Crossing polygons of the genus (original) (raw)

Crossing polygons of the genus Lilium

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1=a simplied crossing polygon; 2=Lilium henryi x candidum hybrids;

3= an Oriental x Asiatic hybrid

The development of the lily assortment can be illustrated by a crossing-polygon.

For further reading :Interspecific lily hybrids a promise for the future.

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A crossing polygon of the genus Lilium including all successful crosses of species between different sections of the genus Lilium developed at Plant Research International, The Netherlands. In this figure the connection between the Asiatic, Aurelian and Oriental hybrid groups (large ellipses) are shown by dotted lines. In successful crosses between species (small circles) of different sections (large circles) the arrows point towards the female parent.

Abbreviations: A: Aurelian hybrids; A-H: _L. auratum_x L. henryi; AL: L. alexandrae; AM: L. amabile; AS: Asiatic hybrids;AU: L. auratum; BU: L. bulbiferum;CA: L. candidum; CAN: L. canadense; CE: L. cernuum; CH: L. chalcedonicum; CO: L. concolor;DAU: L. dauricum; DAV: L. davidii; DU: L. duchartrei; FO: L. formosanum; HA: L. hansonii; HE: L. henryi; JA: L. japonicum; LA: L. lankongense; LEI: L. leichtlinii; LO L. longiflorum; MA: L. martagon; MI: L. michiganense; MO: L. monadelphum; NO:L. nobilissimum; O: Oriental hybrids; OT= Oriental-trumpet hybrids; PA: L. pardalinum;PU: L. pumilum; RE: L. regale; RU: L. rubellum; SP: L. speciosum; TS L. tsing-tauense; Ti L. tigrinum.

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