Yuji Xu | University of Wisconsin-Madison (original) (raw)

Papers by Yuji Xu

Research paper thumbnail of 從斜目而視到視差之見:打開《泛亞主義與中國革命遺產》的一種閱讀方法 (From ‘looking awry’ to the ‘parallax view’ : A reading approach to Pan-Asianism and the Legacy of the Chinese Revolution)

方圓: 文學及文化專刊 O-Square: Literary and Cultural Journal , 2025

「泛亞主義」(Pan-Asianism)之所以是一個迷人且危險的詞彙,首先來自於「亞洲」這一概念的自身修辭的矛盾性即在地緣空間的所指與其歷史指涉意涵的能指之間的相互齟齬。三谷博(Mitani H... more 「泛亞主義」(Pan-Asianism)之所以是一個迷人且危險的詞彙,首先來自於「亞洲」這一概念的自身修辭的矛盾性即在地緣空間的所指與其歷史指涉意涵的能指之間的相互齟齬。三谷博(Mitani Hiroshi)指出,亞洲或Aisa一詞傳入東亞與早期傳教士的活動密不可分。1602年,意大利傳教士利瑪竇(Matteo Ricci)在北京出版的第一本歐式地圖集《坤輿萬國全圖》(The Complete Atlas of the Earth and Countries)中,首次使用了「Asia」一詞,但他只是含混地將該詞用以描述在「歐洲之外的、位於東方的土地。」 然而,無論是從空間還是從時間的角度來看,亞洲始終是一個流動的矛盾體。一方面,作為地理意義上的亞洲,其歷史邊界變動不居(尤其是亞歐分界線的模糊含混),內部國家和地區又抱守不同的文化歸屬。另一方面,當黑格爾將作為空間上的亞洲及其帝國體制納入其「世界歷史」的時間建構之中,亞洲的(自身)歷史書寫又變得極為敏感和可疑。正如汪暉所強調的,亞洲是「一個歐洲的觀念」,是18、19世紀歐洲啟蒙運動和殖民擴張下的一種新知識體系的衍生品,更是一個通過目的論的範式,在與歐洲話語的對立語境中所形成的一種文明形式。「由於歐洲民族—國家和資本主義市場體系的擴張被視為世界歷史的高級階段和目的……(亞洲)代表著一種與歐洲民族—國家相對立的政治形式,一種與歐洲資本主義相對立的社會形態,一種從無歷史狀況向歷史狀態的過度形式」。
伴隨著西方殖民全球擴張的深入,「亞洲」這一概念的政治實踐和反帝國主義的賦能逐漸在19世紀得以舒展開來。在第一次鴉片戰爭之中,英國的勝利引發了亞洲知識分子的一個共識即在面對歐洲威脅前面,亞洲團結和聯合的可能性和必要性。此後,「亞洲」一詞逐漸在亞洲內部流行開來,以回應西方列強在東亞的勢力擴張。 20世紀初期,「黃禍威脅論」(“Yellow Peril”)在西方學者的表述中不斷湧現,他們開始使用「泛亞主義」來警告亞洲的統一將會帶給西方以危險。在亞洲內部,日本自由主義民權運動的領袖、立志社(Risshi-sha)的創始人植木枝盛(Ueki Emori)首次在1874年建構了早期的泛亞主義話語,主張亞洲各國平等並將西方視為日本的敵人。19世紀80年代,「興亞」(Kōa)的表述才被廣泛地用作口號,強調亞洲現代化的必要性。1880年,「興亞會」(Kōakai)在日本東京成立,自此,泛亞主義的在地實踐得以具象化。 到了20世紀30至40年代,亞洲則被不斷建構成為一種超越西方現代性的新世界秩序的想象之所。
但是,在亞洲革命業已「退場」的數十年之後,我們是否還有必須要來重新召喚一個「亞洲是一」(Asia is One)的政治理念?泛亞主義是否已經是一個過時的歷史話題?如今的亞洲又對全球資本主義的霸權邏輯又具備怎麼樣的意識形態挑戰的潛能?為什麼在當下新自由主義主導的時代,談論泛亞主義是如此困難重重?慕唯仁(Viren Murthy)在2023年出版的新作《泛亞主義與中國革命之遺產》(Pan-Asianism and the Legacy of Chinese Revolution,以下簡稱《泛亞》)無疑帶給了我們關於嶄新的思考。因為泛亞主義的話語實踐者和提倡者們都在致力於將民族主義與跨國政治願景乃至普世意義上的人類解放所相聯係,在這個意義上,泛亞主義的話語考察必須是安置在全球思想史的脈絡之下。慕氏在書中考察了二十世紀中日知識分子的泛亞主義話語,尤其是他們如何利用泛亞主義來進行弱國/亞洲國家的團結,與此同時對帝國主義和資本主義進行更為深層次的反思,而這恰恰構成了一個以亞洲為起點、尋找不一樣未來的批判性思想源頭。更為重要的是,通過將泛亞主義與中國社會主義革命之間建立有機的聯繫,作者激活了一個獨特的歷史瞬間即中國走向社會主義,這對泛亞主義的在地實踐賦予了一個抵禦西方資本主義和現代性的,活生生的、正在進行、不斷生成的歷史現實。

Research paper thumbnail of Rethinking Philosophy in the Age of Science: Tan Sitong and Zhang Taiyan

Chinese Philosophy and Its Thinkers: From Ancient Times to the Present Day, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Making the Secular Sacred: Dongzhen Temple and Five Strongholds in the Traditional Chinese State Sacrifice Ceremony

BEAR Research Briefs , 2023

Beginning in the first century of the Common Era, Buddhist texts began to be translated into Chin... more Beginning in the first century of the Common Era, Buddhist texts began to be translated into Chinese. Although Buddhism is a religion that was founded in ancient India, today the largest collection of Buddhist literature is available in Chinese. Our research cluster engages with this history of transmission, production, and reproduction of Buddhist scriptures. Buddhism can be traced to India and the followers of Siddhartha Gautama (ca. 5-4 century BCE), known to his disciples as Śākyamuni Buddha. The teachings of the Buddha were transmitted orally, then written down in a variety of South Asian languages (e.g., Pāli and Sanskrit) and translated into Central and East Asian (Chinese, not modern Mandarin Chinese) languages. The oldest extant catalog to a collection of all the scriptures translated into Chinese was produced by the monk Sengyou (445-518). Sengyou's catalog demonstrates that Chinese Buddhists conceived of a canon-or collection with three types of scriptures (sūtras, vinaya, and commentaries)-as a fruitful way to organize translated Buddhist scriptures. A key to understanding why the Chinese cataloged and organized all the translated scriptures can be found in the Chinese term for sūtra or scripture. Jing is the ancient Chinese word for a Classic text, as in the Thirteen Classics which almost certainly predate Confucius (551-479 BCE). An authoritative catalog of all the scriptures was completed in 730 by Zhisheng (d.u.) during the mid-Tang (618-907) dynasty, which lists 1076 separate texts in 5048 scrolls or rolls. Zhisheng's catalog inventories how many pages were one required to hand copy each text.

Research paper thumbnail of 製造稚感、重塑日常:論西西詩歌中的香港「抒/書」情 (Making the childishness and reshaping everyday life: on lyricizing Hong Kong in Xi Xi’s poetry)

方圓: 文學及文化專刊 O-Square: Literary and Cultural Journal, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of When Nationalism Encounters the COVID-19 Pandemic: Understanding Chinese Nationalism From Media Use and Media Trust

Global Society, 2022

COVID-19, as a major public health crisis, has triggered nationalism to different degrees all aro... more COVID-19, as a major public health crisis, has triggered nationalism to different degrees all around the world. This study utilises an online survey to explore the relationships between media use, media trust, and nationalism in China during the COVID-19 pandemic. We found that the level of nationalism was still considerably high in China at the time of the pandemic and that the role of the media in nation-state building enterprises remains significant. It becomes more pervasive after the news media's adoption of digitalisation. Our study argues that contemporary China's expression of nationalism is socially constructed by media and rooted in its Chinese Confucian culture. Meanwhile, the Chinese government is increasingly designing the news media and manages social media. It has already successfully constructed a sense of nationalism to facilitate its own interests in response to the national crisis. This has led nationalism being embodied in the media's constructed social reality.

Research paper thumbnail of “On Hongkou Series” 虹口三書

The Paper 澎湃, 2022

影视作品印象中的“上海滩”,多是外滩或法租界,霓虹灯或是梧桐树的景象;历史上的上海则要复杂的多。更重要的是,被视作“上海”的城市中心点位,自上海开埠后,其实一直是移动的;因为城市开拓、经济发展以... more 影视作品印象中的“上海滩”,多是外滩或法租界,霓虹灯或是梧桐树的景象;历史上的上海则要复杂的多。更重要的是,被视作“上海”的城市中心点位,自上海开埠后,其实一直是移动的;因为城市开拓、经济发展以及战争等多重因素,“上海”市中心从沿江沿河转入内陆,从沪北移动到沪西,都是各种时代因缘共同引导的。作为苏州河以北的虹口一带,在上海开埠之后长期是上海最发达的地区之一,是早期上海市中心。不过在经历战争尤其是两次淞沪抗战后衰落,逐渐被人遗忘。重新探寻虹口的城市历史,即是对上海开埠早期城市发展的考古,在仅存的建筑遗迹、道路、空间中,探寻曾经上海的城市原点。

Research paper thumbnail of “On the Canonization of Julie, or the New Heloise” 論《新愛洛依絲》的經典化生成

Future communication 未來傳播, 2016

文学经典的生成并不是一个固定静态的价值判断,而是在一个持续时空中文学与非文学因素、文本本身与社会语境不断对话、重塑的过程。《新爱洛依丝》经典性的生成,与卢梭对启蒙运动的回应、书信体小说的流行、女... more 文学经典的生成并不是一个固定静态的价值判断,而是在一个持续时空中文学与非文学因素、文本本身与社会语境不断对话、重塑的过程。《新爱洛依丝》经典性的生成,与卢梭对启蒙运动的回应、书信体小说的流行、女性读者的兴起,以及对自然理念和社会风俗的全方位考量,有着密不可分的关系。

Research paper thumbnail of “Ryūnosuke Akutagawa in Hongkew” 虹口的芥川龍之介

Research paper thumbnail of 地方史書寫的可能與實踐:兼評《保釐雲間》與上海地方 “The possibility and practice in writing local history: on Baoli yunjian and Shanghai”

Shanghai local chronicles 上海地方志, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Misread Meiji Japan, overcome republican China : rethinking Zheng Xiaoxu's political philosophy--Yuji XU (Mphil Thesis)

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2019

This thesis examines Zheng Xiaoxu's political philosophy in the context of modern Chinese intelle... more This thesis examines Zheng Xiaoxu's political philosophy in the context of modern Chinese intellectual history. It will depict his conservative revolution by means of culture as an inseparable part of a Chinese intellectuals' response to the national crisis in the early twentieth centuries. After investigating how Zheng was shaped as a Han traitor in historical Chinese literature during the early Republican period, the following subject matters will be analysed: his collaboration with the Japanese colonists which interacted with his imagination of new Asia, his musings about Chinese script/ Chinese learning, his misreading of Meiji Japan and finally his reconstruction of Confucian morality for overcoming Republican China. In 1891, Zheng Xiaoxu was promoted to be a diplomatic attache of Li Jingfang to Japan and hence he worked as a sectary in the legation of Qing Empire in Tokyo. In the following three years, he developed a self-discordant attitude towards the Meiji Restoration. On the one hand, he immersed himself in the modern sensual experience in modern Japanese cities and recorded his impression in his diary on advanced material outcomes of Meiji Japan including electric light, train, and western oil painting. On the other, he detested the parliamentarian and constitutional political system in Japan. Keeping in mind the relationship between the aesthetics of written text and the legitimacy of political representation, this thesis traces the origins of Zheng's schizophrenic apperception of the Meiji Japan back to brush talks with several Japanese sinologists including Mori Kainan and Oka Senjin, where the Japanese sinologists taunted China and classical Chinese poetry. Zheng observed that there existed a connection between the crisis of Chinese script/ Chinese learning in Japan and Japan's westernization, which was leading to social disorder there. Zheng's obsession with Chinese script/ Chinese learning later re-emerged in his proposed motion in the face of China's defeat in the First Sino-Japanese War.
After the 1911 Revolution, in Zheng Xiaoxu's eyes, Republican China wallowed in imitating the West and in embracing "the new learning," which could not be regarded as "China", and this had led to severe social and political disorder. Therefore, Zheng reckoned that an immense conflict existed between the modern disorderly democracy of the West and the ancient hierarchical monarchy of China, and this recognition had pushed him to replace Republican China by an anti-modern, anti-democratic but orderly community of empathy which he envisioned. By collaborating with Japanese, Zheng embarked on the journey of Confucian moral reconstruction in Manchukuo in order to seek for a new world order under the slogan of the "Kingly Way" against Communism, exclusive nationalism, and Euro-American capitalism. This thesis further attempts to explore two crucial concepts: "extending love" and "restraining self" in Zheng's narrative of the "Kingly Way," and it scrutinizes how his political philosophy internalized the colonial ideology of Manchukuo as a discourse of sentiment and morality. What could not be ignored is the ambiguous relationship between Manchukuo and China Proper under Jiang Jieshi's leadership in the aspect of ideological mobilization. Additionally, root causes of the failure of the "Kingly Way" in crafting a strong national identity of Manchukuo will be addressed in the context of the dialectics of aesthetics and nation. Zheng Xiaoxu's rediscovery of Chinese script and the "King Way" constituted the core of his conservative revolution to transform imperial China into a modern state by virtue of culture. Although in the end he was unable to recue China through his political philosophy and thus lost his reputation, his appropriation of Confucian tradition as a sentimental capital against western capitalism, imperialist colonialism, and even radical nationalism, is in a way also reflected in contemporary China's response to the crisis of public morality and national identity building.

Research paper thumbnail of Voice, Body and the Original: Three Husbands 影評《三夫》:欲本無聲,性有所言:《三夫》中的聲音、肉體與起源

Research paper thumbnail of “Dirty Changchun, invisible Shanghai: Ms. Meili” 影評《美麗》:長春不美,上海不現

Research paper thumbnail of The revival of Hong Kong crime film? 香港犯罪类型片的重磅回归?

深焦, 2019

香港懸疑/商業犯罪系列的類型片,似乎在沉靜多年之後,在《無雙》身上展示了一種強烈的回歸感。但有意思的是,這部擁有了視覺與故事體驗上雙重流暢的懸疑片,所在其背後暗涌的、等待解開的文化隱喻又是難得一... more 香港懸疑/商業犯罪系列的類型片,似乎在沉靜多年之後,在《無雙》身上展示了一種強烈的回歸感。但有意思的是,這部擁有了視覺與故事體驗上雙重流暢的懸疑片,所在其背後暗涌的、等待解開的文化隱喻又是難得一見的。一方面,它在恢弘毀滅的血腥暴力之中掩埋下了一個類似於「蓋茨比-黛西」的愛情線即李問/畫家對於真正的阮文可望而不可即的愛慕,另一方面,它同時在質疑關於真實與造假,藝術與複製,現實與幻想,表演/主角與觀看/觀眾之間的固有界限,最終指向了香港文化身份認同的問題。


Research paper thumbnail of 空間、日常與節慶:「模擬」時空裂縫中的都市檔案——論董啟章的《V城繁勝錄》中的香港想象 “Space, everyday life, and festival: making city archive in the time-space hiatus — the vision of Hong Kong in Dong Qizhang’s Visible Cities”

Guandong Journal 關東學刊, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of 看見/不見的聲與日常流動的景:另一種重構中國公園文化的可能 —— 從紀錄片《人民公園》談開去  “The (in) visible voice and the landscape of everyday mobility: another approach to reconstruct the public park culture in China”

Conference Presentations by Yuji Xu

Research paper thumbnail of 手寫之書與手作之物:對讀西西的文學「作物史」和殘疾「生命志」(Handwritten books and handmade things: A parallel reading of Xi Xi’s literary history of making and her life history of disability)

ACCL, 2024

以香港作家西西的手寫文字與手作(動)物件之間的複雜關係為切入點,將其文學中的「作物史」與作者本人的殘疾「生命志」相對讀。因1989年的乳腺癌手術後遺症,西西的右手受損轉而以左手寫作,並開始將縫製... more 以香港作家西西的手寫文字與手作(動)物件之間的複雜關係為切入點,將其文學中的「作物史」與作者本人的殘疾「生命志」相對讀。因1989年的乳腺癌手術後遺症,西西的右手受損轉而以左手寫作,並開始將縫製毛熊玩具作為康復手段。西西親手製作的動物玩偶不僅是她的文學對象即「物語」,也是具有自身故事和名字的活生生之物即「賦生」的結果,更是她寫作的媒介變體即從「文」到「物」。在製作文字/(動)物件的過程中,她將文學的視覺閱讀轉向了觸覺體驗,這促使我們重新思考在後人類主義的時代,(殘疾)人與非人(動物和物件)的情感關係何為?作文與作物又如何形成鏡像關係?何為人/(動)物之文學?本文最後強調,在一個同質化的資本主義時代,西西手寫之書與手作之(動)物都是以具身勞動抵抗抽象物化而重新尋找人與物邊界的生命嘗試。

Research paper thumbnail of Love Is (Not) Everything: How Korean Popular Culture Makes an Anti-American Romantic Myth

AAS in Asia, 2023

By employing a symptomatic reading, this paper seeks to re-examine a South Korean television melo... more By employing a symptomatic reading, this paper seeks to re-examine a South Korean television melodrama, Descendants of the Sun (released by the KBS Drama Production in 2016), in the political context of the post-Cold War. The paper argues that the intimate relationship on the screen is projected as a panacea not merely for the ideological confrontation on the Korean Peninsula, but also for the de-colonization of Asia.

Research paper thumbnail of 在威斯康星的中國博士生:王造時和劉國鈞 Chinese doctoral students at UW-Madison: Wang Zaoshi and Liu Guojun

Conference paper presented at Fudan University

Research paper thumbnail of 晚明僧人的情感風景與文學書寫 "Late Ming monks' emotional landscape and literary writings"

Conference paper presented at Fudan University 摘要: 中国诗歌与佛法禅意互不相碍,故自唐代起,遂有“诗僧”、“僧诗”之名来特指僧人的诗歌创作... more Conference paper presented at Fudan University


Research paper thumbnail of When Dongbei was Called Manchukuo: the Intellectual Delimma of "Kingly Way,"  1932-1945

Documenting Dongbei Workshop, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of 從斜目而視到視差之見:打開《泛亞主義與中國革命遺產》的一種閱讀方法 (From ‘looking awry’ to the ‘parallax view’ : A reading approach to Pan-Asianism and the Legacy of the Chinese Revolution)

方圓: 文學及文化專刊 O-Square: Literary and Cultural Journal , 2025

「泛亞主義」(Pan-Asianism)之所以是一個迷人且危險的詞彙,首先來自於「亞洲」這一概念的自身修辭的矛盾性即在地緣空間的所指與其歷史指涉意涵的能指之間的相互齟齬。三谷博(Mitani H... more 「泛亞主義」(Pan-Asianism)之所以是一個迷人且危險的詞彙,首先來自於「亞洲」這一概念的自身修辭的矛盾性即在地緣空間的所指與其歷史指涉意涵的能指之間的相互齟齬。三谷博(Mitani Hiroshi)指出,亞洲或Aisa一詞傳入東亞與早期傳教士的活動密不可分。1602年,意大利傳教士利瑪竇(Matteo Ricci)在北京出版的第一本歐式地圖集《坤輿萬國全圖》(The Complete Atlas of the Earth and Countries)中,首次使用了「Asia」一詞,但他只是含混地將該詞用以描述在「歐洲之外的、位於東方的土地。」 然而,無論是從空間還是從時間的角度來看,亞洲始終是一個流動的矛盾體。一方面,作為地理意義上的亞洲,其歷史邊界變動不居(尤其是亞歐分界線的模糊含混),內部國家和地區又抱守不同的文化歸屬。另一方面,當黑格爾將作為空間上的亞洲及其帝國體制納入其「世界歷史」的時間建構之中,亞洲的(自身)歷史書寫又變得極為敏感和可疑。正如汪暉所強調的,亞洲是「一個歐洲的觀念」,是18、19世紀歐洲啟蒙運動和殖民擴張下的一種新知識體系的衍生品,更是一個通過目的論的範式,在與歐洲話語的對立語境中所形成的一種文明形式。「由於歐洲民族—國家和資本主義市場體系的擴張被視為世界歷史的高級階段和目的……(亞洲)代表著一種與歐洲民族—國家相對立的政治形式,一種與歐洲資本主義相對立的社會形態,一種從無歷史狀況向歷史狀態的過度形式」。
伴隨著西方殖民全球擴張的深入,「亞洲」這一概念的政治實踐和反帝國主義的賦能逐漸在19世紀得以舒展開來。在第一次鴉片戰爭之中,英國的勝利引發了亞洲知識分子的一個共識即在面對歐洲威脅前面,亞洲團結和聯合的可能性和必要性。此後,「亞洲」一詞逐漸在亞洲內部流行開來,以回應西方列強在東亞的勢力擴張。 20世紀初期,「黃禍威脅論」(“Yellow Peril”)在西方學者的表述中不斷湧現,他們開始使用「泛亞主義」來警告亞洲的統一將會帶給西方以危險。在亞洲內部,日本自由主義民權運動的領袖、立志社(Risshi-sha)的創始人植木枝盛(Ueki Emori)首次在1874年建構了早期的泛亞主義話語,主張亞洲各國平等並將西方視為日本的敵人。19世紀80年代,「興亞」(Kōa)的表述才被廣泛地用作口號,強調亞洲現代化的必要性。1880年,「興亞會」(Kōakai)在日本東京成立,自此,泛亞主義的在地實踐得以具象化。 到了20世紀30至40年代,亞洲則被不斷建構成為一種超越西方現代性的新世界秩序的想象之所。
但是,在亞洲革命業已「退場」的數十年之後,我們是否還有必須要來重新召喚一個「亞洲是一」(Asia is One)的政治理念?泛亞主義是否已經是一個過時的歷史話題?如今的亞洲又對全球資本主義的霸權邏輯又具備怎麼樣的意識形態挑戰的潛能?為什麼在當下新自由主義主導的時代,談論泛亞主義是如此困難重重?慕唯仁(Viren Murthy)在2023年出版的新作《泛亞主義與中國革命之遺產》(Pan-Asianism and the Legacy of Chinese Revolution,以下簡稱《泛亞》)無疑帶給了我們關於嶄新的思考。因為泛亞主義的話語實踐者和提倡者們都在致力於將民族主義與跨國政治願景乃至普世意義上的人類解放所相聯係,在這個意義上,泛亞主義的話語考察必須是安置在全球思想史的脈絡之下。慕氏在書中考察了二十世紀中日知識分子的泛亞主義話語,尤其是他們如何利用泛亞主義來進行弱國/亞洲國家的團結,與此同時對帝國主義和資本主義進行更為深層次的反思,而這恰恰構成了一個以亞洲為起點、尋找不一樣未來的批判性思想源頭。更為重要的是,通過將泛亞主義與中國社會主義革命之間建立有機的聯繫,作者激活了一個獨特的歷史瞬間即中國走向社會主義,這對泛亞主義的在地實踐賦予了一個抵禦西方資本主義和現代性的,活生生的、正在進行、不斷生成的歷史現實。

Research paper thumbnail of Rethinking Philosophy in the Age of Science: Tan Sitong and Zhang Taiyan

Chinese Philosophy and Its Thinkers: From Ancient Times to the Present Day, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Making the Secular Sacred: Dongzhen Temple and Five Strongholds in the Traditional Chinese State Sacrifice Ceremony

BEAR Research Briefs , 2023

Beginning in the first century of the Common Era, Buddhist texts began to be translated into Chin... more Beginning in the first century of the Common Era, Buddhist texts began to be translated into Chinese. Although Buddhism is a religion that was founded in ancient India, today the largest collection of Buddhist literature is available in Chinese. Our research cluster engages with this history of transmission, production, and reproduction of Buddhist scriptures. Buddhism can be traced to India and the followers of Siddhartha Gautama (ca. 5-4 century BCE), known to his disciples as Śākyamuni Buddha. The teachings of the Buddha were transmitted orally, then written down in a variety of South Asian languages (e.g., Pāli and Sanskrit) and translated into Central and East Asian (Chinese, not modern Mandarin Chinese) languages. The oldest extant catalog to a collection of all the scriptures translated into Chinese was produced by the monk Sengyou (445-518). Sengyou's catalog demonstrates that Chinese Buddhists conceived of a canon-or collection with three types of scriptures (sūtras, vinaya, and commentaries)-as a fruitful way to organize translated Buddhist scriptures. A key to understanding why the Chinese cataloged and organized all the translated scriptures can be found in the Chinese term for sūtra or scripture. Jing is the ancient Chinese word for a Classic text, as in the Thirteen Classics which almost certainly predate Confucius (551-479 BCE). An authoritative catalog of all the scriptures was completed in 730 by Zhisheng (d.u.) during the mid-Tang (618-907) dynasty, which lists 1076 separate texts in 5048 scrolls or rolls. Zhisheng's catalog inventories how many pages were one required to hand copy each text.

Research paper thumbnail of 製造稚感、重塑日常:論西西詩歌中的香港「抒/書」情 (Making the childishness and reshaping everyday life: on lyricizing Hong Kong in Xi Xi’s poetry)

方圓: 文學及文化專刊 O-Square: Literary and Cultural Journal, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of When Nationalism Encounters the COVID-19 Pandemic: Understanding Chinese Nationalism From Media Use and Media Trust

Global Society, 2022

COVID-19, as a major public health crisis, has triggered nationalism to different degrees all aro... more COVID-19, as a major public health crisis, has triggered nationalism to different degrees all around the world. This study utilises an online survey to explore the relationships between media use, media trust, and nationalism in China during the COVID-19 pandemic. We found that the level of nationalism was still considerably high in China at the time of the pandemic and that the role of the media in nation-state building enterprises remains significant. It becomes more pervasive after the news media's adoption of digitalisation. Our study argues that contemporary China's expression of nationalism is socially constructed by media and rooted in its Chinese Confucian culture. Meanwhile, the Chinese government is increasingly designing the news media and manages social media. It has already successfully constructed a sense of nationalism to facilitate its own interests in response to the national crisis. This has led nationalism being embodied in the media's constructed social reality.

Research paper thumbnail of “On Hongkou Series” 虹口三書

The Paper 澎湃, 2022

影视作品印象中的“上海滩”,多是外滩或法租界,霓虹灯或是梧桐树的景象;历史上的上海则要复杂的多。更重要的是,被视作“上海”的城市中心点位,自上海开埠后,其实一直是移动的;因为城市开拓、经济发展以... more 影视作品印象中的“上海滩”,多是外滩或法租界,霓虹灯或是梧桐树的景象;历史上的上海则要复杂的多。更重要的是,被视作“上海”的城市中心点位,自上海开埠后,其实一直是移动的;因为城市开拓、经济发展以及战争等多重因素,“上海”市中心从沿江沿河转入内陆,从沪北移动到沪西,都是各种时代因缘共同引导的。作为苏州河以北的虹口一带,在上海开埠之后长期是上海最发达的地区之一,是早期上海市中心。不过在经历战争尤其是两次淞沪抗战后衰落,逐渐被人遗忘。重新探寻虹口的城市历史,即是对上海开埠早期城市发展的考古,在仅存的建筑遗迹、道路、空间中,探寻曾经上海的城市原点。

Research paper thumbnail of “On the Canonization of Julie, or the New Heloise” 論《新愛洛依絲》的經典化生成

Future communication 未來傳播, 2016

文学经典的生成并不是一个固定静态的价值判断,而是在一个持续时空中文学与非文学因素、文本本身与社会语境不断对话、重塑的过程。《新爱洛依丝》经典性的生成,与卢梭对启蒙运动的回应、书信体小说的流行、女... more 文学经典的生成并不是一个固定静态的价值判断,而是在一个持续时空中文学与非文学因素、文本本身与社会语境不断对话、重塑的过程。《新爱洛依丝》经典性的生成,与卢梭对启蒙运动的回应、书信体小说的流行、女性读者的兴起,以及对自然理念和社会风俗的全方位考量,有着密不可分的关系。

Research paper thumbnail of “Ryūnosuke Akutagawa in Hongkew” 虹口的芥川龍之介

Research paper thumbnail of 地方史書寫的可能與實踐:兼評《保釐雲間》與上海地方 “The possibility and practice in writing local history: on Baoli yunjian and Shanghai”

Shanghai local chronicles 上海地方志, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Misread Meiji Japan, overcome republican China : rethinking Zheng Xiaoxu's political philosophy--Yuji XU (Mphil Thesis)

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2019

This thesis examines Zheng Xiaoxu's political philosophy in the context of modern Chinese intelle... more This thesis examines Zheng Xiaoxu's political philosophy in the context of modern Chinese intellectual history. It will depict his conservative revolution by means of culture as an inseparable part of a Chinese intellectuals' response to the national crisis in the early twentieth centuries. After investigating how Zheng was shaped as a Han traitor in historical Chinese literature during the early Republican period, the following subject matters will be analysed: his collaboration with the Japanese colonists which interacted with his imagination of new Asia, his musings about Chinese script/ Chinese learning, his misreading of Meiji Japan and finally his reconstruction of Confucian morality for overcoming Republican China. In 1891, Zheng Xiaoxu was promoted to be a diplomatic attache of Li Jingfang to Japan and hence he worked as a sectary in the legation of Qing Empire in Tokyo. In the following three years, he developed a self-discordant attitude towards the Meiji Restoration. On the one hand, he immersed himself in the modern sensual experience in modern Japanese cities and recorded his impression in his diary on advanced material outcomes of Meiji Japan including electric light, train, and western oil painting. On the other, he detested the parliamentarian and constitutional political system in Japan. Keeping in mind the relationship between the aesthetics of written text and the legitimacy of political representation, this thesis traces the origins of Zheng's schizophrenic apperception of the Meiji Japan back to brush talks with several Japanese sinologists including Mori Kainan and Oka Senjin, where the Japanese sinologists taunted China and classical Chinese poetry. Zheng observed that there existed a connection between the crisis of Chinese script/ Chinese learning in Japan and Japan's westernization, which was leading to social disorder there. Zheng's obsession with Chinese script/ Chinese learning later re-emerged in his proposed motion in the face of China's defeat in the First Sino-Japanese War.
After the 1911 Revolution, in Zheng Xiaoxu's eyes, Republican China wallowed in imitating the West and in embracing "the new learning," which could not be regarded as "China", and this had led to severe social and political disorder. Therefore, Zheng reckoned that an immense conflict existed between the modern disorderly democracy of the West and the ancient hierarchical monarchy of China, and this recognition had pushed him to replace Republican China by an anti-modern, anti-democratic but orderly community of empathy which he envisioned. By collaborating with Japanese, Zheng embarked on the journey of Confucian moral reconstruction in Manchukuo in order to seek for a new world order under the slogan of the "Kingly Way" against Communism, exclusive nationalism, and Euro-American capitalism. This thesis further attempts to explore two crucial concepts: "extending love" and "restraining self" in Zheng's narrative of the "Kingly Way," and it scrutinizes how his political philosophy internalized the colonial ideology of Manchukuo as a discourse of sentiment and morality. What could not be ignored is the ambiguous relationship between Manchukuo and China Proper under Jiang Jieshi's leadership in the aspect of ideological mobilization. Additionally, root causes of the failure of the "Kingly Way" in crafting a strong national identity of Manchukuo will be addressed in the context of the dialectics of aesthetics and nation. Zheng Xiaoxu's rediscovery of Chinese script and the "King Way" constituted the core of his conservative revolution to transform imperial China into a modern state by virtue of culture. Although in the end he was unable to recue China through his political philosophy and thus lost his reputation, his appropriation of Confucian tradition as a sentimental capital against western capitalism, imperialist colonialism, and even radical nationalism, is in a way also reflected in contemporary China's response to the crisis of public morality and national identity building.

Research paper thumbnail of Voice, Body and the Original: Three Husbands 影評《三夫》:欲本無聲,性有所言:《三夫》中的聲音、肉體與起源

Research paper thumbnail of “Dirty Changchun, invisible Shanghai: Ms. Meili” 影評《美麗》:長春不美,上海不現

Research paper thumbnail of The revival of Hong Kong crime film? 香港犯罪类型片的重磅回归?

深焦, 2019

香港懸疑/商業犯罪系列的類型片,似乎在沉靜多年之後,在《無雙》身上展示了一種強烈的回歸感。但有意思的是,這部擁有了視覺與故事體驗上雙重流暢的懸疑片,所在其背後暗涌的、等待解開的文化隱喻又是難得一... more 香港懸疑/商業犯罪系列的類型片,似乎在沉靜多年之後,在《無雙》身上展示了一種強烈的回歸感。但有意思的是,這部擁有了視覺與故事體驗上雙重流暢的懸疑片,所在其背後暗涌的、等待解開的文化隱喻又是難得一見的。一方面,它在恢弘毀滅的血腥暴力之中掩埋下了一個類似於「蓋茨比-黛西」的愛情線即李問/畫家對於真正的阮文可望而不可即的愛慕,另一方面,它同時在質疑關於真實與造假,藝術與複製,現實與幻想,表演/主角與觀看/觀眾之間的固有界限,最終指向了香港文化身份認同的問題。


Research paper thumbnail of 空間、日常與節慶:「模擬」時空裂縫中的都市檔案——論董啟章的《V城繁勝錄》中的香港想象 “Space, everyday life, and festival: making city archive in the time-space hiatus — the vision of Hong Kong in Dong Qizhang’s Visible Cities”

Guandong Journal 關東學刊, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of 看見/不見的聲與日常流動的景:另一種重構中國公園文化的可能 —— 從紀錄片《人民公園》談開去  “The (in) visible voice and the landscape of everyday mobility: another approach to reconstruct the public park culture in China”

Research paper thumbnail of 手寫之書與手作之物:對讀西西的文學「作物史」和殘疾「生命志」(Handwritten books and handmade things: A parallel reading of Xi Xi’s literary history of making and her life history of disability)

ACCL, 2024

以香港作家西西的手寫文字與手作(動)物件之間的複雜關係為切入點,將其文學中的「作物史」與作者本人的殘疾「生命志」相對讀。因1989年的乳腺癌手術後遺症,西西的右手受損轉而以左手寫作,並開始將縫製... more 以香港作家西西的手寫文字與手作(動)物件之間的複雜關係為切入點,將其文學中的「作物史」與作者本人的殘疾「生命志」相對讀。因1989年的乳腺癌手術後遺症,西西的右手受損轉而以左手寫作,並開始將縫製毛熊玩具作為康復手段。西西親手製作的動物玩偶不僅是她的文學對象即「物語」,也是具有自身故事和名字的活生生之物即「賦生」的結果,更是她寫作的媒介變體即從「文」到「物」。在製作文字/(動)物件的過程中,她將文學的視覺閱讀轉向了觸覺體驗,這促使我們重新思考在後人類主義的時代,(殘疾)人與非人(動物和物件)的情感關係何為?作文與作物又如何形成鏡像關係?何為人/(動)物之文學?本文最後強調,在一個同質化的資本主義時代,西西手寫之書與手作之(動)物都是以具身勞動抵抗抽象物化而重新尋找人與物邊界的生命嘗試。

Research paper thumbnail of Love Is (Not) Everything: How Korean Popular Culture Makes an Anti-American Romantic Myth

AAS in Asia, 2023

By employing a symptomatic reading, this paper seeks to re-examine a South Korean television melo... more By employing a symptomatic reading, this paper seeks to re-examine a South Korean television melodrama, Descendants of the Sun (released by the KBS Drama Production in 2016), in the political context of the post-Cold War. The paper argues that the intimate relationship on the screen is projected as a panacea not merely for the ideological confrontation on the Korean Peninsula, but also for the de-colonization of Asia.

Research paper thumbnail of 在威斯康星的中國博士生:王造時和劉國鈞 Chinese doctoral students at UW-Madison: Wang Zaoshi and Liu Guojun

Conference paper presented at Fudan University

Research paper thumbnail of 晚明僧人的情感風景與文學書寫 "Late Ming monks' emotional landscape and literary writings"

Conference paper presented at Fudan University 摘要: 中国诗歌与佛法禅意互不相碍,故自唐代起,遂有“诗僧”、“僧诗”之名来特指僧人的诗歌创作... more Conference paper presented at Fudan University


Research paper thumbnail of When Dongbei was Called Manchukuo: the Intellectual Delimma of "Kingly Way,"  1932-1945

Documenting Dongbei Workshop, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of When Late Qing Intellectuals’ ‘Imperial Eyes’ Encountered Asian Imaginations: To Revisit Su Manshu and His Writing of Java

XXIII ICLA Congress, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of The Unfinished Cold War and the Romantic Asian New Order: How Contemporary Korean Popular Culture Makes an Anti-American Global Myth

Mapping Frontiers, Crossing Borders: History of Cultural Cold War, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of 稚感的背叛與日常的重塑:論西西詩歌的香港「抒/書」情

Literature and the Sea: The Association of Chinese and Comparative Literature Biennial Conference 文學/海洋/島嶼國際學術研討會 , 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Communist Soundscape in Mao’s China: The Newspaper Reading Group and Chinese Political Modernity

AAS in Asia, 2020

This paper focuses on the historical origin, development and significance of newspaper reading gr... more This paper focuses on the historical origin, development and significance of newspaper reading groups in early socialist China and examines a handful of visual material, literary works and newspaper archives that described this cultural practice, whilst asking questions about Chinese political modernity and the development of mass and popular culture. Established in Yan'an in the 1940s, the newspaper reading group played a crucial role in the top-down grassroots mobilization and political education by delivering the Party's political instruction as well as domestic and foreign news, which resonated with Mao Zedong'sdiscourse of a "Mass Line." Rather than considering the newspaper reading group as a pure propagandistic mechanism, this paper instead views it as a democratic (media) technology that reconstructed the relationship between elite intellectuals and the broader masses in imaginative and practical ways. At the first superficial level, newspaper reading group leaders, who were usually highly-educated, organized the populace to discuss selected topics and to propagate their own ideas. Anyone with a good command of common knowledge could volunteer as a new leading reader for others. In a sense, newspaper readings appeared as a transformative way to gradually shape a populace with low-literary skills into new masters of knowledge. At a deeper level, an "audio turn" in the newspaper reading group meant that the dissemination of knowledge via the spoken "mass language" overcame the visual obstacle, namely, the written language. As a result, the newspaper reading group contributed to a particular communist soundscape where the subjectivity of the masses emerged.

Research paper thumbnail of “Nude female painting, train and brush conversation: the late Qing intellectuals’ misreading of Meiji Japan—focused on Zheng Xiaoxu’s Diary” 裸女圖、火車與筆談:晚清知識份子對明治日本的誤讀——以《鄭孝胥日記》為中心

the International Young Scholar Forum: East Asian Cultural Images and Sinophone Literature, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Bring Nanyang to China: Anti-Colonialism, Pan-Asianism, and Su Manshu's Narrative of Extraterritorial Nationalism

Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of The Crisis of Wen and its Overcoming: Zheng Xiaoxu’s Conservative Encounter with Modern Japan「文」的危機與超克──鄭孝胥與現代日本的保守相遇

東亞漢字文化圈中語言文化交流國際研討會 Cultural and Linguistic Interactions Across Sinographic East Asia, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Gallery, Train and the Crisis of Chinese Script in East Asia: Zheng Xiaoxu’s Conservative Encounter with Modern Japan in the Late 19th Century

the Nineteenth-Century Formations, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of 殖民的認同與附逆的超克:滿洲文學中古丁的「魯迅」情結之悖論——以小說《新生》為例 Identifying with colonizers and overcoming collaboration: the complex of Lu Xun in Manchukuo literature—focused on Gu Ding’ New Life

Colonialism, Trauma, Memory: Reconsidering the East Asian Colonial Literature Conference 国际学术工作坊|殖民·创伤·记忆——东亚殖民主义反思, 2016

被称为“满洲国启蒙者”的附逆文人古丁,在小说《新生》中一方面将日本殖民下的医疗体系、卫生习惯鉴定为一种先进文明的话语,从而使“成为日本人”的欲望在日本这个现代性的典范面前显得“恰如其分”;另一方... more 被称为“满洲国启蒙者”的附逆文人古丁,在小说《新生》中一方面将日本殖民下的医疗体系、卫生习惯鉴定为一种先进文明的话语,从而使“成为日本人”的欲望在日本这个现代性的典范面前显得“恰如其分”;另一方面,古丁工具性地挪用/诠释了鲁迅对于国民性改造的诉求,前设了一个超越附逆的潜在文本,认同日本并非是叛国不忠,因为日本提供了一个启蒙国民的可能路径。而小说中的满人经过日本医院的“消毒”,配合日本人进行消灭鼠疫的工作,又使作者克服了在日本先进科学文明前面的自卑感,勾勒了满日共荣的畸形憧憬即满日之间的种族差异必然化解于日本带领满洲/亚洲并对抗西方的大亚洲主义的思潮之中。

Research paper thumbnail of Manchukuo of Empathy: Zheng Xiaoxu’s Wangdao and Its Failure in Building Manchukuo「有情的」滿洲國:鄭孝胥的「王道」與建構滿洲國的失敗

the 20th Graduate Student Conference of Chinese History 第二十屆兩岸四地歷史學研究生論文發表會, 2019


Research paper thumbnail of The Failure of Racial Empire: Probing the Depths of Anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany, 1919-1945

the Joint Postgraduate Student Symposium on Language, Culture and Cognition (JPSS 2018)

By reappraising the anti-Semitic propaganda machinery of National Socialism and its effectiveness... more By reappraising the anti-Semitic propaganda machinery of National Socialism and its effectiveness of everyday actuality during the different periods, this paper proposes that there was a vast discrepancy between the anti-Jewish ideology and a multiplicity of public reactions. Virtually, the exploitation of the Nazi antisemitism was restricted by several main factors, for instance, the public image of NSDAP, Hitler’s personal myth, and, especially, the inconformity and disaffection from the masses. Further speaking, when ordinary German people expressed “dissent” and “aloofness” to the Nazi regime and the fate of the Jews, it proves that the efficacy of Nazi propaganda and the mechanism of anti-Semitic ideology was weak, limited, and less omnipotent. However, driven by self-interest and feeble moral sense, instead of saving the Jews or rejecting antisemitism, the populace always showed ambiguous unconformity and cooperative indifference: ignorance of Nazi mandates; verbal condemnation to gutter measures of the Jewish persecution; psychological denial; apathy for self-protection, keeping silence towards Judenrein atrocities, etc. Such “resistant” responses were germinated, boosted, and revived from the anti-Jewish radicalization gradually, vice versa. Meanwhile the homologies between barbarization of “the Jewish Question” and inactive attitudes of ordinary Germans uncovers a common political knowledge: cooperative opposition or passive resistance naturally is a kind of cooperation with the Nazis which also is the driving source and even the cementing element of Nazism’s ruling system. In such a way, I argue that, as a racial state, Nazi Germany is triumphant as well as failed.

Research paper thumbnail of 滿洲國文學中作為抵抗的封建家族與作為解殖的摩登都市:在全球化語境下重讀「漢奸」古丁1930年代的小說 Feudal family as resistance and modern city as de-colonization in Manchukuo literature: reinterpreting Gu Ding’s novels of the 1930s in a globalized context

Paper presented at Chinese Culture in the Global Context International Conference 2019, The Open ... more Paper presented at Chinese Culture in the Global Context International Conference 2019, The Open University of Hong Kong

Research paper thumbnail of Rethinking the Significance of the Russian and Chinese Revolutions: A Dialogue with Wang Hui

Journal of Labor and Society, 2024

This is a transcript of a dialogue between faculty and students at the University of Wisconsin-Ma... more This is a transcript of a dialogue between faculty and students at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the renowned “new leftist” Chinese intellectual, Wang Hui. The immediate theme of the discussion concerned the two major socialist revolutions of the twentieth century, namely the Russian and Chinese revolutions. Wang Hui’s recent work asks how these revolutions and their associated processes problematize typically Eurocentric assumptions about “modernity.” Relatedly, there has been a recent tendency to subsume the Soviet Union and Mao’s China under the history of capitalism. Such revisionist readings of the Russian and Chinese Revolutions echo earlier Marxist arguments about “actually existing” socialism being a form of state capitalism. The various discussants develop different positions on this issue, but they in general affirm the idea that the socialist revolutions partially succeeded in creating an alternative to capitalism, and this legacy continues to be meaningful to our social imagination.

Research paper thumbnail of Lotus Lantern and the Making of the First Commercial Animated Feature Film in Mainland China──An Interview with Animator Chang Guangxi

Association for Chinese Animation Studies, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of 成(/不)為觀音:評李雨航《成為觀音:晚期帝制中國佛教女信眾的藝術奉獻》

華林國際佛學學刊, 2023

2020年,中國藝術史教授李雨航的專書《成為觀音:晚期帝制中國佛教女信眾的藝術奉獻》(Becoming Guanyin: Artistic Devotion of Buddhist Women ... more 2020年,中國藝術史教授李雨航的專書《成為觀音:晚期帝制中國佛教女信眾的藝術奉獻》(Becoming Guanyin: Artistic Devotion of Buddhist Women in Late Imperial China)問世,隨即榮獲2021年“美國宗教學會”(American Academy of Religion)的“宗教與藝術書獎”(Religion and the Arts Book Award)。通過在三個研究領域——藝術史、佛教和性別研究——之間展開對話,該書充滿了引人入勝的歷史案例,以揭示觀音之像是如何通過女性的表演、技藝、身體乃至物質的手工藝品得以再現。對於作者而言,“ 觀音” 不僅僅衹是一個作為既定的神聖對象或物質的崇拜投射存在,而是一個涉及主體和客體、此岸與彼岸之間辯證互涉的中介過程即女性信徒/ 信仰者與觀音/ 信仰本身之間存在著一種相互建構的關係。將研究材料從文本轉移到日常實踐和物質再現,李氏一書重新在理論和歷史的維度上,彌補乃至拓展了在非制度化的領域,帝制晚期中國女性的佛教崇拜和宗教生活實踐的新面向。尤其是作者所強調的女信徒與觀音之間的“模擬/擬態”的(mimetic connection)關係,也促使我們關注到借由“觀音”信仰所賦予女信徒的主體性是如何與明清時期,儒家父權機制來進行協商與談判的。


Research paper thumbnail of Guanyin as mediation: a new study on women's Buddhist devotion in late imperial China

Studies in Chinese Religions, 2023

This article discusses Yuhang Li's illuminative study on laywomen's Guanyin worship and their mat... more This article discusses Yuhang Li's illuminative study on laywomen's Guanyin worship and their material practices: Becoming Guanyin: Artistic Devotion of Buddhist Women in Late Imperial China. By developing a dialogue between three research fields-art history, Buddhism and gender studies-the book abounds with fascinating cases that unearth how Guanyin images were reproduced by female performance, skills, bodies and material artefacts. Here, Guanyin no longer appears as an established category or substance, but rather a mediation process involving the dialectical relationship between subject and object. Li's writing departs from the traditional textual approach and veers into daily practices and material embodiments of Guanyin belief. Through the examination of significant contributions made by Li in the research on female Buddhist cults and religious material culture on a theoretical and historical level, this review emphasizes there is a heuristic perspective to inspect the mutually constructive relationship between worshipper and worshipped. In sum, the mimetic connection between laywomen and Guanyin observed by Li not only reflects female apostles' Buddhist praxis beyond institutionalizations, but also offers a comprehensive picture of how laywomen's subjectivity endowed by Guanyin faith negotiated with Confucian patriarchy in late imperial China.

Research paper thumbnail of “Vernacular Chinese’s Achilles heel: On Chen Jianhua’s The Enchanting Shadow of the Violet: Zhou Shoujuan and Shanghai Literary Culture, 1911-1949.”  白話文的軟肋——評陳建華《紫羅蘭的魅影:周瘦鵑與上海文學文化,1911-1949》

Research paper thumbnail of “Tamen: gazing on the female without feminism”書評《她們》:無意以女性主義看女性

香港01, 2020

這個社會對女性的誤解和傷害與我們對女性的無知一樣多。 2017年,美國女星艾莉莎.米蘭諾(Alyssa Milano)等人在社交網站上揭露製片人哈維.韋恩斯坦(Harvey Weinstein)... more 這個社會對女性的誤解和傷害與我們對女性的無知一樣多。
2017年,美國女星艾莉莎.米蘭諾(Alyssa Milano)等人在社交網站上揭露製片人哈維.韋恩斯坦(Harvey Weinstein)性侵醜聞,隨即形成了一場女性反性侵害和騷擾的#MeToo運動。同年,香港運動員呂麗瑤公開控訴教練對自己的傷害,台灣女作家林奕含以類自傳《房思琪的初戀樂園》回憶老師曾經予以她的身體和精神創傷。2020年,內地網紅「Papi醬」因為自己的孩子冠上夫姓,遭到網絡攻擊。我們從未解決過「女性」的問題,更需要問「女性」到底是不是一個問題?著名華語作家閻連科的散文集《她們》恰恰為我們提供了頗為獨特的視角和解答。

Research paper thumbnail of “Review of Chen Sihe, The unfished manuscript"  為什麼「未完」的才是最好的?:讀陳思和《未完稿》有感

Research paper thumbnail of "Review of Feng Xiang, I am Alpha: on law and AI"《我是阿爾法:論法和人工智能》 人工智能挑戰資本主義

香港 01 Hong Kong 01, 2019

馮象的文章不容易讀。大概是因為他的學 術訓練,以英美語言文學出身,又在博士階段 轉向了以知識產權為學習領域的法律專業。其 行文詩性處靈動暢快,犀利處言辭辛辣,直擊 現實。這特點也反映在牛津大學出... more 馮象的文章不容易讀。大概是因為他的學 術訓練,以英美語言文學出身,又在博士階段 轉向了以知識產權為學習領域的法律專業。其 行文詩性處靈動暢快,犀利處言辭辛辣,直擊 現實。這特點也反映在牛津大學出版社為他出 版的新書 《我是阿爾法:論法和人工智能》 上。 光從該標題上來看,馮象將「法」與「人 工智能」 (下稱 AI)這兩個看似毫無相關的概 念連結在一起,卻暴露出作者想要處理一些更 為宏大的社會命題的野心,即「法」 / 知識產 權在當代中國的出路、勞動者的法律地位,以 及高新技術如 AI 技術在未來社會的「非人化」 革命。尤其是當下,中美貿易戰進入一個新的 階段,美國對華為公司的封殺以及強國們對 5G 技術的爭奪,也促使我們需要重新審視知 識產權背後的跨國資本競逐的必然性。 本書的展開,是作者對於當下(尤其是內 地) 大學體制的抨擊-這是一場 「逼良為娼」 的 「異化」:一方面,高校崇洋媚外,推崇 「海 歸」學歷和「國際一流」的頭銜,審核教師的 升職以「核心期刊」為標準,催生了論文代寫 的產業化與期刊版面費的常規化。另一方面, 對於青年教師來說,不得不選擇以犧牲教育學 生來換取從事科研的時間,因為其職業生涯 從一開始,就是以研究而不是教書來實現成長 的,這最終導致對整個學生培養體系的傷害。 以此為開端,馮象揭開了自「告別革命」 以來,革命信仰的喪失,學術官僚主義風氣使 得 「為人民 / 學生服務」 的學術事業變成了 「為 個人仕途」服務的商業(頁 113) 。正是如此, 他同時指出了,文藝創新與科研發展在以「知 識產權」 之名的物化、商品化之中,走向了 「利 己」 、 「私有」的學術壁壘,苟活於資本主義邏 輯「弱肉強食」的叢林法則中。 在內地,知識產權角色曖昧 對於當代中國的整體經濟發展而言, 「知 識產權」一直扮演着曖昧的角色。在改革開放 初期的八、九十年代,內地市場經濟以「山 寨」 、 「盜版」 、 「侵權」等模式為主擴展,為中 國崛起帶來不可磨滅的「貢獻」 。 與此同時,由於互聯網所催生的「數碼經 濟」與業務外包(外判)的國際產業鏈(馮象稱 之為「攪局創新」 ,disruptive innovations) ,又 使得「正版」和「盜版」之間的界限在全球化的 經濟交融裏,變得異常模糊。 「知識產權」的 幽靈是醞釀在「主導全球貿易的美國法標準」 之中的,它往往是作為掠奪市場的文明噱頭, 並為資本主義將抽象客體,轉化為私有所得 物,提供正當性的藉口(頁28、49、55) 。 於是, 「正版」商品不可避免地成為了劃 分社會階層的服務,象徵有錢人、有規則的享 受標誌。但弔詭的是,發展中國家(如「金磚 五國」 )的技術提升和對西方發達國家工商業 外包的接納、互聯網低成本的技術流動與反信 息壟斷,這兩者共同「默許」了內地充斥着一 個山寨、仿造的商品市場,在這裏,被仿製的 商品由於提供的價格大多數民眾可負擔,反客 為主地成為主流,甚至吸引了不少國際資本對 中國「低法治」產品的「風險投資」 。 正是如此,馮象對於知識產權在中國衰落 的「歡呼」 ,顯然是站在一個馬克思主義者立 場上,對西方資本主義「私有制」及其固有合 法性的質疑。從這個角度來看,當 「知識產權」 把文藝作品當作商業產品的工具,實際上是對 作品現實批判力度的損害、也是對人作為創作 自由主體性的否定。 西方的「知識產權」在中國經濟的無法自 我溶解進主流的法律敘說或者被迫轉化為一個 新的轉變方向,正如被剝削的底層勞工在中國 社會與法律層面的地位。在《國歌賦予自由》 這一章節裏,馮象以 2010 年南海本田工人高 唱國歌維權、恢復「同志」稱謂的大罷工為案 例,進而分析在一個沒有「罷工自由」的當代 中國,簽了勞動合同的底層人民如何自我身份 政治化。 1982 年,中國重修憲法,不僅刪除了「罷 工自由」 ,還刪去了被稱之為「極左」的「四大 自由」 (即大鳴、大放、大辯論、大字報) 。 尤其是當國有企業改制之後,工人成為了資本 市場上自由購買的勞動力(契約自由) ,遭受 着企業規章制度的約束,僱主的經濟收益成為 他們工作認可的指標。 一方面,在內地,罷工已經沒有法律的保 護,成為了擾亂社會秩序和危害社會主義發展 的集體性危機;另一方面,勞資衝突的問題被 「灰色化」為一種資本分配的問題,從而被貼 上了「勞動糾紛」的標籤。 馮象提醒我們,南海本田工人高唱寫於 抗日戰爭時期的《義勇軍進行曲》 (於 1949 年 新中國成立後成為國歌)-該模式隨後再一 次地被運用在 2010 年河南平頂山紡織集團工 人罷工和 2013 年重慶工商大學教師以抗議校 方「績效工資」方案的運動中-本質上是將 「八二憲法」所隱蔽的剝削 / 僱傭者與被剝削 / 勞動者之間的問題轉換為執政黨與群眾或工 人階級的關係問題。罷工者的維權在作者看 來,不僅是恢復法律地位上的「權益」 ,更是 回歸人對自身的覺悟、勞動者的階級覺悟,乃 至作為國家主人翁的 「人民主權」 意識的覺悟。 AI 將引致中產階級「難民化」 然而,馮象對於「人」的尊嚴與自我解放 的執着,最終使得他不得不轉向對於人工智能 的批判。這就是本書最大的篇章所要處理的問 題,即是關於AI所引發的 「人機倫理」 的探討。 如果傳統人文社科學者所擔心 AI 機器的 發展是代替低端勞動服務產業的話,作者在此 處所要強調的卻是,深度學習和大數據的建 造,最終會使一大半需要複雜技能和經驗的腦 力工作者作廢:如醫生、律師、翻譯員、會 計、法官等。可以說,AI 時代的大失業本身 是將所謂的中產階級「難民化」 。於是,AI 所 帶來倫理上的挑戰,在於其技術自身是與跨國 界的資本同構的,它不可避免地遵循着私慾、 剝削的本能訴求,即可以看做是「人對人的 壓迫剝削、規訓和奴役的升級」 (頁 205) 。由 此,作者提出,唯有機器遵守共產主義道德、 廢棄資本主義價值,人類才可以避免成為人工 智能的附屬品,人類解放才有最終的希望。 暫且不說馮象的「AI共產主義化」是否一 個理想化的出路,但他至少看到了 AI 擁有者 對資本主義固有的挑戰-社會結構性的大 失業最終催生的是私有制的毀滅。更有意思的 是,機機人以假亂真、以學習 / 模仿人類來 創造文章和棋局、就診、炒股、派送快遞、參 與戰爭……又何嘗不是對於「人作為勞動的動 物」這一身份認同的最大否認?恢復有意義的 勞動,有尊嚴的勞動,是人主體性保障的必 然。 AI以解放人類姿勢出現,但是要把人類解 放去哪裏,這是所有科創人員必須面對的。 2019 年 6 月,筆者在寫作本書評時,香港 社會正好提供了一個重新審視本書部份內容的 一個良好契機。由於反對香港政府強行審議 《逃犯條例(修訂)草案》 (簡稱修例) ,香港爆 發了主辦方聲稱的200萬人次 「反修例」 遊行。 6 月 14 日,職工盟主席吳敏兒呼籲全港工人罷 工遊行。值得注意的是,吳主席的措辭裏,特 別提到了這是一次歷史性的事件,是「勞資合 作」以對抗政府的行為。除了將修例看作是對 香港法治自由的破壞之外,職工盟的罷工呼籲 包含着對該修例將造成香港投資環境惡化的擔 憂。 相比內地的「罷工」不自由-認為罷工 本身是無產階級對資產階級剝削的反抗,而在 社會主義國家的「罷工」將會影響社會經濟的 發展與政治上的團結, 香港職工盟號召的「罷 工」則是將勞動者 / 無產階級與資本家一起擺 在了政府的對立面,這恰恰反射了書裏所忽視 或被遮蔽的一個問題-如何化解資本流動 「去疆域化」 與政府控制 「在地化」 之間的矛盾。 若將「罷工」看作是政治行動主體的一次 言說,那麼,在 AI 時代到來之後,當人工智 能取代人力成為勞動者之後,被剝奪其勞動權 利的群體又該如何「罷工」呢?相比新加坡早 在2006年已推出的 「智能國」 (smart nation) 計 劃,香港在智能技術發展方面,直到 2018 年 10 月才成立「香港人工智能及數據實驗室」 , 才像是有了一場正式進入AI時代的宣言。 同年,一國兩制研究中心發表報告指出, 在未來十至二十年間,香港有 100 萬份工作 有機會被 AI 取代。由於產業結構單一,以金 融、國際港口貿易為核心的城市經濟結構,即 便面對南下的雲端支付手段,也顯得措手無 策。接納 AI 對於香港而言,在一定意義上, 不是如何追求更為超前的高端技術的問題,而 是如何將社會產業結構改革與之相融合的必然 需求。 馮象認為 AI 時代的大失業本身是將所謂的中產階級「難民化」 。 《我是阿爾法:論法和人工智能》 作者:馮象 出版社:牛津大學出版社 出版日期:2018 年 7 月 徐雨霽 九零後,文化研究博士生, 研究興趣為視覺文化與中國政治思想史。 視 覺 中 國

Research paper thumbnail of "Review of Wolfgang Schivelbusch, The Railway Journey: The Industrialization of Time and Space in the Nineteenth Century" 書評《鐵道之旅:19世紀空間與時間的工業化》——關於火車的文化闡釋

香港01 Hong Kong 01, 2019

當沃爾夫岡.希弗爾布施(Wolfgang Schivelbusch)的《鐵道之旅:19 世紀空間與時 間的工業化》一書在 2018 年被翻譯進入中國, 它似乎為當下的華語文化研究的領域,打開了... more 當沃爾夫岡.希弗爾布施(Wolfgang Schivelbusch)的《鐵道之旅:19 世紀空間與時 間的工業化》一書在 2018 年被翻譯進入中國, 它似乎為當下的華語文化研究的領域,打開了 一個急待闡釋的新對象,即擁有肉體體驗感和 視覺流動感的火車,是如何改變城市文化中人 們的情感結構、時空感知,以及景觀與病理學 書寫。 希弗爾布施在這本書裏的主要興趣點並 非關於十九世紀作為新技術出現的鐵路交通 本身,而是將火車作為一種認知裝置,重新捕 捉在資本主義發展過程中的古典主義階段,人 們的自然審美、身體感應、社會規則與人際關 係是如何被納入一種商品生產與消費的網絡之 中。

Research paper thumbnail of 島嶼間與家國外:重審冷戰時期劉以鬯的南洋書寫

Research paper thumbnail of “The childishness of Xi Xi’s poetry” 西西稚感的詩歌

Research paper thumbnail of Family, ruined city, and new life: the antinomy of Manchukuo by the collaborative writer—Gu Ding as method《家族、廢都與新生:附逆文人的滿洲悖論——古丁作為方法》

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2017

满洲国混杂着传统与现代的东亚现代性,呈现着国族认同与现代进程的可能。本文将华语语系文学作为范式,重审在日本 西方与中国 亚洲两大名物对峙下成为被遗弃的他者的满洲国文学。其中,附逆文人古丁的身世与... more 满洲国混杂着传统与现代的东亚现代性,呈现着国族认同与现代进程的可能。本文将华语语系文学作为范式,重审在日本 西方与中国 亚洲两大名物对峙下成为被遗弃的他者的满洲国文学。其中,附逆文人古丁的身世与其作品,展示了双语的殖民地精英在故国与异邦之间身份认同的困难以及满洲文学又如何同时具有解构殖民性与抵抗大中华民族主义遮蔽的可能。

笔者将以〈原野〉、〈平沙〉、〈莫里〉、〈新生〉四篇不同时期的代表作品,勾勒出古丁从撰写「封建家族」到「批判都市」的小说再到「满日共荣」的附逆文学的写作旅途和思想心境。古丁在满洲国 这个传统尚未清理,现代未能彻底建立的「空虚场域」,利用笔下从文明之地 远方归来的「荡儿」,在语言、空间和身体等层面来呈现二战时期,日本欲意摆脱「亚洲」标签,缔造现代帝国用以抗衡西方老牌资本主义国家之际,新道德与旧伦理、都市与乡村、西方/日本与亚洲/中国对立之间边界流动不居,撕裂龃龉的满洲现代性。即使是在1942年之后所发表的时局小说〈新生〉里,古丁将「荡儿」置换成为追求启蒙大众、礼赞日本物质文明的知识分子,也无法避免他与普罗大众在医学认知上的失败。

毫无疑问的是,古丁在「封建家族」和「批判都市」的两类小说中,假借愚昧传统的中国封建思想与理念完成了抵制日本/西方的可能。但在40年代之后,面临着满洲文艺服务大东亚战争的政策高压,古丁「理所应当」地将中国传统资源作为一个背负民族劣根性、急需西方先进技术和文明理念进行根治的症结所在。他巧妙地将五四以来中国追求现代性的进程安置于附逆日本逻辑之中,一方面完成了明哲保身、投向敌国的文艺「献祭」,另一方面也割裂了文化认同与殖民现实、双语文化精英与普罗大众之间的纽带,从而在无意吻合日本大亚洲主义主张之时也暗藏了洗刷自身汉 奸罪名的前提。既然西方与日本无法是古丁/满洲国真正认同的对象,而亚洲或中国自身需要外来者的启蒙与改造,那么,古丁与满洲国都不可避免地成为了没有自我意识的历史的「依附物」。将附逆文人古丁作为方法,是窥视满洲国这个特殊而又暧昧的殖民国度之中,无法被「西方理论,亚洲现实」二元思考所解决的东亚殖民现代性与附逆知识分子的一环。

Research paper thumbnail of “Obsession with Chinese characters” 情迷漢字