Canadian Forces Provost Marshal (original) (raw)

Canadian Forces Provost Marshal Crest

What's New

Corporals Yanick Demers and Joselito Sola conducting Air Marshal duties in Bonn, Germany. (Photo courtesy of the Office of the Prime Minister)Air Marshal Course trains MP for VIP Aircraft Security Detail

Our Changes

Welcome to the Canadian Forces Provost Marshal/CF Military Police Group website.

The Canadian Forces Provost Marshal (CFPM) is responsible for developing policies and plans to guide the management of security and Military Police resources of the Canadian Forces.

The CFPM is the Branch Advisor for the Canadian Forces Military Police Branch. He is also the Commander of the CF Military Police Group, exercising command and control over four Military Police units.

Military Police contribute to the effectiveness and readiness of the Canadian Forces through the provision of professional police, security and custody services domestically and worldwide wherever the CF operate.

The Military Police Branch has more than 2,000 military members augmented by civilian personnel working within more than 40 units and detachments across Canada and at its headquarters in Ottawa.

The CF Military Police: Policing the Canadian Forces anywhere, anytime, in any conditions.

Picture of Support the Troops Pin

Military Police Support the Troops Pin

1 Military Police Platoon Association (1 MP PL Assoc) recently launched the Military Police Support the Troops commemorative pin. The idea behind this pin is to recognized the supreme efforts made by our brave men and women of the Military Police branch. This pin recognizes our current serving and especially our recently fallen members: Cpls Matt Dinning, Randy Payne and Stephen Gibson. All profits realized from the sale of these pins and other memorabilia will be used to support a Military Police Memorial Wall; this wall will be located at the Canadian Forces Military Police Academy, Borden, Ontario

Please support this great cause.

If you wish to place a pin order, please get further details at This pin has received a very favourable respond from the public, current serving/retired MPs and other law enforcement agencies. Details �
