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Last Update - 05/04/14 Updated Wales Trip photos

Vehicle Security after break-ins to vehicles parked in the Comeragh Mountains - Click for advice from the Gardaí.

Car crime in the uplands is typically opportunistic and fast, with most incidents taking place in the afternoons, between Thursday and Sunday. The Gardaí have appealed to people parking in the uplands to take the following measures to protect their vehicles:
Avoid leaving bags, clothing etc on view within the vehicle; Open the glove box, and where possible, the lid on the boot, to show there is nothing in the vehicle; Remove portable sat navs including cradle and suction pads; also wipe any suction marks off the windscreen; If you must leave valuables in the boot, put them in before you arrive at the parking location; Secure the vehicle (23% of these thefts last year were from unlocked vehicles); Report all break-ins or damage to vehicles; Watch for, and report, suspicious any activity by dialling 999 / 112.


Open Day.


Calling anyone interested in hillwalking.We will be holding another open day on Sunday 27th of April. Meet as normal at the Hypercenter car part at 10am.

Bring a packed lunch, rain gear and a good pair of walkng boots.

There will be a number of different grade walks on the day - suitable for all.

Spread the word, bring a friend, son or daughter (Over 18's only), brother or sister, etc!



A great weekend was had in Wales by those who travelled to Snowdonia over the St Patricks weekend, the weather was dry and sunny at times. Great scrambling was had on Crib Goch ridge and Tryfan, and elsewhere.

Photos from other trips can be found on our recent photos page.


Photo Competition 2013

You can see all the photos here and the winners on their own are here.

The results are in and the winners are;

| Winners | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | - Landscape Ireland – and overall winner - 'Mahon Valley' - John Foley. | | - Trips Away - Mt Blanc – Paul MacMahon. | | - People in the Mountains - 'The Man from Lower Ballycashin looks across to Mount Everest. – Denis Cullen. | | - Humour in the Mountains – Men having fun – Brian Jacob | | - Highly Commended - People on Tryfan - Emma Farrell. |

Congratulations to the winners and thanks to all who entered. Prize giving will take place at the annual Holy and Hot Whiskey tomorrow (22nd Dec).

You can see all the photos here and the winners on their own are here.


Join the Comeragh Club

Further information can be had by e-mailing us at info@comeraghclub.ie .

mci logo Affiliated to the Mountaineering Ireland mci logo

Walks Programme

The April walks program has been finalised. The walks program is now available on the 'Walks & Events' page. For info on a walk please text Richard McCarty on 0862652768.

Comeragh Mountaineering Club AGM

The club AGM for 2013 was held on Thursday 26th September at 8pm in the Munster. You can see the minutes of the meeting here.

A Walk In The Comeraghs

Watch the following video to see the club on a walk in the Comeraghs - thanks to Paddy Scanlon for the video, see more of Paddys videos here

Comeragh Mountaineering Club Photo Exhibition

The Club held a photo exhibition in Waterford City library earlier in the year to highlight the activities of the Club.

Some of the photos are still available for sale (€10 each including mount). Contact Brian Jacob for more info or email sean@photocopier

You can still see the exhibition photos here

You can download the exhibition photo catalogue here

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