Windows XP Home edition community's Journal (original) (raw)

3:42 pm

Ощутимая скорость Windows 7 Выбрав Кипр в качестве места проведения своего отпуска, Вы никогда об этом не пожалеете. Стоит этому, поистине сказочному, острову показаться в иллюминаторе самолёта, как ощущение праздника и красоты поселится надолго в Вашей душе. Читать далее

7:02 am

These tips are probably published elsewere, but who cares. I will re-type them because you might not have herd anymore. Windows XP requires atleast 256 mb of memory. Though with this amount Windows can be pretty bloody slow. Here's a table of memory configurations that are good for certain things with Windows XP.

128 mb - 256 mb - Running one program at once, light ussage, web browsing/chating
256 mb - 512 mb - multitasking 2 programs at once
512 mb - 1024 mb - if you expect to run more than 4 programs at once (file sharing, web browsing, chatting etc, expect to stick more memory on it, espeicly if you like to play games)

If you ever want to know how much memory is on your Windowz box right click the icon that says "My computer" underneath it. and then click properties and then a cute little window with a bowl a soup will appear.

Current Mood: crazy

12:02 am

Welcome Welcome to the Windows XP Home community!

This is a friendly help group for Windows XP Home users. Any question no matter how 'stupid' will be answered here. Though I ask that if you dont have a solution to someones problem or it's not within your knowledge, atleast make a post saying so and make a suggestion on how they may help themselves solve the problem.

Any solution you follow here is done at your own risk. If something should happen, remember it is your fault and not the users' of the community. Remember mistakes happen. Computers are a fairly complex thing and there are times when people just have wrong information. Like with anything you'd want to be careful what you listen to. Configurations vary, and so does use of language.

Anyways have fun and make sure you read the community's user info before you jump on even though the rules here are pretty lax.

Current Mood: calm