Mill Neck Family of Organizations (original) (raw)
About Lutheran Friends of the Deaf >
In 1944, at the LCMS Saginaw Convention, a resolution commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Synod's Ministry to the Deaf was passed to raise funds to establish an east coast school for deaf. Money was raised for the cause for four years, and a group of pastors and laymen from the New York area began to meet about setting up the school. In 1947, the group incorporated as the charitable, non-profit corporation, Lutheran Friends of the Deaf.
In 1949, Lutheran Friends of the Deaf purchased the 86-acre "Sefton Manor." In 1951, Mill Neck Manor Lutheran School opened to 19 deaf boys and girls. By 1956, Mill Neck Manor was fully accredited by New York State.
Since its inception over 60 years ago, Lutheran Friends of the Deaf has grown into the Mill Neck Family of Organizations. Today, a Recognized Service Organization within the LCMS, Lutheran Friends of the Deaf develops and disseminates resources for deaf ministry, congregations and training for religious interpreters.
Lutheran Friends of the Deaf grants funds to institutions, programs and projects with the goal of enhancing Christian ministry with the deaf. This includes support for a variety of deaf ministries throughout the United States and the world, including Mill Neck Manor School for the Deaf and Mill Neck Services for Deaf Adults. With international projects increasing in number and scope, Lutheran Friends of the Deaf is helping to provide vital technical assistance and program development around the globe. Currently, Lutheran Friends of the Deaf supports existing and emerging projects in China, Vietnam, Jordan, Madagascar and Kenya.
Current Grants >
2008-2009 Grants
LWML South Wisconsin District: $378
Hartford, Wisconsin
Support for interpreter services for the South Wisconsin District LWML Convention
LWML Iowa District West: $1,000
Council Bluffs, Iowa
Support for interpreter services for the LWML District Convention
LWML 2009 Convention: $4,000
Portland Oregon
Support for Interpreter and captioning for Deaf participants at the LWML Convention
Church Interpreter Training Institute: $5,000
Fort Wayne, Indiana
Support for the Scholarship for Lutherans Attending the Church Interpreter Training Institute
Mill Neck Services for Deaf Adults: $8,000
Mill Neck, New York
Support for a week-long summer camp experience for multiply-disabled Deaf adults.
Christoffel-Blindenmission: $50,000
West Germany (CBM)
Support for Holy Land Institute, Salt, Jordan; P.C.E.A. Kambui School for the Deaf, Nairobi, Kenya; CSI High School for the Deaf, Kottaram, India; Escuela Cristiana de Sordos, Managua, Nicaragua; DEAF, Paowin, Philippines
Worldwide Hearing: $50,000
Geneva, Switzerland
Support for Dr. Young-Ah Ku, from South Korea, who will be responsible for the Programme for Prevention of Deafness and Hearing Impairment
Grant Guidelines >
Grant applications are considered and evaluated based on the following guidelines:
- The Sponsoring Organization must be a NOT-FOR-PROFIT Organization. Except in extraordinary circumstances, grants are limited to 501(c) 3 organizations. Grants to new organizations, which have not yet received not-for-profit status from the IRS, must be channeled through and sponsored by an existing 501(c) 3 organization.
- The Sponsor must be a credible, trustworthy, accountable organization that uses qualified individuals to administer and implement the activities described in the application.
- Grant projects must address deaf-related issues through Christian service. Projects must work to eliminate the circumstances that keep the deaf population from experiencing the fullness of life made possible through Jesus Christ.
- The focus of the application should be on new initiatives, directions or methods. Grants are not provided to support the normal, ongoing operation expenses of an established project or ministry.
- Grant applications must be received between January 1st and March 1st of the grant funding period.
- The grant application must be submitted in the format provided by Lutheran Friends of the Deaf and must follow the steps in the application.
- Grant funding is for one year, from July 1st through June 30th of the following year.
- Grant applications for capital improvements or for ongoing support will not be considered.
- Grant applications should reflect direct service to individuals who are deaf. Applications which are heavily weighted in the area of administration or overall management are unlikely to be approved.
- Should products or materials be produced with the funds granted, Lutheran Friends of the Deaf is entitled to an agreed upon number or percentage of products/materials produced.
- Projects should show evidence of having the capability of becoming self-supporting and/or coming to a natural conclusion based on a specific product or service.
- Project activities/products should acknowledge/display “Lutheran Friends of the Deaf” as supporter.
Grant Application >
Grant proposals must be submitted in the following format and sequence. Proposals should not exceed six pages (8.5" x 11" paper).
Application – Must not exceed six copies. Two copies must be submitted.
Cover page – Provide on the cover sheet the following information:
- Name of project
- Sponsoring organization/congregation
- Address, phone/fax number of sponsoring organization/congregation
- Project coordinator, if different from Executive Officer, and phone/fax number for that person
- Date of application
Letter of authorization – This letter should be written on the sponsoring organization/congregation letterhead and must indicate awareness and support for the proposed project. This letter should be signed by the Executive Officer of the sponsoring organization.
Proposal statement – In a brief paragraph, give a description of the proposed project.
Amount of the grant request – Indicate the amount requested from Lutheran Friends of the Deaf to run the project, and the percentage of support for the project to be provided by Lutheran Friends of the Deaf.
Information about sponsoring organization/congregation – Provide a brief introduction, history, purpose, size and important facts about the sponsoring organization/congregation. Provide information on how the sponsoring organization/congregation will be supportive of the proposed project.
Needs this project is designed to meet – Describe what needs this proposed project will be designed to meet.
Project time period – The project will run shorter than the one year funding cycle (a one-time event, such as a conference or youth event); will run for the one year funding cycle; or will be an ongoing project.
Anticipated outcome goals or results of the project – List one or more specific outcomes that will be accomplished by the end of the grant period. Each goal should be specific, measurable and attainable. Following each outcome, describe how it will be measured.
Steps in the process – Time line and schedule of major steps in accomplishing the anticipated outcome goals.
Anticipated number of people served – Provide information regarding what people or groups will benefit from the project
Briefly explain how this proposed project does or does not meet each of the following criteria:
- Is innovative
- Demonstrates local ownership
- Will gather its own ongoing support
- Is timely or urgent
- Involves and empowers persons who are deaf
List any other funding – List other sources/agencies through which you have requested financial assistance for this project and the results of your request(s).
Budget – On a separate paper at the end of the narrative:
- Itemize the TOTAL budget needed for this project
- Itemize amounts to be provided by other sources/agencies
- Itemize amounts to be provided by sponsoring organization/congregation
- Total available for the project
- Amount requested from Lutheran Friends of the Deaf
- The percentage of the Lutheran Friends of the Deaf support to the overall budget
For more information about grants, please email
Please return completed grant applications to:
Dr. Mark R. Prowatzke, Executive Director
Lutheran Friends of the Deaf
40 Frost Mill Road, Box 100
Mill Neck, New York 11765
Partnerships >
Lutheran Friends of the Deaf has memberships and partnerships with other Lutheran organizations such as:
- Lutheran Services of America
- Lutheran Services New York Alliance
- The Atlantic District
- Wartburg
- Bethesda
- Wheat Ridge Ministries
Mill Neck Sunday >
Would you and the members of your congregation like to learn more about Mill Neck’s ministry to people who are deaf? Rev. S. R. Schumacher would welcome the opportunity to visit your church and tell your congregation about all of the exciting and innovative projects funded by Lutheran Friends of the Deaf.
Rev. S. R. Schumacher is the Director of Deaf Ministry for Lutheran Friends of the Deaf. He also provides a Chaplaincy Program at the Mill Neck campus on Long Island. Regular worship opportunities, Bible studies, pastoral counseling, summer camp and service projects are all a part of life at Mill Neck.
Your partnership is appreciated and vital to our ministry. We invite you to support our work by sponsoring a “Mill Neck Sunday” at your church. To schedule a “Mill Neck Sunday” or for more information, please contact Rev. Schumacher at 800-264-0662 or email
Buddy Up Program for Sunday Schools >
If your Church School, Sunday School or Vacation Bible School are looking for a ministry to support, why don’t you “Buddy-Up” with the Mill Neck Family of Organizations!
Many Sunday Schools and Church Schools across the country have named Mill Neck as their “giving project.” Generous contributions, through weekly Chapel offerings, Lenten, Advent or special offerings, have been sent to help us continue our ministry with deaf people.
When you become an “Official Buddy” you will receive:
- A poster of Mill Neck’s own Buddy Bear, demonstrating the alphabet in sign language OR a poster of the Lord’s Prayer in sign language.
- A Buddy Bear bookmark for each student.
- A Buddy Bank for each student to put his/her offering.
- A special “thank you” gift for each student who participates.
To “Buddy-Up” with the Mill Neck Family or for more information, email
Sign Language Camp for Hearing Kids >
This week-long day camp, held on the Mill Neck Manor campus, was designed for hearing children (ages 8-12 & 13-16) who are interested in learning sign language. Campers learn the manual alphabet, animal signs, family signs, color signs, food signs, songs and a lot more! Students also learn about deaf culture from deaf guest speakers and explore some of the technologies used by the deaf. For more information, please email or call (516) 351-3844. To download a brochure, please [click here](ministry%5Fassets/Sign Camp Brochure%5F2009.pdf).
Prayer Requests >
To request prayers for yourself or a loved one, please click here to complete the online prayer request form. Your request will automatically be forwarded to Rev. Schumacher for regular prayer time at Mill Neck Manor. All fields on this form are optional.
Communication Depot >
The Mill Neck Family of Organizations offers a variety of educational, inspirational, religious and fun resources for a wide range of age groups and interests. Books, posters, videotapes, cards, jewelry and more, all focused on learning, communication and caring for deaf, hard of hearing and people with other special needs, can be purchased online. To shop, enter our Communication Depot.