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Journal created:
on 18 September 2004 (#4577204)
on 25 March 2010
Wizard People, Dear Reader
Posting Access:
Anybody , Moderated
This is a community for people that like Wizard People, Dear Reader by Brad Neely, found here.
Share artwork, icons, favorite quotes, or any information on WPDR or Brad Neely here. :)
brad neely, chili barrel, cousin roast beefyweefs, dear reader, dumbledore’s gofer, edvanders, evil aunt, evil mother, family porkums, giggle snort, goutish fucker, hagar the horrible, harmony, harry frickin’ potter, harry p., harry potter, harry potter spoofs, hog family, horrible creature, irish lady, lawrence of olivia, master h, mouthoyle, patty mcgrossout, pork family project, porknchips, porktown family, pre-pubescent medusa, professor hardcastle mccormick, professor queerman, ragtime roast beefy, roast b, roast beefy, roast beefyaweefy, ron weasel, ronnie, squawking uncle and aunt, the near-dead dumbledore, uncle baconface, uncle fattrain, uncle pig fat, uncle piggums, uncle porkflaps, uncle porkstar, uncle salt porker, upfish, valmart, vanders, wizard people, wizard people dear reader, wretched creature
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