Apiculture Factsheets - Apiculture – Bees and Pollinators – BC Ministry of Agriculture (original) (raw)

Apiculture Factsheets

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Factsheet Number Title PDF Format
002 Importing Queens and Packaged Bees 04/13 (PDF, 33KB)
003 Beekeeping Books and Periodicals 02/13 (PDF, 34KB)
004 Registered Drugs and Chemicals in Beekeeping 02/13 (PDF, 40KB)
006 Beekeeping Equipment Suppliers 02/13 (PDF, 35KB)
101 Beekeeping in British Columbia - A Brief Review 03/12 (PDF, 80KB)
102 Common Beekeeping Terms 02/13 (PDF, 39KB)
103 Beekeeping Calendar for British Columbia 03/12 (PDF, 49KB)
104 The Honeybee Colony 03/12 (PDF, 78KB)
106 Beekeeping Equipment 02/13 (PDF, 36KB)
111 Bee Behaviour During Foraging 02/13 (PDF, 96KB)
200 American Foulbrood (AFB) 03/12 (PDF,269KB)
202 European Foulbrood (EFB) 03/12 (PDF,68KB)
203 Nosema 03/12 (PDF,113KB)
204 Antibiotics for Bee Disease Control 05/12 (PDF, 38KB)
205 Honeybee Disease Detection 03/12 (PDF,223KB)
218 The Small Hive Beetle (SHB) 03/12 (PDF,178KB)
219 Tracheal Mites in Honeybee Colonies 03/12 (PDF, 25KB)
221 Varroa Mite Controls 03/12 (PDF,176KB)
222 Varroa Mite Detection Methods 03/12 (PDF,178KB)
223 Pettis Test-Detecting Varroa Mite Resistance to Apistan and Coumaphos 03/12 (PDF, 66KB)
230 Kashmir Bee Virus (KBV) 03/12 (PDF,106KB)
301 Packaged Bees - Handling, Hiving & Spring Management 03/12 (PDF,104KB)
401 Spring Management 03/12 (PDF,118KB)
404 Swarming 03/12 (PDF, 80KB)
406 Summer Management 03/12 (PDF, 81KB)
410 Nutrition and its Effect on Bee Management 03/12 (PDF,157KB)
411 Pollen Substitutes and Supplements 03/12 (PDF,135KB)
506 Blue Orchard Mason Bee Osmia lignaria 03/12 (PDF,102KB)
603 Creamed Honey 03/12 (PDF,74KB)
905 Summer Nectar and Pollen Sources 03/12 (PDF,511KB)
1303 Marking Queens 03/12 (PDF, 35KB)