Iaido -> Schwertkampfkunst der Muso Shinden Ryu (original) (raw)

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Here you can download the Quicktime-movies of all Iaido-katas of the site (klick with the right mouse button). Enjoy!


(Zen Nihon Kendo Renmei Kata)

| | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------- | ------------------- | | video/quicktime 01-mae.mov | 857.30 KB | 01-18-2010 9:50 pm | | video/quicktime 02-ushiro.mov | 1.13 MB | 09-24-2005 10:39 pm | | video/quicktime 03-ukenagashi.mov | 707.43 KB | 09-24-2005 11:33 pm | | video/quicktime 04-tsukaate.mov | 840.51 KB | 03-09-2007 4:29 pm | | video/quicktime 05-kesagiri.mov | 545.03 KB | 03-09-2007 6:07 pm | | video/quicktime 06-morotetsuki.mov | 585.60 KB | 03-10-2007 2:16 pm | | video/quicktime 07-sanpogiri.mov | 610.26 KB | 03-10-2007 5:39 pm | | video/quicktime 08-ganmenate.mov | 520.68 KB | 03-10-2007 5:39 pm | | video/quicktime 09-soetezuki.mov | 703.90 KB | 03-14-2007 3:57 pm | | video/quicktime 10-shihogiri.mov | 964.97 KB | 04-30-2007 2:15 pm | | video/quicktime 11-soogiri.mov | 759.93 KB | 07-23-2007 1:42 pm | | video/quicktime 12-nukiuchi.mov | 498.11 KB | 07-23-2007 5:58 pm |


(Muso Shinden Ryu)

| | | | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------- | ------------------- | | video/quicktime 01-shohatto.mov | 866.17 KB | 05-10-2006 9:12 pm | | video/quicktime 02-sato.mov | 1.12 MB | 05-11-2006 7:00 pm | | video/quicktime 03-uto.mov | 1.12 MB | 05-18-2006 9:13 pm | | video/quicktime 04-atarito.mov | 1.06 MB | 05-11-2006 7:40 pm | | video/quicktime 05-inyoshintai.mov | 1.22 MB | 05-11-2006 8:28 pm | | video/quicktime 06-ryuto.mov | 935.21 KB | 05-07-2006 9:15 pm | | video/quicktime 07-junto.mov | 972.52 KB | 05-22-2006 10:18 pm | | video/quicktime 08-gyakuto.mov | 1.09 MB | 05-23-2006 1:16 pm | | video/quicktime 09-seichuto.mov | 1.00 MB | 05-25-2006 5:58 pm | | video/quicktime 10-koranto.mov | 676.46 KB | 05-23-2006 5:57 pm | | video/quicktime 11-kaewaza.mov | 1.10 MB | 05-25-2006 5:19 pm | | video/quicktime 12-nukiuchi.mov | 683.78 KB | 05-25-2006 4:22 pm |

Hasegawa Eishin Ryu

(Muso Shinden Ryu)

| | | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------- | ------------------- | | video/quicktime 01-yokogumo.mov | 689.98 KB | 04-24-2006 9:20 pm | | video/quicktime 02-toraisoku.mov | 754.87 KB | 04-25-2006 6:57 pm | | video/quicktime 03-inazuma.mov | 785.33 KB | 04-25-2006 8:28 pm | | video/quicktime 04-ukigumo.mov | 1.23 MB | 04-27-2006 7:47 pm | | video/quicktime 05-yamaoroshi.mov | 1.01 MB | 05-13-2006 2:55 pm | | video/quicktime 06-iwanami.mov | 1.04 MB | 06-01-2006 6:16 pm | | video/quicktime 07-urokogaeshi.mov | 762.24 KB | 06-17-2006 7:40 pm | | video/quicktime 08-namigaeshi.mov | 560.88 KB | 06-18-2006 8:57 am | | video/quicktime 09-takiotoshi.mov | 835.57 KB | 03-11-2007 11:36 am | | video/quicktime 10-nukiuchi.mov | 631.68 KB | 03-11-2007 12:12 pm |

Top | Iaido at SC Poppenbüttel, Phone: 040-602 37 22 | HTBU Barmbek, Phone: 040-299 50 78
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