UNdata | country profile | Afghanistan (original) (raw)

Summary statistics
Region 2000 South-central Asia
Currency 2009 Afghani (AFN) Beginning October 2002, 1 new Afghani (AFN) = 1000 old Afghanis (AFA).
Surface area (square kilometres) 2008 652090
Population in 2009 (estimated, 000) 2009 28150
Population density in 2009 (per square kilometre) 2009 43.2
Capital city and population in 2009 (000) 2009 Kabul (3573)
United Nations membership date 2000 19 November 1946
Economic indicators
GDP: Gross domestic product (million current US$) 2009 12853
GDP: Gross domestic product (million current US$) 2005 6840
GDP: Gross domestic product (million current US$) 2000 3532
GDP: Growth rate at constant 1990 prices (annual %) 2009 22.5
GDP: Growth rate at constant 1990 prices (annual %) 2005 14.5
GDP: Growth rate at constant 1990 prices (annual %) 2000 –3.5
GDP per capita (current US$) 2009 456.6
GDP per capita (current US$) 2005 279.1
GDP per capita (current US$) 2000 172.0
GNI: Gross national income per capita (current US$) 2009 456.6
GNI: Gross national income per capita (current US$) 2005 279.1
GNI: Gross national income per capita (current US$) 2000 172.0
Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) 2009 24.6
Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) 2005 31.3
Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) 2000 14.3
Exchange rates (national currency per US$) 2009 48.74 Principal rate.
Exchange rates (national currency per US$) 2005 50.41 Principal rate.
Exchange rates (national currency per US$) 2000 ... Principal rate.
Agricultural production index (1999-2001=100) 2009 126
Agricultural production index (1999-2001=100) 2005 121
Agricultural production index (1999-2001=100) 2000 93
Food production index (1999-2001=100) 2009 128
Food production index (1999-2001=100) 2005 123
Food production index (1999-2001=100) 2000 93
Unemployment (% of labour force) 2009 ...
Unemployment (% of labour force) 2005 8.5
Unemployment (% of labour force) 2000 ...
Labour force participation, adult female pop. (%) 2009 33.1
Labour force participation, adult female pop. (%) 2005 32.0
Labour force participation, adult female pop. (%) 2000 31.3
Labour force participation, adult male pop. (%) 2009 84.5
Labour force participation, adult male pop. (%) 2005 84.5
Labour force participation, adult male pop. (%) 2000 84.3
Energy production, primary (000 mt oil equivalent) 2009 78 2008.
Energy production, primary (000 mt oil equivalent) 2005 77 UNSD estimate.
Energy production, primary (000 mt oil equivalent) 2000 154 UNSD estimate.
Telephone subscribers, total (per 100 inhabitants) 2009 43.1
Telephone subscribers, total (per 100 inhabitants) 2005 5.3
Telephone subscribers, total (per 100 inhabitants) 2000 0.1 Main telephone lines only.
Internet users (per 100 inhabitants) 2009 3.6
Internet users (per 100 inhabitants) 2005 1.2
Internet users (per 100 inhabitants) 2000 0.1 2003.
Exports (million US$) 2009 403.4
Imports (million US$) 2009 3336.4
Major trading partners (% of exports) 2009 Pakistan (47.4), India (18.8), Iran (10.2)
Major trading partners (% of imports) 2009 Uzbekistan (26.3), China (10.8), Japan (10.1)
Social indicators
Population growth rate (average annual %) 2010-2015 3.2
Urban population growth rate (average annual %) 2010-2015 4.7
Rural population growth rate (average annual %) 2010-2015 2.8
Urban population (%) 2010 22.6
Population aged 0-14 years (%) 2010 45.9
Population aged 60+ years (females and males, % of total) 2010 4.0/3.6
Sex ratio (males per 100 females) 2010 107.4
Life expectancy at birth (females and males, years) 2010-2015 45.5/45.5
Infant mortality rate (per 1 000 live births) 2010-2015 146.9
Fertility rate, total (live births per woman) 2010-2015 6.3
Contraceptive prevalence (ages 15-49, %) 2006-2009 18.6 Age group 10 to 49 years.
International migrant stock (000 and % of total population) mid-2010 90.9/0.3
Refugees and others of concern to UNHCR end-2009 361985
Education: Primary-secondary gross enrolment ratio (f/m per 100) 2005-2010 51.7/89.5
Education: Female third-level students (% of total) 2005-2010 20.4 2004.
Seats held by women in national parliaments (%) 2010 27.7

| Environment | | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | ------- | | | Threatened species | 2010 | 34 | | | Forested area (% of land area) | 2008 | 2.1 | | | CO2 emission estimates (000 metric tons and metric tons per capita) | 2007 | 714/0.0 | | | Energy consumption per capita (kilograms oil equivalent) | 2008 | 15.0 | | | Rainfall in the capital city, total mean (millimetres) | 312 | | | | Temperature in the capital city, mean °C (minimum and maximum) | 4.3/19.6 | | |

Trade Profile