Home of Ichneumonoidea (original) (raw)
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- A taxon identifier is composed of name, author, year and attribute, all separated by a blank. These are all extracted from the original publication.
- The name is reproduced exactly as proposed in the original publication. The name of a genus is made up of one word and species made up of two words (genus and species) separated by a blank.
- The author's name is made up of a string of letters, with no blanks, and multiple authors' names are separated by a comma. Spelling of author's name is based on the original publication. If there are more than three authors, only the names of the first two authors are shown, followed by ",+" and the number of omitted authors.
- Year is the year of publication.
- Attribute is enclosed in square brackets. This is rarely needed, but to differentiate homo-identifiers, this will contain the page, line or plate number of original publication.
- All diacritic marks, hyphens, and apostrophes are eliminated, thus only the following characters are used: A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9, blank, comma, and opening and closing square brackets. Although upper and lower cases are used for the convenience of human recognition, it is not case sensitive.
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To search for a taxonomic name:
- Click on the Index icon to show the taxonomic index
- Enter a search phrase in the search box on the top left panel and click on "GO" (or just press ) to go to the requested position on the index list.
- The index will be uploaded to start with the closest match found.
- Use the page up [pgup], page down [pgdn], line up [lnup] and line down [lndn] buttons to navigate the index.
- Double click any item on the index to show information about the taxon on this panel.
To search for a reference (only available for the Ichneumonoidea taxonomic group)
Same as the above except you should click on the Reference icon to bring up the reference index.
The icons
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Created by Dicky Sick Ki Yu 1997-2012
Please send me information about errors and omissions (contact information)
with supporting references, possibly with pdf or hard copy.