Animated Harmonograph (original) (raw)

From Wikipedia: A harmonograph is a mechanical apparatus that employs pendulums to create a geometric image. The drawings created typically are Lissajous curves, or related drawings of greater complexity. The devices, which began to appear in the mid-19th century and peaked in popularity in the 1890s, cannot be conclusively attributed to a single person, although Hugh Blackburn, a professor of mathematics at the University of Glasgow, is commonly believed to be the official inventor.

The harmonograph movements can be described matematically with the following equations:
x = A1 * sin(f1 * t + p1) * exp(-d1 * t) + A2 * sin(f2 * t + p2) * exp(-d2 * t)
y = A3 * sin(f3 * t + p3) * exp(-d3 * t) + A4 * sin(f4 * t + p4) * exp(-d4 * t)

Click the Harmonograph to pause it.

See my Experiment on

        var run = true;
        var timer = null;

        $("#canvas").click(function() {
            if (run) {
                run = false;
            else {
                timer = setInterval(randomHarmonograph, 10);
                run = true;

        var A1 = 100, f1 = 2, p1 = 1/16, d1 = 0.02;
        var A2 = 100, f2 = 2, p2 = 3 / 2, d2 = 0.0315;
        var A3 = 100, f3 = 2, p3 = 13 / 15, d3 = 0.02;
        var A4 = 100, f4 = 2, p4 = 1, d4 = 0.02;

        var r = 0, g = 0, b = 0;
        var ctx = document.getElementById("canvas").getContext("2d");

        setInterval(randomColor, 5000);
        timer = setInterval(randomHarmonograph, 30);

        function randomColor() {
            r = Math.floor(Math.random() * 256);
            g = Math.floor(Math.random() * 256);
            b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 256);

        function randomHarmonograph() {
            f1 = (f1 + Math.random() / 40) % 10;
            f2 = (f2 + Math.random() / 40) % 10;
            f3 = (f3 + Math.random() / 40) % 10;
            f4 = (f4 + Math.random() / 40) % 10;
            p1 += 0.05 % (Math.PI*2)

        function drawHarmonograph() {
            ctx.clearRect(0, 0, 600, 400);
            ctx.fillStyle = "#ffffff";
            ctx.strokeStyle = "rgb(" + r + "," + g + "," + b + ")";
            ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 600, 400);
            ctx.translate(300, 200);
            for (var t = 0; t < 100; t+=0.01) {
                var x = A1 * Math.sin(f1 * t + Math.PI * p1) * Math.exp(-d1 * t) + A2 * Math.sin(f2 * t + Math.PI * p2) * Math.exp(-d2 * t);
                var y = A3 * Math.sin(f3 * t + Math.PI * p3) * Math.exp(-d3 * t) + A4 * Math.sin(f4 * t + Math.PI * p4) * Math.exp(-d4 * t);
                ctx.lineTo(x, y);