How to Punctuate Multiple Post Nominals ? I've come across your interesting "Forms of Address" web site and it shed light on some questions I've been wondering about post nominals. However, I'm unsure of the punctuation to be used in multiple post nominals. Could you please explain how I would use punctuation when citing a MBA and a Master of Project Management (MPM)? **-- Neil in Brisbane**Dear Neil: Do you mean punctuation between serial post nominals? Neil Henderson, PhD, MBA, BA Use of periods within post nominals is a matter of style, so just be consistent. Neil Henderson, Ph.D., M.P.M., B.A. Neil Henderson, PhD, MPM, BA There are rules for ordering post nominals .... 'high' to 'low' within a category ... and if they are equal, I'd do them in alphabetical order. -- Robert Hickey Thanks for the reply; I was interested in the punctuation between serial post nominals and you've answered my question perfectly! Also helpful is your recommendation for ordering them alphabetically. I will observe this structure when using post nominals in the future. -- Neil in Brisbane How to Present Post Nominals Typographically ? I tend to use a smaller font for the post-nominal letters than I use for my name. John Smith, MBA Is this O.K.? Or do they need to be the same size? **-- Sebastian V. CPP**Dear SV: I have seen post-nominals set in a smaller type size or in small caps .... for example on a business card... I would say it is a typographic style used a graphic designer .... and is more decorative than meaningful. Formally, post-nominal abbreviations are part of the complete name and should be treated the same as the rest name. Like the honorific ... Mr./Dr./Captain ... or a courtesy title ... The Honorable/The Reverend ... the post-nominal abbreviations are part of complete name. So when writing your name on a letter, or including someone else's post nominals on correspondence, keep them the same size as the name. -- Robert Hickey What is The Order of Post-Nominals? I am doing a presentation on the many post nominals in the medical and nursing fields and what they stand for. There are several and for our nursing convention I am conducting a focus session at our annual nursing convention next week on this subject including the correct way of using these post nominals. Would you happen to have those listed? If you have a list of those in particular I would be more than happy in giving credit to you and your book in my focus session. As you know, in the medical field we are bombarded with many post nominals and it can be challenging to know and decipher those. -- Monica, RN, BSN Dear Monica, When I started my book I thought I would include a list of every post-nominal abbreviation in the world and what each meant. But I soon realized there are so many post nominals in so many fields any list would always be incomplete. Plus, I found that if you put any mysterious post-nominal abbreviation into any search engine ... the answer was instantly there. Thus I decided to focus on how they are used ... not what could be used. On page 100 of my book I cover how to correctly sequent all types of post nominals (academic degrees, certifications, decorations, honorary degrees, professional associations & affiliations, religious orders, theological degrees, etc., etc., etc.). In your case here's the pertinent sequence:First Academic Degrees from high to low, Then Certifications Then Professional Associations & Affiliations -- Robert Hickey How to Order Post-Nominal Abbreviations? I've recently switched careers into nursing and have noticed that the order for post nominals, which I had previously thought went in the order of [degree] [licensure] [certification], is frequently violated. The licensure, RN, is placed either before or after the degree, or multiple degrees of the same type are listed. What exactly is the proper way for a nurse to list their degree(s), licensure (RN), and professional certification(s)? -- Kyle in ChicagoDear Kyle: The sequence I use is much like yours .... [academic degrees] [professional certifications] [memberships/associations] To determine the sequence of post nominals within a category you'd order them in some logical way ... most important to least important OR alphabetical if you thought they were equal. Alpha is how the British list honors ... and they include many, many, more honors that we do in the US. -- Robert Hickey Which of My Post Nominals Should I Use ? I have a Doctor of Medicine degree, Master of Science in Technical Management, Master of Science in Chemistry, and BS in Biochemistry. I have only ever used MY NAME, MD. I see other physicians using THEIR NAME, MD, MS to identify the fact that they have a master’s degree. Which is correct? **-- KTW**Dear KTW: Most professionals use just the highest and most pertinent post nominals. Medical professionals in practice often use just MD, and after that their professional affiliations for their specialty. Those in academia are likely to use the post nominals for every degree they hold. In that world all of them are pertinent since they are the currency of their arena. So I'd say there is no correct or incorrect way, but rather you deciding what is the clearest way to explain to a person reading your name ... what credentials you have ... that are useful to them. -- Robert Hickey How Many Post Nominals To Use on My E-mail Signature? I currently have a two certifications that I include on my e-mail signature block. I will be adding a number of additional certifications over the next 6-12 months, and eventually a Master’s degree in Homeland Security as well. Do I use them all in professional email correspondence if they are relevant to my profession on the whole, or should I tailor them on an email-to-email basis? -- Justin Dwight, CHLS, PCP Dear Mr. Dwight: A signature block is not your resume where you would list everything .... it's just you signing a letter. I'd say including three starts to get a bit much ... four might be over the top. But the real gauge will be what is the typical use ... the practice of your colleagues and peers. They are the ones who will have an opinion on whether you have too much alphabet soup after your name -- if you are being appropriate or pretentious. -- Robert Hickey How to Use Academic Post-Nominals with a Noble Title ? I have a question for you regarding how I should be properly addressed. I am of nobility and the last man in our family. I am the Count James Renninger, but also have two doctorates. I am trying to decide how to incorporate both titles and academic degrees into my name while remaining correct so that I do not make a fool of myself. My question is how should I be addressed being both a Count and a Doctor? Sincerely, Dr. J. Renninger? Dear JL: The US form and British forms are the most common models used around the world for address in English. Since you are living in the US it follows you would follow the US Style in which you are both a "Count" and a "Dr." but perhaps not at the same time. Here's what's done: 1) Post-nominals are used professionally, not socially Traditional form would be to use your academic post-nominals with out reference to your hereditary title An official letter is addressed with the academic post-nominal abbreviation: (Full Name), PhD A social letter is addressed with the honorific: Dr. (Full Name) 2) Hereditary titles from a former monarchy are used socially in the USA, not officially, and most typically not professionally. -- Robert Hickey What is the Correct Post-Nominal for My Doctorate? I have searched and searched without success as to how to abbreviate: (1) Doctorate in Education Administration which I have just recently completed and have been awarded this Post Graduate Degree. I greatly appreciate your assistance in this matter. -- JEB, NC, USN, Kensington, MarylandDear JEB: I don't know the preferred post-nominal abbreviation for a Doctorate in Educational Administration. I could guess ... but suggest you call a secretary in the Dean of the Department of Education's office at the University and ask. The most critical eyes on whether a particular post nominal is the best/preferred one .... won't be those of us who don't have that degree ... but those that do. -- Robert Hickey What is the Correct Post-Nominal for My Masters? I hold a BS in Biology as my undergraduate degree, just completed an Executive MBA in Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing, and hold a RMC certification as a Registered Medical Coder. I do not want to come across to formal on my business card, however find that it may be something that can differentiate me from others as I am with a biotech company. The first question I have is regarding the Executive MBA. Should it be abbreviated as EMBA or just MBA? Second, should I list it as BS, EMBA or MBA, RMC? Or, do you have a better suggestion all together? - Tim M. Dear Tim M.: Whether you use EMBA or MBA is a question for the granting institution. I suspect IF they offer both MBA and Executive MBA they might make the distinction and you might want to follow that distinction on your materials .... cards, resume, bio's .... etc. E.g, holding a MBA from Duke University might be different in their view from holding an EMBA from Duke ... but I don't know about your school. Call the Dean's office and ask. They will know ... or will know how to find out. The academic degrees should be given in precedence order ... high to low. So a masters is first, a bachelors second. Typically bachelors are not included, but I agree with you that at a biotech company the BS is pertinent. I give the order of post-nominal abbreviations in my book on page 100. With your degrees the order would be: Academic degrees, then certifications -- Robert HickeyWhat is the the Post Nomimal for My Masters? What is the appropriate way to abbreviate the masters degree granted by Air University? It is titled, Master of Military Operational Art and Science. At first I thought it would truly be a Masters of Science, but even the accrediting institution refer to it as titled. Therefore, the most common M.S. will not do. Would it be a MMOAS? -- Jason Simpson Dear Jason, The post-nominal abbreviation for degrees ... even degrees that seems to outsiders to be the same degree ... vary by tradition at the individual institution. To be absolutely certain call the Air University -- office of the dean of the department, registrar, provost, etc. -- to see what they suggest. It will be your peers (those holding the same degree) and the Air University faculty and staff who will be your harshest critics if you use something they don't like. In truth, the reset of us don't really care. We're too focused on our own post-nominals! -- Robert Hickey What is the Correct Post-Nominal for My Certificate/Diploma? How do I include a MBA certificate behind my name? I cannot find out how to write the post-nominal abbreviation for an MBA Certificate. CMBA? MBAC? -- Ray Harris Should one include any post nominal abbreviations for a BTEC National Diploma in Computer Software? I was wondering whether or not a level 3 qualification merits an abbreviation as well so I can show I am qualified in two different areas. What should I include? BTEC? NDip ? -- Matthew Charisis Dear Mr. Harris and Mr. Charisis: Call the dean's office of the granting institution and ask what is the typical post-nominal abbreviation for your certificate. Ultimately no one will be very critical of exactly the post-nominal abbreviation you use ... except others with the same or similar certification. -- Robert Hickey What is the the Post Nomimal for My Masters? What is the appropriate way to abbreviate the masters degree granted by Air University? It is titled, Master of Military Operational Art and Science. At first I thought it would truly be a Masters of Science, but even the accrediting institution refer to it as titled. Therefore, the most common M.S. will not do. Would it be a MMOAS? -- Jason Simpson Dear Jason, The post-nominal abbreviation for degrees ... even degrees that seems to outsiders to be the same degree ... vary by tradition at the individual institution. To be absolutely certain call the Air University -- office of the dean of the department, registrar, provost, etc. -- to see what they suggest. It will be your peers (those holding the same degree) and the Air University faculty and staff who will be your harshest critics if you use something they don't like. In truth, the reset of us don't really care. We're too focused on our own post-nominals! -- Robert Hickey How to Use Academic Post Nominals on Business Cards? After May, I will have two master's degrees, both MS. When I create a business card, do I just write MS once after my name? How would I indicate both? -- Dan I see in my copy of your book that you cover academic forms of address on pages 162-164. But, I have a friend that has two Bachelor of Arts Degrees. What post-nominals would be appropriate on her card? Would you use simply a B.A. once, or would you use B.A., B.A.? -- Justin Dear Dan & Justin, Since both questions came in the same day, I will answer as one if that's O.K.? Are you going to be working in academia or research? In those arenas ... specifically in academic journals .... you see people listing every degree and honor the have ever earned ... since all their degrees are central to the academic environment. On academic business cards they typically just put their highest degree, but, putting MS, MS would not be wrong. Regarding BA, BA .... It is not often you see a BA included anywhere on a business card. Putting academic post nominals on a card at all? Clearly getting those degrees are great accomplishments. Whether you include degrees on your business card ... or don't ... may just depend on what your peers do. #1 A business card is not a resume where you are establishing your experience. A card is what you give to another person so you can be in touch after meeting. What's important are your contact addresses and numbers. #2 On business cards what's nearly always included is your job title in the organization ... which defines what your role in the company and the functions or services you offer to others .... rather than degrees that are your qualifications to hold the job. #3 Generally a person lists only the pertinent degrees for whatever the professional service he or she is rendering. You don't see academic degrees listed often in business except to establish one has the professional certifications required to provide the service ... MD, DDS, DV, OD, RN, CPA, MSW, MBA .... etc. E.g., a CPA might list only CPA after his name since it's pertinent to his/her professional practice ... even though he/she might have a BA and a MA as well ... a business consultant and holder of an MBA might list MBA ... but not other degrees that are not pertinent. When you join the company ... see what others are doing and follow their lead! -- Robert Hickey Can I Use My Post-Nominals on E-Mail Address Block? Is it considered correct to use one´s post nominal letters in a business e-mail address block? -- L-M-N-V Dear L-M-N-V: Your question is answered in my book in Chapter Four: Abbreviations and Post-Nominals. Post-nominals can be used in official situations ... especially in academia .... on business correspondence. They are not used in social situation or on social correspondence. So if that describes you, then the answer is yes with the following caveats: #1 Generally only the pertinent post-nominals for the interaction at hand are included. For example in the US: A military honor would be skipped on a civilian card. Rudolf Giuliani, who is was knighted by Her Majesty the Queen after 09/11, might include OBE at a somehow British-related event, but probably not on his business card. #2 BA and MA are traditionally not included outside academia or research unless they are directly pertinent to the job is one is performing. So a therapist/counselor would include a masters in counseling after their name... a business consultant would include MBA. But a person with an MFA working in administration at city hall would not. Even doctorates are frequently omitted it they are not related to the professional service being rendered ... a person with an PhD in a history typically does not present him or herself as a "Dr." when offering yoga lessons. -- Robert Hickey How to Denote a Degree with Honours on Business Cards? In British and Canadian universities, a B.A. is awarded after completion of a three year program, while an Honours B.A. are awarded to graduates that complete another year. If someone holds a Honours Bachelor of Arts degree, what would be the proper post-nominal style? Would it be B.A., B.A. Hons. or H.B.A.? -- Justin, Again Dear Justin, I polled a number of Canadian universities as well as some graduates of The Protocol School of Washington and here's what I found. The honours is reflected on the certificate, in an academic publications or on a C.V. (resume). It is not used on personal correspondence or on business cards. Actually bachelors degrees wouldn't be include anywhere except in an academic publication or a C.V. anyway. When it is used, an Honours B.A. does not warrant a unique post nominal: Use B.A. Thanks Protocol School graduates -- Jan Cottle, London, Ontario; Jay Remer, St. Andrews, New Bruswick; and Nancy Kosik, Outremont, Quebec . -- Robert Hickey Dear Mr. Hickey, As a graduate of a British university (University of Hull, 1974) I can say that, at least when I graduated, an Honours degree was based on grades obtained on university exams, and had nothing to do with completing an additional year. I graduated from a three-year psychology B.A./B.S. program (depending on whether the individual graduated high school with an arts emphasis, or sciences). My Upper Second Class Honours degree was based on examination marks—individual marks or grades were not disclosed to students but classified by how well they performed in these final exams. An upper second was required for admission to graduate school, while first class honours were awarded to maybe 1-3 students per discipline each year. My year in psychology was exceptional in producing three students who graduated with first class honours. Naturally, this might have changed in the intervening years, but I would be surprised if the honours degree system would have completely changed. A student who did not achieve high enough grades to attain an honours degree were given a “Pass”. The correct style for this would be **B.A. (Hons.)**—used anywhere that someone might care that the student attained an honors degree. --- Claire W. Dear Claire W.: Thanks for your note. What you describe is the way I experiences 'honors' at the US university I attended (University of Virginia).1) I do observe at various institutions, degrees which have the same name, vary in the preferred post-nominal abbreviation. The precise requirements vary, although the broad requirements (probably established by the accrediting institutions) are similar. 2) Regarding the parentheses: based on styles around the world, it would be odd to me to use parentheses as you note: (Full Name), B.A. (Hons.) Usually the style manuals present forms something like: (Full Name), B.A. (Hons.) But what is intended is that the words in inside the parentheses be is included when appropriate ... not that the word inside the parentheses is to have parentheses around it. I see it in military names all the time. In the style manuals it is shown as: (Full Name), USN, (Retired) Meaning that either of these is correct: (Full Name), USN (Full Name), USN, Retired So to me the while parentheses ... (Hons.) ... might be commonly seen, it would be not the best style. -- Robert Hickey How Do I Write My Name as an Attorney? I am not sure if I should show my name on publications as Kenneth L. Millard, Jr. followed by "Esq., Dr." or "Dr., Esq." or just "Esq." Any help would be appreciated. **-- Kenneth Millard**Dear Mr. Millard: The most traditional form of address when writing to a practicing attorney would be ... e.g., on a letter: Kenneth Millard, Esq. Use of Esq. might be important in that ethics rules for the legal profession require that communications from an attorney be with the opposing side's attorney rather than directly with the opposing side. If the other side's attorney were not identified as "Esq.", the attorney initiating the communication might not be aware whether or not the other side has an attorney representing it. However, traditionally "Esq." is not used reflexively ... that is, one does not call oneself an "Esq." On a business card or letterhead names of the partners and associates are usually presented without post nominals.: Kenneth Millard Attorney at Law If you are the author of a article that's published in a academic journal, then using your specific academic degree is pertinent and traditional: Kenneth Millard, J.D. Dr. is not used after a name in any circumstance. -- Robert Hickey May I Use Esq. with Academic Degrees? I live in the U.S., am a registered pharmacist (R.Ph.). I also have a master of science in molecular biology (MS) unrelated to my work in pharmacy and obtained after may pharmacy degree/registration. And I have a Juris Doctor I obtained last: I am a member of my State Bar Association so I believe I may use Esq. I work at a Federal Agency in a medical/science/regulatory role. Can I use Esquire with my other degrees? -- RD Dear RD: In business and commerce (areas outside formal academia), people use whatever post nominals are pertinent to the position they hold / or the services they offer .... so the public will know what credentials the bearer has to offer the expertise / provide the service they present themselves to provide. So one's name on a business card or e-mail signature isn't presented in the same form one might put it on one's resume or paper in an academic journal. 1) If any of the degrees/certifications show you to be more able to regulate medicine/science ... then they are pertinent 2) Find out what your colleagues are doing. Use of post-nominals is more "etiquette" (unofficial, and changes from place to place and situation to situation) than "protocol" (official, written, and more fixed over time) and it will be your peers who would offer the harshest criticism if you do it 'wrong'. 3) I suggest you use JD rather than Esq. Esq. is a courtesy title used by others when addressing you, but like all courtesy titles is not used reflexively .... not used by the attorney with his or her own name. -- Robert Hickey Is There a Comprehensive List of Post-Nominals? Where can I find a comprehensive list of all official post-nominal letters for the U.S.? I am working on behalf of data governance for the amusement park operator I work for, and want to make sure we present a comprehensive and accurate list to our guests making reservations online. -- William Maryse Dear Mr. Maryse: I think such a list is impossible to develop and keep current. I started to develop one for my book, but found that universities, societies, and certifying organizations vary on the post-nominals they use for degrees, honors, and certificates. Further there is no recognizing agency to decide who can invent a new post-nominal and who gets to use it. But you say this is for guest registering on-line for reservations at your amusement part properties: I think you should consider that post-nominals are not used in social situations .... only in official situations. So a broad list of honorifics like ... Mr., Ms., Mrs., Dr., Senator, General, Father, Pastor, .... etc. ... would be appropriate ... and skip the post-nominals. In my book I have the forms of address for every hierarchy I could identify in the US and 194 countries ... which would include every honorific commonly used in direct address. -- Robert Hickey |
Do I Use "MD" or "Dr." on My Checks? How should my name appear on my checks "Dr. Cynthia Brodart" or "Cynthia Brodart, M.D." ? --- Cynthia BrodartDear Dr. Brodart: On your checks use Cynthia Brodart, M.D. Most formally one never gives oneself an honorific, so don't list yourself as "Dr. Cynthia Brodart". Others address me as "Mr. Hickey" but I don't introduce myself by "Hello, I am Mr. Hickey." That said, sometimes medical doctors do identify themselves as "Dr. (surname)" in medical situations so the patient is certain that he or she is a physician and not a technician in a white coat. It comforting to us patients sitting in a backless gown to know you are the physician when you enter the exam room! -- Robert HickeyHow Should Jr., II, III, IV, and V Be Used After A Man's Name? Dear Mr. Hickey:I am not sure of the name sequence in the following situation. My son is Walter C. Wentz IV. His father and grandfathers are deceased. What is the proper designation for him now? What is the proper designation for the son he is expecting next month? I would very much appreciate your guidance and expert advice. --- Audrey ParkerDear Ms. Parker: The name one uses is up to the person: So Mom, you won't be deciding anything here, you can only advise! Continued use is often a matter of clarity for those one encounters. 1) Some men drop the sequence post-nominals ... Jr., II, or III ... when their father dies and they think it unlikely there will be social or professional confusion. 2) Some men keep the sequence post-nominals if their father was well-known ... or if they work in the same law firm ... or same company ... and they think the friends/clients/customers will find the designation useful and interesting. 3) One might keep the sequence post-nominals because his mother is Mrs. Walter C. Wentz III and his wife is Mrs. Walter C. Wentz IV and socially that differentiation matters to the family. However since you are using "Audrey Parker" (rather than Mrs. (name)) it won't be confusing. One situation is seen with Microsoft's Bill Gates, who is really William H. Gates, Jr., but never used the "Jr." Now his father, born William H. Gates uses William H. Gates, Sr. He added the Sr. to clarify that he is not his much more famous son. He probably did not officially change is name in court ... it's just a informal and unofficial change. So, if your son names his son Walter C. Wentz V, he's probably going to keep using Walter C. Wentz IV. If he names his son Zachery ... his IV becomes less necessary**.** -- Robert HickeyHow to use I, II, III, IV? Aloha, Mr. Hickey, We're hoping you can answer a question regarding name titles I, II, III and IV. Is it appropriate for someone to take on a numeric title just because there have been ancestors with the same name. Does a numeric title need to be direct descent, as it would with Sr. and Jr.? It is our understanding that you can't have a III without a I or II, because they would have been Sr. and Jr. prior to the birth of the third party. Once the III comes along, Sr. and Jr. now become I and II. Is this correct? Thank you for your assistance. We look forward to your reply. -- Adrienne in HawaiiDear Adrienne: Here's how these post nominals typically work: 1) Once you get your name it does not change "legally" unless you go to court and have a judge change it. That doesn't mean some people change their name ... an as long as you pay your bills no one really cares! 2) A son who is given the same name as his father is named at birth (Full name), Jr. A boy who is given the same name as a relative (in memory of or to honor that relative) is named at birth (Full name), II. 3) Any boy named after a "Jr." or a "II" is a III. Any boy named after a "III." is a IV. etc. 4) If the person you were named for dies ... e.g., if you are born a III. and your father who was a Jr. dies ... you keep being the name you were given at birth. Many men stop using the Jr. when their father dies -- my brother did -- but if a father was famous ... a son may keep using it for clarity. E.g., if you work in the same business as your father and everyone knew him, it may be useful to keep using the "Jr." with your name so people who knew your dad will be clear who you are. While some "Juniors" use the "Jr." all the time ... many don't. -- Robert Hickey How to Include "Fellow" with Post-Nominal Abbreviations? We’d like to present a retired corporate officer some corporate business cards. The person has a Ph.D., is a Fellow of a prestigious professional organization e.g., ABC Fellow, and has retired as Managing Director, International Division. What is the most appropriate designation on his business card now that he has no formal corporate responsibilities? Dr. James Doe, ABC Fellow Managing Director, International Division, Ret. James Doe, Ph.D., ABC Fellow Managing Director, International Division, Ret. Dr. James Doe, Ph.D., ABC Fellow Managing Director, International Division, Ret. Dr. and Ph.D. sound redundant. Is it appropriate to use both? What is the best format in this case? -- Ike E. Dear Ike E.: Yes ... Dr. and Ph.D. are redundant ... Ph.D. is used professionally in writing ... Dr. in conversation and socially ... so use James Doe, Ph.D. on the card. I have a chapter in my book just on abbreviations and post-nominals. What most frequently appears as a post-nominal abbreviation (in the US) is an advanced academic degree ... M.B.A., M.D., D.D. ... or a professional certification ... A.I.A., A.S.I.D., C.P.A. Those are initials, not words. I am not familiar with seeing a word like "fellow" included in a post-nominal abbreviation. I would think that the word fellow would be more appropriately included in an introduction or in a bio rather than as a post nominal. But, there are many traditions. Call the organization in question and find out how they see other members using the designation. Usually I call the public relations department where editors will be knowledgeable -- OR a secretary in the president's office will know. It will be in James Doe's interactions with the other fellows he'll encounter that will provide the most critical eyes as to whether it's "right" or not. Either Ret. or Retired is fine: Your form for Managing Director, International Division, Ret. seems good. -- Robert Hickey May I Use Both an Honorific & a Post Nominal ? I am a practicing civil engineer, and the question has often arisen in our company about how to display a professional engineer’s name in a report or proposal letter. The suffix P.E. (or PE) is used to signify that the individual is a Professional Engineer registered as such in a particular state. Our local practice has been to only use the suffix -- James R. Bowden, PE. Others in our company have used both a suffix and honorific -- Mr. James R. Bowden, PE. I can’t seem to find any references for this situation, other than recommendations to avoid redundancy -- Dr. James R. Bowden, MD. What is your opinion? **-- James Bowden, Georgia**Dear Mr. Bowden: I have a chapter in my book just on Abbreviations & Post Nominals that covers this point, and I say your local practice is perfect: "Our local practice has been to only use … James R. Bowden, PE" In the United States the tradition is you get either something before your name or something after, but not both. You get just one of the following: Honorific: Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr., Judge, etc. Rank: Captain, Admiral, etc. Courtesy title: The Honorable, The Reverend, His Excellency, etc. Or you get your post nominal abbreviations ... but not both at the same time. I mention in the US because the UK and Commonwealth Countries use everything one has to include. There you get names the can get long: His Excellency The Right Reverend Captain Dr. Lord James R. Bowden, Jr, PhD, OBE, PC The name becomes a resume. In the US we include only the parts that are is pertinent to the situation. -- Robert Hickey When Can I Start Using My Degree with My Name?May I Use Post-Nominal Initials Before Graduation? I recently completed the requirements for an MBA. Graduation is in December - but when can I use the letters MBA on my resume or when I speak at conferences? Is it now that the program is done or do I have to wait until I have the diploma in hand? _-- Proud About-to-be Grad_Dear Proud About-to-be Grad: There isn’t a police force hunting down advance post-nominal users, but wait until you receive your diploma. Until you have degree in hand, you are not entitled to the honors and courtesies that come with it. You should definitely state in your biography/resume/curriculum vitae you are a candidate for or will be receiving your Master of Business Administration from (name of university) in December, (year). -- Robert HickeyAre Jr., II, III, IV treated as Post Nominals ? Some in our office say that honorifics shouldn’t be used with any post nominal suffixes -- Mr. James R. Bowden, Jr., for example. Isn't there a rule that if a name has a post nominal it can't have an honorific at the same time. **-- James Bowden, Georgia**Dear Mr. Bowden: Yes ... the rule is either an honorific or a post-nominal. But .... Sr., Jr, II, III, IV, etc. are part of the person's name, they are not post-nominals abbreviations like honors, degrees and professional affiliations are ... so ... Mr. James R. Bowden, Jr. .... is O.K. James R. Bowden, Jr., P.E. .... is O.K.Mr. James R. Bowden, Jr., P.E. ... is not O.K. -- Robert Hickey When to Use Post Nominals for a Master's Degree? Are people who have earned Masters degrees in post-graduate school 'entitled' to put that designation behind their names? I am used to seeing PhD, but when I see MBA it makes me wonder? -- Marcia Milburn, Beltsville, MarylandDear Ms. Milburn: Holders of a master degree working in academia or research use their post-nominal abbreviations for their degrees because the degrees are part of the fabric of the institution’s hierarchy. Holders of a master degree that is essential to their professional practice do too. Some examples include: * On an academic paper, an author would put the post nominals for his or her degree after their name, e.g. B.A., B.S., or M.A. * An administrator at a scientific research facility with a Masters might include those post nominals on his or her card: degrees are pertinent at the institution. * A psychotherapist will include the post nominals for their degree (e.g., MSW for Master of Social Work) since it defines their credentials to be a counselor, their eligibility for insurance reimbursement, and clarifies their training from those with a "Master of Counseling" or a "Doctorate in Psychology." Other than those circumstances, noting one’s masters (or bachelors) is infrequent. A degree that does not certify you to a specific profession is rarely used. Contrast that to including the post nominal JD (a degree) ... or CPA (a professional certification) – which both are used all the time and denote one’s qualifications to do a certain task. -- Robert HickeyWhat is the Correct Order of Post-Nominal Abbreviations? I have recently earned my PhD. I have a professional engineering registration designated as PE. I am also a fellow of an engineering organization F-SWE. What is the correct order for these different types of identifiers? Also, what are the circumstances to use any or all of them? If you are not the appropriate source for this information, can you suggest where or how I might find the answers. I have asked all three institutions and none of them have a clue, but all would like for their initials to be most prominent of the set! _--- PE, PhD, F-SWE_Dear PE, PhD, F-SWE: I cover this on page 100. The insider's name for these professional identifiers is "post-nominal Initials" or "post-nominal abbreviations". The standard order for post-nominals is: 1) Religious orders 2) Theological degrees 3) Academic degrees 4) Honorary degrees, honors, decorations 5) Professional affiliations Lastly ... If you have multiple post-nominals within one or more of those categories, most people would list them in alphabetical order. So taking those points into consideration ... PhD, PE, F-SWE .... seems the best to me.The guidelines on "use" of post-nominals are: * Only used with a full name * PhD is used in professionally in academia and research mostly. Less often outside those areas. * Affiliations are used when appropriate and pertinent, like in official correspondence, on your business card, or in an professional publication. * None are ever used socially -- Robert Hickey**How to Use "Esq." With Other Post Nominals?**Dear Mr. Hickey What is the correct order of professional post-nominal abbreviations if one of the identifiers is Esq.? The others are as follows: CFS, CHS-III , CIG , CPM . -- Melena BrodskyDear Ms. Brodsky In the US, an attorney will have a post-graduate legal degree ... and academic degrees outrank and precede honors, decorations, and certifications. But Esq. is not an acronym for an academic degree, so doesn't exactly fit in with the other post nominals. I think it's awkward in the mix. How about not using Esq. ... and use JD in this mix of post-nominal abbreviations for degrees and certifications? That would be: Melena Brodsky, JD, CSF, CHS-III, CIG, CPM -- Robert Hickey |