Best Practice Manual for the use of Livestock Guardian Dogs. « (original) (raw)

Livestock guardian dogs are medium to large sized dogs that are kept with livestock to protect them from predators. In Australia they are mainly used to protect sheep, goats and poultry, but they can work with any type of livestock; for example, with cattle, horses, rabbits, deer, emu or ostriches. These dogs live permanently with ‘their’ stock, and regard them as their social companions, protecting them from anything that they see as a threat. In Australia, livestock guardian dogs are mainly used to protect against dingoes, feral dogs and foxes, but also against birds of prey, cats, goannas, crows, quolls and Tasmanian devils.

The information contained in this manual has been collated from a range of producers, breeders and owners of livestock guardian dogs and should provide the basis to successfully employ these animals in a range of environments and grazing situations. It should also make prospective owners of livestock guardian dogs aware that there is a level of commitment required for training and management to make them work effectively as part of your business just as is the case with any other working dog.

Documents: Guardian Dogs: Best Practice Manual for the use of Livestock Guardian Dogs.
Author: Linda van Bommel
Report Number: ISBN: 978-1-921777-00-4
Pages: 137 pp
Institution: Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre
Year: 2010
City: Canberra

Tags: feral cats, fox, foxes, guardian dogs, LIVESTOCK, management, predation, wild dogs

This entry was posted on Tuesday, September 7th, 2010 at 11:37 pm and is filed under Canis, Cat (Feral cat; house cat), Dingo, Dog (Feral dog, wild dog), Felis, Fox - Red fox; fox; European fox, Vulpes, catus, lupis, vulpes. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.