Juan Espindola | National Autonomus University of Mexico (original) (raw)

Books by Juan Espindola

Research paper thumbnail of Estudio para elaborar una propuesta de política pública en materia de justicia transicional en México

CIDE, 2018

México vive desde hace varios años un fenómeno de violencia a gran escala. Las víctimas se cuenta... more México vive desde hace varios años un fenómeno de violencia a gran escala. Las víctimas se cuentan por miles. Esta grave situación y sus consecuencias no han podido ser atendidas desde las instituciones y mecanismos ordinarios de justicia. La respuesta que muchos países han dado a problemas similares es el diseño e implementación de una política de justicia transicional (JT). La coyuntura del cambio de administración en el ámbito federal ha abierto la discusión pública sobre esta materia.
Consciente de esta situación y de sus repercusiones en la garantía de los derechos de las personas en nuestro país, particularmente de las víctimas, la Comisión Nacional de los Derechos Humanos (CNDH), en ejercicio de su mandato constitucional y legal, encargó al Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE) el presente estudio, el cual, ofrece un marco conceptual comparado para mejorar la comprensión del contenido y alcance de la JT. Además, con base en la mejor información disponible, realiza un ejercicio para identificar los diferentes tipos de violencia que sufre el país y concluye con un conjunto de recomendaciones para diseñar una política pública de JT para México.
Conviene señalar desde el inicio el alcance de este documento. El estudio debe entenderse sólo como un insu- mo para comprender la complejidad, alternativas, dilemas, límites y problemas relacionados con el eventual diseño, implementación y evaluación de una política pública en materia de JT. Lo que se ofrece es un esfuerzo por delimitarla y exponer un menú de las distintas herramientas consideradas relevantes y adaptadas al con- texto mexicano. El propósito es contribuir a informar el debate público y aportar elementos para la toma de decisiones que el país requiere con urgencia.

Research paper thumbnail of Transitional Justice After German Reunification: Exposing Unofficial Collaborators

Research paper thumbnail of El hombre que lo podía todo, todo, todo: Ensayo sobre el mito presidencial en México

Papers by Juan Espindola

Research paper thumbnail of El valor de la escolarización en estudiantes de preparatorias de élite de la Ciudad de México

Revista Electrónica de Investigación Educativa, 2019

Este trabajo examina el valor de la escolarización en estudiantes de preparatorias de élite de la... more Este trabajo examina el valor de la escolarización en estudiantes de preparatorias de élite de la Ciudad de México. En primer lugar, el artículo documenta el hecho de que el rendimiento académico de estos alumnos es bajo si se le compara con el de estudiantes de nivel socioeconómico similar en otros países, y si se toman como base de evaluación sus resultados en pruebas estandarizadas nacionales. Obviamente, el rendimiento académico poco satisfactorio de estos estudiantes, que asisten a instituciones privadas con recursos abundantes, no puede atribuirse a la precariedad económica y la consiguiente falta de oportunidades educativas. En el documento se explora la hipótesis de que para los jóvenes de este círculo social, que cuentan con un vasto patrimonio heredado, el mérito y el talento educativo no juegan un papel central en su concepción de desarrollo profesional o de vida. A efecto de sustentar esta hipótesis, se examina el valor que tanto padres de familia como directores de escu...

Research paper thumbnail of Bargaining for the disappeared? Rewarding perpetrators in transitional justice contexts

Journal of Social Philosophy

Рахман М. С., Заіка О. В. Аналіз зовнішньоекономічної діяльності України та структури експортно-і... more Рахман М. С., Заіка О. В. Аналіз зовнішньоекономічної діяльності України та структури експортно-імпортних операцій з пластиковими трубами Поліетилен (ПЕ) та полівінілхлорид (ПВХ) використовуються в багатьох галузях людської діяльності, у виробництві різноманітних товарів-переважно на основі імпортної сировини. Це виробництво майже повністю орієнтовано на внутрішнє споживання, а цінова політика напряму залежить від митних зборів і податків. На українському ринку присутні готові вироби імпортного виробництва, з підвищеними технічними характеристиками, зокрема трубна продукція з полімерних матеріалів. Метою статті є дослідження обсягів та структури експортно-імпортних операцій України по групі «Полімерні матеріали, пластмаси та вироби з них», виявлення проблем і перспектив українських виробників трубної продукції та їх участі в зовнішньоекономічній діяльності. Проведено аналіз структурних зрушень обсягів та балансу зовнішньої торгівлі товарами та послугами України в динаміці; визначено обсяги експортно-імпортних операцій товарами; розраховано середні показники за період. Охарактеризовано участь українських підприємств у здійсненні зовнішньоекономічної діяльності: кількість, регіональне розміщення на території країни та середній обсяг операцій. Проаналізовано обсяги та динаміка експортно-імпортних операцій по групі 39 «Пластмаси, полімерні матеріали», товарна та географічна структура. Розглянуто основних виробників готової полімерно-трубної продукції та виробників вітчизняної сировини, їх частку в реалізації товарів на зовнішньому ринку; основних постачальників імпортної сировини та вплив зміни митних тарифів та зборів на ціни. Розраховано діапазон середніх експортно-імпортних цін за 1 кг поліетиленових труб за п'ятіркою країн. Виявлено проблеми ринку та надано рекомендації.

Research paper thumbnail of Bargaining with criminals: The morality of witness collaboration in Mexico's “war on drugs”

Theoretical Criminology

Public authorities take considerable and oftentimes controversial steps in their efforts to disma... more Public authorities take considerable and oftentimes controversial steps in their efforts to dismantle criminal organizations involved in drug trafficking and related crimes in Mexico. Among other things, they recruit offenders who abandon their criminal organization and strike a deal with law enforcement agents and prosecutors to share information about their co-perpetrators in exchange for leniency in sentencing as well as of protection from retaliation. This article explores whether the deployment of collaborators is morally permissible in view of the significant risks it exposes them to, most notably retaliatory aggressions. The article examines the underlying philosophical problem regarding the justifiability of deploying collaborators in the social and political circumstances prevailing in the country. The normative framework I advance to explore the Mexican case can be useful in examining the ethical implications of using collaborating witnesses elsewhere.

Research paper thumbnail of El hombre que lo podía todo, todo, todo: ensayo sobre el mito presidencial en México

Research paper thumbnail of Conclusion: Thou All-Spying Knave, of All Deeds of Shame

Research paper thumbnail of Amnesty and False Beliefs

The Journal of Value Inquiry, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of The ethics of return migration and education: transnational duties in migratory processes

Journal of Global Ethics, 2018

This paper argues that most prominent normative theories on immigration neglect a critical dimens... more This paper argues that most prominent normative theories on immigration neglect a critical dimension of the migratory phenomenon, a neglect that blinds them to important rights that, under some circumstances, immigrants ought to have as a matter of justice. Specifically, the paper argues that these theories fail to appreciate that the children of immigrant families, regardless of whether they were born in their parents' country or in the host country, should benefit from educational rights addressing needs that are particular to their situation. These children may be forced to move between these two countries. This situation generates an obligation for both states ('receiving' and 'sending') to act jointly to provide educational opportunities so that these children are fully conversant with both cultures and in both languages. Put succinctly, then, we argue that since children of immigrant families lack any certainty of permanent residence in the host society owing to the threat of deportation and the precarity of their legal status, host and home societies bear the duty to offer an education that allows them to be functional in both societies.

Research paper thumbnail of Ethical Restoration After Communal Violence: The grieving and the unrepentant

Contemporary Political Theory, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Private schooling and productivity in educational justice

Theory and Research in Education, 2017

This article examines the debate between equity theorists (Adam Swift and Harry Brighouse) and ad... more This article examines the debate between equity theorists (Adam Swift and Harry Brighouse) and adequacy theorists (Elizabeth Anderson and Debra Satz) over elite private schooling and productivity. It challenges the view, presupposed but never defended by adequacy theorists, that private schools can be justified on social productivity grounds, that is, on account of their ability to increase social wealth and thus benefit the least well-off. The article also argues against what it calls the sufficientarian productivity advantage. Contrary to what adequacy theorists claim, the equity approach does not neglect productivity considerations and, conversely, the adequacy approach exaggerates the extent to which it successfully accommodates the interest in productivity within its account of educational justice.

Research paper thumbnail of Why Historical Injustice Must be Taught in Schools

Studies in Philosophy and Education, 2016

In societies that have failed to confront past injustice, the most common justifications for the ... more In societies that have failed to confront past injustice, the most common justifications for the inclusion of history education within the school curriculum invoke the idea that those who cannot learn from the past are doomed to repeat it; or they appeal to goals such as reconciliation, or to the importance of recognizing and morally redressing the harm done to victims. These justifications are all sound and important. However, they must be supplemented with a justification of a different kind, one that appeals to a different kind of value, namely that of personal and political autonomy. When historical injustice is left unaddressed in school, so this paper argues, all children and adolescents are wronged, including those who were not involved in, or were directly affected by, past injustice. This is not simply because as a result they run the risk of repeating, or of being the victims of, behavior that caused past violence; or because without history education the harm done to their predecessors is left unacknowledged. They are wronged because ignorance of past injustice curtails the full exercise of their autonomous agency. It does so by denying them access to information that is crucial for evaluating their values and commitments. History education in schools can avoid this scenario, promoting autonomy instead.

Research paper thumbnail of A Criticism of Edmund Burke’s Conception of Patriotism

Tópicos, Revista de Filosofía, 2014

Este artículo se apoya en la literatura sobre el papel de las emociones en la filosofía de Edmund... more Este artículo se apoya en la literatura sobre el papel de las emociones en la filosofía de Edmund Burke para caracterizar su concepción del patriotismo, y para entender cómo se relaciona con otras dimensiones de su pensamiento político y estético. Más importante aún, el artículo rechaza la idea de que el patriotismo Burkeano (y su anclaje en una teoría particular de las emociones) sirva como base para articular una visión cosmopolita de la política. El trabajo hace una crítica de la concepción Burkeana del patriotismo a partir de una comparación de éste con algunas concepciones más recientes sobre el fenómeno. Primero, el artículo pone de relieve la afinidad del patriotismo Burkeano con la versión moralmente inaceptable de Alasdair MacIntyre. Después muestra su incompatibilidad con versiones menos objetables como la de Jürgen Habermas.

Research paper thumbnail of An Apology for Public Apologies?: Transitional Justice and Respect in Germany

German Studies Review, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of The Case for the Moral Permissibility of Amnesties: An Argument from Social Moral Epistemology

Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 2014

This paper makes the case for the permissibility of post-conflict amnesties, although not on prud... more This paper makes the case for the permissibility of post-conflict amnesties, although not on prudential grounds. It argues that amnesties of a certain scope, targeted to certain categories of perpetrators, and offered in certain contexts are morally permissible because they are an acknowledgment of the difficulty of attributing criminal responsibility in mass violence contexts. Based on this idea, the paper develops the further claim that deciding which amnesties are permissible and which ones are not should be decided on a case-by-case basis. Against what seems to be an increasingly popular assumption of some international actors, just as "blanket" amnesties (i.e. very broad and general amnesties that foreclose criminal prosecution for all kinds of perpetrators and all kinds of wrongdoing) are impermissible, so is an absolutist rejection of all types of amnesties.

Research paper thumbnail of Compensatory justice and the wrongs of deportation

Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 2021

The paper argues that there are resources within theories of corrective justice to make the case ... more The paper argues that there are resources within theories of corrective justice to make the case against the deportation of immigrants, including those accused of committing criminal actions. More ...

Research paper thumbnail of Estudio para elaborar una propuesta de política pública en materia de justicia transicional en México

Research paper thumbnail of Low-Fee Private Schools in Developing Nations: Some Cautionary Remarks

This paper examines and rejects two normative justifications for low-fee private schools (LFPS), ... more This paper examines and rejects two normative justifications for low-fee private schools (LFPS), whose expansion throughout the Global South in recent years has been significant. The first justification – what I shall call the ideal thesis – contends that LFPS are the best mechanism to expand access to quality education, particularly at the primary level, and that the premise of their success is that they reject educational equality and state intervention in educational affairs, traditionally associated with public schools, embracing instead educational adequacy and unregulated markets for education. Against this thesis, the paper argues that an ideal educational arrangement must not do away with educational equality and some degree of state interference. The other justification for LFPS – the secondbest thesis – contends that although LFPS do not represent the ideal state of affairs, they nonetheless bring us a step closer to the ideal of universal primary education; they are a ‘re...

Research paper thumbnail of On the morality of vaccination tourism

Bioethics, 2021

Vaccination tourism (whereby citizens of one nation travel to a different, usually more developed... more Vaccination tourism (whereby citizens of one nation travel to a different, usually more developed nation to receive a vaccine unavailable or with little availability at home) during the COVID pandemic raises a host of moral issues and is usually met with criticism. From the perspective of the society of origin, the criticism is that those who use their socio-economic privileges to go abroad and receive the vaccine ahead of other citizens instead of 'making the line' act objectionably because in doing so they use their purchasing power to obtain a benefit that should not be distributed like any other product in the market. From the perspective of the society of destination, the criticism is that citizens and residents should receive the vaccines first; after all, their government purchased vaccines (with their taxes) to immunize the local population. The paper calls into question both objections to vaccination tourism. There might be other reasons to oppose it, but this pair ...

Research paper thumbnail of Estudio para elaborar una propuesta de política pública en materia de justicia transicional en México

CIDE, 2018

México vive desde hace varios años un fenómeno de violencia a gran escala. Las víctimas se cuenta... more México vive desde hace varios años un fenómeno de violencia a gran escala. Las víctimas se cuentan por miles. Esta grave situación y sus consecuencias no han podido ser atendidas desde las instituciones y mecanismos ordinarios de justicia. La respuesta que muchos países han dado a problemas similares es el diseño e implementación de una política de justicia transicional (JT). La coyuntura del cambio de administración en el ámbito federal ha abierto la discusión pública sobre esta materia.
Consciente de esta situación y de sus repercusiones en la garantía de los derechos de las personas en nuestro país, particularmente de las víctimas, la Comisión Nacional de los Derechos Humanos (CNDH), en ejercicio de su mandato constitucional y legal, encargó al Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE) el presente estudio, el cual, ofrece un marco conceptual comparado para mejorar la comprensión del contenido y alcance de la JT. Además, con base en la mejor información disponible, realiza un ejercicio para identificar los diferentes tipos de violencia que sufre el país y concluye con un conjunto de recomendaciones para diseñar una política pública de JT para México.
Conviene señalar desde el inicio el alcance de este documento. El estudio debe entenderse sólo como un insu- mo para comprender la complejidad, alternativas, dilemas, límites y problemas relacionados con el eventual diseño, implementación y evaluación de una política pública en materia de JT. Lo que se ofrece es un esfuerzo por delimitarla y exponer un menú de las distintas herramientas consideradas relevantes y adaptadas al con- texto mexicano. El propósito es contribuir a informar el debate público y aportar elementos para la toma de decisiones que el país requiere con urgencia.

Research paper thumbnail of Transitional Justice After German Reunification: Exposing Unofficial Collaborators

Research paper thumbnail of El hombre que lo podía todo, todo, todo: Ensayo sobre el mito presidencial en México

Research paper thumbnail of El valor de la escolarización en estudiantes de preparatorias de élite de la Ciudad de México

Revista Electrónica de Investigación Educativa, 2019

Este trabajo examina el valor de la escolarización en estudiantes de preparatorias de élite de la... more Este trabajo examina el valor de la escolarización en estudiantes de preparatorias de élite de la Ciudad de México. En primer lugar, el artículo documenta el hecho de que el rendimiento académico de estos alumnos es bajo si se le compara con el de estudiantes de nivel socioeconómico similar en otros países, y si se toman como base de evaluación sus resultados en pruebas estandarizadas nacionales. Obviamente, el rendimiento académico poco satisfactorio de estos estudiantes, que asisten a instituciones privadas con recursos abundantes, no puede atribuirse a la precariedad económica y la consiguiente falta de oportunidades educativas. En el documento se explora la hipótesis de que para los jóvenes de este círculo social, que cuentan con un vasto patrimonio heredado, el mérito y el talento educativo no juegan un papel central en su concepción de desarrollo profesional o de vida. A efecto de sustentar esta hipótesis, se examina el valor que tanto padres de familia como directores de escu...

Research paper thumbnail of Bargaining for the disappeared? Rewarding perpetrators in transitional justice contexts

Journal of Social Philosophy

Рахман М. С., Заіка О. В. Аналіз зовнішньоекономічної діяльності України та структури експортно-і... more Рахман М. С., Заіка О. В. Аналіз зовнішньоекономічної діяльності України та структури експортно-імпортних операцій з пластиковими трубами Поліетилен (ПЕ) та полівінілхлорид (ПВХ) використовуються в багатьох галузях людської діяльності, у виробництві різноманітних товарів-переважно на основі імпортної сировини. Це виробництво майже повністю орієнтовано на внутрішнє споживання, а цінова політика напряму залежить від митних зборів і податків. На українському ринку присутні готові вироби імпортного виробництва, з підвищеними технічними характеристиками, зокрема трубна продукція з полімерних матеріалів. Метою статті є дослідження обсягів та структури експортно-імпортних операцій України по групі «Полімерні матеріали, пластмаси та вироби з них», виявлення проблем і перспектив українських виробників трубної продукції та їх участі в зовнішньоекономічній діяльності. Проведено аналіз структурних зрушень обсягів та балансу зовнішньої торгівлі товарами та послугами України в динаміці; визначено обсяги експортно-імпортних операцій товарами; розраховано середні показники за період. Охарактеризовано участь українських підприємств у здійсненні зовнішньоекономічної діяльності: кількість, регіональне розміщення на території країни та середній обсяг операцій. Проаналізовано обсяги та динаміка експортно-імпортних операцій по групі 39 «Пластмаси, полімерні матеріали», товарна та географічна структура. Розглянуто основних виробників готової полімерно-трубної продукції та виробників вітчизняної сировини, їх частку в реалізації товарів на зовнішньому ринку; основних постачальників імпортної сировини та вплив зміни митних тарифів та зборів на ціни. Розраховано діапазон середніх експортно-імпортних цін за 1 кг поліетиленових труб за п'ятіркою країн. Виявлено проблеми ринку та надано рекомендації.

Research paper thumbnail of Bargaining with criminals: The morality of witness collaboration in Mexico's “war on drugs”

Theoretical Criminology

Public authorities take considerable and oftentimes controversial steps in their efforts to disma... more Public authorities take considerable and oftentimes controversial steps in their efforts to dismantle criminal organizations involved in drug trafficking and related crimes in Mexico. Among other things, they recruit offenders who abandon their criminal organization and strike a deal with law enforcement agents and prosecutors to share information about their co-perpetrators in exchange for leniency in sentencing as well as of protection from retaliation. This article explores whether the deployment of collaborators is morally permissible in view of the significant risks it exposes them to, most notably retaliatory aggressions. The article examines the underlying philosophical problem regarding the justifiability of deploying collaborators in the social and political circumstances prevailing in the country. The normative framework I advance to explore the Mexican case can be useful in examining the ethical implications of using collaborating witnesses elsewhere.

Research paper thumbnail of El hombre que lo podía todo, todo, todo: ensayo sobre el mito presidencial en México

Research paper thumbnail of Conclusion: Thou All-Spying Knave, of All Deeds of Shame

Research paper thumbnail of Amnesty and False Beliefs

The Journal of Value Inquiry, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of The ethics of return migration and education: transnational duties in migratory processes

Journal of Global Ethics, 2018

This paper argues that most prominent normative theories on immigration neglect a critical dimens... more This paper argues that most prominent normative theories on immigration neglect a critical dimension of the migratory phenomenon, a neglect that blinds them to important rights that, under some circumstances, immigrants ought to have as a matter of justice. Specifically, the paper argues that these theories fail to appreciate that the children of immigrant families, regardless of whether they were born in their parents' country or in the host country, should benefit from educational rights addressing needs that are particular to their situation. These children may be forced to move between these two countries. This situation generates an obligation for both states ('receiving' and 'sending') to act jointly to provide educational opportunities so that these children are fully conversant with both cultures and in both languages. Put succinctly, then, we argue that since children of immigrant families lack any certainty of permanent residence in the host society owing to the threat of deportation and the precarity of their legal status, host and home societies bear the duty to offer an education that allows them to be functional in both societies.

Research paper thumbnail of Ethical Restoration After Communal Violence: The grieving and the unrepentant

Contemporary Political Theory, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Private schooling and productivity in educational justice

Theory and Research in Education, 2017

This article examines the debate between equity theorists (Adam Swift and Harry Brighouse) and ad... more This article examines the debate between equity theorists (Adam Swift and Harry Brighouse) and adequacy theorists (Elizabeth Anderson and Debra Satz) over elite private schooling and productivity. It challenges the view, presupposed but never defended by adequacy theorists, that private schools can be justified on social productivity grounds, that is, on account of their ability to increase social wealth and thus benefit the least well-off. The article also argues against what it calls the sufficientarian productivity advantage. Contrary to what adequacy theorists claim, the equity approach does not neglect productivity considerations and, conversely, the adequacy approach exaggerates the extent to which it successfully accommodates the interest in productivity within its account of educational justice.

Research paper thumbnail of Why Historical Injustice Must be Taught in Schools

Studies in Philosophy and Education, 2016

In societies that have failed to confront past injustice, the most common justifications for the ... more In societies that have failed to confront past injustice, the most common justifications for the inclusion of history education within the school curriculum invoke the idea that those who cannot learn from the past are doomed to repeat it; or they appeal to goals such as reconciliation, or to the importance of recognizing and morally redressing the harm done to victims. These justifications are all sound and important. However, they must be supplemented with a justification of a different kind, one that appeals to a different kind of value, namely that of personal and political autonomy. When historical injustice is left unaddressed in school, so this paper argues, all children and adolescents are wronged, including those who were not involved in, or were directly affected by, past injustice. This is not simply because as a result they run the risk of repeating, or of being the victims of, behavior that caused past violence; or because without history education the harm done to their predecessors is left unacknowledged. They are wronged because ignorance of past injustice curtails the full exercise of their autonomous agency. It does so by denying them access to information that is crucial for evaluating their values and commitments. History education in schools can avoid this scenario, promoting autonomy instead.

Research paper thumbnail of A Criticism of Edmund Burke’s Conception of Patriotism

Tópicos, Revista de Filosofía, 2014

Este artículo se apoya en la literatura sobre el papel de las emociones en la filosofía de Edmund... more Este artículo se apoya en la literatura sobre el papel de las emociones en la filosofía de Edmund Burke para caracterizar su concepción del patriotismo, y para entender cómo se relaciona con otras dimensiones de su pensamiento político y estético. Más importante aún, el artículo rechaza la idea de que el patriotismo Burkeano (y su anclaje en una teoría particular de las emociones) sirva como base para articular una visión cosmopolita de la política. El trabajo hace una crítica de la concepción Burkeana del patriotismo a partir de una comparación de éste con algunas concepciones más recientes sobre el fenómeno. Primero, el artículo pone de relieve la afinidad del patriotismo Burkeano con la versión moralmente inaceptable de Alasdair MacIntyre. Después muestra su incompatibilidad con versiones menos objetables como la de Jürgen Habermas.

Research paper thumbnail of An Apology for Public Apologies?: Transitional Justice and Respect in Germany

German Studies Review, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of The Case for the Moral Permissibility of Amnesties: An Argument from Social Moral Epistemology

Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 2014

This paper makes the case for the permissibility of post-conflict amnesties, although not on prud... more This paper makes the case for the permissibility of post-conflict amnesties, although not on prudential grounds. It argues that amnesties of a certain scope, targeted to certain categories of perpetrators, and offered in certain contexts are morally permissible because they are an acknowledgment of the difficulty of attributing criminal responsibility in mass violence contexts. Based on this idea, the paper develops the further claim that deciding which amnesties are permissible and which ones are not should be decided on a case-by-case basis. Against what seems to be an increasingly popular assumption of some international actors, just as "blanket" amnesties (i.e. very broad and general amnesties that foreclose criminal prosecution for all kinds of perpetrators and all kinds of wrongdoing) are impermissible, so is an absolutist rejection of all types of amnesties.

Research paper thumbnail of Compensatory justice and the wrongs of deportation

Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 2021

The paper argues that there are resources within theories of corrective justice to make the case ... more The paper argues that there are resources within theories of corrective justice to make the case against the deportation of immigrants, including those accused of committing criminal actions. More ...

Research paper thumbnail of Estudio para elaborar una propuesta de política pública en materia de justicia transicional en México

Research paper thumbnail of Low-Fee Private Schools in Developing Nations: Some Cautionary Remarks

This paper examines and rejects two normative justifications for low-fee private schools (LFPS), ... more This paper examines and rejects two normative justifications for low-fee private schools (LFPS), whose expansion throughout the Global South in recent years has been significant. The first justification – what I shall call the ideal thesis – contends that LFPS are the best mechanism to expand access to quality education, particularly at the primary level, and that the premise of their success is that they reject educational equality and state intervention in educational affairs, traditionally associated with public schools, embracing instead educational adequacy and unregulated markets for education. Against this thesis, the paper argues that an ideal educational arrangement must not do away with educational equality and some degree of state interference. The other justification for LFPS – the secondbest thesis – contends that although LFPS do not represent the ideal state of affairs, they nonetheless bring us a step closer to the ideal of universal primary education; they are a ‘re...

Research paper thumbnail of On the morality of vaccination tourism

Bioethics, 2021

Vaccination tourism (whereby citizens of one nation travel to a different, usually more developed... more Vaccination tourism (whereby citizens of one nation travel to a different, usually more developed nation to receive a vaccine unavailable or with little availability at home) during the COVID pandemic raises a host of moral issues and is usually met with criticism. From the perspective of the society of origin, the criticism is that those who use their socio-economic privileges to go abroad and receive the vaccine ahead of other citizens instead of 'making the line' act objectionably because in doing so they use their purchasing power to obtain a benefit that should not be distributed like any other product in the market. From the perspective of the society of destination, the criticism is that citizens and residents should receive the vaccines first; after all, their government purchased vaccines (with their taxes) to immunize the local population. The paper calls into question both objections to vaccination tourism. There might be other reasons to oppose it, but this pair ...

Research paper thumbnail of Ethical Restoration after Communal Violence: The Grieving and the Unrepentant

Contemporary political ethics has to face the question of how to repair relations which have brok... more Contemporary political ethics has to face the question of how to repair relations which have broken down after crimes, oppression, and political violence. The book employs the work of European and feminist philosophers, including Jacques Derrida, Albert Camus, Simone Beauvoir, Hannah Arendt, Karl Jaspers, Jean-Paul Sartre, Giorgio Agamben, Immanuel Kant, Jean Améry, Vladimir Jankélévitch, Margaret Urban Walker and Linda Radzik to engage with historical and recent cases: the post-liberation French purge, post-genocide Rwanda and post-colonial Australia and draws out the negative and positive conditions of ethical political responses in these contexts. It develops a philosophical account of ethical restoration through focusing on just punishment, guilt and shame, rebuilding political trust, forgiveness and reconciliation, remorse and atonement, and self-forgiveness.

Research paper thumbnail of The ethics of return migration and education: transnational duties in migratory processes The ethics of return migration and education: transnational duties in migratory processes

To cite this article: Juan Espindola & Mónica Jacobo-Suárez (2018) The ethics of return migration... more To cite this article: Juan Espindola & Mónica Jacobo-Suárez (2018) The ethics of return migration and education: transnational duties in migratory processes, Journal of Global Ethics, 14:1, 54-70, ABSTRACT This paper argues that most prominent normative theories on immigration neglect a critical dimension of the migratory phenomenon, a neglect that blinds them to important rights that, under some circumstances, immigrants ought to have as a matter of justice. Specifically, the paper argues that these theories fail to appreciate that the children of immigrant families, regardless of whether they were born in their parents' country or in the host country, should benefit from educational rights addressing needs that are particular to their situation. These children may be forced to move between these two countries. This situation generates an obligation for both states ('receiving' and 'sending') to act jointly to provide educational opportunities so that these chil...

Research paper thumbnail of The Problem of Historical Rectification for Rawlsian Theory

Res Publica, 2014

In this paper we claim that Rawls’s theory is compatible with the absence of rectification of ext... more In this paper we claim that Rawls’s theory is compatible with the absence of rectification of extremely important historical injustices within a given society. We hold that adding a new principle to justice-as-fairness may amend this problem. There are four possible objections to our claim: First, that historical rectification is not required by justice. Second, that, even when historical rectification is a matter of justice, it is not a matter of distributive justice, so that Rawls’s theory is justified in leaving it unaddressed. Third, that dealing with historical injustice is outside of the scope of ideal theory, so that even when historical rectification is required by justice, Rawls’s theory starts with the assumption that no such historical injustice has occurred. Fourth, that while historical injustice is within the scope of Rawls’s theory, there is no need for further principles of justice to deal with it, so that the correct regulation of the principles of justice-as-fairness would ensure the rectification of all relevant historical injustices of a particular society. While we offer several arguments against the first and second objections, we address the last two at length and show that both fail.