Japan

It was alleged a few years’ ago that Dieter Rams is “better known in Japan than he is in Germany”.

It therefore seems entirely appropriate that a major exhibition – ‘Less and More, the design ethos of Dieter Rams’ – will open at the Suntory Museum, Osaka on 15 November 2008.

Less and More: synopsis

Tracing functionalism as far back as the 12th century’s Cistercian architecture, the exhibition uses Dieter Rams to mediate a reassessment of design and the influences of Rams and his contemporaries on present-day designers.

Should you find yourself in Japan, pop these dates in your diary.

Suntory Museum, Osaka 15 November 2008 to 25 January 2009

Fuchu Art Museum, Tokyo 23 May to 20 July 2009

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