Weiss Kreuz Fanart (original) (raw)

Schuldig! Yay! [Sep. 9th, 2008|10:28 am]Weiss Kreuz Fanart
[**mood** |accomplishedaccomplished]So, I've been RPing Schuldig in various places for months, because he has taken over my mind. Thus, when I got my tablet, and started doodling, who else would want to be drawn then him? ( Cut for the sexy. Naked chest, peoples.Collapse )
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Giftart [Feb. 19th, 2007|04:53 am]Weiss Kreuz Fanart
Giftart for fireun My favorite scene from her fic "Strange Times"Worksafe: just a bare chest and some bloodstained bandages.http://lilymoon1.livejournal.com/44973.html
Fanart of Schuldig [Jan. 6th, 2007|06:22 pm]Weiss Kreuz Fanart
[**mood** |confusedconfused]Blah, blah, blahhttp://lilymoon1.livejournal.com/31487.html
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Gift art, Crawford comforting Schuldig [Jan. 6th, 2007|03:23 am]Weiss Kreuz Fanart
[Current Location |home] [mood accomplishedaccomplished]Gift Art for KD Sarge, who wanted a pic of Crawford comforting Schuldig. I'll get around to coloring it when I can focus my eyes again.Weiss KreuzCrawfordxSchuldigworksafejust pencil at the moment, color to comehttp://www.deviantart.com/deviation/46069557/
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Weiss Kreuz fanart [Jan. 2nd, 2007|05:04 pm]Weiss Kreuz Fanart
Fandom: Weiss KreuzPairing: Crawford/AyaArtist: LilyMoonWarnings: none/worksafeDisclaimer: same old, don't own Weiss KreuzCome seehttp://lilymoon1.livejournal.com/30399.html#cutid1
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(no subject) [Jan. 2nd, 2007|11:09 am]Weiss Kreuz Fanart
[**mood** |contentcontent]Fandom: Weiss KreuzArtist: LilyMoonPairing: Schuldig/AyaWarnings: worksafe, just a kissDisclaimer: Don't own Weiss Kreuz, make nothing.Come see.http://lilymoon1.livejournal.com/30114.html#cutid1
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Art work of Farfarello and Aya [Jan. 2nd, 2007|02:12 am]Weiss Kreuz Fanart
[Current Location |home] [music "Pretty Good Year", Tori Amos]UntitledMixed media on heavy drawing paperArtist: LilyMoonFandom: Weiss KreuzPairing: Farfarello/AyaWarnings: nope/worksafeHave a look.http://lilymoon1.livejournal.com/29778.html#cutid1
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Ran fanart. [Dec. 9th, 2006|11:56 am]Weiss Kreuz Fanart
Series: Weiss KreuzTitle: Lost in my bloodCharacter: Ran (Aya)Rating: PG13 or PG15 :/ (it's very bloody)Artist's Notes: I just liek molesting characters I love XD.Constructive Criticism: As you want.( Display the picCollapse )
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My less than average art [Oct. 22nd, 2006|05:49 pm]Weiss Kreuz Fanart
[mood** |frustratedfrustrated]Title: A simple kissFandom: Weiss KreuzPairing: Brad/SchuldigRating: PG( Read more...Collapse )**
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