Carlo Testa / Forschung | The University of British Columbia (original) (raw)

BOOKS by Carlo Testa / Forschung

Research paper thumbnail of Transmutatio - La via ermetica alla felicità / The Hermetic Way to Happiness

Quaderni di Studi Indomediterranei 5, 2013

File contains Table of Contents and my Introduction: Il silenzio delle parole

Research paper thumbnail of TESTA C, co-ed. - TRANSMUTATIO vol 5 of QSIM

Research paper thumbnail of TESTA C - MASTERS OF TWO ARTS: RE-CREATION


Research paper thumbnail of TESTA C, ed. - FRANCESCO ROSI POET OF CIVIC COURAGE

Research paper thumbnail of TESTA C - DESIRE AND THE DEVIL

Ital Cinema: Politics & Economy by Carlo Testa / Forschung

Research paper thumbnail of TESTA C Retreat from Modernity:  Luchetti’s Our Life

Research paper thumbnail of TESTA C The jobless society: Italian cinema ... early 2000s

This article proposes a synthetic analysis and contextualization of the most significant,

Research paper thumbnail of TESTA C Economic Issues in Post-WWII Italian Cinema

Research paper thumbnail of TESTA C Ambrosoli’s Murder in Un eroe borghese

Research paper thumbnail of TESTA C Les rouges et les noirs ... dans le cinéma italien

Research paper thumbnail of TESTA C Film Literature Terrorism in Italian Cinema

Research paper thumbnail of TESTA C Italian political cinema: Surveying ...

The 2005 Cornell Entralogos Conference has provided me with the welcome opportunity to develop so... more The 2005 Cornell Entralogos Conference has provided me with the welcome opportunity to develop some theoretical reflections on the ways in which, on the one hand, literature, and more in general arts and the humanities, contribute to shaping the world -but, also on the other hand, on how different "worlds" (different historical and cultural realities, that is) bring about a correspondingly diverse gamut of artistic creations. This paper of mine, then, arises within the context of an overarching theoretical exploration inspired by the theme of the Conference: "Art Makes a Difference / Difference Makes Art." In my intention, the symmetry of this proposition aims not for a selfreferential form of witticism but for an almost mimetic reproduction of the endless circulation -in some sense, indeed, the circularity -of the exchanges that obtain between culture and society. Which of the two comes first? Neither, it goes without saying. Which of the two comes second? Both, of course.

Research paper thumbnail of TESTA C Tolstoy in Paolo and Vittorio Taviani

Cinema & Literature by Carlo Testa / Forschung

Research paper thumbnail of TESTA C Rossellini lecteur de Stendhal

Research paper thumbnail of TESTA C Poetry in Benigni’s Tiger and Snow

Research paper thumbnail of TESTA C Fellini Interviews Kafka: Intervista

Research paper thumbnail of TESTA C Tolstoy and the Tavianis’ St. Michael

Research paper thumbnail of TESTA C Gogol e Amelio: Lamerica Anime morte

Research paper thumbnail of TESTA C Rossellini and Stendhal: Vanina Vanini

Research paper thumbnail of Transmutatio - La via ermetica alla felicità / The Hermetic Way to Happiness

Quaderni di Studi Indomediterranei 5, 2013

File contains Table of Contents and my Introduction: Il silenzio delle parole

Research paper thumbnail of TESTA C, co-ed. - TRANSMUTATIO vol 5 of QSIM

Research paper thumbnail of TESTA C - MASTERS OF TWO ARTS: RE-CREATION


Research paper thumbnail of TESTA C, ed. - FRANCESCO ROSI POET OF CIVIC COURAGE

Research paper thumbnail of TESTA C - DESIRE AND THE DEVIL

Research paper thumbnail of TESTA C Retreat from Modernity:  Luchetti’s Our Life

Research paper thumbnail of TESTA C The jobless society: Italian cinema ... early 2000s

This article proposes a synthetic analysis and contextualization of the most significant,

Research paper thumbnail of TESTA C Economic Issues in Post-WWII Italian Cinema

Research paper thumbnail of TESTA C Ambrosoli’s Murder in Un eroe borghese

Research paper thumbnail of TESTA C Les rouges et les noirs ... dans le cinéma italien

Research paper thumbnail of TESTA C Film Literature Terrorism in Italian Cinema

Research paper thumbnail of TESTA C Italian political cinema: Surveying ...

The 2005 Cornell Entralogos Conference has provided me with the welcome opportunity to develop so... more The 2005 Cornell Entralogos Conference has provided me with the welcome opportunity to develop some theoretical reflections on the ways in which, on the one hand, literature, and more in general arts and the humanities, contribute to shaping the world -but, also on the other hand, on how different "worlds" (different historical and cultural realities, that is) bring about a correspondingly diverse gamut of artistic creations. This paper of mine, then, arises within the context of an overarching theoretical exploration inspired by the theme of the Conference: "Art Makes a Difference / Difference Makes Art." In my intention, the symmetry of this proposition aims not for a selfreferential form of witticism but for an almost mimetic reproduction of the endless circulation -in some sense, indeed, the circularity -of the exchanges that obtain between culture and society. Which of the two comes first? Neither, it goes without saying. Which of the two comes second? Both, of course.

Research paper thumbnail of TESTA C Tolstoy in Paolo and Vittorio Taviani


I, Pinocchio, the Real and Only One: Confessions of a Former Puppet who Converted from Matter to Soul, 2022

Translation into English (Vancouver, Canada: Finisterrae, 2022) of the main autobiographical work... more Translation into English (Vancouver, Canada: Finisterrae, 2022) of the main autobiographical work in Italian by Giuseppino “Pinocchio” Collodi «Confessioni di un burattino».

Abstract from the Preface:
«At the by no means tender age of 140, I, Pinocchio, the real and only one, am extremely upset that a foolish and debased version of my life experience should circulate so widely in the world, especially in the English-speaking part of it. How such a demeaning process of banalization could take place is simply beyond my comprehension. True, when I was a puppet I was indeed very foolish and did foolish things. But that’s no reason, today, to deny the significant and important lessons that my vicissitudes contain for the benefit of those who wish to understand the world’s brutal mechanisms: mechanisms that used to rule the world 140 years ago and still do today.
Sure, these Confessions of mine are at some level about me — but, more to the point, they are about capitalism, about work vs. play, about the entertainment industry and all other industries, about self-reliance, about the justice system, about the twinned nature of our self (Animus and Anima), abouth death, about selfishness vs. love and compassion, about the World Soul, about creation and the Creation … In short, they are “about me” but they also are about everything else: everything that still matters in our lives.»

Research paper thumbnail of Gerardo Fraccari Naturalisti cinesi e naturalisti greci

Oikosophia: dall'intelligenza del cuore all'ecofilosofia / From the Intelligence of the Heart to Ecophilosophy — Quaderni di Studi Indomediterranei 10, 2017

Gerardo (Dino) Fraccari (1909-1999), di formazione filosofo, per naturale predisposizione spirito... more Gerardo (Dino) Fraccari (1909-1999), di formazione filosofo, per naturale predisposizione spirito visionario e comparatista, fu professore di filosofia nei licei milanesi, e al contempo saggista, conferenziere, traduttore. Debuttò con una monografia su Giordano Bruno e la traduzione dei racconti di Hoffmann (entrambi 1951), dedicandosi poi alla traduzione di Adler (1954) e allo studio di Jacob Böhme e dei mistici protestanti tedeschi (1964). Negli anni successivi seppe coniugare la sua audace lettura della filosofia presocratica con quella, ugualmente inusitata all'epoca, della sapienza cinese antica, taoista in particolare. Coronamento del suo lavoro in quest'ambito fu la monografia Eraclito e la civiltà mediterranea (1981). Una parte importante dei suoi scritti rimase inedita e per circostanze familiari sfortunate molti dei suoi lavori devono considerarsi dispersi. Il testo che qui pubblichiamo, non datato ma ascrivibile agli anni '80, fu forse redatto per una conferenza; è parte degli inediti superstiti.
Abstract: In questo scritto databile agli anni '80 del secolo scorso, e rimasto fino a oggi inedito, Gerardo Fraccari getta un aereo quanto solido ponte tra la sapienza di Eraclito e quella di Lao Tsu, portandoci così a comprendere il "naturalismo", che questi antichi filosofi accomuna, attraverso una prospettiva diversa da quella verso cui le nostre categorie epistemologiche tradizionali ci hanno abituati. Il pensiero di Fraccari annuncia e prepara quello delle generazioni a noi più vicine nell'individuazione di una sapienza eterna iscritta nel mondo vivente — nel mondo "più che umano", secondo la felice espressione coniata da David Abram — del quale l'umano torna a far parte nella misura in cui si dedica a (ri)apprenderne il ritmo, la presenza, gli eloquenti silenzi.

Research paper thumbnail of Il discorso di Capo Seathl (1854/1887) e l'intelligenza della terra. Versione di William Arrowsmith (1969); introduzione di Daniela Boccassini; traduzione e cura di Carlo Testa

Oikosophia: dall'intelligenza del cuore all'ecofilosofia / From the Intelligenge of the Heart to Ecophilosophy — Quaderni di Studi Indomedierranei 10, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of GALEAZZO CIANO the Fascist Dandy & His Bio «THE FASCIST PRETENDER» by Tobias HOF – Critical Review Essay by CTesta

For anyone studying Fascism with a critical eye, the mere existence of historical characters li... more For anyone studying Fascism with a critical eye, the mere existence of historical characters like Galeazzo Ciano feels like little less than manna from heaven. Why? Because Galeazzo Ciano was situated exactly at the juncture of the lines of force (or ... fragility) that made Italian Fascism both so characteristically strong and so fatally weak, accounting for the wobbly resilience through the decades – and the uncanny resonance across the globe – of a regime which, in a now classic essay on «Ur-Fascism», Umberto Eco a quarter of a century ago tartly characterized as a deliberately organized kind of chaos, «a structured confusion» («una confusione strutturata»).
Galeazzo was the son of Costanzo Ciano, a war hero from the first World War ... (continues in essay)

Research paper thumbnail of Corinna Laude, "Daz in swindelt in den sinnen": Die Poetik der Perspektive bei Heinrich Wittenweiler und Giovanni Boccaccio. Kurt Flasch. Vernunft und Vergnügen. Liebesgeschichten aus dem Decameron. Reviewed by Carlo Testa