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Military Parenting Website Assists Communication

Service members who deploy or are otherwise separated from their families due to mission needs now have an online resource allowing them to hone their parenting skills as they reconnect with their children.

Pam Murphy, the Defense Department’s lead psychologist for the website, said the launch of http://www.militaryparenting.org offers unprecedented, comprehensive and free computer-based training from a service member’s perspective on parenting and building strong relationships with their children.

Virtual reality, real help for veterans

The Boston Globe,September 16 2013

The Humvee engine rumbles as you drive through a stretch of desert in Iraq, past the occasional cluster of low buildings along a street strewn with trash.

Suddenly, the vehicle in front of you explodes and the sky begins to fill with smoke. Just beyond the wreck, you see the silhouette of an insurgent shooting to kill any survivors or rescuers. As the scene plays out on tiny screens mounted to the goggles you wear, the radio chatter playing in your headphones erupts in panic, and the smell of diesel fuel wafts over you.

Smartphones, Trauma and the Mental Health Revolution

Psychology Today,By Romeo Vitelli, Ph.D. ,September 9 2013

Can a mobile phone application help veterans deal with trauma? A new phone application, PE Coach, is already being used by thousands of veterans attending treatment and rebuilding their lives.

AI Cognitive Enhancements: Implications for Psychological Health

A brain-computer interface (BCI), or brain-machine interface (BMI), represents a method for connecting the biological brain to an external technological device. Connections can be made by invasive techniques that involve surgical implants or non-invasive techniques where brain signals are received through external sensors.