Take over Simge Şebnem Aköz profile :: Women Volleybox (original) (raw)

Send us some photo where you are holding a paper with title "Volleybox.net" in your hands.

It could also be some of your private images that are not available on the internet.

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Acceptable extension of the image: gif, jpg, jpeg, png. Maximum file size: 10MB.

Adding exact contract validity dates

Adding exact contract validity dates

Adding information that you are looking for a club

Adding information that you are looking for a club

Adding expectations

Adding expectations

Finding out the right salary for you

Finding out the right salary for you

Adding level of volleyball skills

Adding level of volleyball skills

Adding known languages

Adding known languages

Adding clubs reviews

Adding clubs reviews

Adding agency review

Adding agency review

Adding recommendations of your teammates

Adding recommendations of your teammates

Asking teammates for a recommendation

Asking teammates for a recommendation

Other users will be able to contact you (You can block messages from individual users or user groups)

Other users will be able to contact you
You can block messages from individual users or user groups

Removing professional account from the website

Removing professional account from the website