Alberta Clipper and Southern Lights (original) (raw)
Alberta Clipper Project
The Alberta Clipper Pipeline Project was mechanically complete and ready to receive oil into the pipeline as of April 1, 2010; line fill was complete in October 2010.
Although the construction of Alberta Clipper is complete and the pipeline is in operation, final land restoration is still in progress. The wet weather experienced throughout the summer and fall 2010 in Manitoba and Saskatchewan delayed restoration and monitoring activities until better weather returned in the summer of 2011.
At present progress is being made it the following areas:
- The right-of-way soil conditions in Manitoba and eastern Saskatchewan dried considerably during the month of July and gave restoration crews an opportunity to address about a quarter of the necessary remedial restoration activities. As long as the soil continues to dry and the water table goes down the restoration crews will carry on making good progress.
- In Alberta and western Saskatchewan landowners have requested that outstanding restoration activities begin after crops have been harvested, which is expected to be the end of August.
Enbridge will be expanding the number of restoration crews in August and if the weather permits a quick harvest, it is anticipated that the outstanding restoration remedial activities will be completed in October.
Land restoration and cleanup are also progressing on the U.S. portion of Alberta Clipper between Neche, ND and Superior, WI. Despite wet weather, more than 90 percent of individual properties were completed before winter 2010/2011. Seeding and re-vegetation along the right-of-way resumed in spring 2011 and is expected to be completed by fall 2011.
Alberta Clipper is a 1,607-km (1,000-mile) crude oil pipeline that provides service between Hardisty, Alberta, and Superior, WI. Initial capacity is 450,000 barrels per day (bpd), with ultimate capacity of up to 800,000 bpd available.
Southern Lights Project
The new Southern Lights diluent delivery system came into service July 2010 and carries product through 2,556-kilometers (1,588-miles) of pipeline originating near Chicago and terminating in Edmonton, Alberta. (Diluent is a liquid hydrocarbon used to dilute heavy oil to make it easier to transport.) This new dedicated diluent delivery system has been achieved by reversing approximately 1,465-kilometers (910-miles) of existing pipeline – known as Line 13 – and constructing 1,091-kilometers (678-miles) of new pipeline in the U.S.
The Southern Lights Project also included the LSr Project, a new 504-kilometre (315-mile) crude oil pipeline from Cromer, Manitoba to Clearbrook,MN. This line was brought into operation in February 2009, and the line was filled with oil shortly thereafter.
Map of Projects
- [Alberta Clipper and Southern Lights map](/web/20160130231633/ Images/Projects/Maps/Clipper%5FLights%5FMap.jpg?la=en) (JPG 127 KB)
- [Alberta Clipper and Southern Lights map](/web/20160130231633/ Images/Projects/Maps/AC-SL Projects Map.pdf?la=en) (PDF 712 KB)
If you have any questions, concerns or would like more information regarding these projects, please feel free to call us.
- In Canada toll-free at 1-866-557-5576.
- In the U.S. call collect at 1-715-398-4677