Consider the Lily (Inspire With... Clarity (original) (raw)
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Sun, Jul. 18th, 2004, 10:26 pm
Unfortunately, due to lack of inspiration and lack of interest H2O: think! is on hiatus until term re-starts (in September 2004). It's been on unofficial hiatus for a while now and, although I have tried drumming up interest, I think I need to seriously re-think the content etc. So, I'm going to use the two months I have to create content, find a readership and make it totally groovetastic again. (Wish me luck...!)
Thu, Jul. 8th, 2004, 11:08 pm
inspirewithhope: Progress report
I'm thinking about converting Consider the Lily in to a discussion forum, but there's no point if no one wants to use it. So, do you want to discuss Philosophy? Do you know anyone else who might be interested? Let me know. If you have topics you'd like to discuss, let me know about that too. Just comment to this post or email me. Thanks!
Sat, May. 15th, 2004, 11:35 pm
inspirewithhope: Progress report
Just started reading Kierkegaard. Have wanted to read him since Chris first mentioned him, especially having read references to his work in Chris' book. So, will be reviewing soon, I hope.
Sat, May. 15th, 2004, 11:29 pm
Consider the Lily is the community journal for the forthcoming philosophy site - H2O: think! (Inspire With Clarity).
I'll be posting thoughts for the day and so on and you can comment or what have you. Posting access is open to all, so please add your own philosophical thoughts, questions, musings etc. Membership available to frequent posters, if you request.
Happy thinking!