Baby Don't You Cry, Gonna Make a Pie (original) (raw)

I want to play! [Apr. 25th, 2011|08:20 pm]Lula
[**Tags**|once again it's all about meme]Leave the name of a character/person from a fandom you know I'm in, and I will tell you--* How I FEEEEEL about this character* All the people I ship romantically with this character* My non-romantic OTP for this character* My unpopular opinion about this character* One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon
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X-MAS CARDS [Nov. 14th, 2010|12:50 am]Lula
[**Tags**|\o/!!, designy type thingies, ho ho holidays]I guess people are doing Christmas stuff now??? Anyway, I designed my cards! And I'll do a bump for this closer to the season.IF YOU WANT A CHRISTMAS CARD FROM ME, COMMENT HERE Comments are screened o/
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(no subject) [Nov. 4th, 2010|05:51 pm]Lula
[**Tags**|gip, gratuitous, psa]wonderseal : New layout! New default!Week's kind of a wash. OH WELL.
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(no subject) [Sep. 20th, 2010|07:39 pm]Lula
[Tags**|gratuitous, hilarity]YOU GUYS. DIDN'T YOU KNOW THAT RACHEL MADDOW IS A LESBIAN VAMPIRE??????????????????????( SHE MUST BE STOPPED.Collapse )**
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(no subject) [Sep. 11th, 2010|01:44 pm]Lula
[**Tags**|networking socially]So I have a plurk now. I... don't really get it, still, but I want to stalk people I GUESS.
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(no subject) [Sep. 11th, 2010|01:01 am]Lula
I'm sure people have already heard about this. I'M SUPER EXCITED YOU GUYS.So yesterday I went to the doc for a follow up (love this one, btw) because last time I went for a specific purpose but had mentioned that my legs and asthma weren't so great.Quick background on my legs: My muscles are super tight. When I do anything more than a casual amble, the fronts of my shins become incredibly painful. It's a "oh jesus this needs to stretch out" muscle pain, but of course any stretching or avoidance just makes it worse. Pretty much we've decided that something is preventing the blood from circulating properly so it just ends up hanging out and building up in there, or the tendons/muscles flare too much to let much oxygen get to the area. SO IT'S SUPER PAINFUL and I want to cry a lot. It makes things like recreational walking nigh-impossible.For my lungs, it's pretty much just that I could breathe so long as I didn't push myself too hard. Walking a bit quickly to the bus? Taking a flight of stairs two at a time? No way, José. So I was surviving but not really thriving.FAST FORWARD TO YESTERDAY my doc gave me a referral for physical therapy that I'll start in a few weeks and a new asthma medication to supplement the other ones.You guys, it's only been one day but I'm so hopeful about this cocktail. I didn't have as much tightness this morning, I didn't have any symptoms when I hurried to my bus, and I jogged. Granted, it was like 100 feet but that would've sent me into a dizzy, fish-like state before, gasping for air. I was winded, yeah, but I could still (and can still) fill my lungs the whole way without using my rescue inhaler. I can't remember the last time I felt this way, and that's not an exaggeration. Just. SO EXCITED. Maybe I will go to the gym tomorrow and ride the stationary bike! TAKE THAT.On the flipside, the drug has the potential to make me moody/nervous/aggressive which I can be pretty sensitive to, so if you note that these behaviors are above and beyond the norm, (maybe wait a bit but) please let me know... carefully XD I want to be able to note things accurately for my doctor but I don't always have that perspective!ANYWAY. fweeeeeeee I think all this extra oxygen is infecting my brain :D
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(no subject) [Aug. 22nd, 2010|01:58 am]Lula
[**Tags**|psa]Firefox has been crashing like a bitch on me, so I was lamenting that I'd switch to Chrome if they'd just make an lj-login thing. Well, they have. It's not as elegant as the LJ-Login, but it does its job, and I'm hoping Chrome won't crash every hour on me.JUST THOUGHT PEOPLE MIGHT BE INTERESTED.
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ADVENTURES IN THE KITCHEN [Aug. 18th, 2010|08:02 pm]Lula
[Tags**|\o/!!, almost an adult huh, food, gratuitous]For those of you on Dreamwidth, yes, these are the MOST APPROPRIATE ICONS. I don't cook much! I don't really enjoy food prep but I have to eat, and I've been trying to eat healthier. As of..... Monday with a hiatus yesterday. THAT COUNTS RIGHT?Anyway, I made things tonight and they were tasty so you get to see the recipes + photos.( Largish photos!Collapse )**
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(no subject) [Jul. 2nd, 2010|07:26 pm]Lula
[**Tags**|meme]I told you. All I do is memes.the appreciation meme
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Derpaderp [Jul. 1st, 2010|10:00 pm]Lula
[**Tags**|meme]I only seem to post whining and memes...
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ADVISABLE CHOICES? [Jun. 29th, 2010|09:31 pm]Lula
[**Tags**|meme, what's with today today]We shall see! ♥i've always wanted to tell you...Aside from that, all my stuff is in my new place and I have a glorious queen-sized bed and it's awesome and i love ballard no one has broken any storefront windows below my apartment yet! because there are no stores! or drunkards! HUZZAH.ETA: that's some questionable coding, right there...
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(no subject) [Jun. 6th, 2010|09:14 pm]Lula
[**Tags**|\o/!!, guerilla friendship, look i'm clevr, vive la wtf, we'll outdo the gnome][[personal profile] ]([**batman**]( IS A GENIUS, Y'ALL.Gather 'round, children, I have a story.So, my sister is funny. That really kind of cutting wit where she says something but also can't help but laugh at herself. I'm always looking for a way to one-up her on this. She's the oldest, since there's only me and her.Some time in high school, Erin decided that she was sick of being the oldest. She was paving the way. She wanted someone to use as an example, to leverage arguments in her favor. She made up an older sister, named Kathy, to refer to. Laughing the whole time. I think the first time she used it, my mom went, "who the hell is Kathy?"Ex. "You told Kathy she could stay out until 1 am" or, "You let Kathy go to the lake for the weekend with her friends!"Except, you see, this backfired on her. My mother got wise, and would respond with: "Yes, well, Kathy is a nun feeding starving children in Nepal. She just got done climbing Mount Everest, and you haven't even cleaned your room." etc etc.So, Kathy has been a running joke since her inception. Each time, her world travels get more extravagant and ridiculous. So I'm gauging interest from you all particularly in the international community!Would you like to play an epic prank on my sister and send kitschy post cards from your locale, detailing the adventures that "Kathy" is having? I'm not sure when I want to start this, or if I'll have a system in place, I'm just trying to determine if people would be into this, and if it would be doable.Just think of it as amazing worldwide RP 8)
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(no subject) [Jun. 2nd, 2010|07:55 pm]Lula
[**Tags**|meme]Name a fandom and I'll give you some unpopular opinions.IT'S GOING AROUND, SO WHY NOT.
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Guess who's lazy! [May. 28th, 2010|09:05 pm]Lula
[**Tags**|\o/!!, haha real life]A chat log of my day:so i'm on the bus, right, and these two high school girls sit down near meso a few stops later this real ass hat of a frat boy gets on. he's either already drunk or coked up, because he just keeps talkinghe notices the girls and his friend sits down next to them and drunk dude is like "hey, that's my bitches. why you taking my girl? those are my girls" like in a joking way?anyway, he goes on like that and he's talking and it's just ughso at one point he's like "why isn't anyone laughing? it's funny"and i say, "no, it's inappropriate and you're making me uncomfortable"him: "what can i do to make you more comfortable?"me: "shut up"and he kept talking but he stopped bothering the girlsso when the guys got off, the girls thanked me for saying somethingTHE END. I hate punctuation and capitalization in chats.
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(no subject) [May. 25th, 2010|09:48 pm]Lula
[**Tags**|haha real life, note to self]Hey so, everyone I've talked to about stuff recently: THANK YOU. I'm healthy, and I appreciate the time you took out o/Everyone else: carry on :x
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(no subject) [May. 15th, 2010|01:21 am]Lula
[**Tags**|4 am decisions are always good, note to self, psa]Note!!DO NOT finish book about Nazi Germany before going to bed. IT WON'T END WELL.That being said, The Book Thief is a good book. Not quite as well paced, plotted, or executed as the last one, The Blind Assassin (seriously. Read it. If you're in the Seattle area, I'll loan it to you). Before that was A Wizard of Mars and even before that, A Killing in Comics. BUT!! I don't have any new books to read, and I would like to start a new one on Monday. So, I beseech you for recs.Criteria for recommendations:+ Must be positively or optimistically oriented (please, no more mass murders. My heart can't take it at the moment. Tragic irony is not high on my list of things to look forward to right now)+ Must have an engaging narrative style.+ Must be something I can read on the bus (Yes, I do think people are judging me at all times from all angles when it comes to stuff like that)+ Must be available in paperback. THOUGH IF YOU LIVE IN SEATTLE AND I COULD BORROW IT... I still like it to be purse-sized....God I'm so demanding. BUT I KNOW YOU, YES YOU, ENJOY SHARING YOUR OPINIONS. :Db
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