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by Alexandra Scharzenberger


Mobilität gestalten statt verschenken - Ein Plädoyer für mutiges Unternehmertum

13. internationale Verkehrstag Salzburg, 30. September bis 2. Oktober 2015, WIFI Salzburg.Alternativen zum klassischen Motorisierten Individualverkehr (MIV) gibt es bereits zuhauf, und weitere technische Innovationen werden unaufhaltsam folgen. Trotzdem ersticken die Städte weiterhin im individuellen Autoverkehr. Platz und Geld für neue Straßen werden knapp, trotzdem tun sich effektive Mobilitätsalternativen schwer und kommen über Pilotvorhaben kaum hinaus.Die 13. Verkehrstage beschäftigen sich mit der Frage, woran es liegt und wie die Weiterentwicklung – auch unter Nutzung der Chancen neuer Trends – beschleunigt werden kann.Am Freitag, 2. Oktober 2015 konzentrieren sich die Salzburger Verkehrstage auf die Weiterentwicklung des Trolleybussystems. Die Stadt Salzburg feiert in diesem Jahr den 75. Geburtstag des erfolgreichen Betriebs...[more]



In response to numerous requests, the Trolleybus Committee of UITP has compiled guidelines for the design and construction of new trolleybus systems. These guidelines form a practical handbook for those authorities considering the introduction of a trolleybus system, or the extension of an existing one. This publication provides information about the issues involved in opening an intermediate electric capacity system. It also describes the methods of financing, owning, leasing and contracting for construction, management and operations. UITP members contributed to compiling the guidelines. This information was then debated and agreed upon by the UITP Trolleybus Committee.The publication will be available on the UITP stand at the UITP World Congress in Milan or in pdf on MOBI . Download the Brochure Contact Agnès Peter[more]

Displaying results 1 to 2 out of 18


von Jürgen Lehmann & Dirk Budach

Zürich [CH] - Again six Trolleybus-routes, constant batterie-service

18.01.16 - Sorry, only German Text available at time! ... more

Shanghai [CN] - Trolleybus line 20 extended!

11.01.16 - Since the city authorities abandoned previous plans to scrap the urban trolleybus network and instead have committed to electric bus transit, the local fleet has been modernized and one line extended by 1.5 km. As of 9 January 2016, route 20 has been prolonged along newly fitted catenary, thus terminating at East China University of Law and Political Science instead of the previous end point Zhongshan Park. This enhanced trolleybus service replaces autobus route 921, which has run along Nanjing Road as a booster service for the well patronized trolleybus lines 20 and 27 since 1988. Because the ... more

Solingen [DE] - Looking for four Batterie-/trolleybuses for Solingen

04.01.16 - Sorry, only German Text available at time! ... more

Hangzhou [CN] - Fourth trolleybus line launched

04.01.16 - Following the successful electrification of line 188 just in time for the International Car Free Day on 22 September, a fourth urban trolleybus line was officially inaugurated on 20 December 2015. The new trolleybus route 153 covers the previous alignment of the diesel bus line 333. For roughly 50% of the way, the trolleybuses on the new line run under previously existing catenary, the rest of the journey is then made in battery mode. In other words, no new power lines were put up as part of the expansion of the local trolleybus network. Quite to the contrary, the capacity of the substations ... more

Trolleybus-Systems WorldWide

Here you can find the overview of all active and inactive trolleybus-systems world-wide.

Das "TROLLEY" - Video

The TROLLEY movie is another piece of the puzzle of the promotion activities of the "TROLLEY"-project to shape a new and more positive image of trolleybuses in Europe. The movie is based on interviews with local and regional stakeholders, which were performed in the TROLLEY partner cities Salzburg (Austria), Brno (Czech Republic), Eberswalde (Germany), Parma (Italy), Gdynia (Poland) and Szeged (Hungary). The movie highlights advantages of trolleybuses and raises hopes in what could be improved in the future to raise awareness of trolleybuses as smart, clean and green solution for urban public transportation. Watch it on YouTube.