wooooplz User Profile | DeviantArt (original) (raw)


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ಠ 3 ಠ Created by: ~ToxicOxygen (https://www.deviantart.com/toxicoxygen) This is the original, created before :iconwoooplz: Remember, it's spelled with FOUR O's, fellow woooo'ers. ---------------- Woooo Poetry By: ToxicOxygen (https://www.deviantart.com/toxicoxygen) :iconwooooplz::iconsaysplz:It appeases me when you make deviations of the woooo. And since it pleases me, I'll give my congratulations to yoooo. :iconwooooplz::iconsaysplz:He who woooos will curse many a snooze and no amount of booze will protect you from woooos. -------------------------------------------------- My other plz's >> :iconjellylegsplz::icontonguewaggleplz::iconwoooochaseplz::iconinnocent1plz::iconembarrassmentplz: -

In regards to my last journal, let me make an apology. I was confused then about the whole situation. I apologize to Sinister-Starfeesh, BurgerBunny, and to all those I may have annoyed with my complaining. But, please understand, it's not fun to have everyone giving credit to someone who's creation was based thickly on mine. I see now that Sinister-Starfeesh DID give me credit, and BurgerBunny at least linked my plz in her project journal. But I saw after that, everyone just credited the pixel revamp, and ONLY the pixel revamp. Completely pushing me aside. And please don't make the argument that, "People do know the credit is to you for

Who started the wooo emoticon craze? Was it BurgerBunny, or was it Sinister-Starfeesh? Neither of them asked my permission. And now, I'm not getting any credit. All credits are going to whoever made the first pixelated version of this. I do give kudos to the pixel version, it was well made, but it offends me that no one who makes a wooo emoticon even credits this account! Yes, the 'wooo' face is not copyrighted to me, but I would like some credit for actually making it first.

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