ELCA Global Mission Bibliography: Madagascar (original) (raw)
Fort Dauphin
Rev. J.P. Hogstad, Norwegian-Danish Conference pastor, sent to Madagascar under auspices of the Norwegian Missionary Society.
South Madagascar (Southeastern Madagascar after 1897)
United Norwegian Lutheran Church
Southwest Madagascar
Lutheran Free Church
Awes, Astrid Dahle. For the Soul of a King. Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House, 1936. 162 pp.
Author was a missionary in Madagascar. "From 1917 to 1922 Mr. Awes and I collected and sorted material on the beliefs and customs of the Tanosy and Mahafaly tribes of southern Madagascar... These notes of ours I have woven into a story which is authentic as to beliefs and customs." (from introduction)
Bradt, Hilary. Madagascar. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Clio Press, 1993. 118 pp.
Bibliography, "World Bibliographical Series, V. 65" Includes indexes.
Burgess, Andrew. Ra-Ha-La-Hi-Ko: My Brother in Madagascar. Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House, 1938. 224 pp.
Burgess, Andrew. Zanahary in South Madagascar. Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House, 1935. 251 pp.
Account of the birth and growth of the Christian church in southern Madagascar, late 19th and early 20th centuries. "Zanahary" means "Creator God."
Dahl, Nellie. Stories from Madagascar. (6.2MB pdf file) Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House, 1934. 172 pp.
Stories of mission work and Malagasy Christians, from author’s experience in Madagascar.
Dahlin, Ingvald. The United Norwegian Lutheran Mission Field in China. A Short Sketch with Illustrations and Map. Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House, 1911.
Hallanger, Alvide, and Fern Gudmestad. American Lutheran Church Women in Mission: an Oral History and Archives Project. Minneapolis: The American Lutheran Church, Division for World Mission and Inter-Church Cooperation, 1987.
Narrator: Alvide Hallanger, NLC/ELC/TALC missionary to Madagascar, 1928-1972.
Halverson, Alton C. O. Madagascar: Footprint at the End of the World. N.p. 1973. 112 pp.
Lutheran mission, church, and Malagasy Christians, focusing on work of the American Lutheran Church.
Halvorson, Antonette Nilsen. Lo-Ha-Ra-No (The Water Spring). Minneapolis.: Augsburg Publishing House, 1948.. 119 pp.
Experiences and reflections of author, Mrs. P. C. Halvorson, as a missionary in Madagascar. Author was a daughter of pioneer missionaries Rev. and Mrs. Nils Nilsen. Includes brief history of the Madagascar mission 1888-1913 by Rev. P. C. Halvorson, her late husband.
Helland, Andreas. Pastor John O. Dyrnes, M.D. 1867-1943: Medical Missionary in Madagascar for Forty-three Years. Minneapolis: Lutheran Board of Missions, 1944. 32 pp.
Memorial pamphlet for Dr. Dyrnes following his death and burial in Madagascar.
Helland, Andreas. Our Madagascar Mission: A Word to the Young People of the Lutheran Free Church from the Lutheran Board of Mission. Minneapolis: Free Church Book Concern, 1908. 32 pp.
Brief history for the purpose of educating and motivating young people for mission service.
Hennum, Gunda, and Fern Gudmestad. American Lutheran Church Women in Mission: an Oral History and Archives Project. Minneapolis: The American Lutheran Church, Division for World Mission and Inter-Church Cooperation, 1987.
Narrator: Gunda Hennum, NLC/ELC/TALC missionary to Madagascar, 1938-1970.
Hofstad, Louis. Memoirs of Rev. Louis Hofstad. N.p. N.d..
Memoirs of family, life & mission service. Author born 1890, served in Madagascar 1926-1957.
Jacobsen, Evelyn, and Solveig Swendseid. Women in Global Mission: an Oral History. Chicago: Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Division for Global Mission, 1993.
Narrator: Evelyn Jacobsen, ELC/TALC/ELCA missionary to Madagascar, 1956-1990.
Jobily. Faha-dimam-polo-taonan’ny Misiona loterana americana. Fort-Dauphin, Madagascar: 1938. 119 pp.
A History of the mission work of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Madagascar, written by the natives. Written in Malagasy language.
Location: Luther Seminary
Johnson, Camilla, and Fern Gudmestad. American Lutheran Church Women in World Mission: an Oral History and Archives Project. Minneapolis: The American Lutheran Church, Division for World Mission and Inter-Church Cooperation, 1989.
Narrator: Camilla Johnson, ELC/TALC missionary to Madagascar, 1949-1976.
Johnson, Caroline, and Solveig Swendseid. American Lutheran Church Women in World Mission: an Oral History and Archives Project. Minneapolis: The American Lutheran Church, Division for World Mission and Inter-Church Cooperation, 1989.
Narrator: Caroline Johnson, ELC/TALC missionary to Madagascar, 1946 - 1977.
Johnson, Laurel O. Green Fields in Madagascar. Tananarive, Malagasy Republic: Lutheran Publishing House, 1968. 31 pp.
Brief history of the Malagasy Lutheran Church, including work of missionaries and of Malagasy pastors and church leaders.
Knutson, Judith, and Fern Gudmestad. American Lutheran Church Women in World Mission: an Oral History and Archives Project. Minneapolis: The American Lutheran Church, Division for World Mission and Inter-Church Cooperation, 1989
Narrator: Judith Knutson, ELC/TALC missionary to Madagascar, 1948-1968.
Lovaas, Alta, and Solveig Swendseid. American Lutheran Church Women in World Mission: an Oral History and Archives Project. Minneapolis: The American Lutheran Church, Division for World Mission and Inter-Church Cooperation, 1987.
Narrator: Alta Lovaas, NLC/ELC missionary to Madagascar, 1924-1951.
Lovaas, Evelyn R., and Fern Gudmestad. American Lutheran Church Women in World Missions: an Oral History and Archives Project. Minneapolis: The American Lutheran Church, Division for World Mission and Inter-Church Cooperation, 1989.
Narrator: Evelyn Lovaas, NLC/ELC/TALC missionary to Madagascar, 1946-1979.
The Messenger. N.p.: Madagascar Mission of the Norwegian Lutheran Church in America.
Periodical; Luther Seminary has volumes 7-12, 14-16, 1930 - 1939. Volumes 8,12, 14-15 are incomplete.
Missions and Martyrs in Madagascar. Boston: American Tract Society, [1864]
Mondain, Gustav. Un Siecle de Mission a Madagascar. Paris: Societe des Missions Evangeliques, 1948. 240 pp.
Survey of missions in Madagascar, including Lutheran. Written in French.
Mondain, Gustav. Un Siecle de mission protestante a Madagascar. Paris: Societe des Missions Evangeliques 1920. 372 pp.
Molvik, Eleonora Hanson. Mazavazava (The Dawning): St. Augustin, Madagascar 1887-1927. Minneapolis: privately printed, 1950. 44 pp.
Describes work by The Norwegian Mission Society, The United Church of America, and The Lutheran Free Church.
Location: Luther Seminary
Norlie, Solveig, and Fern Gudmestad. American Lutheran Church Women in World Mission: an Oral History and Archives Project. Minneapolis: The American Lutheran Church, Division for World Mission and Inter-Church Cooperation, 1987.
Narrator: Solveig Norlie, ELC/TALC missionary to Madagascar, 1937-1975.
Nybroten, Magnhild, and Solveig Swendseid. American Lutheran Church Women in World Mission: an Oral History and Archives Project. Minneapolis: The American Lutheran Church, Division for World Mission and Inter-Church Cooperation, 1987.
Narrator: Magnhild Nybroten, ELC/TALC missionary to Madagascar, 1936-1970.
Rossing, Anna, and Solveig Swendseid. American Lutheran Church Women in World Mission: an Oral History and Archives Project. Minneapolis: The American Lutheran Church, Division for World Mission and Inter-Church Cooperation, 1989.
Narrator: Anna Rossing, LFC/TALC missionary to Madagascar, 1938-1967.
Saeterlie, M. (Martin). Madagaskar: Oversigt over Den forenede kirkes missionsmark paa oen, m.m. Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House, 1912. 266 pp.
Simensen, Jarle and Finn. Fuglestad. Norwegian Missions in African History. Oslo: Norwegian University Press; Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 1986.
Two volumes: Volume one - South Africa; volume two - Madagascar.
Thompson, Milla, and Fern Gudmestad. American Lutheran Church Women in World Mission: an Oral History and Archives Project. Minneapolis: The American Lutheran Church, Division for World Mission and Inter-Church Cooperation, 1987.
Narrator: Milla Thompson, LFC/TALC missionary to Madagascar, 1952-1970.
Tou, Erik Hansen. Den lutherske frikirkes hedningemission paa Madagaskar. Minneapolis: Frikirkens boghandels trykkeri, 1899. 62 pp.
Lutheran mission in Madagascar. Norwegian language.
Rabary, Jean. The Malagasy Broadcasting System: An Historical and Development Communication Perspective. N.p.: 1991.
Report of the 39th Annual Conference of the Madagascar Missionaries of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. N.p., 1956-
Published annually. Luther Seminary has selected volumes.
Location: Luther Seminary
Reports of the Annual Conference of the Madagascar Missionaries of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. Published annually by Evangelical Lutheran Church, Madagascar Mission. 1926 - 1959
Set of reports is not complete. Annual reports are bound separately.
L ocation: Luther Seminary
Spies, Karen Bornemann. Visiting in the Global Village. Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 1992.
Syrdal, Rolf A. Mission in Madagascar: Studies of Our Mission in Madagascar and the Beginnings and Development of the Malagasy Lutheran Church. Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House, 1957. 48 pp.
The land and people of Madagascar and the history of mission work. Well illustrated; for the purpose of mission education.
Townsend, William John. Madagascar: Its Missionaries and Martyrs. New York and Chicago: Fleming H. Revell, [1892]. 160 pp.
Vaagenes, Hanna, and Fern Gudmestad. American Lutheran Church Women in Mission: an Oral History and Archives Project. Minneapolis: The American Lutheran Church, Division for World Mission and Inter-Church Cooperation, 1987.
Narrator: Hanna Vaagenes, LFC missionary to Madagascar, 1920-1961.
Vigen, James B. Diakonia: tantara fohy momba ny Hopitaly Loterana Manambaro eto Madagasikara.. Madagascar: N.p. 1979.
English translation of title: a short history of Manambaro Lutheran Hospital, Manambaro, Madagascar. Published in Madagascar for the 25th anniversary of the hospital. English and Malagasy languages.
Vigen, James B. A Historical and Missiological Account of the Pioneer Missionaries in the Establishment of the America Lutheran Mission in Southeast Madagascar, 1887 - 1911: John P. and Oline Hogstad. N.p., 1991.
Andriatsiratahina, Roger."Church Empowerment for Cultural and Political Awareness." master's thesis, Luther Northwestern Theological Seminary, 1990. 106 pp.
Includes history of Madagascar, coming of the Christian church, factors regarding poverty, empowerment of people, and the Revival Movement within the Lutheran church.
Location : Luther Seminary
Burgess, Andrew S. "An Analysis of the Effect of Religion on Malagasy Culture." Ph.D. diss., Drew University, 1948. 489 pp.
Huge, comprehensive, gives numerous original sources. Extensive bibliography. Includes church history, mission work, and social life and customs.
Gonia, James W. "The Umma Ideal and Muslims in Madagascar: Movement from Communities to Community".master's thesis, Luther Seminary, n.d. 151 pp.
Trends in Madagascar in relationship to Muslims and the ideal of Umma (community) in the Muslim tradition. Suggestions re: how the Christian church can relate effectively.
Location : Luther Seminary
Halvorson, Conrad N. "A Study of Monotheism in the Malagasy Religion." B. Th. thesis, Luther Theological Seminary, 1932. 39 pp.
Location: Luther Seminary
Jacobsen, Leonard Dean. "Church Growth on the Island of Madagascar." master's thesis, Fuller Theological Seminary, 1967. 105 pp.
Early history of church in Madagascar, period of persecution, overview of various churches. Focus on church growth.
Rakoto, Modeste Endor. "Unity of the Letters and Visions in the Revelation of John." Th.D. diss., Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, 1992.
Randrianasolo, Joseph. "Christ and Ancestors in the African Context: A Lutheran Perspective." Th.D. diss., Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, 1992.
Rasolondraibe, Peri. "Liberation and Reconciliation: An African Ethical Reflection on the Dialectical Interaction between Liberation and Reconciliation in African Political Economy: Nyere's Praxis as a Case Study.."Ph.D. diss., Princeton Theological Seminary, 1984.
Razivelo, Mariette. "The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit in the Betsileo Context: Implications of the Betsileo Understanding of "Spirit," "Human Spirit," and "Spirits" for the Christian Understanding of the Holy Spirit."Ph.D. diss., Luther Seminary, 1994.
Razivelo, Mariette. "Women and the Formation of a Malagasy Theology." S.T.M., Wartburg Theological Seminary, 1980. 64pp.
Stolee, Peter B. "Religious Beliefs and Practices Among the Tanosy Tribes of South Madagascar." M. Th. thesis, Luther Theological Seminary, 1938. 74 pp.
Author was a missionary of the Norwegian Lutheran Church of Canada.
Location: Luther Seminary
Torvik, Torval G. "Ethnological Characteristics of the Malagasy People Which Aid the Promulgation of the Gospel." B.Th. thesis, Luther Theological Seminary, 1943. 38 pp.
Location: Luther Seminary
Vigen, James Bruce. "An Historical and Missiological Account of the Pioneer Missionaries in the Establishment of the American Lutheran Mission in Southeast Madagascar, 1887-1911: John P. and Oline Hogstad."Th.D. diss.,Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, 1991.
Stensland, Arlen and Lois
Lewis, Viola
Location: ELCA Archives, Chicago
Ose, Roger. A History of the South West Synod of the Malagasy Lutheran Church, 1889-1979. Unpublished manuscript.
Van Gilder, Viola. "Journey: From Iowa Farm to Far-Off Shores." Personal Papers, Viola Van Gilder, "Madagascar Missionary Letters." ELCA Archives, Chicago.
Location: ELCA Archives, Chicago
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