Resolving Core Issue #1331 (const mismatch with defaulted copy constructor) (original) (raw)

Document number: P0641R2
Date: 2017-11-08
Project: Programming Language C++
Audience: Core Working Group
Reply-to: Daniel Krügler, Botond Ballo

Revision History

Changes since P0641R1:

Changes since P0641R0:


If you have a class with a copy constructor whose parameter type is reference-to-nonconst:

struct MyType { MyType(MyType&); // no 'const' };

and you try to aggregate it in a class that has a defaulted copy constructor with the usual signature:

template <typename T> struct Wrapper { Wrapper(const Wrapper&) = default; T t; }; Wrapper<MyType> var; // fails to instantiate

the resulting type is ill-formed, even if it is never used in a context where the copy constructor is required.

The authors believe this is unnecessarily restrictive; one should be able to use Wrapper<MyType> as long as one does not try to copy it.

std::tuple is an example of a wrapper type which suffers from this problem in popular implementations.


The relevant standard wording can be found in 11.4.2 [dcl.fct.def.default] paragraph 1 (emphasis ours):

  1. [...] A function that is explicitly defaulted shall:

In the case of Wrapper<MyType>, the implicitly declared copy constructor would have the parameter typeWrapper<MyType>& per 15.8.1 [class.copy.ctor] paragraph 7, so an explicitly defaulted copy constructor with the parameter type const Wrapper<MyType>& is ill-formed.

Proposed Resolution

This proposal suggests that if the declared type of an explicitly defaulted function is not the same as if it had been implicitly declared, then it be defined as deleted, rather than being ill-formed. Exceptions are made for two cases where it's desirable for a defaulted definition to remain ill-formed: an assignment operator with a mismatched return type, and an assignment operator with a parameter type that's not a reference.

Proposed Wording

Change 11.4.2 [dcl.fct.def.default] paragraph 1 as indicated:

  1. [...] A function that is explicitly defaulted shall:

Add a new paragraph below 11.4.2 [dcl.fct.def.default] paragraph 1:

The type of an explicitly defaulted function is allowed to differ from the type it would have if it were implicitly declared, as follows:

Delete 11.4.2 [dcl.fct.def.default] paragraph 3:

  1. If a function that is explicitly defaulted is declared with a noexcept-specifier that does not produce the same exception specification as the implicit declaration ([except.spec]), then

Issues Resolved

This proposal would resolve Core Issues #1331and #1426, both of which are in Extension status, and are tracked by corresponding Evolution Issues #101 and#103, respectively.