consteval needs to propagate up (original) (raw)


Revision History

Since [P2564R2], added a feature-test macro.

Since [P2564R1], updated wording to account for aggregate initialization.

Since [P2564R0], many wording changes and added lots of examples.


[P1240R2] proposes that we should use a monotype, std::meta::info, as part of a value-based reflection. One argument here is that lots of operations return ranges of meta::info and it would be valuable if we could simply reuse our plethora of existing range algorithms for these use-cases.

Let’s investigate this claim.

We don’t need a working implementation of P1240 to test this, it’s enough to have this very, very loose approximation:

namespace std::meta {
   struct info { int value; };

   consteval auto is_invalid(info i) -> bool {
       // we do not tolerate the cult of even here
       return i.value % 2 == 0;

And let’s pick a simple problem. We start some sequence of… we’ll call them types:

constexpr std::meta::info types[] = {1, 3, 5};

We want to ensure that none of them are invalid. This is a problem for which we have a direct algorithm: none_of. Let’s try using it:

Attempt Result
static_assert(std::ranges::none_of( types, std::meta::is_invalid )); ❌. Ill-formed per []/4: 4 A potentially-evaluated id-expression that denotes an immediate function shall appear only (4.1) as a subexpression of an immediate invocation, or (4.2) in an immediate function context. Neither of those cases apply here.
static_assert(std::ranges::none_of( types, [](std::meta::info i) { return std::meta::is_invalid(i); } )); ❌. Ill-formed per 7.7 [expr.const]/13: 13 An expression or conversion is in an immediate function context if it is potentially evaluated and either: (13.1) its innermost enclosing non-block scope is a function parameter scope of an immediate function, or (13.2) its enclosing statement is enclosed ([stmt.pre]) by the compound-statement of a consteval if statement ([stmt.if]). An expression or conversion is an immediate invocation if it is a potentially-evaluated explicit or implicit invocation of an immediate function and is not in an immediate function context. An immediate invocation shall be a constant expression. std::meta::is_invalid is an immediate function, the call to it in the lambda is not in an immediate function context, so it’s an immediate invocation. But std::meta::is_invalid(i) isn’t a constant expression, because of the parameter i here.
static_assert(std::ranges::none_of( types, [](std::meta::info i) consteval { return std::meta::is_invalid(i); } )); ❌. Ill-formed per 7.7 [expr.const]/13 again. This time the lambda itself is fine, but now invoking the lambda from inside of std::ranges::none_of is the problem.
static_assert(std::ranges::none_of( types, +[](std::meta::info i) consteval { return std::meta::is_invalid(i); } )); ❌. Ill-formed per 7.7 [expr.const]/11: 11 A constant expression is either a glvalue core constant expression that refers to an entity that is a permitted result of a constant expression (as defined below), or a prvalue core constant expression whose value satisfies the following constraints: (11.1) if the value is an object of class type, each non-static data member of reference type refers to an entity that is a permitted result of a constant expression, (11.2) if the value is of pointer type, it contains the address of an object with static storage duration, the address past the end of such an object ([expr.add]), the address of a non-immediate function, or a null pointer value, (11.3) if the value is of pointer-to-member-function type, it does not designate an immediate function, and (11.4) if the value is an object of class or array type, each subobject satisfies these constraints for the value. An entity is a permitted result of a constant expression if it is an object with static storage duration that either is not a temporary object or is a temporary object whose value satisfies the above constraints, or if it is a non-immediate function. Here, explicitly converting the lambda to a function pointer isn’t a permitted result because it’s an immediate function.

That exhausts the options here. What if instead of trying to directly static_assert the result of an algorithm (or, equivalently, use it as an initializer for a constexpr variable or as the condition of an if constexpr or as a non-type template argument), we did it inside of a new consteval function?

Attempt Result
consteval auto all_valid() -> bool { return std::ranges::none_of( types, std::meta::is_invalid ); } static_assert(all_valid()); ✅. This one is actually valid per the language rules. Except, per the library rules, it’s unspecified per [namespace.std]/6: 6 Let F denote a standard library function ([global.functions]), a standard library static member function, or an instantiation of a standard library function template. Unless F is designated an addressable function, the behavior of a C++ program is unspecified (possibly ill-formed) if it explicitly or implicitly attempts to form a pointer to F.
consteval auto all_valid() -> bool { return std::ranges::none_of( types, [](std::meta::info i) { return std::meta::is_invalid(i); } ); } static_assert(all_valid()); ❌. Ill-formed per 7.7 [expr.const]/13 still.
consteval auto all_valid() -> bool { return std::ranges::none_of( types, [](std::meta::info i) consteval { return std::meta::is_invalid(i); } ); } static_assert(all_valid()); ❌. Ill-formed per 7.7 [expr.const]/13 still.
consteval auto all_valid() -> bool { return std::ranges::none_of( types, +[](std::meta::info i) consteval { return std::meta::is_invalid(i); } ); } static_assert(all_valid()); ✅. Valid. Language and library both.

This leaves a lot to be desired. The only mechanism completely sanctioned by the language and library rules we have today is to write a bespoke consteval function which invokes the algorithm using a non-generic, consteval lambda that just wraps an existing library function and converts it to a function pointer.

Put simply: algorithms are basically unusable with the consteval rules we have.

consteval is a color

The problem is that consteval is a color [what-color]. consteval functions and function templates can only be called by other consteval functions and function templates.

std::ranges::none_of, like all the other algorithms in the standard library, and probably all the other algorithms outside of the standard library, are not consteval functions or function templates. Moreover, none of these algorithms are ever going to either become consteval or be duplicated in order to gain a consteval twin. Which means that none of these algorithms, including none_of, can ever invoke any of the facilities proposed by [P1240R2].

Some code is already multi-colored


One of the new C++23 features is if consteval [P1938R3], which partially alleviates the consteval color problem. That facility allows consteval functions to be called by constexpr functions in a guarded context, largely in order to solve the same sort of problem that std::is_constant_evaluated() [P0595R2] set out to solve except in a way that would now allow you to invoke consteval functions.

The way it works is by establishing an immediate function context. This is important because the rule we were constantly running up against was that:

13 An immediate invocation shall be a constant expression.

And a call to an immediate function that is in an immediate function context is not an immediate invocation.

In our case here, we’re not trying to choose between a compile-time friendly algorithm and a run-time efficient one. We’re only trying to write compile-time code. But that’s okay, there’s no rule that says you need an else:

Attempt Result
static_assert(std::ranges::none_of( types, [](std::meta::info i) { if consteval { return std::meta::is_invalid(i); } })); ✅. Valid.
static_assert(std::ranges::none_of( types, [](std::meta::info i) consteval { if consteval { return std::meta::is_invalid(i); } })); ❌. Ill-formed per 7.7 [expr.const]/13. Still.

So… this is fine. We can still use consteval functions with lambdas, as long as we just wrap all of our lambda bodies in if consteval (but definitely also not make them consteval - they’re only kind of consteval).

Making the library multi-colored

We could avoid putting the burden of sprinkling their code with if consteval by pushing all of these extra calls into the library.

For instance, we could make this change to none_of:

Today Tomorrow?
template <ranges::input_range R, class Pred> constexpr auto ranges::none_of(R&& r, Pred pred) -> bool { auto first = ranges::begin(r); auto last = ranges::end(r); for (; first != last; ++first) { if (pred(*first)) { return false; } } return true; } template <ranges::input_range R, class Pred> constexpr auto my::none_of(R&& r, Pred pred) -> bool { auto first = ranges::begin(r); auto last = ranges::end(r); for (; first != last; ++first) { if consteval { if (pred(*first)) { return false; } } else { if (pred(*first)) { return false; } } } return true; }

But unfortunately that doesn’t actually work. If pred(*first) were actually a consteval call, then even duplicating the check in both branches of an if consteval doesn’t help us. The call to pred(*first) in the first sub-statement (the case where we are doing constant evluation) is fine, since now we’re in an immediate function context, but the call to pred(*first) in the second sub-statement (the “runtime” case) is just as problematic as it was without the if consteval.

So the attempted solution on the right isn’t just ridiculous looking, it also doesn’t help. The only library solution here (and I’m using the word solution fairly loosely) is to have one set of algorithms that are constexpr and a completely duplicate set of algorithms that are consteval.

This has to be solved at the language level.

Making the language multi-colored

Let’s consider the problem in a very local way, going back to the lambda example and presenting it instead as a function (in order to simplify things a bit):

ill-formed ok
constexpr auto pred_bad(std::meta::info i) -> bool { return std::meta::is_invalid(i); } constexpr auto pred_good(std::meta::info i) -> bool { if consteval { return std::meta::is_invalid(i); } }

As mentioned multiple times, pred_bad is ill-formed today because it contains a call to an immediate function outside a consteval context and that call isn’t a constant expression. That is one way we achieve the goal of the consteval functions that they are only invoked during compile time. But pred_good is good because that call only appears in an if consteval branch (i.e. a consteval context), which makes the call safe.

What’s interesting about pred_good is that while it’s marked constexpr, it’s actually only meaningful during compile time (in this case, it’s actually UB at runtime since we just flow off the end of the function). So this isn’t really a great solution either. We need to ensure that pred_good is only called at compile time.

But we have a way to ensure that: consteval.

Put differently, pred_bad is today ill-formed, but only because we need to ensure that it’s not called at runtime. If we could ensure that, then we calling it during compile time is otherwise totally fine. What if the language just did that ensuring for us? If such constexpr functions, that are only ill-formed because of calls to consteval functions simply became consteval, then we gain the ability to use them at compile time without actually losing anything - we couldn’t call them at runtime to begin with.


This paper proposes avoiding the consteval coloring problem (or, at least, mitigating its annoyances) by allowing certain existing constexpr functions to implicitly become consteval functions when those functions can already only be invoked during compile time anyway.

Specifically, these three rules:

  1. If a constexpr function contains a call to an immediate function outside of an immediate function context, and that call itself isn’t a constant expression, said constexpr function implicitly becomes a consteval function. This is intended to include lambdas, function template specializations, special member functions, and should cover member initializers as well.
  2. If an expression-id designates a consteval function without it being an immediate call in such a context, it also makes the context implicitly consteval. Such _expression-id_’s are also allowed in contexts that are manifestly constant evaluated.
  3. Other manifestly constant evaluated contexts (like constant-expression and the condition of a constexpr if statement) are now considered to be immediate function contexts.

With these rule changes, no library changes are necessary, and any way we want to write the original call just works:

Attempt Proposed
static_assert(std::ranges::none_of( types, [](std::meta::info i) { return std::meta::is_invalid(i); })); ✅. First, the lambda becomes implicitly consteval due to the non-constant call is_invalid(i). This, in turn, makes this instantiation of ranges::none_of implicitly consteval. And then everything else just works.
static_assert(std::ranges::none_of( types, [](std::meta::info i) consteval { return std::meta::is_invalid(i); })); ✅. Now, the lambda is explicitly consteval instead of implicitly consteval, which likewise also makes this instantiation of ranges::none_of implicitly consteval. Everything else just works.
static_assert(std::ranges::none_of( types, std::meta::is_invalid )); ✅. Still bad based on the library wording, but from the second proposed rule std::meta::is_invalid is usable in this context because it is manifestly constant evaluated. ranges::none_of does not become consteval here, since it does not need to do so.
static_assert(std::ranges::none_of( types, +[](std::meta::info i) consteval { return std::meta::is_invalid(i); } )); ✅. Previously, this was ill-formed because the conversion to function pointer needed to be (in of itself) a constant expression, but with the third proposed rule this conversion would now occur in an immediate function context. The “permitted result” rule no longer has to apply, so this is fine. As above, ranges:none_of here does not become consteval.
static_assert(std::ranges::none_of( types, []{ return std::meta::is_invalid; }() )); ✅. The use of std::meta::is_invalid causes the lambda to be consteval, through the second rule. And the third rule cases the invocation of the lambda to be in an immediate function context. This produces a function pointer which does not have to be a permitted result of a constant expression, because the invocation no longer needs to be constant expression. In this case too, ranges::none_of does not become consteval.

Implementation Experience

This has been implemented in EDG by Daveed Vandevoorde. One interesting example he brings up:

consteval int g(int p) { return p; }
template<typename T> constexpr auto f(T) { return g; }
int r = f(1)(2);      // proposed ok
int s = f(1)(2) + r;  // error

Today, even the call f(1) is ill-formed, because naming g isn’t allowed in that context (it is neither a subexpression of an immediate invocation nor in an immediate function context).

Per the proposal, the initialization of r becomes valid. f implicitly becomes a consteval function template due to use of g. Because r is at namespace scope, we tentatively try to perform constant initialization, which makes the initial parse manifestly constant evaluated. In such a context, f(1) does not have to be a constant expression, so the fact that we’re returning a pointer to consteval function is okay. The subsequent invocation g(2) is fine, and initializes r to 2.

But even with this proposal, the initialization of s is ill-formed. The tentative constant initialization fails (because r isn’t a constant), and in the subsequent dynamic initialization, f(1) is now actually an immediate invocation (f still becomes implicitly consteval, which now must be a constant expression, which now has the rule that its result must be a permitted result, in which context returning a pointer to consteval function is disallowed).

Wording Circularity

One of the issues with actually wording this proposal is its chicken-and-egg nature. Let’s consider the main example again:

[](std::meta::info i) {
   return std::meta::is_invalid(i);

And let’s work through both the status quo reasoning and the proposed reasoning.

Current Reasoning Proposed Reasoning
std::meta::is_invalid is an immediate function because it is declared consteval (these are synonyms). The lambda’s call operator is not an immediate function, because it is not declared consteval. The expression std::meta::is_invalid(i) is not in an immediate function context because of (2) and also it is not in an if consteval. The combination of (1) and (3) make the expression std::meta::is_invalid(i) an immediate invocation, which is required to be a constant expression. That expression isn’t a constant expression because of the use of the function parameter, i, so this is ill-formed. std::meta::is_invalid is an immediate function because it is declared consteval. The lambda’s call operator is not an immediate function, because it is not declared consteval. The expression std::meta::is_invalid(i) is not in an immediate function context because of (2) and also it is not in an if consteval and also it is not manifestly-constant-evaluated. The combination of (1) and (3) make the expression std::meta::is_invalid(i) an immediate-escalating expression. The lambda’s call operator is declared neither constexpr nor consteval, which makes it an immediate-escalating function. The combination of (4) and (5) cause the lambda’s call operator to become an immediate function. … which means that now the expression std::meta::is_invalid(i) is in an immediate function context. Which now means that the expression std::meta::is_invalid(i) is no longer an immediate invocation.

Essentially, we have a flow of reasoning that starts with a function not being an immediate function and, because of that, becoming an immediate function. This is, admittedly, confusing. But I think it does make sense, and Daveed had less trouble implementing this than we had even attempting to try to reason about wording it.


Extend 7.7 [expr.const]/13:

13 An expression or conversion is in an immediate function context if it is potentially evaluated and either:

An expression or conversion is an immediate invocation if it is a potentially-evaluated explicit or implicit invocation of an immediate function and is not in an immediate function context. An immediate invocation shall be a constant expression. An aggregate initialization is an immediate invocation if it evaluates a default member initializer that has a subexpression that is an immediate-escalating expression.

13a An expression or conversion is immediate-escalating if it is not initially in an immediate function context and it is either

13b An immediate-escalating function is:

An immediate-escalating expression shall appear only in an immediate-escalating function.

13c An immediate function is a function or constructor that is:


consteval int id(int i) { return i; }
constexpr char id(char c) { return c; }

template <typename T>
constexpr int f(T t) {
   return t + id(t);

auto a = &f<char>; // ok, f<char> is not an immediate function
auto b = &f<int>;  // error: f<int> is an immediate function

static_assert(f(3) == 6); // ok

template <typename T>
constexpr int g(T t) {    // g<int> is not an immediate function
   return t + id(42);    // because id(42) is already a constant

template <typename T, typename F>
constexpr bool is_not(T t, F f) {
   return not f(t);

consteval bool is_even(int i) { return i % 2 == 0; }

static_assert(is_not(5, is_even)); // ok

int x = 0;

template <typename T>
constexpr T h(T t = id(x)) { // h<int> is not an immediate function
   return t;

template <typename T>
constexpr T hh() {           // hh<int> is an immediate function
   return h<T>();

int i = hh<int>(); // ill-formed: hh<int>() is an immediate-escalating expression
                  // outside of an immediate-escalating function

struct A {
 int x;
 int y = id(x);

template <typename T>
constexpr int k(int) {  // k<int> is not an immediate function
 return A(42).y;       // because A(42) is a constant expression and thus not
}                       // immediate-escalating

-_end example_]

Remove []/4 (it is handled above in the definition of immediate-escalating).

4 A potentially-evaluated id-expression that denotes an immediate function shall appear only

And removing the current definition of immediate function from 9.2.6 [dcl.constexpr]/2, since it’s now defined (recursively) above.

2 A constexpr or consteval specifier used in the declaration of a function declares that function to be a constexpr function. [Note: A function or constructor declared with the consteval specifier is called an immediate function ([expr.const]) -end note ]. A destructor, an allocation function, or a deallocation function shall not be declared with the consteval specifier.

Feature-test Macro

Bump __cpp_consteval in 15.11 [cpp.predefined]:

- __cpp_­consteval 201811L
+ __cpp_­consteval 20XXXXL


Thanks to Daveed Vandevoorde and Tim Song for discussions around this issue and Daveed for implementing it.


[P0595R2] Richard Smith, Andrew Sutton, Daveed Vandevoorde. 2018-11-09. std::is_constant_evaluated.

[P1240R2] Daveed Vandevoorde, Wyatt Childers, Andrew Sutton, Faisal Vali. 2022-01-14. Scalable Reflection.

[P1938R3] Barry Revzin, Daveed Vandevoorde, Richard Smith, Andrew Sutton. 2021-03-22. if consteval.