How long will Dajjal live on earth? – Your Guide to get to know the Quran (original) (raw)


Sheikh Muhammad Ibn Shalih Al Uthaymeen was asked:
How long will Dajjal live on earth?

He answered:

Dajjal will live on earth only for forty days. But a day of it seems like a year, a day seems like a month, and a day seems like a week. And the rest of the days will be like our days today. That was what the Prophet -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- told his companions. They ever asked him, “O Messenger of Allah, that day that resembles a year, is it enough for us to pray just for one day?”. He replied, “No, but estimate it!”

Look at this hadith, how we can learn how the companions always affirmed the saying of the Messenger of Allah -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him-. They didn’t want to change its meaning, or interpret it, or deny it, saying that a day can’t be elongated, because the sun always rotates on its pole and it wont change, They didn’t say as those who claimed themselves as clever said, but they affirmed that that day, a year of it also consists of twelve months without any need of change or interpretation.

That is how a true believer do, always obeys and submits to whatever Allah and His messenger tell him of unseen news, although he couldn’t understand it. They know that whatever brought by Allah and His messenger is not something that is impossible by people’s mind, instead, it is their mind that couldn’t comprehend it.

The Messenger of Allah -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- told that the first of days in which Dajjal live within is like a year. Had this hadith was read by the people who live in recent centuries, who claim themselves as intellect people, they will say that the length of that day is a metaphor of exhaustion and difficulty of that day, because happy days are short whereas bad days usually felt longer.

It is different with the companions -may Allah be pleased with them- who, due to the purity of their hearts and their obedience, they accepted the news as it is and said naively that The One Who created the sun and made it to rotate for 24 hours – a day and night- is surely able to make it rotate for 12 months, because He is The Only Creator and He is The Almighty.

Therefore, they accepted the news submissively, and what they asked was, “How will we perform our prayer?”. They asked about the shari’a problem that were burdened to the; the obligatory prayer.

By Allah, this is the true obedience and submissiveness. They said, “O Messenger of Allah! that day that resembles a year, is it enough for us to pray just for one day?”. He replied, “No, but estimate it!”.

May He be Glorified… If you want to ponder it, you’ll find without doubt that this religion is truly perfect and comprehensive, because there is not even single matter which is needed by human being for their sake, until the Last Day, but he’ll find it in this religion.

Why did Allah destine the companions to ask such question? It was meant to complete this religion, without any more addition to perfect it. Those who live near the polar areas today need this explanation, because at their places, night can lasts for 6 months, and day can also lasts for 6 months. Therefore, they need this hadith.

Look how the Messenger of Allah -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- had told us this saying before the problem itself happened, since Allah the Exalted had declared, which can be translated as,

“This day I have perfected for you your religion, and have bestowed upon you My Bounty in full measure,” (Chapter Al Ma’idah/The Table Spread:3)

By Allah, if we ponder His words, “I have perfected for you your religion”, we’ll know that this religion will not contain even a single weakness, forever. It is perfect from all of its aspects. The weakness is definitely on our side, whether it comes from our narrow-mindedness, or from our uncontrolled and riotous desire who only want to indulge stubbornly in his opinion thus he is blind to the truth. But if we want to view the problem from the scientific perspective and with decent intention, we’ll definitely see that this religion needs no more addition and that it is impossible to find a small or a big problem except its solution is already there inside of the Qur’an and the sunnah.

But when human’s lusts have dominated them, some of them become blind of the truth and couldn’t see it whatsoever. You’ll find them, when an event or a problem arises – which never been known in detail before, although from a similar type, they will disagree each other with opinion more than the number of their finger. If the event contains 2 opinion, you’ll find them differ with more than ten opinions. It is because of the lusts that has dominated people these days. Had it not for it, and their intention is pure, with clear understanding and vast knowledge, certainly they’ll see the truth as crystal clear.

What matter is that the Messenger of Allah -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- had informed us that Dajjal will live for forty days, and after forty days, Jesus (Isa) the Messiah, son of Maryam, whom Allah had lift up to Him before, will descend. In a valid hadith, it is said that:

“He (Prophet Jesus/Isa) will descend on the White Tower, the east of Damascus city, by putting his palms on the wings of two angels. If he bow down his head, it will emit fragrance and if he raise it, a jewel like pearl will pop out. This is among the signs of Allah’s great power. Next, Prophet Jesus will continue to after Dajjal until he is cornered at the gate of Ludd, Palestine, and be killed there. That is the end of his life.”

Next, Prophet Jesus will not accept any other religion but Islam, and he doesn’t want to accept jizya . He will also destroy the cross sign and kill all pigs, thus there will be no one or nothing else that is worshipped except Allah. Based on this saying, jizya which is obligated by the muslim will end at the time of Prophet Jesus’ arrival. But we can’t say that this is the treatise of Prophet Jesus -peace be upon him-, because the Messenger of Allah -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- had told people beforehand and justified it. He had told informed people and justified it. The cessation of jizya after the arrival of Prophet Jesus is a sunnah or a verdict of the Messenger of Allah -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him-, since the definition of sunnah encompasses his saying, deed, and justification. He talked about Jesus, son of Mary and justified his deeds, therefore it is considered as his sunnah. Jesus doesn’t bring new shari’a and no one will, instead it is the shari’a of Muhammad -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- that will last until the Day of Resurrection.

These are several things that we can explain to you concerning Dajjal. We ask Allah to protect us all from his trial.

[Rewritten from the book Fatawa ‘Anil Iman wa Arkaniha, by Abu Muhammad Asyraf bin Abdul Maqshud, Indonesian title: Question and Answers regarding the Matter of Faith and Tawheed. Published by Pustaka At-Tibyan]

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