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United Council for Neurologic Subspecialties

201 Chicago Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55415
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Continuous-Certification Details Released

After over a year of careful evaluation and development, the UCNS is proud to unveil the details to begin the transition to Continuous-certification (C-cert). The new C-cert model is designed to provide a more timely, relevant, and convenient means for physicians to maintain UCNS certification. Get the details:

Neurocritical Care Certification Application Period Opens with Practice Track

The application period for the 2019 UCNS Neurocritical Care Certification Examination is now open. The practice track has reopened providing a pathway to certification for physicians who have been practicing in the subspecialty and meet the practice time and training criteria. Early deadline for application submission is July 1. The examination will take place during the week of December 9-13, 2019.

Congratulations New Neuroimaging Diplomates

The United Council for Neurologic Subspecialties (UCNS) is pleased to announce the names of the physicians who passed the 2019 UCNS Neuroimaging Certification Examination. Demonstrating their expert knowledge in Neuroimaging, 13 physicians passed the certification examination and now hold the distinction of being UCNS Diplomates. There are currently 199 physicians certified in Neuroimaging.

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Want to receive the most recent UCNS certification and accreditation announcements and information? Sign up for the monthly electronic newsletter UCNS Update.

UCNS Accreditation Applications Due June 1

Applications are now being accepted until June 1, 2019, from programs seeking accreditation in any of the nine UCNS-recognized neurologic subspecialty areas. New applications received by the June 1 deadline will be reviewed for approval in the fall of 2019. The next deadline for program applications will be December 1, 2019, for a spring 2020 application review. To begin the accreditation application process, programs must first request access to the online application. Additional information and training program requirements are available in the accreditation hyperlinks above for each subspecialty or by contacting Amanda Carpenter, Senior Manager, Accreditation at acarpenter@ucns.org or (612) 928- 6065.


UCNS Embarks on Development of New Continuous Certification Model

With the changing landscape of maintenance of certification (MOC), alternative models for recertification are emerging. The UCNS Board of Directors focused their recent strategic planning session on evaluating the UCNS recertification process. After careful evaluation of alternative models of MOC and feedback obtained through a survey of UCNS diplomates, the UCNS will embark on the development of a new continuous certification model that aligns with life-long learning and online knowledge assessment. Preliminary information is available in the official press release.


UCNS Certification Recognition Resources Now Available

Promote your UCNS certification using new certification recognition resources. UCNS diplomates will find useful tools to educate the medical community, referral sources, institutions, and patients on the value of their UCNS neurologic subspecialty certification:
