XUE LONG (original) (raw)


XueLongIcepic.jpg (42567 bytes)

The "Xue Long" was previously known as the "Snow Dragon". The vessel is the main Chinese Antarctic support vessel. It is based at Shanghai and provides Icebreaking capabilities to the Chinese when re-supplying their two main Antarctic bases. To see covers from these bases click on either Great Wall Station or Zhong Shan Station. It is currently the biggest vessel regularly engaged in Antarctic work.

XueLongPrydpic.jpg (64839 bytes) The view at left shows the "Xue long" parked in the ice at Prydz Bay, East Antarctica.
XueLongpcpicci.jpg (50998 bytes) Xuelongbridge.jpg (32822 bytes) Crew members on the bridge of "Xue Long". The view at left shows a postcard of the "Xue Long" with a special overprint at top commemorating "China's Scientific Research vessel of polar regions commemoration of the establishment of the "Xue Long" Post Office Branch 1998.7.18"


The 18th CHINARE departed Shanghai on the 15th November, 2001 travelling via Lyttelton to the Great Wall Station, then Zhong Shan Station, Fremantle and returning to Shanghai in April 2002.

XL18thdepartlettersheet2f.jpg (60356 bytes)

XUE LONG 1 2001 (November 15th) Letter-sheet postmarked cruise start US$5

XL18thdepartlettersheet2b.jpg (56388 bytes) The view at left shows the inside and back of the above offered letter-sheet when folded out. The letter sheet was issued by the Shanghai Post Office, Pudong New Area Post who operate the Post Office on board the "Xue Long". The letter-sheet has been backstamped on arival back in Shanghai on the 2nd of April, 2002.

XL18thdepartlettersheetf.jpg (56240 bytes)

XUE LONG 2 2001 (November 15th) Letter-sheet postmarked cruise start US$5

XL18thdepartlettersheetb.jpg (66435 bytes) At left is shown the inside and back design of the above offered letter-sheet. As with the previous letter-sheet this one has also been backstamped on arrival back at Shanghai on 2nd April, 2002.

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XUE LONG 3 2001 (December 3rd) Envelope posted on Xue Long at Lyttelton US$4

XLatOilWharfclose.jpg (53350 bytes) "Xue Long" moored at Oil wharf in Lyttelton Harbour December 2001 XLWharfPainting.jpg (69139 bytes) Fresh paintwork from "Xue Long" on oil wharf to record its latest visit. A Lyttelton tradition.

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XUE LONG 4 2001 (December 3rd) Postal card posted on "Xue Long" at Lyttelton US$4

Note: the above postcard has a view of the "Xue Long" on the picture side.

XueLongLytDec01paqcvr.jpg (46554 bytes)

XUE LONG 5 2001 (December 4th) Envelope posted Paquebot at Christchurch US$5

Note: Christchurch is the city of which Lyttelton is the Port. As Lyttelton does not have its own Paquebot datestamp all paquebot mail is taken into the city for processing there.

XL18thpcChchpaqseal.jpg (45944 bytes)

XUE LONG 6 2001 (December 4th) Expedition Postcard posted Paquebot at Christchurch US$5

XL18thpcChchpaqsealback.jpg (25855 bytes) At left we see the picture side of the above postcard. it shows a view of the Great Wall Station. There are a selection of different views on the back of this item. You can select from the following 6 pictures; A. Weddell Seal, B. Great Wall Station, C. Zhongshan station, D. China signpost, E. traverse Vehicles, F. Gigantic Iceberg.

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XUE LONG 7 2001 (December 4th) Postal card posted Paquebot at Christchurch US$5

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XUE LONG 8 2001 (December 4th) Signed envelope posted Paquebot at Christchurch US$6

At right is Captain Yuan Shao Hong in his Day Room (office) on board "Xue long" carefully autographing envelopes. Captain Shao Hong has been in charge of "Xue Long" on every one of its voyages to the Antarctic. XLCaptainSigLyt3Dec01.jpg (51684 bytes)

XL18thLytpaqcvr.jpg (47013 bytes)

XUE LONG 9 2001 (December 4th) Expedition Envelope posted Lyttelton US$4

Note: Expedition mail bearing New Zealand stamps can be posted at Lyttelton post office.

XL18thLytpaqsigWYYcvr.jpg (48445 bytes)

XUE LONG 10 2001 (December 4th) Postmaster Signed envelope posted Lyttelton. US$6

XLWenYouYang.jpg (45337 bytes) At left is the Official Postmaster on the 18th expedition. Mr Wen You Yang carefully postmarking covers on board the "Xue Long". Mr Yang is an engineer on the vessel by profession and the postal duties are an added task.

XL18thpcLytpmka.jpg (47484 bytes)

XUE LONG 11 2001 (December 4th) Expedition postcard posted Lyttelton US$5

XL18thpcLytpmkaback.jpg (18223 bytes) At left we see the picture side of the above postcard. it shows "Xue Long"in an ice field. There are a selection of different views on the back of this item. You can select from the following 4 pictures; A. Emperor Penguins, B. Adelie Penguins, C. all day sun, D. Xue Long.

XueLongcvr02Exp.jpg (60690 bytes)

XUE LONG 12 2002 (June 13th) Envelope left at Great Wall Station US$5

Note: the above envelope and the postcard item below were taken to the Great Wall Station by the "Xue Long" on its 18th Expedition and deposited at the station. The itemsd have subsequently been returned from the station on a mid-winter flight via Punta Arenas and eventually arrived in Chiristchurch on 19th June, 2002 where it had been backstamped.

XueLongpcLemaire02f.jpg (45340 bytes)

XUE LONG 13 2002 (June 13th) Postcard left at Great Wall Station US$6

XueLongpcLemaire02b.jpg (61119 bytes) The view at left shows the picture side of the above picture postcard. Tt shows a vessel passing through the Lemaire Channel not far from the Great Wall Station. The postcard is franked with a China Post vending machine stamp at the correct 5.40 Yuan postcard rate. Backstamped on arrival in Christchurch 19th June, 2002.


XUE LONG PICT0010.jpg (71911 bytes) The 19th Chinare Expedition departed Shanghai on 20th November, 2002 on board "Xue Long" and arrived at Lyttelton on Sunday 8th of December, 2002. It left 4 days later bound for the Great Wall Station, the Zhongshan Station and Fremantle and intending to return to Shanghai during March 2003. A total of 7 scientific projects will be carried out on board the ship while in Antarctic waters. The "Xue Long" is shown at left at No 2 West Wharf in the inner Lyttelton Harbour on December 9th, 2002.

XL19thDepartcvr2.jpg (55281 bytes)

XUE LONG 14 2002 (November 20th) Envelope postmarked on departure date at Shanghai US$5

Note: The above Expedition envelope was produced by the China National Philatelic Corporation. For this Antarctic Expedition China Post issued a new set of 3 different Antarctic stamps. Postage paid is at the internal China mail rate.

XueLong200220Novcvr.jpg (35758 bytes)

XUE LONG 15 2002 (November 20th) Envelope postmarked on departure date at Shanghai US$5

Note: This envelope is identical to the previous item but it also has a special Xue Long Sea Dragon cachet on the front.

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XUE LONG 16 2002 (November 20th) Envelope postmarked on departure date at Shanghai US$5

Note: the above envelope bears one each (a full set) of the three new China Antarctic stamps. The foreign letter rate is 5.60 Yuan.

XL19thLtycvr1.jpg (57578 bytes)

XUE LONG 17 2002 (December 8th) Envelope posted at Lyttelton. US$4

Note: the above cover has three different Chinare Expedition cachets.

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XUE LONG 18 2002 (December 8th) Envelope posted at Lyttelton. US$4

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XUE LONG 19 2002 (December 8th) Envelope posted at Lyttelton. US$5

Note: This cover bears 6.40 Yuan postage as against the required 5.60 postal rate as it is impossible to make up the correct rate with anything less than 8 x 80c stamps.

XL19thLtycvr5.jpg (54780 bytes)

XUE LONG 20 2002 (December 8th) Signed envelope posted at Lyttelton. US$6

Note: cover is autographed by the captain, Yuan Shao Hong.

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XUE LONG 21 2002 (December 8th) Postcard posted at Lyttelton. US$5

XL19thLtypcback.jpg (28315 bytes) Note: The picture at left is the back side of the above offered postcard. It shows a humerous design of a penguin suited up for science. Please note that the Chinese Expedition members do not do science research with penguins this way.

XL19thLtycvr6.jpg (58700 bytes)

XUE LONG 22 2002 (December 8th) Envelope posted at Lyttelton. US$4

Note: this envelope has been posted through the Lyttelton Post Office and bears New Zealand postage at the current local rate.

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