Awards | UW Madison - Department of Chemistry (original) (raw)


Ronald T. Raines Repligen Award in Biological Chemistry, American Chemical Society, 2010
Mahesh Mahanthappa Emil H. Steiger Distinguished Teaching Award 2010
Martin Zanni ACS Nobel Laureate Signature Award for Graduate Education in Chemistry, 2010
James L. Skinner WARF Named Professorship, 2010
Robert J. McMahon JILA Visiting Fellow - NIST, University of Colorado
Clark Landis ACS Award in Organometallic Chemistry
Joshua J. Coon Pittsburgh Conference Achievement Award, 2010
Daniel C. Fredrickson US Department of Energy Early Career Award-2010
L. F. Dahl F. Albert Cotton Award in Synthetic Inorganic Chemistry, 2010
Qiang Cui H.I. Romnes Faculty Fellowship (2010)
Helen E. Blackwell ACS Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award
Helen E. Blackwell Vilas Associate Award (2010)


Robert J. Hamers Semiconductor Surfaces, Interfaces and Nanostructures Prize, given by the 12th International Conference of the Formation of Semiconductor Interfaces in Weimar, Germary, 2009
Robert J. Hamers Medard Welch Award presented by the AVS Science and Technology Society, 2009
Song Jin Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship (2009)
Tehshik P. Yoon Amgen Young Investigator's Award, 2009
James C. Weisshaar American Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow, 2009
Frank A. Weinhold American Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow, 2009
Lloyd M. Smith Member, Faculty of 1000, 2009-present
Lloyd M. Smith WARF Named Professorship
David Schwartz Vilas Associates
Jennifer Schomaker Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award Research Training Grant (NIH) 2007-2009
Thomas Record Fellow, American Academy of Microbiology, 2009
Thomas Record Hugh Huffman Award, Calorimetry Conference, 2009
Mahesh Mahanthappa James W. Taylor Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2009
John W. Moore ACS Fellow, Inaugural class, 2009
Joshua J. Coon Ken Standing Award, 2009
F. Fleming Crim ACS Fellow, Inaugural class, 2009
Daniel C. Fredrickson NSF CAREER Award
Silvia Cavagnero Vilas Associates Award, 2009
Cathy Middlecamp American Chemical Society, Fellow, 2009
Cathy Middlecamp Phi Beta Kappa, Teaching Excellence Award, 2009
Charles P. Casey ACS Fellow, Inaugural class, 2009
Judith N. Burstyn Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science 2009
Thomas Brunold 2009 Romnes Award, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Thomas Brunold 2009 Graduate Student Faculty Liaison Committee Mentor Award
Thomas Brunold 2009 Division of University Housing’s Honored Instructors Award
Helen E. Blackwell Iota Sigma Pi Agnes Fay Morgan Research Award, 2009
Robert C. West WCU Distinguished Professor, Yonsei University, 2009
Lian Yu AstraZeneca Visiting Professor, University of Manchester, UK, 2009.
Tehshik P. Yoon Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship, 2009
Tehshik P. Yoon Thieme Chemistry Journal Award, 2009
Ronald T. Raines Kellett Mid-Career Faculty Researcher Award, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2009-2014


Tehshik P. Yoon University Residence Halls Honored Instructor award, 2008
Tehshik P. Yoon Research Corporation Cottrell Scholar award, 2008
John C. Wright Graduate Student Faculty Liaison Committee Mentor Award, 2008
Tehshik P. Yoon Beckman Young Investigator Award, 2008
Eric Strieter American Cancer Society Post-doctoral Fellowship, 2005-2008
Shannon Stahl Hamel Family Faculty Fellow, UW-Madison 2008-2012
Shannon Stahl Moore Faculty Scholar, California Institute of Technology 2008
Lloyd M. Smith Jay Goodwin Lecturer, Auburn University, 2008
Lloyd M. Smith Vilas Associate Award, 2008-2010
Lloyd M. Smith Joy Goodwin Lecturer, Auburn University, 2008
James L. Skinner Noyes Memorial Lecturer, University of Rochester, 2008
Mahesh Mahanthappa National Science Foundation CAREER Award, 2008
Mahesh Mahanthappa 3M Non-Tenured Faculty Award, 2008
Lingjun Li Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship
Lingjun Li American Society for Mass Spectrometry (ASMS) Research Award
Clark Landis Fellow, American Academy for the Advancement of Science
Clark Landis Dow Lecturer in Inorganic Chemistry, UC-Berkeley
Clark Landis Hutchison Lecturer, University of Rochester
Clark Landis Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Laura L. Kiessling Guggenheim Fellowship, 2008
John W. Moore Braude Award, Maryland Section, ACS, 2008
Song Jin ACS ExxonMobil Solid State Chemistry Fellowship (2008)
Joshua J. Coon National Science Foundation CAREER Award
Robert J. Hamers Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation Named Professorship, 2008
F. Fleming Crim Silver Medal and Centenary Lectureship, Royal Society of Chemistry, London, 2008
Helen E. Blackwell Invited Participant and Vice-Chair, 2nd Transatlantic Symposium on the Frontiers in Chemistry, 2008
John F. Berry NSF CAREER Award, 2008 – 2013
Mark D. Ediger Kellett Mid-Career Faculty Researcher Award (UW-Madison), 2008


Laura L. Kiessling Member, Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, 2008
Robert J. Hamers Distinguished Professor (Univ. of Wisconsin-System), 2007-present
Arun Yethiraj Senior Editor, The Journal of Physical Chemistry, 2007 to present
Robert C. West Honorary Member of Japan Chemical Society, 2007
Tehshik P. Yoon UW-Madison Research-Service Award, 2007
Tehshik P. Yoon National Science Foundation CAREER Award, 2007
Shannon Stahl H. I. Romnes Faculty Fellowship, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2007
Shannon Stahl Outstanding Mentor Award - UW-Madison, Dept of Chemistry (inaugural award), 2007
Hans J. Reich Arfvedson-Schlenk Prize in Lithium Chemistry, German Chemical Society, 2007
Thomas Record Fellow, American Academy of Arts & Sciences, 2007
Ronald T. Raines Technology Achievement Award, MIT Club of Wisconsin, 2007
Ronald T. Raines Rao Makineni Lectureship Award, American Peptide Society, 2007
Robert J. McMahon Helfaer Professor
David Lynn Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow, 2007-2009
David Lynn Kayli Frontiers Fellow, National Academy of Sciences, 2007
Laura L. Kiessling Member, National Academy of Sciences, 2007
Laura L. Kiessling Member, American Academy of Microbiology, 2007
John W. Moore Pirelli _Internet_ional Award for outstanding multimedia work for teaching chemistry, Pirelli Corporation, Rome, Italy, 2007.
Song Jin Research Corporation Cottrell Scholar Award (2007)
Song Jin DuPont Young Professor (2007)
Joshua J. Coon Eli Lilly and Company Young Investigator Award
Joshua J. Coon Beckman Young Investigator Award (2007)
Joshua J. Coon American Society of Mass Spectrometry Research Award
Samuel H. Gellman Ralph F. Hirschmann Award in Peptide Chemistry (American Chemical Society), 2007
Silvia Cavagnero ACS PROGRESS/Dreyfus Lectureship Award, 2007
Helen E. Blackwell Popular Science Magazine "Brilliant 10" Award, 2007
Helen E. Blackwell DuPont Young Professor Award, 2007
Helen E. Blackwell Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award, 2007
Helen E. Blackwell UW-Madison James Taylor Teaching Award, 2007
Helen E. Blackwell 3M Non-Tenured Faculty Award, 2007


Howard Zimmerman Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow, 2006
Howard Zimmerman IUPAC Porter Medal for Photochemical Research Photochemistry, 2006
Martin Zanni Coblentz Award, 2006
Martin Zanni Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow, 2006
Arun Yethiraj Vilas Associate Award, 2006
Tehshik P. Yoon Eli Lilly New Faculty Award, 2006
Shannon Stahl Pfizer Michigan Green Chemistry Award, 2006
James L. Skinner Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2006
JR Schmidt Graduate Research Excellence Award, University of Wisconsin, 2006
JR Schmidt Fannie and John Hertz Foundation Graduate Fellowship, 2001-2006
Ronald T. Raines Fellow, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2006
Gilbert Nathanson University of Wisconsin Chancellor’s Distinguished Teaching Award, 2006
Lian Yu Fellow, American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists, 2006.
Laura L. Kiessling Francis P. Garvan-John M. Olin Medal, American Chemical Society, 2006
Frank Keutsch Camille and Henry Dreyfus Postdoctoral Program in Environmental Chemistry
Song Jin NSF CAREER Award (2006-2011)
Song Jin 3M Nontenured Faculty Award (2006)
Song Jin MIT Technology Review TR35 (35 Young Innovators under the age of 35) (2006)
Joshua J. Coon Named one of "Tomorrow's PIs" by Genome Technology magazine (2006)
Samuel H. Gellman Vincent du Vigneaud Award (American Peptide Society), 2006
Samuel H. Gellman WARF Professorship (UW-Madison), 2006
F. Fleming Crim Irving Langmuir Award in Chemical Physics, American Chemical Society, 2006
Mark D. Ediger National Science Foundation, Special Creativity Award, Division of Materials Research, 2006
Cathy Middlecamp Judith S. Craig Award for Distinguished Service, College of Letters & Science, 2006
Cathy Middlecamp Camille & Henry Dreyfus Award for Encouraging Women into Careers in the Chemical Sciences, American Chemical Society, 2006
Charles P. Casey Hilldale Award in the Physical Sciences, University of Wisconsin, 2006
Helen E. Blackwell UW-Madison Chancellors Award for Distinguished Teaching, 2006
Helen E. Blackwell W. M. Keck Foundation Distinguished Young scholars in Medical Research Achievement Award, 2006
John F. Berry Ernst Haage Preis des Max-Planck-Institut für Bioanorganische Chemie (First recipient), 2006


John C. Wright NSF Creativity Grant Extension, 2005-2007
Helen E. Blackwell Burroughs Welcome Fund Investigator in Pathogenesis of Infectious Disease, 2006
Helen E. Blackwell Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship, 2006
Helen E. Blackwell Johnson & Johnson Focused Funding Award, 2006
Martin Zanni Benjamin Smith Reynolds Award for Excellence in Teaching Engineers, 2005
Martin Zanni Packard Foundation Science and Engineering Fellowship, 2005
John C. Wright Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2005
Robert C. West World Innovation Foundation Fellow, 2005
Robert C. West Chemical Society of Japan Award, 2005
Robert C. West Research & Development 100 Award for Technical Innovation, 2005
Lloyd M. Smith American Chemical Society Award in Chemical Instrumentation, 2005
James L. Skinner Kohler Lecturer, UC Riverside, 2005
Jennifer Schomaker American Chemical Society, Division of Organic Chemistry Graduate Fellowship sponsored by Eli Lilly 2004-2005
Jennifer Schomaker Michigan State University Distinguished Graduate Fellowship 2001-2005
Thomas Record Fellow, Biophysical Society, 2005
Ronald T. Raines Emil Thomas Kaiser Award, Protein Society, 2005
Gilbert Nathanson Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2005
Gilbert Nathanson Chair, Gordon Research Conference on Dynamics at Surfaces, 2005
Sandro Mecozzi Best poster. Gordon Conference on Nucleic Acids. 2005
Sandro Mecozzi Department of Defense BCRP - Concept Award. 2005
David Lynn 3M Corporation Non-tenured Faculty Award, 2005-2008
Laura L. Kiessling Tetrahedron Young Investigator Award, 2005
Laura L. Kiessling Harrison-Howe Award, Rochester ACS, 2005
Frank Keutsch Camille and Henry Dreyfus New Faculty Award, 2005
Richard Hsung Visiting Professor at Tianjin University [P. R. China], 2005 - 2007.
Robert J. Hamers Arthur Adamson Award of the American Chemical Society, 2005
Padma Gopalan NSF CAREER award 2005-2010
Samuel H. Gellman Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2005
Daniel C. Fredrickson NSF MPS Distinguished International Research Fellowship (2005-2007)
Daniel C. Fredrickson Wentink Prize, Cornell University (2005)
Judith N. Burstyn Vilas Associates Award (2005-2006)
Judith N. Burstyn Doris Slesinger Award for Excellence in Mentoring (2005)
Helen E. Blackwell MIT Technology Review Top 35 Innovator Under the Age of 35, 2005
Helen E. Blackwell Research Corporation Cottrell Scholar Award, 2005


Martin Zanni Beckman Young Investigators Award, 2004
Eric Strieter ACS Division of Organic Chemistry Graduate Fellowship, 2003-2004
Ben Shen Charles M. Johnson Chair in Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy, UW-Madison, WI, 2004-
Jennifer Schomaker Dow Chemical Company Foundation Graduate Fellowship 2004
Thomas Record Keynote Lecturer, 64th International Calorimetry Conference, Santa Fe. Nw Mexico, 2004
Ronald T. Raines Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award, American Chemical Society, 2004
Ronald T. Raines Vilas Associates Award, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2002-2004
Robert J. Hamers Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), 2004
Qiang Cui Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship (2004)
Qiang Cui CAREER Award, National Science Foundation (2004)
Cathy Middlecamp American Association for the Advancement of Science, Fellow, 2004
Judith N. Burstyn Fellow of UW-Madison Teaching Academy (2004)
Judith N. Burstyn Women in Engineering Program Award (Women in Science and Engineering Residential Program, UW-Madison; Co-Directors Judith N. Burstyn and Wendy C. Crone)
Steve Burke Emil Steiger Distinguished Teaching Award, 2004 (UW-Madison University-wide)
Helen E. Blackwell Shaw Scientist Award of the Greater Milwaukee Foundation, 2004
Helen E. Blackwell National Science Foundation Early CAREER Award, 2004
Helen E. Blackwell American Chemical Society PROGRESS/Dreyfus Lectureship Award, 2004
John F. Berry Alexander von Humboldt Forschungsstipendium, MPI-Mülheim, Sept. 2004 - Aug. 2006
John F. Berry Association of Former Students Graduate Assistant Award for Research, Texas A&M, 2004
John F. Berry Celanese, Ltd. Outstanding Graduate Student Award, Texas A&M 2004


Martin Zanni National Science Foundation CAREER Award, 2003
John C. Wright Fellow of the American Physical Society, 2003
Robert C. West Listed as Highly-cited Chemist for 1981 - 1989, 2003
Robert C. West Main Group Chemistry Medal, 2003
Shannon Stahl Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award 2003-2008
Shannon Stahl 3M Non-Tenured Faculty Award 2003-2005
Lloyd M. Smith John D. MacArthur Professorship, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2003-2008
James L. Skinner Fellow, American Assoc. for the Advancement of Science, 2003
James L. Skinner University of Wisconsin Chancellor's Distinguished Teaching Award, 2003
James L. Skinner Reilly Lecturer, University of Notre Dame, 2003
James L. Skinner Student Hosted Colloquium Speaker, Stanford University, 2003
Thomas Record Keynote Lecturer, Gordon Research Conference on Osmoregulation, Briston, Rhode Island, 2003
Ronald T. Raines H. I. Romnes Faculty Fellowship, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1998-2003
Gilbert Nathanson Closs Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, University of Chicago, 2003
Robert J. McMahon Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2003
Lian Yu Lilly Research Laboratories President's Award, 2003.
David Lynn MIT Technology Review's TR100 Award: Top 100 Young Innovators, 2003
David Lynn Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation Young Investigator Award, 2003-2006
Laura L. Kiessling Member, American Academy of Arts & Sciences, 2003
Laura L. Kiessling Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2003
John W. Moore Benjamin Smith Reynolds Award for Excellence in Teaching Engineers, UW-Madison, 2003
Joshua J. Coon Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award (NIH-NRSA)
Mark D. Ediger James W. Taylor Excellence in Teaching Award, 2003
Qiang Cui Research Innovation Award, Research Corporation, 2003
Cathy Middlecamp UW System Alliant Energy Underkofler Excellence in Teaching Award, 2003
Cathy Middlecamp University of Wisconsin System Teaching Scholar, 2003
Cathy Middlecamp Association for Women in Science, Elected as Fellow, 2003
Thomas Brunold 2003 Swiss Chemical Society: Alfred Werner Award
Thomas Brunold 2003 Sloan Foundation Fellow
Thomas Brunold 2003 NSF-CAREER Award


Martin Zanni Research Corporation Innovation Award, 2002
Martin Zanni Camille and Henry Dreyfus New Faculty Award, 2002
John C. Wright Benjamin Smith Reynolds Award for Teaching Excellence in Engineering, 2002
John C. Wright Dow Lecturer at University of British Columbia, 2002
Robert C. West James W. Taylor Excellence in Teaching Award, 2002
Tehshik P. Yoon Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award Research Training Grant (NIH) 2002-2004
Tehshik P. Yoon National Institutes of Health Postdoctoral Research Fellow, 2002-2004
Tehshik P. Yoon Herbert Newby McCoy Award for Distinguished Graduate Research, 2002
Tehshik P. Yoon Associated Students of the California Institute of Technology Teaching Award, 2002
James L. Skinner Student Invited Seminar Speaker, MIT, 2002
Ned Sibert Villas Associate, University of Wisconsin, 2002-2003
Ned Sibert James W. Taylor Excellence in Teaching Award, University of Wisconsin, 2002
Ben Shen Jack L. Beal Award, American Society of Pharmacognosy, 2002
David Schwartz Kellett Mid-Career Awardee (2002-2007)
Thomas Record UW-Madison Steenbock Professor of Chemical Sciences, 2002-12
Ronald T. Raines Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Sciences, 2002
Ronald T. Raines Guggenheim Fellowship, J. S. Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 2001-2002
Gilbert Nathanson Fellow of the American Physical Society, 2002
Cathy Middlecamp American Chemical Society, Women Chemists Committee Regional Award for Diversity, 2002
Robert J. Hamers "Highly-Cited Researcher" (field of Materials Science), Institute for Scientific Information, 2002
Shannon Stahl Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship 2002-2004


Howard Zimmerman UW Madison William T. Evjue Distinguished Chair for the Wisconsin Idea first holder
Martin Zanni American Chemical Society Nobel Laureate Signature Award for Graduate Education in Chemistry, 2001
Arun Yethiraj Fellow, American Physical Society, 2001
John C. Wright Andreas C. Albrecht Chair of Chemistry, 2001-present
James C. Weisshaar Fellow, American Physical Society, 2001
Tehshik P. Yoon National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship 1996-1998, 2001
Shannon Stahl National Science Foundation CAREER Award 2001-2005
Shannon Stahl Dow Chemical Research Innovation Award 2001
Shannon Stahl Research Corporation Innovation Award 2001-2002
Ben Shen Independent Scientist Award, NIH, 2001-06
JR Schmidt Albert E. Lampen Mathematics Prize, Hope College, 2001
JR Schmidt Almon T. Godfrey Prize in Chemistry, Hope College, 2001
Thomas Record Biophysical Society Founders Award, 2001
Thomas Record Founders Award Lecturer, Biophysical Society, 2001
Laura L. Kiessling Carbohydrate Research Award, 2001
Laura L. Kiessling Romnes Faculty Fellowship, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2001
Richard Hsung The Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar, 2001.
Richard Hsung McKnight Faculty Award, 2001 - 2003.
Richard Hsung National Science Foundation Early Career Development Award, 2001 - 2006.
F. Fleming Crim Member, National Academy of Sciences, 2001
Mark D. Ediger Helfaer Professor, 2001
Silvia Cavagnero Research Corporation Research Innovation Award, 2001
Silvia Cavagnero Shaw Scientist Award, 2001
Silvia Cavagnero Best Poster Award, 6th Johns Hopkins University Folding Meeting, 2001
Cathy Middlecamp Distinguised Membership in the National Society of Collegiate Scholars, 2001
John F. Berry National Science Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship, Texas A&M 2001-2004


Martin Zanni National Institute of Health Postdoctoral Fellow (NRSA), 2000
Tehshik P. Yoon Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award, University of California, 2000
James L. Skinner Pharmacia Teaching Award, Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin, 2000
Ben Shen Matt Suffness Award, American Society of Pharmacognosy, 2000
JR Schmidt Barry Goldwater Scholarship, 2000
JR Schmidt Beckman Scholar’s Research Fellowship, 1999-2000
Thomas Record 6th Mississippi Chemical Lecture in Chemical Sciences, University of Mississippi, 2000
Gilbert Nathanson NSF Grant Continuation Award for Special Creativity, 2000
Robert J. McMahon Vilas Associate, UW-Madison, 2000-02
Laura L. Kiessling Horace Isbell Award, Carbohydrate Division of the American Chemical Society, 2000
John W. Moore W.T. Lippincott Professor, UW-Madison, 2000
Robert J. Hamers John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowship, 2000
Robert J. Hamers Kellett Mid-Career Award, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2000
Robert J. Hamers S.C. Johnson Co. Distinguished Fellow, 2000-2003
Samuel H. Gellman Vilas Associate Award (University of Wisconsin), 2000
L. F. Dahl Recipient of the Pioneer Award of the American Institute of Chemists, 2000
Cathy Middlecamp James W. Taylor Excellence in Teaching Award, 2000
Thomas Brunold 2000 Research Corporation Innovation Award
Thomas Brunold 2000 University of Bern, Switzerland: Theodor Kocher Award
John F. Berry Graduate Merit Fellowship, Texas A&M 2000 - 2001


Hyuk Yu Langmuir Award, Colloid and Surface Chemistry Division of ACS, 1999
Hyuk Yu Kobunshi Koseki Sho Distinguished Services to Polymer Science Award, Society of Polymer Science-Japan (SPSJ), 1999
Arun Yethiraj Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship, 1999
Tehshik P. Yoon Achievement Rewards for College Scientists Fellowship 1999-2000
Eric Strieter UW-Madison Hilldale Fellowship for Undergraduate Research, 1999
Shannon Stahl Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation New Faculty Award 1999-2004
Lloyd M. Smith WARF Kellett Mid-Career Faculty Researcher Award, University of Wisconsin- Madison, 1999-2004
Jennifer Schomaker Association for Women in Science Educational Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship 1999
Steve Nelsen Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1999
David Lynn National Institutes of Health Postdoctoral Research Fellow, 1999-2002
David Lynn Herbert Newby McCoy Award for Distinguished Graduate Research, 1999
Laura L. Kiessling MacArthur Foundation Fellowship, 1999-2004
Laura L. Kiessling Selected as one of the 50 top R & D stars to watch by Industry Week, 1999
Laura L. Kiessling John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Fellowship, 1999
Laura L. Kiessling Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award, 1999
Daniel C. Fredrickson Hyp J. Dauben Award in Organic Chemistry, University of Washington (1999)
L. F. Dahl Recipient of the Willard Gibbs Medal, Chicago ACS Section, 1999
Silvia Cavagnero Wills Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship, 1998-99
Cathy Middlecamp Pharmacia Award for Excellence in the Teaching of Chemistry, 1999


Hyuk Yu Pharmacia Upjohn Award for Excellence in the Teaching of Chemistry, 1998-99
Hyuk Yu Walter H. Stockmayer Professor of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1998
Hyuk Yu Fellow, Korean Academy of Science & Technology, Seoul, Korea, 1998
Arun Yethiraj Samuel C. Johnson Distinguished Fellowship, 1998
James C. Weisshaar Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation Kellett Mid-Career Research Award, 1998-2003
James L. Skinner Hascoe Distinguished Lecturer, University of Connecticut, 1998
Ben Shen CAREER Award, NSF, 1998-03
Jennifer Schomaker Outstanding Thesis and Dissertation Award, Central Michigan University 1998
Thomas Record UW-Madison Vilas Associate Award, 1998-2000
Ronald T. Raines Pfizer Award in Enzyme Chemistry, American Chemical Society, 1998
Gilbert Nathanson University of Wisconsin Romnes Faculty Fellowship, 1998
David Lynn Union Carbide Corporation Innovation Recognition Award, 1998
Laura L. Kiessling National Science Foundation, National Young Investigator Award (NYI), 1993-98
John W. Moore Briscoe Lecturer, Indiana University, 1998
Richard Hsung RW-Johnson Pharmaceutical Research Institute Faculty Award, 1998 - 2000.
Robert J. Hamers Vilas Associate Award, 1998
F. Fleming Crim Earl K. Plyler Prize for Molecular Spectroscopy, American Physical Society, 1998
F. Fleming Crim Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1998
Mark D. Ediger Fellow, American Physical Society, 1998
L. F. Dahl Recipient of the Hans B. Jonassen Lectureship, Tulane University, 1998
Silvia Cavagnero Italian National Research Council (CNR) Postdoctoral Fellowship (declined), 1998
Cathy Middlecamp UW Teaching Academy, elected as member, 1998
Steve Burke Pharmacia & Upjohn Teaching Award, 1998-99


Hyuk Yu Ho-Am Basic Science Award, Samsung Corporation, 1997
Hyuk Yu Maurice L. Huggins Memorial Award, Gordon Research Conference-Polymers, (West), 1997
Arun Yethiraj Alfred P. Sloan Fellow, 1997-1999
John C. Wright Kellett Mid-Career Faculty Researcher Award, 1997-present
James C. Weisshaar Vilas Associate Award, UW-Chemistry, 1997-1998
Shannon Stahl National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship in Biosciences Related to the Environment 1997-1999
Shannon Stahl Herbert Newby McCoy Award, Chemistry Department Thesis Award, 1997
Lloyd M. Smith Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities Award for development of automated DNA sequencing, 1997
James L. Skinner Fellow, American Physical Society, 1997
James L. Skinner Graduate Student Invited Speaker, University of California, Berkeley, 1997
James L. Skinner Closs Lecturer, University of Chicago, 1997
Ben Shen Searle Scholar, Searle Scholars Program/Chicago Community Trust, 1997-00
Jennifer Schomaker Dow AgroSciences Inventor Award 1997
Thomas Record NIH Merit Award, 1997-2005
Sandro Mecozzi NASA Postdoctoral Fellow (NSCORT program) 1997 - 1999
Mahesh Mahanthappa Fannie and John Hertz Foundation Graduate Fellowship, 1997-2003
Mahesh Mahanthappa Boettcher Foundation Fellowship, 1993-1997
Clark Landis Vilas Associates Award, UW-Madison, 1997-1998
Laura L. Kiessling Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellowship, 1997
Laura L. Kiessling Shaw Scientist Award, 1992-97
Robert J. Hamers Innovation Recognition Award, Union Carbide Corporation, 1996 and 1997
Robert J. Hamers National Science Foundation Presidential Faculty Fellowship, 1992-1997
Samuel H. Gellman Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award, American Chemical Society, 1997
Samuel H. Gellman Pharmacia & Upjohn Teaching Award (Dept. of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin), 1997
L. F. Dahl Recipient of the Gordon Stone Lectureship, Bristol University, 1997
Qiang Cui Graduate student fellowship, Phillips Petroleum Co., 1994 - 1997
Silvia Cavagnero American Association of University Women Postdoctoral Fellowship, 1996-97
Thomas Brunold 1997 University of Bern, Switzerland: Faculty Award for Ph.D. Thesis


Hyuk Yu M. E. K. Mees Medal, Eastman Kodak Company, 1996
James C. Weisshaar Evan P. Helfaer Professor of Chemistry, 1996-2001
Tehshik P. Yoon Harvard Committee on Undergraduate Education Certificate of Distinction in Teaching, 1996
Shannon Stahl National Science Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship 1992-1994, 1996-1997
Ben Shen FIRST Award, NIH, 1996-01
Jennifer Schomaker DowElanco Inventor's Award 1993, 1994, 1996
Hans J. Reich University of Wisconsin Mid-Career Award, 1996
Steve Nelsen Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Fellowship for Research in Japan, 1996
Robert J. McMahon NSF Award for Special Creativity, 1996-98
Laura L. Kiessling Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award, 1996
Laura L. Kiessling Zeneca Excellence in Chemistry Award, 1996
John W. Moore Renfrew Lecturer, University of Idaho, 1996
Song Jin Peking University Student Research Scholarship (1996)
Song Jin Excellent Student in Honors Science Program (1996)
Richard Hsung National Institutes of Health Postdoctoral Fellow, 1996 - 1997.
Robert J. Hamers Evan P. Helfaer Chair in Chemistry, 1996
Samuel H. Gellman H. I. Romnes Faculty Fellow (University of Wisconsin), 1996
L. F. Dahl Amoco Distinguished Lecturer, Indiana University, 1996
L. F. Dahl Recipient of Frontiers in Chemistry Lectureship, Texas A & M University (3 lectures), 1996
Qiang Cui Lester Award, Emory University, 1996
Cathy Middlecamp Academic Staff Excellence Award, Wisconsin Association Award for Excellence in Leadership, 1996
Judith N. Burstyn Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow (1996-1998)
Steve Burke Vilas Associate Award, UW-Madison, 1996-97


Robert J. Hamers Camille and Henry Dreyfus New Faculty Award, 1990-1995
Arun Yethiraj National Science Foundation, CAREER award, 1995
Claude Woods Visiting Professor, Justus-Liebig University, Giessen, West Germany, May-July 1995
Robert C. West Honorary Doctor of Science Degree, G. Asachi Technical University of Romania, 1995
James C. Weisshaar Upjohn Award for Teaching Excellence in Chemistry, 1995
James L. Skinner Davidson Lecturer, University of Kansas, 1995
James L. Skinner University of Wisconsin Mid-Career Award, 1995
David Schwartz American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology - Amgen Prize, 1995
Thomas Record Dupont Distinguished Lecturer, University of Indiana, 1995
Ronald T. Raines Pound Research Award, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1995
Clark Landis Upjohn Teaching Award, UW-Madison, Fall, 1995
Laura L. Kiessling American Cancer Society Junior Faculty Award, 1995-97
Laura L. Kiessling Procter and Gamble University Exploratory Research Award, 1992-95
Frank Keutsch Exchange Fellowship Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes (German National Fellowship) (1995-1996)
John W. Moore Underkofler Award for Excellence in Teaching, UW System, 1995
F. Fleming Crim Fellow, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 1995
F. Fleming Crim Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1995
L. F. Dahl Recipient of the 5th Fred Basolo Lectureship and Medal, Northwestern University, 1995
L. F. Dahl Major Lecturer at Robert A. Welch Foundation Conference on Nanochemistry, 1995
Qiang Cui Osborn R. Quayle Award, Emory University (1995)


Song Jin Outstanding Student Scholarship, Peking University (1995, 1994)
Martin Zanni American Chemical Society Regional Award, Rochester, NY, 1994
Hyuk Yu J. T. Majors Lecturer, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, 1994
Hyuk Yu High Polymer Physics Prize of the American Physical Society, 1994
Arun Yethiraj National Science Foundation, Research Initiation Award, 1994
John C. Wright Chancellor's Excellence in Teaching Award, 1994
Lloyd M. Smith H.I. Romnes Faculty Fellowship, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1994-1999
Lloyd M. Smith Inaugural Speaker, Kazusa DNA Research Institute, Japan, 1994
Hans J. Reich Upjohn Teaching Award, University of Wisconsin, 1994
Hans J. Reich Two-Year Extension for Special Creativity, 1991-1994
Thomas Record Keynote Lecturer, Biopolymers Gordon Research Conference, Newport, Rhode Island, 1994
Thomas Record Keynote Lecturer, 19th Annual Lorne Conference on Protein Structure and Function, Lorne, Australia, 1994
Thomas Record Inaugural Stanley Gill Memorial Lecturer, University of Colorado, 1994
Thomas Record Keynote Lecturer, 19th Annual Lorne Conference on Protein Structure and Function, Lorne, Australia
Gilbert Nathanson Welch Foundation Lecturer, Conference on Chemical Dynamics, 1994
Gilbert Nathanson Presidential Young Investigator Award, 1990-94
Robert J. McMahon Research Fellow - Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, 1994-96
Robert J. McMahon NSF Presidential Young Investigator, 1989-94
Laura L. Kiessling Beckman Young Investigator Award, 1994-96
John W. Moore Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1994
L. F. Dahl Recipient of the Hilldale Award in the Physical Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1994
Charles P. Casey National Science Council Distinguished Lecturer, Taiwan 1994
Judith N. Burstyn Dave McClain Research Award, American Heart Association, Wisconsin Affiliate (1994)
Bassam Z. Shakhashiri UW - Madison Teaching Academy, 1994
Bassam Z. Shakhashiri South Carolina Academy of Science Special Citation in Appreciation of Significant Contributions to Science and Engineering Education, 1994


Hyuk Yu Chairman, Gordon Research Conference on Polymers (West), 1993
James C. Weisshaar Hilldale Undergraduate Research Awards, 1993, 1995, 1999, 2001, 2002 (with undergraduates K. Haug , W.-K. Woo, V. Chen, T. Huppert, L. Klein)
James L. Skinner Humboldt Foundation Senior Scientist, 1993-96
James L. Skinner Guggenheim Fellow, 1993-94
Grand Valley State University, Honorary Degree of Doctor of Science, 1993
David Schwartz Beckman Young Investigator Award, from the Arnold and Mable Beckman Foundation (1993)
Gilbert Nathanson Upjohn Teaching Award, Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin, 1993
Mahesh Mahanthappa 7th Place Westinghouse Science Talent Search Award, 1993.
John W. Moore Upjohn Award for Excellence in Teaching, UW-Madison Chemistry Department, 1993.
Robert J. Hamers Peter Mark Memorial Award, American Vacuum Society, 1993
Samuel H. Gellman Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow, 1993
F. Fleming Crim Max Planck Research Award (with Juergen Troe), 1993
Mark D. Ediger Young Alumnus Award, Bethel College, 1993
Mark D. Ediger American Physical Society Dillon Medal, 1993 (Division of Polymer Physics)
Cathy Middlecamp Norman Basset Award for Outstanding Achievement in Student Services, 1993
Charles P. Casey Member National Academy of Sciences, 1993
Charles P. Casey Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1993
Steve Burke Merck Academic Development Program Award, 1993-94
Steve Burke Pfizer Research Award for Synthetic Organic Chemistry, 1993-96
Bassam Z. Shakhashiri Grand Valley State University, Honorary Degree of Doctor of Science, 1993


Hyuk Yu Alexander von Humboldt Research Award, to reside at Koln, Germany, 1992
John C. Wright Upjohn Award for Excellence in Teaching, 1992
Jennifer Schomaker Dow Chemical Company Special Recognition Award, Agricultural Chemicals and Process Research 1992, Organic Chemicals and Polymers 1991
Gilbert Nathanson Camille and Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award, 1992
Robert J. McMahon Departmental Teaching Award, 1992
Clark Landis Departmental Teaching Award, UW-Madison, Spring, 1992
Frank Keutsch Fellow of the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes (German National Fellowship) (1992-1997)
John W. Moore (Second Annual) Patrick Lecturer, Kansas State University, 1992.
F. Fleming Crim Upjohn Teaching Award, Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin, 1992
L. F. Dahl Elected Fellow of American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1992
Bassam Z. Shakhashiri University of Colorado, Honorary Degree of Doctor of Science, 1992


Hyuk Yu Evan P. Helfaer Professor of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1991
Arun Yethiraj Edward M. Schoenborn Award for Outstanding Ph.D. Candidate in Chemical Engineering, North Carolina State University, 1991
John C. Wright Evan Helfaer Chair of Chemistry, 1991-1996
John C. Wright American Chemical Society Award in Spectrochemical Analysis, 1991
John C. Wright Evan Helfaer Chair of Chemistry, 1991-1996
John C. Wright American Chemical Society Award in Spectrochemical Analysis, 1991
Claude Woods Fellowship in American Physical Society, 1991
James C. Weisshaar Romnes Faculty Research Fellowship, UW-Madison, 1991-1996
Lloyd M. Smith Research Scholar Lecturer, Drew University, NJ, 1991
Thomas Record Fellow - American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1991
Ronald T. Raines Shaw Scientist Award, Milwaukee Foundation, 1991-1996
Ronald T. Raines Junior Faculty Research Award, American Cancer Society, 1991-1994
Laura L. Kiessling American Cancer Society Postdoctoral Fellowship, 1989-91
John W. Moore James Flack Norris Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Teaching of Chemistry, 1991.
John W. Moore ACS George C. Pimentel Award in Chemical Education, 1991.
Samuel H. Gellman National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator, 1991
F. Fleming Crim Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching, University of Wisconsin, 1991
L. F. Dahl Appointed Hilldale Chair Professor by the University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents, 1991
L. F. Dahl Recipient of Honorary Doctorate Degree, University of Louisville, 1991
Charles P. Casey Fellow, American Association for Advancement of Science, 1991
Charles P. Casey ACS Award in Organometallic Chemistry, 1991
Bassam Z. Shakhashiri Ripon College, Honorary Degree of Doctor of Science, 1991
Bassam Z. Shakhashiri State of Maryland Governor's Citation for Vision and Leadership in Science Education, 1991


Howard Zimmerman ACS Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award, 1990
Martin Zanni Bausch and Lomb Scholar, University of Rochester, 1990
Claude Woods Visiting Professor, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy, July-August, 1990
David Schwartz Presidential Young Investigator Award, from the National Science Foundation (1990)
Thomas Record WARF - University Houses Professorship, 1990
Ronald T. Raines Presidential Young Investigator Award, National Science Foundation, 1990-1995
Ronald T. Raines Searle Scholar Award, Chicago Community Trust, 1990-1993
Samuel H. Gellman Office of Naval Research Young Investigator, 1990
Mark D. Ediger Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow, 1990 - 1992
L. F. Dahl Recipient of the First Alumnus Award from the College of Arts and Sciences, University of Louisville, 1990
L. F. Dahl Recipient of the 1990 J. C. Bailar, Jr. Lectureship and Medal, University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign 1990
Bassam Z. Shakhashiri Alabama Academy of Science, Honorary Member, 1990
Thomas Record UW-Madison John D. Ferry Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry, 1990 - present


Howard Zimmerman U.W. Hilldale Award in the Physical Sciences
Robert C. West Humboldt Research Award, 1989 and 2002
Robert C. West Wacker Silicone Award, 1989
Lloyd M. Smith NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award, 1989-1994
Lloyd M. Smith Eli Lilly Analytical Chemistry Award, 1989-1991
James L. Skinner Phi Lambda Upsilon Fresenius Award, 1989
Ned Sibert NSF Presidential Young Investigator, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1989-94
Ronald T. Raines Postdoctoral Fellowship, Helen Hay Whitney Foundation, 1986-1989
Steve Nelsen University Houses chair, U. W., 1989
Robert J. McMahon Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society, 1989
F. Fleming Crim Fellow, American Physical Society, 1989
L. F. Dahl Recipient of the Paolo Chini Lectureship endowed by the Italian Society of Chemistry, Fall 1989
L. F. Dahl Recipient of the H. Willard Davis Lectureship, University of S. Carolina, 1989


Howard Zimmerman Senior Humboldt Fellowship Award, 1988
Hyuk Yu Fellow, American Physical Society, 1988
Robert C. West Chemical Pioneer Award, American Institute of Chemists, 1988
David Schwartz Lucille P. Markey Scholar Award, 1988
David Schwartz "Biochemical Analysis" Prize for the German Society of Clinical Chemistry, presented at Biotechnica, 1988 and awarded jointly with Dr. Charles Cantor (1988)
Steve Nelsen Alexander von Humboldt Senior U. S. Scientist Award, 1988-89
Gilbert Nathanson Camille and Henry Dreyfus Young Faculty Award, 1988
Clark Landis NIH FIRST Award, 1988
Samuel H. Gellman Searle Scholar, 1988
L. F. Dahl Elected to the National Academy of Sciences, 1988
Silvia Cavagnero Fulbright Fellowship, 1988-92
Charles P. Casey A.C. Cope Scholar Award, American Chemical Society, 1988
Charles P. Casey Alexander von Humboldt Senior Award, 1988
Charles P. Casey Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Fellowship, 1988
Bassam Z. Shakhashiri Illinois Science Teachers Association Medal for Outstanding Science Achievement, 1988
Bassam Z. Shakhashiri The George Washington University, Honorary Degree of Doctor of Public Service, 1988
Bassam Z. Shakhashiri Illinois State University, Honorary Degree of Doctor of Humane Letters, 1988


Clark Landis Junior Faculty Development Award, University of Colorado, 1987
Robert J. Hamers IBM Corporation Outstanding Innovation Award for Scientific Accomplishments with Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy, 1987
L. F. Dahl Recipient of the P. C. Reilly Lectureship, University of Notre Dame, 1987
Charles P. Casey Alumni Merit Award, St. Louis University, 1987
Judith N. Burstyn Aid for Cancer Research Fellow (1987-1989 -declined)
Judith N. Burstyn American Cancer Society Postdoctoral Fellow (1987-1989)
Judith N. Burstyn Alumni Distinguished Service Award, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire (1987)
Steve Burke Alumni Distinguished Service Award, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, 1987
Bassam Z. Shakhashiri District of Columbia Science Education Association Citation for Outstanding and Dedicated Service in Science, 1987
Bassam Z. Shakhashiri South Carolina Academy of Science, Honorary Member, 1987
Bassam Z. Shakhashiri Boston University General Alumni Association Award for Distinguished Public Service to the Profession, 1987


Howard Zimmerman Chemical Pioneer Award of the American Institute of Chemists, 1986
Hyuk Yu Chairman, Gordon Research Conference on Polymer Physics, 1986
Thomas Record UW-Madison Faculty Teaching Award, 1986
Clark Landis Dreyfus Distinguished New Faculty Award, University of Colorado, 1986
John W. Moore Silver Medalist Award, Council for the Advancement and Support of Education, 1986.
F. Fleming Crim Alexander von Humboldt Senior U.S. Scientist Award, 1986
Bassam Z. Shakhashiri Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1986
Bassam Z. Shakhashiri American Chemical Society George C. Pimentel Award in Chemical Education, 1986


Robert C. West Outstanding Science Innovator for 1985 by Science Digest, 1985
Lloyd M. Smith Chosen as one of Science Digest's Top 100 Innovators for 1985
Lloyd M. Smith NIH Postdoctoral Trainee, April 1982-March 1985
Ned Sibert Miller Research Fellowship at the University of California, Berkeley, 1985-86
Robert J. McMahon UCLA Distinguished Scholar, 1984-85
Samuel H. Gellman Pegram Award (Columbia University), 1985
L. F. Dahl Recipient of a Senior U.S. Scientist Humboldt Award by the Alexander von-Humboldt-Stiftung, 1985
L. F. Dahl Recipient of the Sir Ronald Nyholm Lectureship and Medal, Royal Society of Chemistry, 1985-86
Charles P. Casey Evan P. Helfaer Professor of Chemistry, 1985-91
Judith N. Burstyn Teaching Assistant Award, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, UCLA


Hyuk Yu John Simon Guggenheim Fellow, in part at Institut fur Physikalische Chemie, Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitat, Mainz, Germany, 1984
John C. Wright A. I. Romnes Faculty Fellow, 1984
John C. Wright A.I. Romnes Faculty Fellow, 1984
Claude Woods Corecipient with Christopher S. Gudeman of the Nobel Laureate Signature Award for Graduate Education in Chemistry of the American Chemical Society, 1984
James L. Skinner National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator, 1984-89
James L. Skinner Camille and Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar, 1984-89
James L. Skinner Alfred P. Sloan Fellow, 1984-88
Thomas Record UW-Madison, Faculty Star Award, 1984-85
Robert J. McMahon Winstein Dissertation Award, 1984
Robert J. McMahon IBM Corporation Graduate Fellow, 1983-84
Clark Landis Mark Galler Award for Most Distinguished Ph.D. Dissertation in the Physical Sciences, University of Chicago, 1984
Mark D. Ediger Shell Faculty Fellow, 1984 - 1987
Steve Burke Alfred P. Sloan Fellow, 1984-88
Steve Burke NSF-Presidential Young Investigator Award, 1984-89


Ned Sibert University of Colorado Research and Creative Work Award, 1983
Ned Sibert University of Colorado Graduate Student Foundation Award, 1983
Ronald T. Raines Predoctoral Fellowship, National Institute of Health, 1981-1983
Robert J. McMahon SF Graduate Fellow, 1980-83
Laura L. Kiessling Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society, 1983
L. F. Dahl Named Distinguished Alumnus of the College of Letters and Science, University of Louisville, 1983
L. F. Dahl Recipient of the Brotherton Research Professorship, University of Leeds, 1983
Bassam Z. Shakhashiri American Chemical Society James Flack Norris Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Teaching of Chemistry, ACS Northeastern Section, 1983


Ned Sibert University of Colorado Fellowship, 1982
John W. Moore Distinguished Faculty Award, Michigan Association of Governing Boards, 1982.
John W. Moore Catalyst Award for Excellence in Science and Chemistry Teaching, Chemical Manufacturers Association, 1982.
F. Fleming Crim Camille and Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar, 1982
L. F. Dahl Appointed "Kentucky Colonel" by Governor of Kentucky, 1982
Bassam Z. Shakhashiri Ron Gibbs Award for Outstanding Contributions to Science Education at the Local, National, and International Levels, Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers, 1982


Howard Zimmerman One of the 1000 Most Cited Authors in all fields of science, in which 49 organic chemists were included, 1981
John C. Wright Applied Spectroscopy Society William F. Meggars Award, 1981
John C. Wright Applied Spectroscopy Society William F. Meggars Award, 1981
James C. Weisshaar Dreyfus Research Grant for Newly Appointed Faculty in Chemistry, 1981
Lloyd M. Smith NIH Predoctoral Trainee, September 1977 - March 1981
Laura L. Kiessling Phi Lambda Upsilon Honorary Chemical Society, 1981
Samuel H. Gellman Phi Beta Kappa (Harvard University), 1981
F. Fleming Crim Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow, 1981-83
Silvia Cavagnero Soroptimist Award, 1981
Bassam Z. Shakhashiri Boston University Collegium of Distinguished Alumni, 1981


Howard Zimmerman Election to National Academy of Sciences, 1980
Howard Zimmerman Halpern Award for Photochemistry awarded by the New York Academy of Sciences, 1980
Robert C. West Eugene G. Rochow Professorship, 1980 - Present
James C. Weisshaar ACS Nobel Laureate Signature Award, 1980
James L. Skinner National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow, 1980-81
L. F. Dahl Elected Fellow of the AAAS, 1980
Bassam Z. Shakhashiri Danforth Foundation Associate, 1980-86


Ned Sibert Award for Outstanding work as Teaching Assistant, 1979 & 1980
Ned Sibert McGregory Prize, Colgate University, 1979
Hans J. Reich Alfred P. Sloan Fellow, 1975-79
Steve Nelsen Romnes Faculty Fellow, U. W., 1979-83
Robert J. McMahon Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, 1979
Robert J. McMahon Phi Lambda Upsilon Honorary Chemical Society, 1979
John W. Moore Science Faculty Professional Development Award, National Science Foundation, 1979.
Bassam Z. Shakhashiri Manufacturing Chemists Association Catalyst Award, 1979


Ned Sibert Award as outstanding graduating chemistry, Colgate University, 1978
Ned Sibert Graduated cum laude with high honors in chemistry, Colgate University
L. F. Dahl UW-Chair Professorship, July 1978 (Named after the late Robert E. Rundle, in recognition of former thesis advisor at Iowa State University)
Charles P. Casey Romnes Faculty Fellow, University of Wisconsin, 1978
Bassam Z. Shakhashiri Visiting Scientist Award, ACS Western Connecticut Section, 1978


Howard Zimmerman One of the 250 Most Cited Primary Authors in all fields of science, in which 31 organic chemists were included, 1977
John W. Moore (First Annual) Distinguished Faculty Award for Research, Publication, and Service, Eastern Michigan University, 1977.
Bassam Z. Shakhashiri William Kiekhofer Distinguished Teaching Award, University of Wisconsin - Madison, 1977


Howard Zimmerman James Flack Norris Award for Physical-Organic Chemistry of the ACS, 1976
Lloyd M. Smith Honors in Biochemistry, UC-Berkeley, December 1976
Thomas Record Phi Beta Kappa Teaching Award, University of Wisconsin, 1976


James L. Skinner National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow, 1975-78
L. F. Dahl Elected Fellow of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1975



Hyuk Yu NSF/SEED Award to Korea Institute of Science & Technology, Seoul, Korea, 1973



Howard Zimmerman First Award for Photochemistry of the Northeast ACS Section, 1971
L. F. Dahl Edgar Fahs Smith Memorial Lecturer, University of Pennsylvania, 1971
L. F. Dahl First H.L. Ritter Memorial Lecurer, Miami University (Ohio), 1971
Cathy Middlecamp Phi Beta Kappa, 1971


Howard Whitlock NIH Senior Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard University, 1970
Robert C. West Kipping Award in Organoscilicon Chemistry, American Chemical Society, 1970
Frank A. Weinhold Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship, 1970-72
Hans J. Reich Canadian National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowship, 1968-70
Hans J. Reich Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship, 1964-65
J. E. Harriman Alfred P. Sloan Foundation fellow 1968-70
Bassam Z. Shakhashiri Outstanding Lecturer of the Year in General Chemistry, University of Illinois, 1969 & 1970


L. F. Dahl First Distinguished Alumni Lecturer in Chemistry, University of Louisville, 1969
L. F. Dahl Guggenheim Fellow, 1969-1970




Hyuk Yu U.S. Department of Commerce Merit Award at National Bureau of Standards, 1966


John C. Wright Phi Beta Kappa
Howard Whitlock Alfred P. Sloan Fellow, 1965-67
Robert C. West Fulbright Scholar, Kyoto, Japan, 1965
Robert C. West Visiting Professorships: Brazil, Ethiopia, Germany (4), Israel (3), Japan (4), Mexico, United States (3), 1965 - 2008
Steve Nelsen NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship, 1965 (not used, went to Wisconsin)
L. F. Dahl Recipient of Walter Hielber (70th Birthday Retirement) Lecturership, Technischen Universitate M"nchen, 1965