We are the largest volleyball players database now! (original) (raw)

We are glad to tell you that starting from yesterday Volleybox has the greatest volleyball database available in the internet.

Now we have 40069 players in the database (24189 women players, 15016 men players and 864 beach players). 34739 of 39205 indoor players (88%) have added at least one club in their sport's career.

Here is a chart showing the size of our database over the years:

This achievement is the result of the work of our users. There are TOP10 users who added the most player's profiles on the Volleybox. Thank you guys and gals!

User Added profiles
@Fran 14657
@Volleybox 4902
@marciovolley 2924
@airton13 2560
@PedroHenriqueTorres 1581
@franzvinci01 1556
@Sherlock 1464
@VitaliiLatysh 928
@bpeter0228 881
@Kacper 631

TOP10 nationalities (men + women + beach players):

Poland 3874
USA 2432
Italy 2266
Brazil 1581
Russian 1502
Ukraine 1437
Spain 1157
Japan 1146
France 1090
Germany 1034

Keep doing your great work here. We are still working on creating the right conditions for you. There is a thread presenting our plans for the future.

#Volleyboxnet #playersdata