カニエ・ウェストがカイカイキキにやってきた!Kanye West visits the studio! | 活動レポート (original) (raw)
カニエ・ウェストがカイカイキキにやってきた!Kanye West visits the studio!
今年もグラミー3部門受賞!超人気音楽プロデューサー/ラッパーのカニエ・ウェストさんがカイカイキキのアトリエにいらっしゃいました! 2006 triple Grammy Award winning Producer/Rapper Kanye West visits the Kaikai Kiki Asaka studio!
The Kaikai Kiki studio has had the pleasure of several important guest appearances lately. This week’s incredible visitor was Hip-hop superstar, Kanye West.
カニエ・ウェスト in 朝霞/ Kanye West in Asaka
今年の米グラミー賞ではBest Rap Solo Performance、Best Rap、Bestアルバム賞の見事3部門を受賞したカニエ・ウェストさん。プロデューサーとしての活動も目覚しく、アリーシャ・キーズやJay-Zなど、日本でもお馴染みのビックアーティストに楽曲を提供していることでも有名です。
Kanye West was awarded 3 of this year’s American Grammy Awards for Best Rap Solo Performance, Best Rap, and Best Album. He is also remarkable as a producer, and has produced songs for Alicia Keys, Jay-Z, and other artists big enough to be familiar even on Japanese dance floors.
A man of Kanye’s stature took the time during his visit to Japan to meet Takashi Murakami in his studio and tell him what a fan he is! He personally extended an invitation to Murakami to see his live show, and also asked about Murakami’s works. He was only in Japan for a brief few days – a very hard schedule – but took the time to visit Asaka with his mother and manager. And now, for a more in depth report
お気に入りは「Hiropon」/ Hiropon stands out
Classic Murakami works, such as Hiropon, Nurse Ko2, The Emperor’s New Clothes, and paintings of the DOB series, were brought out and arranged in the studio. Kanye showed a particular taste for Hiropon. Up close, far away, having pictures taken, Hiropon was definitely well received.
村上隆× カニエ・ウェストの最強コラボレーション/ A strong collaboration between Takashi and Kanye
Kanye is always styling the latest street threads. But I always had the image of rappers as wearing big baggy pants, so for me, it was a bit of a shock for me that he differed so much from this image. (Time to revise the notion that Hip-hop = baggy pants.) I caught myself totally checking out his style!
He had a Louis Vuitton colored pouch attached to his waist! And the Christ motif necklace was breathtaking. Encrusted with diamonds, Christ’s eyes shined blue. This gorgeous necklace was produced by Kanye himself. So wonderful! Like they say, “diamonds are forever�?!!
Kanye decided just then to show a new necklace design he had been thinking of. He drew it out on a piece of paper. “How is it? What should I do about the eyes?�? he asked, and with that, passed the baton to Murakami. Murakami then added the eyes. And just like that, an unexpected collaboration was born! Kanye seemed very satisfied with the resulting drawing. (Wouldn’t it be cool if it really got made??)
Besides his obvious talent in music, it seems Kanye’s artistic sense extends to different fields. When drawing, he was totally absorbed and concentrated. We think that he and Takashi share this eerie ability to concentrate and approach everything with utmost seriousness.
Hiroponを前に記念撮影。/A Kodak moment with Hiropon
次回はアメリカで再会することを約束した村上とカニエさん。皆様、遠いところお越しいただき、ありがとうございました。是非とも、また遊びにいらしてください! (文=加藤明子/ 英訳=ウェイン・ウィルソン)
Before departing, Murakami and Kanye promised they would have to meet up again in the United States. “And of course, please stop by again sometime and we’ll hang out some more!�? (Written by Akiko Kato/Translated by Wayne Wilson)