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Sefer Devarim Archives

Bereishit |Shemot | Vayikra | Bamidbar


Mishneh Torah - The Book of Second Chances Rav Yehuda Shaviv
The Differences Between Devarim and Earlier Accounts Rav Yonatan Grossman
Moshe's Closing Speech Rav Moshe Tzadok
The Stories of the Spies: The Contradictions Between Shelach and Devarim Rav Elachanan Samet
The Differences Between Devarim and Earlier Accounts Rav Yonatan Grossman
How Shall I Bear Alone? Rav Amnon Bazak
The Opening Verses of Sefer Devarim, and the Structure of the Sefer as a Whole Rav Mordechai Sabato
"These Are the Words�" Rav Tamir Granot
Bei'ur Ha-Torah Rav Yehuda Rock


"'Zakhor' And 'Shamor' Were Uttered As One Word" Rav Yoel Bin-Nun
The Ten "Dibrot" Rav Yonatan Grossman
Hope and Defeat - Moshe's Supplication Rav Yaacov Steinman
Material Wealth and Its Dangers Rav Elchanan Samet
The Oral Law and the Two Versions of Ten Commandments Rav Yitzchak Blau
Idolatry Rav Alex Israel
Recalling the Revelation at Sinai Rav Elchanan Samet
God's Voice Speaking from Amidst the Fire Rav Amnon Bazak
Differences between the First and Second Appearences of the "Ten Commandments" Rav Mordechai Sabato
Remembrance of the Revelation at Mount Sinai in Moshe's Speech Rav Tamir Granot
Love of God and Torah Study Rav Yehuda Rock


Eikev Rav Ezra Bick
Shema Yisrael - The Goals of Mitzva Observance Rav Reuven Taragin
The Covenant of Love Between God and Israel Rav Yonatan Grossman
In Praise of the Land Rav Elchanan Samet
What Does Hashem Your God Require of You..." - Moshe's Speech and the Mesilat Yesharim Rav Uriel Eitam
"At That Time Hashem Distinguished the Tribe of Levi" Rav Amnon Bazak
God's Covenant With Israel Rav Elchanan Samet
Moshe's Prayer - Before or After the Sin of the Golden Calf? Rav Amnon Bazak
By What Right Does Israel Inherit the Land? An Examination of Devarim Chapter 9 Rav Mordechai Sabato
"To Know what was in Your Heart..." (Devarim 8:2): Of Divine Tests and a Knowing Heart Rav Chanoch Waxman
�You Shall Make For Yourself an Ark of Wood� Rav Tamir Granot
Love for the "_Ge_r" Rav Yehuda Rock


Reay Rav Menachem Leibtag
Reay Rav Yonatan Grossman
Seeing God or Being Seen by God Rav Elyakim Krumbein
Shemitta of Loans and Shemitta of the Land Rav Elchanan Samet
Atonement in Sefer Vayikra and in Sefer Devarim Rav Amnon Bazak
The Structure and Significance of the Opening Verses Rav Mordechai Sabato
False Prophet, Inciter, Condemned City Rav Elchanan Samet
The Sanctity of the Nation of Israel in Sefer Devarim Rav Amnon Bazak
The Prohibition of Erasing God�s Name Rav Yehuda Rock
Seeing God or Being Seen by God Rav Elyakim Krumbein


Murder and Malkhut Rav Yaacov Steinman
Shoftim Rav Yaacov Steinman
The Image of the Jewish King According to the Torah Rav Elyakim Krumbein
What is the Torah's Ideal Political System? Rav Elchanan Samet
Murder and Monarchy Rav Yaacov Steinman
The Prohibitions of "Ashera" and "Matzeva" Rav Mordechai Sabato
The Prohibition of Divination: Rambam vs. the Sages of Provence Rav Elchanan Samet
Cities of Refuge and Cities of Flight Rav Amnon Bazak
�The Kohanim, the _Levi�im_� Rav Tamir Granot
Examining Witnesses, in the Torah and in Halakha Rav Yehuda Rock


The "Beautiful Captive" Rav Mordechai Sabato
The Covenant of Arvot Moav Rav Yonatan Grossman
"A Man Shall Be Put To Death Only For His Own Crime" Rav Yonatan Grossman
The Laws of War and the Torah's Attitude Towards Warfare Rav Elchanan Samet
Peshat and Derash in the Laws of Lashes Rav Amnon Bazak
The Female Captive: What Is the Torah Teaching Us? Rav Mordechai Sabato
Amalek Rav Elchanan Samet
Literal and Exegetical Understandings of the Law of Lashes Rav Amnon Bazak
"You Shall Cut Off Her Hand" and "An Eye for an Eye" Rav Yehuda Rock
Amalek Rav Elchanan Samet


KiTavo Rav Yaacov Steinman
Gaining a Broader Perspective Rav Elyakim Krumbein
The Mitzva of Bikkurim Rav Elchanan Samet
"And God Shall Return You to Egypt in Boats" Rav Mordechai Sabato
The Covenant on Both Sides of the Jordan Rav Elchanan Samet
The Blessing and the Curse, and the List of the "Cursed" Rav Amnon Bazak
The Ceremony of the Stones Rav Chanoch Waxman
The Covenant of Sinai vs. the Covenant at the Plains of Moav Rav Tamir Granot
The Main Monologue of Sefer Devarim Rav Yehuda Rock


The Juxtaposition of Parashot in Vayelekh, and Their Significance Rav Nathaniel Helfgot
Nitzavim-Vayelekh Rav Ezra Bick
Israel's Return and God's Return Rav Yonatan Grossman
Israel's Repentance Rav Elchanan Samet
The Concept of Teshuva in the Torah Rav Alex Israel
Punishment of the Individual and of the Nation Rav Mordechai Sabato
"Hak'hel:" The Septennial National Assembly Rav Elchanan Samet
Torah and Song, Heaven and Earth Rav Amnon Bazak
Teshuva Rav Yehuda Rock
Torah and Song, Heaven and Earth Rav Amnon Bazak


Ha'azinu Rav Ezra Bick
Ha'azinu Rav Yonatan Grossman
Song of the Future or Song of The Present Rav Elchanan Samet
The Uniqueness of the Song of Ha'azinu Rav Amnon Bazak
"For the Lord's Portion is His People" Rav Mordechai Sabato
The Song of Haazinu Rav Chanoch Waxman
�That This Song May Answer Before Them Forever� Rav Tamir Granot
Song of the Future, or Song of the Present Rav Elchanan Samet

Vezot Ha-berakha

Bereishit |Shemot | Vayikra | Bamidbar

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