LibreOffice Migrations - The Document Foundation Wiki (original) (raw)

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This page lists deployments of LibreOffice and migrations to LibreOffice from another product. It can be used to gather information about all kinds of deployments and migrations (large and small) so that we can showcase them on the main website and in our marketing materials.

(see also Marketing/Open_Source_And_Open_Standards_In_Real_Life)

Migrations and deployments in the public sector

Link to MAP on OSM

Country Organization name Start Finish Number of PCs Costs saved Resources Extra notes
Chile Colegio Helvecia (Helvecia School) 2017 onwards 72 US$28.000/year Colegio Helvecia's Web Page Helvecia School is part of the Humberto Cárdenas Gómez Educational Corporation
France MIMO 2012 onwards 500,000+ Joinup MIMO is France’s inter-ministerial working group on free software, covering eg Health and Social Affairs and Foreign Affairs
Spain 2,000 schools in Andalusia (planned 6,000) 2012 220,000 Dailyflux newer reports?
Italy Italian Ministry of Defence Oct 2015 2020 100,000+ €26-29m (licenses over 5 years) Joinup, newer Joinup Italo Vignoli has presented about this, eg at FOSDEM
Spain Region of Valencia 2012 2013 120,000 1.5m EUR per year (licenses) Joinup
France Gendarmerie 77,000 Joinup Part of a broader switch to Free Software (Ubuntu Linux)
Germany City of Munich 2003 2013 16,000 Joinup Part of a larger migration to Free Software (LiMux). Fake news appeared in 2014 that the Council would return to Windows + MS Office but it was officially denied later. [1]
Denmark Capital Region 2011 2012 25,000+ Joinup
Taiwan Ministry of Finance 2009 ongoing 24,000+ Almost 100% PCs have already installed LibreOffice (or OpenOffice). Currently only about 6,200 PCs (about 16.8%) still have Microsoft Office installed. The target in 2016 is to "eliminate" more Microsoft Office so that the installed MSO ratio will be lower than 10%. The users in five National Taxation Bureaus in MoF: Taipei City, North area, Mid area, South area, Kaohsiung City have achieved the target of 100% files sent in ODF format.
France City of Toulouse 2012 2013 9,000+ 1m EUR Joinup That report is from 2014 - has the migration reached over 10,000 PCs now?
Lithuania Police Department 2016 8,000 1m EUR Lithuanian Police website
Denmark Central Region 2010 2015 8,000+ search DuckDuckGo
Denmark 2012 147 Joinup
Italy Region of Umbria 2012 onwards 5,000 (planned) Joinup That report is from 2012 - do we have any newer data?
France City of Nantes 2013 2015 5,000 1.7m EUR Joinup Joinup Joinup LibreOffice Brno 2016 conference
Taiwan Yi-Lan County 2015 ongoing 9,000+ About 100 million NTD The first county government which migrates to LibreOffice in Taiwan. In the end of 2015 Yi-Lan County announced no more Microsoft Office will be purchased anymore. In June 2016 they achieved the target of 100% files sent in ODF format.
Estonia schools and kindergarten of Tallinn September 2015 ongoing 4,000 "tens of thousands of EUR" Joinup
Spain City of Zaragoza 2007 ongoing 1,200 (planned 3,000) Joinup
France Rhône-Alpes 2,000 200,000 EUR Joinup
Italy Bari city 2015 1,700 Joinup Only 75% of workstations.
Italy ULSS5 Veneto Region 2013 onwards 1,500 Joinup The migration will be completed in 2016.
Spain City of Las Palmas 2012 onwards 1,200 400,000 EUR (est) Joinup
Spain autonomous region of Galicia 2012 7300 Joinup Joinup
Ireland Limerick city 2012 450 Joinup
USA Largo, Florida 2012 onwards 200[2] (planned 800+) Dailyflux, Dave Largo's Working Blog
Greece Kalamarià region 2013 170 85,000 EUR Joinup
Portugal Vieira do Minho 2012 147 Joinup
Greece Pylaia-Chortiatis 2009 91 70,000 Euro (est) Joinup
Denmark Gribskov Municipality 2009 Joinup
Vietnam VNPT 2016 In progress 15,000 15 ~ 30 billions Vietnam Dong (672,000 USD ~ 3,455,000 USD) ICTNews
Russia Vladimir region administration 2016 ongoing TACC The exact number of PC's is unknown. The decision was made to migrate 15% of all PC's to the end of 2016 year.
Italy Municipality of Novara 400
Italy Azienda Ospedaliera "Ordine Mauriziano di Torino" - Hospital in Turin 800
Turkey Ministry of Justice 75000 [3] They migrated to OpenOffice 2.4 in the past, and now to LibreOffice (reportedly).
Turkey Ministry of National Defence 5000 [4]
Turkey Association of Public Hospitals, Bursa (APH-B) 2016 2018 2700 ₺20m per year (est.) ~ €4.6m per year [5] – (link broken) APH-B is the controller/coordinator of a network of 21 public hospitals in Bursa. This network consists of about 7000 computers in 41 different locations. Migrations in 17 hospitals have been completed.
Turkey Pendik Municipality 2016 2017 500 [6] Pendik Municipality is also acting as an advocate of FOSS, and currently leading 8 other municipalities through the Pardus migration process. [7]
Italy Unione Intercomunale terred'acqua 2016 2017 800 LibreOffice is deployed in every PC. They are migrating the last third parties softwares to use LibreOffice as main engine
Albania Municipality of Tirana 2017 ongoing 600 LibreOffice is being installed in every PC. The migration from the proprietary software is still ongoing.
Czech Republic National Library of Technology 2018 2018 150 NTK press release (in Czech) LibreOffice is installed at PCs in the public part of the library (done together with migration to Linux).
Turkey Municipality of Eyüpsultan 2018 600 ₺2m per year (est.) ~ €0.34m [8]
Turkey Municipality of Kahramanmaraş 2018 ongoing 2000 [9]
Greece Municipality of Livadeia 2015 2015 unknown [10]
Dutch Municipality of Neerijnen 2011 2012 80 [11]
Lithuania Municipality of Vilnius 2018 1/3 of staff [12]
Hungary Municipality of 18th district of Budapest 2013 200 [13]
Portugal Municipality of Seixal 2019 1500 active users municipal bulletin OSOR Libre Office on every worker Desktop. On Broadband Municipal Points and Elementary schools we've Linux/Ubuntu
Spain Municipality of Rianxo 2020 80 [14]
Japan Aizuwakamatsu City 2012 ongoing 15 million JPY (140,000 USD) [15] LibreOffice AsiaCon 2019 Video:[16] Slides:[17]
Czech republic Domažlice City 110 [18]
Italy Municipality of Rome 2017 14 000 [19]
Czech Various organizations (schools, companies, municipalities) thousands [20] informations from questionnaire
Finland The Matriculation Examination Board 2019 [21] Finland's migration from paper-based to digital matriculation examinations finished in 2019. The Linux-based exam system is booted from USB and includes LibreOffice among other software.
Germany Schleswig-Holstein 2024 30000 [22]

Migrations and deployments in the private sector

Country Organization name Start Finish Number of PCs Costs saved Resources Extra notes
Taiwan Coretronic Co. 2010 ongoing unknown Coorperated with OSSII, which provided OxOffice, a derived version of LibreOffice. Using Hybrid solutions, i.e., keep about 10% Microsoft licenses by requests. Besides office suites, they also migrate many other information systems like ERP with open source solutions.
Russia Evraz Group 2014 2015 unknown CNews Migration to LibreOffice resulted from sanctions against Russia; the exact number of workstations is unknown; IT service staff is more than 2,000.
Russia LLC “Gazprom Teploenergo Yaroslavl” 2011 unknown Official site The exact number of workstations is unknown.
Russia PJSC “Typhoon” 2015 2016 1500 IT-forum 100% migrated
Russia PJSC “Russian Helicopters” 2016 2019 unknown TAdviser Odf is used as an internal standard. АО «МВЗ», АО «КАМОВ», ПАО «КВЗ», ПАО «Роствертол», АО «У-УАЗ», ПАО «Прогресс», АО «КумАПП», АО «Редуктор-ПМ», АО «810 АРЗ», АО «ВСК» daughter companies already migrated.
Russia PJSC “VimpelCom” 2016 15% TAdviser The exact number of workstations is unknown.
Russia Consortium "Кодекс" 2016 2017 290 UniCongress, vimeo the exact number of workstations is unknown, but known that the head office has 415 workstations and in the end 2016 year 30% workstations migrated; in the 2017 year total number migrated workstations should be 70% including the whole enterprise.
Colombia CoordinadoraUSA 2018 unknown [23]
Japan JA Fukuoka city 2011 ongoing 400 [24] [25]

Pending or potential migrations (keep watching for news)

Further reading