Magnitude 7.1 - ARAUCANIA, CHILE (original) (raw)

Earthquake Details

Magnitude 7.1
Date-Time Sunday, January 02, 2011 at 20:20:18 UTCSunday, January 02, 2011 at 05:20:18 PM at epicenterTime of Earthquake in other Time Zones
Location 38.354°S, 73.275°W
Depth 25.1 km (15.6 miles)
Distances 70 km (45 miles) NW of Temuco, Araucania, Chile90 km (55 miles) SSE of Lebu, Bio-Bio, Chile130 km (80 miles) SW of Los Angeles, Bio-Bio, Chile595 km (370 miles) SSW of SANTIAGO, Region Metropolitana, Chile
Location Uncertainty horizontal +/- 13 km (8.1 miles); depth +/- 0.5 km (0.3 miles)
Parameters NST=407, Nph=411, Dmin=352.9 km, Rmss=1.13 sec, Gp= 22°,M-type="moment" magnitude from initial P wave (tsuboi method) (Mi/Mwp), Version=G
Event ID usc0000y49

Earthquake Summary

Small globe showing earthquakeSmall map showing earthquake

Tectonic Summary

The January 2nd 2011 Araucania, Chile earthquake occurred as a result of shallow thrust faulting on or near the subduction interface between the Nazca and South America tectonic plates. At the location of this event, the Nazca plate moves east-northeastwards with respect to South America at a rate of approximately 74 mm/yr. The Nazca plate, oceanic in origin, subducts beneath the South America plate at a shallow angle along the Peru-Chile trench, and is seismically active to depths of approximately 200 km near the epicenter of today's earthquake, through further north seismicity continues to depths exceeding 600 km.

The January 2nd 2011 earthquake occurred at the southern end of the aftershock region of the Mw 8.8 megathrust earthquake of February 27, 2010, and can also be considered an aftershock of that event. The subduction zone between the Nazca and South America plates has a long history of large megathrust earthquakes, including the largest ever recorded event, an M9.5 shock in 1960, which ruptured a fault mostly to the south of today's earthquake.

Earthquake Information for Chile

Earthquake Information for South America

Earthquake Maps

Scientific & Technical Information

Tsunami Information

The earthquake locations and magnitudes cited in NOAA tsunami statements and bulletins are preliminary and are superseded by USGS locations and magnitudes computed using more extensive data sets.

NOAA Tsunami Bulletins for this Earthquake

General Tsunami Information