Honorary Degree Recipients - Office of the President (original) (raw)

Name of Recipient



Andrew Sledd

June 1909 DD

First UF President, to July 1909. Later professor of Bible and Greek at Emory University.

William F. Blackman

June 1910 LLD

President of Rollins College

Thomas M. Shackleford

June 1910 LDD

Justice of the Florida Supreme Court

Albert H. Walker

June 1916 LittD

Director of the State School for Deaf and Blind at St. Augustine

William Spencer Currell

June 1916 LLD

President of the University of South Carolina

Edward Rawson Flint

June 1919 LLD

First professor of chemistry at UF. Inspector of Land Grant colleges from U.S. Dept. of Agriculture.

Fons A. Hathaway

June 1919 LLD

AB 1902, UF. Superintendent of Public Instruction of Duval County

George Morgan Ward

June 1919 LLD

Acting President of Rollins College, member of its Board of Trustees at Rollins

Peter Henry Rolfs

Dec. 1920 DSc

Dean of Coll. of Agriculture and Director of the Experiment Station. Later director of a state college in Brazil.

Philip Keyes Yonge

June 1921 LLD

President of Southern States Lumber Company of Pensacola. Chairman, Florida State Board of Control, 1910-17 and 1922-32

Nathan P. Bryan

May 1923 LLD

U.S. Senator, 1911-17. 1st Chair of the Board of Control, later Fed. Dist. Judge in New Orleans

William Jennings Bryan

May 1923 LLD

Eminent statesman and lawyer, churchman and lecturer. Democratic candidate for U.S. President in 1896.

Harvey Warren Cox

May 1923 LLD

Professor of Philosophy, 1911-20. Dean of Teachers College, 1916-20.

Roger W. Babson

May 1927 LLD

Prominent statistician and economist. Helped further interests of the state.

Eugene L. Wartmann

May 1929 LLD

Member of Legislature which passed Buckman Act. Member of Board of Control, 1907-29.

Orestes Ferrara

June 1930 LLD

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Cuba to U.S., 1926-30

Doyle E. Carleton

June 1933 DCL

Governor of Florida, 1929-30. Attorney in Tampa.

Duncan U. Fletcher

Aug. 1933 LLD

U.S. Senator from Florida, 1908-36

Albert J. Farrah

June 1935 DCL

First Dean of College of Law, 1910-12. Dean of Law School at University of Alabama.

Scott M. Loftin

June 1935 DCL

Prominent Florida Attorney. 58th president of American Bar Association; Chairman of University Endowment Corp., UF.

Charles Homes Herty

June 1937 DSc

Noted paper chemist; developed procedures for using pine pulp in paper manufacture.

Edward Conrad

May 1939 LLD

President, Florida State College for Women, 1909-41

David G. Fairchild

May 1939 LLD

Eminent botanist, lecturer, author

Marjorie K. Rawlings

June 1941 LHD

Well-known author; won O. Henry Memorial Prize and Pulitzer Prize. First woman to receive honorary degree from UF.

Raymond Robbins

June 1941 LLD

Social and civic leader; WW I Army officer, lecturer & world traveler. Degree conferred at his home in sanctuary at Chinsegut Hill, Florida, which he gave to U.S. gov’t., June 1941. First UF honorary degree conferred off campus.

Willis Manville Ball

May 1942 LLD

Editor of Florida Times Union (Jacksonville), 1902-47

Albert Hazan Blanding

May 1942 LLD

BA 1894, UF. Brigadier General in France, 1918-19. Chief of U.S. National Guard Bureau, 1936-40. Member, Board of Control, 1922-36.

Thomas Barbour

May 1944 DSc

Naturalist, teacher, author, world traveler. Director, Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology. Interest in Florida’s wildlife and natural history. Presented UF with famous terrestrial Miocene vertebrate locality in Gilchrist County.

Eugene Terry Casler

May 1944 DSc

BS 1913, UF. Assisted in founding Nitrogen Fixation Industry in America. State chemist, later chemical director of a Florida Phosphate mining company, pioneered development of calcination of phosphate rock and new methods of rock mining and flotation.

Herman Gunter

May 1944 DSc

BS 1907, UF Geologist. Contributed to fundamental knowledge of Florida natural resources and helped in development of industry.

James Melton

May 1945 MusD

UF alumnus, 1921-23. Prominent actor, artist and singer. Appeared with Metropolitan Opera Association.

James Bryant Whitfield

Sept. 1945 LLD

Chief Justice of Florida Supreme Court; longest tenure in history of court. Degree conferred in Tallahassee.

James A. Van Fleet

Apr. 1946 LLD

Former professor of military science and head football coach, UF. Distinguished in both world wars, Major General; commander of Third U.S. Army Corps in WW II.

William K. Jackson

May 1946 LLD

BS 1904, UF. Prosecuting Attorney and U.S. Attorney for Panama Canal Zone. President of U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

Ralph Herbert Allee

Mar. 1948 DSc

Internationalist, agriculturist, former rep. of State Department and U.S. Department of Agriculture; Director of American Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Turriabla, Costa Rica.

Oliver C. Carmichael

Mar. 1948 LLD

Scholar, executive, statesman, former Chancellor, Vanderbilt University. President, Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.

Colgate W. Darden Jr.

Mar. 1948 LLD

Former Governor of Virginia;Chancellor of William and Mary; President of University of Virginia.

George D. Stoddard

Mar. 1948 LLL

Author, educator, administrator. Former President, University of State of New York, President, University of Illinois and member of President Truman’s Commission on Higher Education.

Owen D. Young

Mar. 1948 LLD

Lawyer, banker, corporation official, economist, humanitarian. Recipient of honorary degrees from 24 colleges and universities.

Frederick Eugene Lykes

June 1949 LLD

Prominent Florida Agriculturist and industrialist. Trustee, University of the South.

Alben William Barkley

Oct. 1949 LHD

Represented Kentucky in House of Representatives and Senate, 1927-48. Vice President of USA.

Rueben G. Gustavson

Feb. 1950 DSc

Scientist, educator, administrator. Member, Executive Commission of Association of Land Grant Colleges and Universities; Chancellor,University of Nebraska.

Harold Mowry

Feb. 1950 DSc

BSA 1929 and MSA 1934, UF. Worked at UF’s Agricultural Experiment Station. In 27 years of service, he served as horticulturist and as director, 1943-50.

Colon Eloy Alfaro

June 1950 LLD

Diplomat of Ecuador. Representative of his country in many parts of the world. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the USA.

Benjamin A. Cohen

June 1950 LHD

Journalist, linguist, diplomat; appointed Ambassador to United States from Chile, 1939. Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations.

Wilson Popenoe

June 1950 DSc

Scholar, horticulturist, Ambassador of Good Will from U.S. to Latin America for nearly 40 years. Director of Escuela Agricola Panamericana at Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

Emsterio Santiago Santovenia

June 1950 LLD

Outstanding Cuban, lawyer, writer, historian and statesman

Thomas J. Watson

Feb. 1952 LLD

Business executive, industrial leader. President of International Business Machines Corp., 1919-51. Chairman of the Board of Directors of IBM.

S. Kendrick Guernsey

Feb. 1952 DCS

Former International President of Rotary International. VP, Gulf Life Insurance Co. for more than 20 years.

James C. Downs, Jr.

Feb.1952 DCS

Banker, author, lecturer, real estate economist. Senior partner of Downs, Mohl and Co, Chicago

Boyd Henry Bode

Jan. 1953 LLD

Internationally renowned philosopher, educator, constructive critic, author. Greatly concerned with the vital contribution the school should make to achievement of democracy.

Alvin Christian Eurich

Jan. 1953 LHD

Former president, Northwestern University and State University of New York. Exponent of general education for maintenance of a free society. VP, Fund for Advancement of Ed., Ford Foundation.

Arthur Andrew Hauck

Mar. 1953 LHD

President, University of Maine, almost 20 years. Eminent educator and administrator.

John Alfred Hannah

Mar. 1953 LHD

Former President, Michigan State College. An internationally known agricultural specialist, distinguished educator, statesman. Assistant Secretary of Defense for Manpower and Personnel.

Virgil Melvin Hancher

Mar. 1953 DCL

Professor of Law and President, State University of Iowa. Attorney, educator, administrator, humanitarian. Member of many learned societies.

Millard Fillmore Caldwell

Mar. 1953 LLD

Florida’s 28th Governor. Lawmaker, statesman, student of international affairs, tireless worker for higher educational standards in the south. Contributor to civic betterment, national safety.

Spessard L. Holland

Mar. 1953 DCL

LLB 1916, UF. First President of combined student body. First native son to serve as Governor and U.S. Senator. Well known for contributions to law, education, finance and public works.

Charles F. Kettering

Mar. 1953 DSc

Vice President and Director, General Motors Corp. Outstanding inventor, engineer, theoretical scientist, industrialist, philanthropist humanitarian.

John James Tigert

Mar. 1953 LittD

President, University of Florida, 19 years, beginning 1928. Professor of Philosophy and Head Football Coach, University of Kentucky. Noted administrator, author, teacher, philosopher, friend of youth.

Turner Zeigler Cason

June 1953 DSc

BS 1908, UF. Known for his efforts to develop a medical center here. A great leader in the medical profession of Florida.

Walter Clifton Payne

June 1953 DSc

Served the people of Florida since 1914. Past President, Florida Medical Association, member of its Board of Governors and Chairman of the Board. Known to all about him as a warm friend, patriotic citizen, eminent scientist and wise counselor.

Warren Wilson Quillian

June 1953 DSc

Nationally influential leader in pediatrics, humanitarian. Contributed many articles to medical and scientific journals.

William Thomas Sanger

June 1953 DSc

President, Medical College of Virginia. Inspiring leader in advancing medical education in South.

William Clark Thomas

June 1953 DSc

Respected physician, kindly guidance and counsel. Fellow of American College of Surgeons and American Academy of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Mark D. Hollis

Jan. 1956 DSc

Chief Engineer, Public Health Service, Assistant Surgeon General of US Outstanding engineer and administrator in field of environmental health.

Arthur S. Adams

Feb. 1956 LLD

President, American Council on Education. Prominent in fields of science and education and in military service as a Naval Officer.

Thomas Wesley Bryant

Feb. 1956 LLD

Earned both his Science and Law degrees at University of Florida. Outstanding student and loyal alumnus. Great patriot, lawyer, leader and sportsman.

Harold Raymond Medina

Feb. 1956 DCL

Appointed Federal Judge for U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York, May; later Judge of the United States Court of Appeals, Second Circuit. Famed educator, jurist and statesman.

William F. Callander

Aug. 1958 DSc

Outstanding educator and administrator in field of statistics. Interim director of Statistical Laboratory at University of Fla., and since retiring from active directorship July 1953, continued as consultant.

Robert Lee Frost

Jan. 1960 LittD

Recognized as America’s greatest living poet, perhaps the greatest poet of any time.

William A. Shands

Aug. 1960 LLD

Native son of Florida, legislative leader, statesman, churchman, and farmer; 18 years member of State Senate, honored with Presidency of Senate in 1949.

Louis McDonald Orr

Aug. 1960 DSc

Internationally known physician, surgeon, medical statesman and researcher, philanthropist, and churchman. Awarded Bronze Star for service as colonel Medical Corps, World War II. Established and operated Louis M. Orr Foundation for Cancer Research.

George A. Smathers

June 1961 LLD

BA and Law degrees, UF. Representative to DCL, 80th and 81st Congresses, Senator from Florida since 1951. One of Congress’ experts on Latin American affairs.

James Edwin Webb

May 1963 LLD

Lawyer, industrialist, educator, administrator, leader in space sciences.

Ulysses S. Gordon

May 1963 DHL

Honorary DD, 1930, UF. Presbyterian Theological Seminary. Distinguished pastor, teacher, public servant and friend.

William L. Thompson

May 1963 DSc

Served on State Plant Board; 37 years with Agricultural Experiment Stations of University; retired as Entomologist Emeritus; eminent in citrus industry; author.

Robert A. Gray

Apr. 1964 LLD

Author, educator, civic leader and statesman. Florida’s Secretary of State, 1930-1961.

J. George Harrar

Apr. 1964 DSc

President, Rockefeller Foundation. Taught at University of Puerto Rico, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, and Washington State College. Received Certificate for Meritorious Leadership in Agriculture from UF, 1950.

Ruth S. Wedgworth

Apr. 1965 LLD

Businesswoman, farmer, civic and church leader. Instrumental in developing the Everglades as an important farming area. Chosen “Woman of the Year in Service to Fla. Rural Progress;” only woman to serve as President of Fla. Horticulture Society.

Lewis F. Powell Jr.

Apr. 1965 LLD

Distinguished lawyer and scholar. President, American Bar Association.

Olin E. Watts

Apr. 1966

Lawyer, civic leader, businessman; Chair, National Conference of Bar Examiners; Chair, Legal Ed. and Admission to the Bar section of Am. Bar Assn.

Clyde O. Anderson

Apr. 1966 LLD

Physician, medical statesman, philanthropist, counselor. Received A.H. Robins Award of the Florida Medical Association 1965. President Alumni Association and University of Fla. Foundation, Inc. Served on original Advisory Committee to J. Hillis Miller Health Center. Received Significant Alumni Award from UF, 1957.

William Shepherd Dix

Apr. 1967 LLD

Librarian, national leader in information retrieval, etc.

Frank A. Doggett

Apr. 1967 LittD

Outstanding high school principal; literary scholar; author of special note.

J. Wayne Reitz

Apr. 1967 LHD

President, University of Florida; educator.

David B. Lee

June 1968 DSc

Made great strides in malaria control. Upgraded sanitary engineering development in Fla.; pioneer in pollution control.

Wallace Odell Duvall

June 1968 LLD

Leadership in savings and loan industry.

Robert B. Mautz

June 1968 LHD

Vice President of Academic Affairs at University of Florida. Chancellor of Board of Regents of State University System.

Harold Leon Sebring

June 1968 LLD

Attorney, jurist, and legal educator.

Edith Bristol Tigert

Oct. 1968 DHL

Wife of former UF President.

J. Patrick O’Mahoney

Oct. 1968 DD


Elvis J. Stahr

Oct. 1968 LLD

President of Indiana University; educator; lawyer and public administrator.

Jack K. Williams

Oct. 1968 LLD

Educator; public administrator; Commissioner of Public Higher Education in Texas; University of Tennessee vice president.

Lester R. Dragstedt

June 1969 DSc

Research Professor of Surgery, UF.

Robert Colder Beaty

June 1969 LHD

Director of National Youth Administration in Fla.; Dean of Students, Dean of Men, Dean of Student Personnel, Director of Alumni Loyalty Fund, UF.

George M. Low

June 1969 DSc

Connected with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA); Director of Spacecraft and Flight Missions, Deputy Director in Houston, Texas and Manager, Apollo Spacecraft Program Office.

George W. Gore Jr.

June 1969 LittD

President Emeritus of Florida Agriculture and Mechanical University.

Marshall W. Nirenberg

Aug. 1969 DSc

Shared the 1968 Nobel Prize in Medicine/Physiology with two other U.S. scientists.

Harry Melvin Philpott

Dec. 1969 LLD

Professor of Religion, UF.; President of Auburn University.

Charles A. Robertson

Dec. 1969 LHD

Professor Emeritus of English and Honorary Curator of Rare Books, UF.

Lucius Durham Battle

March 1970 LLD

Skillful diplomat and an effective administrator.

Wayne Thomas

March 1970 DSc

Considered foremost authority of Fla. Phosphate.

Andrew Nelson Lytle

June 1970LittD

Writer, teacher and editor of the Sewannee Review.

Nell Critzer Miller
(Mrs. J. Hillis Miller)

June 1970 LHD

English teacher; Asst. Dir. for the Wesley Fdtn; and head of the Office of Patient Services, J. Hillis Miller Health Center.

John Barkley Rosser

June 1970 DSc

Contributor to the field of mathematics and has served as a consultant and panel member for the U.S. Government. Director of the Mathematics Research Center of the U.S. Army at Madison.

Mason W. Gross

June 1970 LLD

President of Rutgers, the State University; Chairman of the National Book Committee, philosopher and writer.

Walter L. (Red) Barber

Aug.1970 LittD

An author, lecturer and sports commentator who has reached the top of his chosen field.

C. Vann Woodward

Dec.1970 LittD

Sterling professor of history, Yale. Author and lecturer.

Walter Langbein

Mar. 1971 DSc

Hydraulic engineer, research hydraulic engineer and research hydrologist.

Katherine Graham

Mar. 1971 LHD

Publisher, widely known for philanthropies in education and arts.

Helen Nahm

June 1971 DSc

Distinguished career in nursing and education.

Stephen H. Spurr

June 1971 DSc

UF alumnus. A widely known forester, ecologist, educator and resource analyst. Former VP and Dean of Graduate Studies, University of Michigan; President, University of Texas at Austin.

John C. Slater

Aug. 1971 DSc

Author of numerous articles on fundamental nature of atoms, molecules and solids.

Thomas Clark

Dec. 1971 LLD

Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court.

Sidney Hook

Dec. 1971 LHD

Leading philosopher and educator.

Aaron Copland

Mar. 1972 MusD

Outstanding musician and composer.

Nathaniel P. Reed

Mar. 1972 DPS

Asst. Secretary of the Department of the Interior for Fish, Wildlife and Parks.

Roe Lyle Johns

Mar. 1972 DPA

Distinguished UF professor, financial consultant, military officer and author.

Chesterfield Smith

June 1972 LLD

Lawyer, civic leader, statesman, public servant.

Frank E. Richart Jr.

Aug. 1972 DSc

Distinguished professor and consultant in engineering.

Max Lerner

Dec.1972 LittD

Distinguished author, teacher, lecturer.

John A. Mulrennan

Dec. 1972 DSc

Leading entomologist; active in public health programs.

William W. Scranton

Mar. 1973 LLD

Leading educator, state and national public service (former Governor of Pennsylvania).

LeRoy Collins

June 1973 LLD

Former Governor of Florida; Under-Secretary of Commerce of U.S.; Attorney and national and state leader.

Norman E. Borlaug

June 1973 DSc

Nobel Peace Prize as agricultural scientist, known as “The Apostle of Wheat,” with Rockefeller Foundation.

Julian Goodman

Aug. 1973 DHL

Outstanding leadership in communication.

Rev. John Tracy Ellis

Aug.1973 LittD

Eminent historian and lecturer.

J. Broward Culpepper

Dec.1973 LittD

Distinguished educator.

Arnold D. Welch

Dec. 1973 DSc

Outstanding scientist and researcher.

James Alfred Perkins

Feb.1974 LittD

Outstanding scholar and international educator.

Linton E. Grinter

Feb.1974 DSc

Outstanding educator and administrator, UF; Dean, UF Graduate School, 17 years.

William H. Parham

May 1974 DHlth

Outstanding health administrator, Executive Vice President, Florida Medical Assn. Adm.

Stephen C. O’Connell

June 1974 LLD

Distinguished jurist and university administrator.

John V. Atanasoff

Aug. 1974 DSc

Distinguished engineer and inventor, invented first electronic digital computer.

Robben W. Fleming

Dec.1974 DHL

Distinguished educator; President, University of Michigan; well-known labor arbitrator and attorney.

Rae O. Weimer

Dec.1974 LittD

Distinguished journalist, educator and pioneer in Fla. journalism and communications, UF’s College of Journalism and Communications developed under his direction, 1949-1968.

Donald T. Campbell

Mar. 1975 DSc

Distinguished psychologist and scientist; President of National Academy of Sciences.

Ants Oras

Mar.1975 LittD

Eminent scholar and internationally recognized man of letters; Professor Emeritus of English, UF.

Paul G. Rogers

June 1975 LLD

Prominent Florida Congressman, leadership in legislative affairs especially pertaining to public health.

Edward F. Knipling

June 1975 DSc

Scholar, author, researcher and science advisor; developed DDT and eradicated screwworm fly.

Johanna Dobereiner

Aug. 1975 DSc

Prominent scientist and researcher, working mainly with nitrogen fixing capability of grasses.

Ronald S. Berman

Dec. 1975 DHL

Scholar, humanist and writer; Chairman, National Endowment for the Humanities.

Chester Howell Ferguson

Dec. 1975 LLD

Attorney, industrialist and advocate for higher education.

Ripley P. Bullen

Mar. 1976 DSc

Noted archaeologist and anthropologist; Became Curator of Florida State Museum, 1952; Curator Emeritus at time of award.

Torgny T. Segerstedt

Mar. 1976 DHL

Rector Magnificus, Uppsala University; internationally known educator, philosopher, lecturer; author.

Willard Lee Boyd

June 1976 LLD

Distinguished educator, author and law expertise; President of University of Iowa.

William G. Carleton

June 1976 DHL

Distinguished lecturer, UF faculty 36 years, political science; author; nicknamed “Wild Bill,” an endearment related to his vigorous delivery and frankness on public questions.

Joseph Weil

Aug. 1976 DE

Dean Emeritus of UF College of Engineering; established EIES, a visionary in programs as beach erosion, materials sciences, sewage and water, sanitary engineering and nuclear energy.

Richard K. Arnold

Oct. 1976 DSc

Outstanding leader and research scientist in forestry; with U.S. Forest Service, Research Division until retirement. At time honorary degree was awarded, he was Assistant Vice President for Research, L.B. Johnson School of Public Affairs.

Sjoerd Groenman

Mar. 1977 DHL

Emeritus Rector Magnificus, University of Utrecht, the Netherlands. Famous sociologist, supported the University of Florida/University of Utrecht exchange program.

George S. Wise

Mar. 1977 DH

Lifetime Chancellor of Tel Aviv University. Outstanding educator, businessman and humanitarian. President, George S. Wise and Co., newsprint manufacturing of Miami.

Mitchell W. Spellman

June 1977 DSc

Dean, Charles R. Drew Postgraduate Medical School.Noted for bringing improved access to medical education for minority students and improved medical care for the inner city.

Maclyn McCarthy

June 1977 DSc

Vice President of Rockefeller University. Conducted research on DNA and in the fields of microbiology and immunology.

Sir Philip M. Sherlock

Aug. 1977 DHL

Educator. Secretary General of Association of Caribbean Universities and Research Institutes.

Allen S. Weller

Dec. 1977 DFA

Art historian, critic and teacher. Established Krannert Art Museum in Illinois.

Elliot L. Richardson

Mar. 1978 LLD

Ambassador-at-Large and Special Representative of the U.S. President to the Law of the Sea Conference. Former U.S. Ambassador to the Court of St. James and served in four cabinet posts – Sec. of Commerce; U.S. Attorney General; Sec. of Defense; Sec. of Health, Educ. and Welfare.

Pauli Murray

Mar. 1978 DH

Jurist, educator, poet and theologian. First black woman priest ordained by Episcopal Church. Granddaughter of a slave.

Alvin Percy Black

June 1978 DSc

UF Research Professor Emeritus. Black Hall named for him. Internationally known scientist. Worked on water treatment.

James T. Gurney

Dec. 1978 DHL

Attorney. Served as a member of the Board of Control of Florida Institutions of Higher Learning.

James R. Shepley

Dec. 1978 DHL

Commencement speaker. President, Time, Inc.; Distinguished journalist, writer and businessman.

Samuel Gurin

Mar. 1979 DSc

Pioneer in marine research.Led in the development of the Whitney Marine Research Laboratory.Interested in marine metabolism and chemoreception in marine organisms.

Nancy Hanks

June 1979 DFA

Chair of the National Endowment for the Arts, 1969-77.Vice chairman and trustee of the Rockerfeller Brothers Fund.

Philip S. Handler

Dec. 1979 DSc

President of National Academy of Science

Walter Beinecke, Jr.

Mar. 1980 DHL

Active in business, ranching, historic preservation, health planning, education and refugee rehabilitation. Served as Vice President of Sales for S&H Green Stamp Company, 15 years.

Dr. George T. Harrell Jr.

Mar. 1980 DSc

Research professor, Duke School of Medicine, 1941-54. Founding Dean, UF’s College of Medicine, 1954-64. In 1964, founding Provost for the Hershey Medical Center in Pennsylvania; thus, the first person in U.S. to design and develop two medical schools from their beginning.

Allen H. Neuharth

Mar.1980 LittD

Commencement speaker. President of Gannett and Company. Chairman and President of the American Newspaper Publishers Association.

James Willard Hurst

June 1980 LLD

Commencement speaker. Distinguished legal historian, author and educator. Professor of Law, University of Wisconsin.

Adam Lopatka

June 1980 LLD

Jurist and administrator of international distinction. Director of Institute of State and Law of Polish Academy of Science.

Margaret E. Mahoney

Aug. 1980 DHL

President of the Commonwealth Fund. Specialized in public policy analysis, educational theory, health care systems and financing.

J. Hillis Miller

Aug.1980 LittD

Internationally known scholar, critic and teacher. Frederick W. Hilles Professor of English at Yale.

William R. Smith Jr.

Dec. 1980 LLD

President, American Bar Association. Tampa attorney.

Johannes Gross

Dec.1980 LittD

Editorial Director, Capital magazine, the largest business journal in Western Europe.

Molly Harrower

March 1981 DHL

A psychologist, teacher, writer, researcher and poet, she is internationally recognized by psychologists and psychiatrists for her contributions to the understanding of personality.

Donald R. Matthews

March 1981 DPS

1953 UF Distinquished Alumnus Award recipient; representative from the 8th District of Florida to the 83rd Congress, 1952- 67; Administrator of the Rural Community Development Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C.

Don Manuel de Prado Y Colon de Carvajal

June 1981 LLD

Ambassador at Large of Spain. President, Instituto de Cooperacion Iberoamericana.

Hernan Fonseca de Zamora

June 1981 DSC

Minister of Agriculture of Costa Rica.

Alfred A. McKethan

Aug. 1981 DC

BS 1931, UF. Banker, public servant, civic leader, patron of education.

Dorothy M. Smith

Oct. 1981 DSc

Professor and Dean Emeritus, UF College of Nursing; pioneer in nursing education.

Arthur C. Allyn, Jr.

Dec. 1981 DSc

Chairman of A.C. Allyn and Co. and Director of Emeritus of the Allyn Museum of Entomology in Sarasota. Former President of the Chicago White Sox. Former parter of Francis I. dePont and Co.

Edward E. David, Jr.

May 1982 DSc

Former Science Advisor to the President of the U.S. and Director of the U.S. Office of Science and Technology; current President of Exxon Research and Engineering Co. One of the nation’s strongest advocates for improving engineering and scientific education.

Dr. Charles E. Cornelius

June 1982 DSc

Teacher, scientist and academic administrator in Veterinary medicine. In 1971, he became founding dean of UF’s College of Veterinary Medicine.

Nahum N. Glatzer

Aug. 1982 DHL

Internationally recognized Judaic scholar, historian, editor and teacher. Prominent faculty member at Brandeis and Boston universities.

David S. Saxon

Dec. 1982 DSc

President, University of California System; Internationally recognized physicist and leader in higher education administration.

Reubin O’Donovan Askew

April 1983 DPS

JD 1956, UF. Former governor of Florida. Served in Florida House of Representatives and Florida Senate. Appointed U.S. Trade Representative during President Carter’s administration.

Manning Julian Dauer Jr.

Aug. 1983 LLD

Historian, political scientist, writer, consultant and Distinguished Service Professor. Wrote a classic in early American history and political theory, established the guidelines for reapportionment in Florida and other states, and taught more than 15,000 students during his 50-year teaching career. BA and MA from UF.

Richard Vernon Moore

Dec. 1983 DHL

Chancellor of Bethune-Cookman College in Daytona Beach. President of the College of 28 years prior to his 1975 retirement. Known for contributions to education, black community in Florida, human relations, religious and civic organizations.

Cornelius Vanderbilt Whitney

Dec. 1983 DHL

Leader in the arts, sciences, sports, industry and government. Co-producer of first color films, including such classics as “A Star is Born” and “Gone With The Wind.”Established the C.V. Whitney Laboratory for Experimental Marine Biology and Medicine at UF. Founded Pan American Airways and the Hudson Bay Mining and Smelting Company.

James L. Knight

April 1984 DHL

Built one of the best newspapers, The Miami Herald, and helped establish one of the largest newspaper groups in the nation, The Knight-Ridder Newspapers. He has served twice as President of the Southern Newspaper Publishers Association.

Frederick A. Hauck

Aug. 1984 DSc

Noted mineralogist, metallurgist and patron of cultural and educational institutions. Instrumental in the production of materials for the nuclear industry and other strategic, rare and precious metals. Helped develop Gaseous Core Reactors. Mined rare earth from Florida Beaches. president of Continental Mineral Processing Co.

E. T. York, Jr.

Dec. 1984 DSc

Leader in higher education and agriculural development; Chancellor Emeritus of the State University System.

James Willis Walter

Dec. 1984 LLD

Industrial leader, Innovator in home building industry; Chairman of Jim Walter Corp.

Dr. Martin D. Young

May 1985 DSc

Internationally recognized for research in malaria parasites, one of the most distinguished parasitologist and tropical medicine specialists in the U.S.; former director of Gorgas Memorial Laboratory in Panama.

William M. Goza

May 1985 DHL

BS 1938 and JD 1941, UF. Attorney, author, anthropologist. Encouraged, supported participated in historical and anthropological studies related to Florida’s Hispanic history. UF Dist. Alumnus and UF’s Hall of Fame.

Lawrence Lewis Jr.

May 1986 DHL

Businessman who was prime mover in historic preservation, restoration and reconstruction of St. Augustine. Since 1965, trustee of the Historic St. Augustine Preservation Board.

Lewis R. Grosenbaugh

Aug. 1986 DSc

Innovator in the field of forest measurements on international level. His contributions include the theory of point sampling, 3P sampling theory, a milestone in the field of forest sampling, a theory on avoiding Dendrometry Bias in leaning trees. First to use computer technology for analysis.

Archbishop Iakovos

Dec. 1986 DPS

World-renowned religious leader, civil rights activist, and a crusader in the modern ecumenical movement for Christian unity. Head of the Greek Orthodox Church of North and South America for 27 years. Received Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Carter, 1980.

Anna J. Schwartz

Dec. 1987 LittD

A noted research economist for more than 40 years. She has made major contributions to economics in monetary economics and economic history. She has co-authored several internationally prominent publications on monetary standards with Nobel Laureate Milton Friedman.

Lucille M. Mair

Apr. 1988 DHL

A pioneer in women’s studies and former ambassador. She has held the highest position of any women ever in the United Nations. She is currently engaged in research, writing, lecturing, and advising at the University of West Indies.

Marjory S. Douglas

Apr. 1988 LittD

A conservationist with a career spanning 70 years. She has given the State of Florida the groundwork for preserving, protecting, and recovering its natural resources. She received many honors and awards for her efforts in conservation.

Harry Prystowsky

Dec. 1988 DSc

An internationally recognized leader in obstetrics and gynecology. He has enjoyed an illustrious career as an educator, investigator, physician, and administrator. He has made significant advances in the understanding of maternal and fetal physiology. He has more than 150 scholarly articles to his credit.

C. Farris Bryant

Dec. 1988 DPS

Attorney, businessman, and 34th governor of Florida.

Howard Earle Skipper

Aug. 1989 DSc

President emeritus of the Southern Research Institute. His research has had a worldwide impact on the treatment of cancer. His research has resulted in approximately 200 publications.

Frederick Ellis Fisher

May 1990 DHL

Alumnus, accountant, businessman, major donor who gave 6.5milliontotheSchoolofAccounting,whichwasnamedtheFisherSchoolofAccounting.Servedasgeneralchairmanofthefirstuniversity−widecapitalcampaigntoraise6.5 million to the School of Accounting, which was named the Fisher School of Accounting. Served as general chairman of the first university-wide capital campaign to raise 6.5milliontotheSchoolofAccounting,whichwasnamedtheFisherSchoolofAccounting.Servedasgeneralchairmanofthefirstuniversitywidecapitalcampaigntoraise250 million.

Joseph L. Brechner

May 1990 DHL

awarded posthumously — Writer, broadcaster editorialist, newspaper columnist, media executive and owner. Pioneer in television, helped put cameras in courtrooms and funded Freedom of Information Center and chair at UF.

Alan Stephenson Boyd

May 1991 LLD

First Secretary of Transportation under President Lyndon Johnson; first Floridian ever to serve as a full- capacity member of the President’s Cabinet. President of Airbus Industries of North America.

Don Fuqua

Dec. 1991 DPS

Alumnus, House Representative for Florida and U.S. At 29, he was the youngest Democrat in Congress.National president of UF’s Alumni Association and chair of UF’s D.C. area Regional Capital Campaign.

Johnnetta B. Cole

May 1992 DHL

President of Spelman College; anthropologist; educator and activist.

John W. Griffin

May 1992 DHL

Florida archaeologist; UF alumnus; researcher; scholar; administrator and author.

Federico Mayor

Dec. 1992 DSc

Director-General of UNESCO, Spanish scientist, educator, administrator, philosopher and politician.

David Cofrin

August 1993 DFA

Gainesville MD and philanthropist, his many gifts included the basic funding for the Harn Museum.

David Lawrence Jr.

Dec. 1993 DJm

Publisher of the Miami Herald and other major newspapers.

Murray Gell-Mann

April 1994 DNR

Winner of Nobel Prize for physics; discovered and named the quark. Leader in environmental conservation; served as director of MacArthur Foundation.

Charles Bennett

Aug 1994 LLD

Served in U.S. Congress for 44 years; set an all-time record by not missing a single legislative vote for 41 years. Author of seven books on Florida history. Decorated five times for combat service in WWII.

Jan Veldhuis

Sept. 1995 DPS

President of Utrecht University; leader in international education; former Fulbright who promoted that program and others.

J. Malcom Randall

Aug 1996 DPS

Founding and long-time director of the VA Hospital in Gainesville. Leader within the VA nationally.

Margretta Madden Styles

May 1997 DS

Nurse, educator, helped establish international standards for nursing. President of International Council of Nurses and American Nurses Credentialing Center. EdD from UF.

Norman Schwarzkopf

March 28, 1998 DPS

Heroic leader of Persian Gulf War; recognized for environmental and humanitarian work, especially with seriously ill children.

David M. Lee

May 2, 1998 DS

Nobel Prize winner in low temperature physics. Was visiting professor at UF and worked with UF faculty.

J. Stanley Marshall

Dec. 1, 1998 DPS

Former president of Florida State University, founder and ceo of James Madison Institute, former president of NASULGC

William Terrell Hodges

May 1, 1999 LLD

Federal judge and chair of Executive Committee of the Judicial Conference of the United States

Virgil Hawkins

May 5, 2001 LLD

Civil rights visionary, activist and recipient of UF’s first posthumous honorary degree. Sought to integrate the University in the 1950s.

Reverend Thomas A. Wright

August 10, 2002 DPS

A Baptist preacher, social activist, entrepreneur, and educator. Four decades of dedicated service to local communities for his contributions during the last half-century as a noted civil rights champion in the state of Florida.

George E. Andrews

December 21, 2002 DS

One of the most important and influential mathematicians of our time. He is the world’s top expert on the Theory of Partitions and the work of the Indian mathematical genius Srinivasa Ramanujan.

Jeffrey M. Spieler

December 21, 2002 DPS

A recognized leader in the fight for improving the health and the quality of life of vulnerable populations throughout the world. His advocacy for reproductive health, family planning and the development of better contraceptive choices already has had a measurable effect worldwide.

Gale Lemerand

May 2003, DHL

Howard T. Odum

December 19, 2003 DSc

Graduate research professor emeritus at UF; founder of UF’s Center for Environmental Policy.

Jerome H. Modell

May 2004, DSc

Karl Pister

May 2004, DPS

Samuel Proctor

May 2004, DPS

William Francis (Bill) Whitman

May 2004, DPS

Nicholas Bodor

May 2005, DSc

Edward Villella

May 2005, DFA

Linda Aiken

May 2006, DSc

Known worldwide for advancing quality patient care through research and health policy work

Bob Graham

May 2006, DPS

Former Florida governor and U.S. Senator. Helped to create Bob Graham Centers at UF and University of Miami that focus on public leadership, the Americas and homeland security.

J. Crayton Pruitt

May 2006, DSc

Robert Grubbs

Dec. 2006, DSc

Recipient of 2005 Nobel Prize in Chemistry along with two others who developed the metathesis method in organic synthesis

Barry Barrish

May 2007, DSc

Linde Professor of Physics who conducted experiments that revealed the quark substructure of the nucleon

Andrew H. Hines

2007, DSc

Chairman Emeritus of Florida Progress Corp. Credited for the rapid growth and great success of the Florida Power Corporation.

Francisco Sanchez

Spring 2008, DSc

World renowned astronomer and astrophysicist, key inventor and planner for the construction of the world’s largest telescope

Ellas Otha Bates McDaniel, pka Bo Diddley

Summer 2008, DFA

Rock ‘n’ Roll musician; degree given to his family posthumously.

Hamilton Smith

Fall 2008, DSc

Nobel Laureate, medical doctor, and leading figure in the field of genomics

Ann Lurie

Spring 2009, DPS

Philanthropist and president of Lurie Investments; Ann and Robert H. Lurie Foundation; and African Infectious Disease Village Clinics, Inc.

Fuller W. Bazer

Fall 2009, DS

Scientist whose discoveries have greatly advanced knowledge in reproductive biology in domestic animals and offered insight into signaling and regulatory processes that impact human health

Lourdes Arizpe

Spring 2010, DPS

Researcher and professor of anthropology at the National Autonomous University of Mexico who made exceptional contributions to the development of feminist studies in Mexico and Latin America

Stanley Drucker

Spring 2010, DM

Principal clarinetist of the New York Philharmonic for 49 years and a member of the organization for more than 60 years

Howard Lance

Spring 2010, DE

Led the development of new and important resources for broadcast communications, defense communications, intelligence and surveillance, and information technology systems for use in health care and Federal Aviation Administration

Arnold Mesches

Spring 2010, DFA

Artist best known for exploring contemporary social and historical issues based on his life experience of living in the depression

Per Pinstrup-Andersen

Spring 2010, DS

Only social scientist ever to receive the World Food Prize, the agricultural sciences’ equivalent of a Nobel Prize, in 2001

Sam Gibbons

Spring 2011, DPS

U.S. Congressman, best known for expanding an open and free trade market, value-added taxing, and his contributions to public higher education

William King

Spring 2011, DFA

An artist most popularly known for his long-legged metal sculptures

Karel Husa

Summer 2011, DM

Pulitzer Prize winner in music and a world-renown composer and conductor

John Esposito

Fall 2011, DHL

Scholar, publisher, and intellectual entrepreneur in Islamic religion and Muslim history

William Morgan

Spring 2012, DA

Scholar of architecture and archeology

William Evans

Spring 2012, DS

Leader in pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences research

James Free

Spring 2012, DHL

Medical doctor and philanthropist; contributed to the development of Gatorade.

Robert Rietti

Spring 2012, DA

Actor, playwright, director, and broadcaster

Robert Lindgren

Summer 2012, DE

President of Randolph-Macon College in Virginia and leader in higher education

Mary Ann Harn Cofrin

Fall 2012, DLitt

Local historian, volunteer and philanthropist

Daniel Lewis

Fall 2012, DFA

Dancer, choreographer and educator

Jerry Uelsmann

Fall 2012, DFA

World famous photographer