Gregorian * Indian calendar converter (original) (raw)
With a number of religious calendars in use in India, the Indian government in 1957 adopted a National Calendar of India for civil purposes and a standardised computation of the religious calendar based on astronomical observations. The civil calendar is based on the Shalivahana lunisolar calendar with a New Year's day festival called Ugadi in the Deccan region of India and Gudi Padwa in Maharashtra state. The first month, Caitra, is 30 days long with an extra day added in leap years. The next five months have 31 days, then rest have 30 days. Leap years in the Indian calendar match the Gregorian calendar. Years in the Indian calendar are counted from the equinox of 22nd March, 79 CE which is 1st Caitra, year 1 in the Saka Era. The re-formed Indian calendar began with Saka Era, 1st Caitra, 1879, corresponding to 22nd March, 1957. Days begin at sunrise. Gregorian Day: Month: Year: Before Dawn Weekday: Weekday: 1 January 7 July 2 February 8 August 3 March 9 September 4 April 10 October 5 May 11 November 6 June 12 December 1 Caitra 7 Asvina 2 Vaisãkha 8 Kãrtika 3 Jyaistha 9 Agrahayana 4 Asãdha 10 Pausa 5 Srãvana 11 Mãgha 6 Bhãdra 12 Phãlguna |