The BB cream is here to stay (original) (raw)

(The BB cream is here to stay…)

The all-in-one cream is the rage of the hour

Tired of slathering sunblock, moisturier and primer and then topping it all off with foundation on your face? Try the hottest skin sensation- the BB cream, which promises to do everything you want for your face and more.

The BB cream, short for Blemish Balm functions as an all-in-one product and can tackle many skin problems at once. And though each BB cream comes with different properties, most women pick them up to use instead of a primer, foundation and sun block. That's not how you are supposed to buy the cream, but everyone does so anyway.

The cream originated in Germany where a dermatologist named Dr. Christine Schrammek created an ointment for her patients to calm their sensitive skin after various skin procedures like peels, laser surgeries, acne treatment and others. A few decades later, it was hailed by women as the new miracle cream that had all the solutions to their skincare problems, all in one tube.

These creams offer a light coverage, and radiance to the face, besides plenty of sun protection too. They don't block pores or make any skin eruption worse than it is. However, if you are looking for the kind of coverage that a heavy duty foundation offers, then the BB cream will fall woefully short.

It is important to check out what a certain BB cream brand offers. Some provide moisture, protection, coverage, improve skin texture, even out skin tone, help tackle acne, provide wrinkle improvement and so many other skin solutions. Find the properties you are looking for before buying your own BB cream.

When you choose the right one, you will see how it cuts down your makeup routine by half and improves your skin in the weeks that follow.