P1099R5: Using Enum (original) (raw)

1. Revision History

2. Status of this paper

This paper has been approved by CWG in Cologne 2019 for C++20 after being approved by EWG in Kona 2019 (ship vehicle C++20).

3. Motivation

The single biggest deterrent to use of scoped enumerations is the inability to associate them with a using directive.

— Dan Saks

Consider an enum class:

enum class rgba_color_channel { red, green, blue, alpha };

Currently, a switch using this enum looks as follows:

std::string_view to_string(rgba_color_channel channel) { switch (channel) { case rgba_color_channel::red: return "red"; case rgba_color_channel::green: return "green"; case rgba_color_channel::blue: return "blue"; case rgba_color_channel::alpha: return "alpha"; } }

The necessary repetition of the enum class name reduces legibility by introducing noise in contexts where said name is obvious.

To eliminate the noise penalty for introducing long (but descriptive) enum class names, this paper proposes that the statement

using enum rgba_color_channel;

introduce the enumerator identifiers into the local scope, so they may be referred to unqualified.

Furthermore, the syntax

using rgba_color_channel::red;

should bring the identifier red into the local scope, so it may be used unqualified.

The above example would then be written as

std::string_view to_string(rgba_color_channel channel) { switch (my_channel) { using enum rgba_color_channel; case red: return "red"; case green: return "green"; case blue: return "blue"; case alpha: return "alpha"; } }

4. Rationale

4.1. Consistency

enum classes and enums are not classes - they are closer to namespaces comprising static constexpr inline variables. The familiar using syntax that works for namespaces should therefore apply to them as well, in some fashion. Because they are closed, small, and do not contain overload sets, we can do better than the using-directive does for namespaces, and actually get the identifiers into the local scope, which is what the user expects.

4.2. Better Identifiers

The introduction of this feature would allow better naming of enumerations. Currently, enums are named with as short an identifier as possible, often to the point of absurdity, when they are reduced to completely nondescriptive abbreviations that only hint at their proper meaning. (Just what does zfqc::add_op really mean?)

With this feature, identifiers become available to unqualified lookup in local contexts where their source is obvious, giving control of lookup style back to the user of the enum, instead of baking lookup semantics into the type of the enum.

4.3. Evidence of Need

At a casual search, we were able to locate this thread on stackoverflow.

Anecdotally, 100% of people the authors have shown this to (~30) at CppCon have displayed a very enthusiastic response, with frequent comments of "I’d use enum classes but they are too verbose, this solves my problem!"

5. Proposal

5.1. Syntax: using ENUM_ID::IDENTIFIER

We propose to allow the syntax of


to introduce the IDENTIFIER into the local namespace, aliasing ENUM_ID::IDENTIFIER.

This would mirror the current syntax for introducing namespaced names into the current scope.

Note: this does not conflict with [P0945R0], because that paper only deals with the syntax using name = id-expression, which duplicates the enumerator name.

5.2. Syntax: using enum IDENTIFIER

We propose the addition of a new using enum statement:

using enum IDENTIFIER;

This makes all the enumerators of the enum available for lookup in the local scope. It’s almost as if it expanded to a series of using ENUM::ENUMERATOR statements for every enumerator in the enum, but doesn’t actually introduce any declarations into the local scope.

(Note: this was changed from "works as a using-directive" to the current way with a strong direction poll from EWG.)

6. Examples

6.1. Strongly typed enums with global identifiers

This proposal lets you make strongly-typed enums still export their identifiers to namespace scope, therefore behaving like the old enums in that respect:

namespace my_lib {

enum class errcode { SUCCESS = 0, ENOMEM = 1, EAGAIN = 2, ETOOSLOW = 3 }; using enum errcode; // import enumerators into namespace


namespace NS {

my_lib::errcode get_widget() { using namespace my_lib; return ETOOSLOW; // works, and conversions to int don’t. }


6.2. Switching with no syntax overhead

The proposal allows for importing enums inside the switch body, which is a scope, and using them for labels:

enum class rgba_color_channel { red, green, blue, alpha};

std::string_view to_string(rgba_color_channel channel) { switch (my_channel) { using enum rgba_color_channel; case red: return "red"; case green: return "green"; case blue: return "blue"; case alpha: return "alpha"; } }

6.3. Adding ADL-only Functions to Enumerations:

The proposal allows for adding ADL-only functions to enumerations without enumerators (supported now) and enumerators (currently not supported):

namespace ns { struct E_detail { enum E { e1 }; friend void swap(E&, E&); // adl-only swap in the only associated scope of the enum }; using E = E_detail::E; // import E into ns using enum E; // expose the enumerators of E in ns. Also note the direct reference to E. }

int main() { auto x = ns::e1; auto y = ns::e2; swap(x, y); // finds the swap in the associated struct }

This example was slightly modified from Eric Niebler’s on the lib mailing list when trying to find a way to make std::begin and std::end CPOs in a backwards-compatible fashion.

7. Frequently Asked Questions

7.1. Has this been implemented?

Yes. The author has an implementation in clang. It has not been reviewed or released yet, however. There do not seem to be major issues with implementation. In particular, the using ENUM::IDENTIFIER syntax literally entailed removing a condition from an if-statement, and that was it.

7.2. Can I do this with unscoped enums?

Yes. The motivation for that is the pattern

class foo { enum bar { A, B, C }; };

which was superceeded by scoped enums. With the feature this paper proposes one can bring A, B and C into the local scope by invoking:

using enum ::foo::bar;

7.3. Are you proposing mirroring the namespace alias syntax as well?

No. We already have a way to do that, and it looks like this:

using my_alias = my::name_space::enum_name;

In addition, [P0945R0] proposes deprecating namespace aliases in favor of generalized using name = id_expression, so doing this would go counter the current movement of the standard.

7.4. Why not allow using enum struct/class ENUM_ID;?

Because would have been a needless complication and would introduce another layer of "struct and class don’t match" linter errors that current classes and structs already have with forward declarations.

7.5. Why propose using ENUM_ID::IDENTIFIER at all?

... given that the following already works:

constexpr auto red = rgba_color_channel::red;

and that, given [P0945R0], this will work:

using red = rgba_color_channel::red;

The reason is "DRY" - don’t repeat yourself - one is forced to repeat the name of the enumerator. That said, the authors are perfectly willing to throw this part of the paper out if the using enum ENUM_ID piece gets consensus and this is the stumbling block.

8. Clarifications for Special Cases

This section lists additional clarifications that may help inform the the wording.

8.1. [namespace.udecl] p3

Interplays with [namespace.udecl] p10:

enum E { x }; struct S { enum H { y }; enum class K { z }; using E::x; // OK, introduces x into S using E::x; // error, redeclaration in class scope using H::y; // error, redeclaration in class scope using K::z; // OK, introduces z into S };

In declarative regions which do allow multiple declarations, however:

enum E { x }; namespace NS { enum H { y }; enum class K { z }; using E::x; // OK, introduces x into NS using E::x; // OK, just a redeclaration of the same entity using H::y; // OK, redeclaration of the same entity using K::z; // OK, introduces z into NS };

8.2. [namespace.udecl] p8

This change is meant to allow the introduction of class members that are enumerators into non-class scope. Consider this example:

struct S { enum E { x }; enum class EC { y }; using EC::y; };

void f() { using S::x; // OK x; // resolves to S::E::x; using S::y; // OK y; // resolves to S::EC::y; }

8.3. Commas in the using declaration

Since the grammar of the using declaration is not changed, it is valid to import multiple enumerators at the same time:

enum class E { a, b, c }; using E::a, E::b, E::c; // OK, imports all three

8.4. Commas in the using-enum-declaration

Since "using namespace" does not allow them, this paper did not propose allowing the listing of several enumeration names in the using-enum-declaration.

8.5. Names using-enum-declaration introduces

The using-enum-declaration only introduces the names of the enumerators into the declarative region where it appears. It does not introduce the name of the enumeration it names.


struct B { enum class E { x }; }; enum class H { y }; struct C : B { using enum B::E; // OK, introduces E::x into C using enum H; // OK, introduces y into C. Does not introduce H };

9. Proposed Wording

9.1. Preface

The idea is that the identifiers appear as if they were declared in the declarative region where the using-enum-declaration appears, and not model the using-directive’s "enclosing namespace" wording.

All wording is relative to the working draft of the ISO/IEC IS 14882: N4765, though, as it is almost entirely additive, it is also a valid diff to N4800.

9.2. Changes

Under [namespace.udecl]:

  1. In a using-declaration used as a member-declaration, each using-declarator 's shall either name an enumerator or have a nested-name-specifier shall name naming a base class of the class being defined. [Example:
    enum class button { up, down };
    struct S {
    using button::up;
    button b = up; // OK
    _-- end example_] 7. A using-declaration shall not name a scoped enumerator.
  2. A using-declaration that names a class member other than an enumerator shall be a member-declaration.

Under [dcl.dcl], in [dcl.enum], add subclause titled "Using Enum Declaration", with the stable reference "[enum.udecl]".



elaborated-enum-specifier ;

  1. The elaborated-enum-specifier shall not name a dependent type and the type shall have a reachable enum-specifier.
  2. A using-enum-declaration introduces the enumerator names of the named enumeration as if by a using-declaration for each enumerator.

[Note: A using-enum-declaration in class scope adds the enumerators of the named enumeration as members to the scope. This means they are accessible for member lookup. [Example:

enum class fruit { orange, apple }; struct S { using enum fruit; // OK, introduces orange and apple into S }; void f() { S s; s.orange; // OK, names fruit::orange S::orange; // OK, names fruit::orange }

_-- end example_]

Two _using-enum-declaration_s that introduce two enumerators of the same name conflict. [Example:

enum class fruit { orange, apple }; enum class color { red, orange }; void f() { using enum fruit; // OK using enum color; // error, color::orange and fruit::orange conflict }

_-- end example_] _-- end note_]

Under [basic.def], add (just after using-directive) (and renumber section):

2.17. — it is a using-enum-declaration

In [dcl.dcl], under block-declaration:


In [class.mem], under member-declaration:


In [dcl.type.elab]:

enum nested-name-specifieropt identifier

enum nested-name-specifieropt identifier

To table 17 (Feature-test macros), add the feature test macro:

Name Value
__cpp_using_enum PLACEHOLDER DATE

The PLACEHOLDER DATE should be replaced with the appropriate integral constant of type long.

10. Acknowledgements

(Alphabetically, by first name)