Hauke Kite-Powell | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (original) (raw)


Papers by Hauke Kite-Powell

Research paper thumbnail of Determinants of the damage cost and injury severity of ferry vessel accidents

WMU journal of maritime affairs, Apr 1, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Cost assessment for abyssal seafloor waste isolation

Journal of Marine Systems, May 1, 1998


Research paper thumbnail of Safety Benefits of Digital Navigation

International Hydrographic Review, May 21, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Business Planning Handbook for the Ocean Aquaculture of Blue Mussels

Research paper thumbnail of Investigation of Potential Risk Factors For Groundings of Commercial Vessels In U.S. Ports

International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, Mar 1, 1999

Research paper thumbnail of The Costs of Beach Replenishment along the U.S. Atlantic Coast

Journal of Coastal Research, 2012

ABSTRACT Most existing studies of beach replenishments make approximations or use rules-of-thumb ... more ABSTRACT Most existing studies of beach replenishments make approximations or use rules-of-thumb for the cost of the volume of material applied or the cost per length of shoreline. Using published historical data from the US Atlantic coast, we develop a statistical model of the costs of beach replenishment episodes. The model can be used to evaluate the costs of replenishment as a function of the volume of material, the beach length, the episode location, the year, the type of episode, and the source of funding. Although it has been observed that beach replenishment activities are small and declining in number in some areas, such as in New England, we expect that future coastal erosion expected from changes in sea levels as exacerbated by storm events eventually may lead to increased attention to the use of beach replenishment as a "soft" structural response. It is critical for coastal planners to compare sound estimates of the costs of soft structures to the costs of alternative responses, including hard structures, retreat, and abandonment.

Research paper thumbnail of A Bioeconomic Analysis of Traditional Fisheries in the Red Sea

Marine Resource Economics, Jun 1, 2012

ABSTRACT We undertake a bioeconomic analysis of the aggregate traditional fisheries in the Northe... more ABSTRACT We undertake a bioeconomic analysis of the aggregate traditional fisheries in the Northern and Central areas of Red Sea off the coast of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). Results of our analysis using a Fox model and the Clarke-Yoshimoto- Pooley (CY&P) estimation procedure suggest that the aggregate traditional fisheries have been overfished since the early 1990s. The estimated stock size in recent years is as low as 6,400 MT, while the estimated stock size associated with the maximum economic yield (MEY) is 19,300 MT. The socially optimal level of fishing effort is about 139,000 days. Thus, the current effort level of 300,000 to 350,000 days constitutes a problem of overfishing. The estimated current total gross revenue from the traditional fisheries is Saudi Rials (SR) 147 million with zero net benefit. If total fishing effort is reduced to the socially optimal level, then we estimate gross revenue would be SR 167 million and the potential net benefit from the KSA Red Sea traditional fisheries could be as large as SR 111 million. JEL Classification Code: Q22

Research paper thumbnail of The Optimal Allocation of Ocean Space: Aquaculture and Wild-Harvest Fisheries

Marine Resource Economics, 2003

Research paper thumbnail of Economic sustainability of marine aquaculture : a report to the Marine Aquaculture Task Force

In the future, marine aquaculture produc-tion is likely to expand significantly in the United Sta... more In the future, marine aquaculture produc-tion is likely to expand significantly in the United States and abroad. This paper deals with the present and future economic sus-tainability of aquaculture in the United States in light of this expectation. Economic sustainability requires the ...

Research paper thumbnail of Dynamic economic analysis of marine pollution prevention technologies: An application to double hulls and electronic charts

Environmental and Resource Economics, Dec 1, 1994

Research paper thumbnail of Biological assessment for a blue mussel ocean aquaculture experiment in Rhode Island Sound

This report assesses the potential biological impacts on certain protected species of the deploym... more This report assesses the potential biological impacts on certain protected species of the deployment of a longline for growing blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) in Rhode Island Sound. The proposed project is a scientific research experiment designed to test the feasibility of offshore aquaculture from engineering, biological, and economic perspectives. The proposed project is small in scale, limited in duration, and located in an area of the ocean that is known to be only a minor, nonessential habitat for the protected species of concern. Of crucial significance to the relevant protected species and to the project, the project's geographic location is not believed to be critical habitat in even the broadest sense of the term. The project does not involve feeding mussels or treating the mussels with any type of pharmaceuticals. The project relies upon a set of spat from naturally occurring stocks in the region. As a result, the project principal investigators believe that the potential for adverse effects on individuals or stocks of protected species or on their environment is extremely small

Research paper thumbnail of Marine area governance and management in the Gulf of Maine : a case study

This case study was produced for the purposes of the Committee on Marine Area Governance and Mana... more This case study was produced for the purposes of the Committee on Marine Area Governance and Management of the National Research Council (NRC), Agreement No. DOT -3830-96-002.

Research paper thumbnail of Modeling the Economics of Beach Nourishment Decisions in Response to Coastal Erosion

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, Dec 1, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Shellfish Mariculture in Drakes Estero, Point Reyes National Seashore, California

... The committee would like to thank Kevin and Nancy Lunny and Luis Armienta of the Drakes Bay O... more ... The committee would like to thank Kevin and Nancy Lunny and Luis Armienta of the Drakes Bay Oyster Company (DBOC) for the tour of the oyster growing areas and processing facilities, as well as the overview of DBOC operations; David Press (National Park Service) for help ...

Research paper thumbnail of Safety in Shipping

Research paper thumbnail of Supply-side approaches to the economic valuation of coastal and marine habitat in the Red Sea

Journal of King Saud University - Science, Jul 1, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Total Factor Productivity Change in the New England Groundfish Fishery: 1964–1993

Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Nov 1, 2002

Research paper thumbnail of Economics of an Integrated Ocean Observing System

Marine Technology Society Journal, Sep 1, 2003

Research paper thumbnail of Post OPA-90 vessel oil spill differentials: transfers versus vessel accidents

Maritime Policy & Management, Jul 1, 2004

This study investigates vessel oil spill differentials for transfer and vessel-accident spills fo... more This study investigates vessel oil spill differentials for transfer and vessel-accident spills for the post Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA-90) period. In-water and out-of-water transfer/vessel-accident oil spill equations are estimated, utilizing tobit regression analysis and data of ...

Research paper thumbnail of A model of fishing vessel accident probability

Journal of Safety Research, Dec 1, 2002

Research paper thumbnail of Determinants of the damage cost and injury severity of ferry vessel accidents

WMU journal of maritime affairs, Apr 1, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Cost assessment for abyssal seafloor waste isolation

Journal of Marine Systems, May 1, 1998


Research paper thumbnail of Safety Benefits of Digital Navigation

International Hydrographic Review, May 21, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Business Planning Handbook for the Ocean Aquaculture of Blue Mussels

Research paper thumbnail of Investigation of Potential Risk Factors For Groundings of Commercial Vessels In U.S. Ports

International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, Mar 1, 1999

Research paper thumbnail of The Costs of Beach Replenishment along the U.S. Atlantic Coast

Journal of Coastal Research, 2012

ABSTRACT Most existing studies of beach replenishments make approximations or use rules-of-thumb ... more ABSTRACT Most existing studies of beach replenishments make approximations or use rules-of-thumb for the cost of the volume of material applied or the cost per length of shoreline. Using published historical data from the US Atlantic coast, we develop a statistical model of the costs of beach replenishment episodes. The model can be used to evaluate the costs of replenishment as a function of the volume of material, the beach length, the episode location, the year, the type of episode, and the source of funding. Although it has been observed that beach replenishment activities are small and declining in number in some areas, such as in New England, we expect that future coastal erosion expected from changes in sea levels as exacerbated by storm events eventually may lead to increased attention to the use of beach replenishment as a "soft" structural response. It is critical for coastal planners to compare sound estimates of the costs of soft structures to the costs of alternative responses, including hard structures, retreat, and abandonment.

Research paper thumbnail of A Bioeconomic Analysis of Traditional Fisheries in the Red Sea

Marine Resource Economics, Jun 1, 2012

ABSTRACT We undertake a bioeconomic analysis of the aggregate traditional fisheries in the Northe... more ABSTRACT We undertake a bioeconomic analysis of the aggregate traditional fisheries in the Northern and Central areas of Red Sea off the coast of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). Results of our analysis using a Fox model and the Clarke-Yoshimoto- Pooley (CY&P) estimation procedure suggest that the aggregate traditional fisheries have been overfished since the early 1990s. The estimated stock size in recent years is as low as 6,400 MT, while the estimated stock size associated with the maximum economic yield (MEY) is 19,300 MT. The socially optimal level of fishing effort is about 139,000 days. Thus, the current effort level of 300,000 to 350,000 days constitutes a problem of overfishing. The estimated current total gross revenue from the traditional fisheries is Saudi Rials (SR) 147 million with zero net benefit. If total fishing effort is reduced to the socially optimal level, then we estimate gross revenue would be SR 167 million and the potential net benefit from the KSA Red Sea traditional fisheries could be as large as SR 111 million. JEL Classification Code: Q22

Research paper thumbnail of The Optimal Allocation of Ocean Space: Aquaculture and Wild-Harvest Fisheries

Marine Resource Economics, 2003

Research paper thumbnail of Economic sustainability of marine aquaculture : a report to the Marine Aquaculture Task Force

In the future, marine aquaculture produc-tion is likely to expand significantly in the United Sta... more In the future, marine aquaculture produc-tion is likely to expand significantly in the United States and abroad. This paper deals with the present and future economic sus-tainability of aquaculture in the United States in light of this expectation. Economic sustainability requires the ...

Research paper thumbnail of Dynamic economic analysis of marine pollution prevention technologies: An application to double hulls and electronic charts

Environmental and Resource Economics, Dec 1, 1994

Research paper thumbnail of Biological assessment for a blue mussel ocean aquaculture experiment in Rhode Island Sound

This report assesses the potential biological impacts on certain protected species of the deploym... more This report assesses the potential biological impacts on certain protected species of the deployment of a longline for growing blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) in Rhode Island Sound. The proposed project is a scientific research experiment designed to test the feasibility of offshore aquaculture from engineering, biological, and economic perspectives. The proposed project is small in scale, limited in duration, and located in an area of the ocean that is known to be only a minor, nonessential habitat for the protected species of concern. Of crucial significance to the relevant protected species and to the project, the project's geographic location is not believed to be critical habitat in even the broadest sense of the term. The project does not involve feeding mussels or treating the mussels with any type of pharmaceuticals. The project relies upon a set of spat from naturally occurring stocks in the region. As a result, the project principal investigators believe that the potential for adverse effects on individuals or stocks of protected species or on their environment is extremely small

Research paper thumbnail of Marine area governance and management in the Gulf of Maine : a case study

This case study was produced for the purposes of the Committee on Marine Area Governance and Mana... more This case study was produced for the purposes of the Committee on Marine Area Governance and Management of the National Research Council (NRC), Agreement No. DOT -3830-96-002.

Research paper thumbnail of Modeling the Economics of Beach Nourishment Decisions in Response to Coastal Erosion

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, Dec 1, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Shellfish Mariculture in Drakes Estero, Point Reyes National Seashore, California

... The committee would like to thank Kevin and Nancy Lunny and Luis Armienta of the Drakes Bay O... more ... The committee would like to thank Kevin and Nancy Lunny and Luis Armienta of the Drakes Bay Oyster Company (DBOC) for the tour of the oyster growing areas and processing facilities, as well as the overview of DBOC operations; David Press (National Park Service) for help ...

Research paper thumbnail of Safety in Shipping

Research paper thumbnail of Supply-side approaches to the economic valuation of coastal and marine habitat in the Red Sea

Journal of King Saud University - Science, Jul 1, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Total Factor Productivity Change in the New England Groundfish Fishery: 1964–1993

Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Nov 1, 2002

Research paper thumbnail of Economics of an Integrated Ocean Observing System

Marine Technology Society Journal, Sep 1, 2003

Research paper thumbnail of Post OPA-90 vessel oil spill differentials: transfers versus vessel accidents

Maritime Policy & Management, Jul 1, 2004

This study investigates vessel oil spill differentials for transfer and vessel-accident spills fo... more This study investigates vessel oil spill differentials for transfer and vessel-accident spills for the post Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA-90) period. In-water and out-of-water transfer/vessel-accident oil spill equations are estimated, utilizing tobit regression analysis and data of ...

Research paper thumbnail of A model of fishing vessel accident probability

Journal of Safety Research, Dec 1, 2002