KBS WORLD (original) (raw)

Personal Information(* are required)

Radio Schedule

Collecting and using your personal information

“Korean Broadcasting System” (hereinafter, “KBS”) values the importance of personal information and is committed to complying with applicable laws and regulations, namely the 「Act on Promotion and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc.」 and the 「Personal Information Protection Act」.

KBS has established the Privacy Policy Statement as follows to inform how personal information provided to KBS by users is treated and for what purpose, as well as measures taken to protect collected information.

1. Types of Personal Information Collected and Method of Collecting Personal Information

A. Types of Personal Information Collected
KBS collects personal information as listed below.

Ways of collection Items subject to collection
Reception report Mandatory : Name, email account, country Optional : Gender, phone number, occupation
Listener feedback Optional : Name, email account, username, gender, phone number
Listener satisfaction survey Mandatory : Gender, age group, country Optional : Email account
Promotional events Mandatory : Name, email, country, contact details

The following information may be automatically generated and collected during usage of service.
- IP address, cookie, used browser, OS information, access date and time

B. Method of Collecting Personal Information
KBS collects personal information via the following methods.
- Website, documents, fax, telephone, message boards, email, promotional event participation

2. Purpose of Personal Information Collection and Usage

KBS collects and uses personal information for the following purposes. Collected information will not be used for any purpose other than stated below and required actions, such as obtaining consent, will be taken in case of any change to the intended use.

A. User authentication, prevention of behaviors which hinder effective operation of services and imposing penalty against such behaviors.
B. Verifying consent of the legal guardian when collecting personal information of a child and authentication of the legal guardian upon exercising his/her right.
C. Enhancing service and reception quality based on monitoring reception status.
D. Performing analysis and providing services based on demographic attributes.
E. Improving service based on service usage history, access frequency and statistical data with respect to service usage.
F. Providing information on promotional/marketing events and opportunity to participate in such events.

3. Retention and Usage Period of Personal Information

As a general rule, KBS shall promptly discard the collected personal information upon fulfillment of the purpose of the collection and usage.

Provided, however, where applicable laws/regulations and internal policies necessitate retention of the information, KBS shall retain the personal information for the period of time stated below.

A. Website access history
Legal basis : Protection of Communication Secrets Act
Retention period: 3 months

B. Reception report record
Legal basis : Consent from information subject
Retention period : 1 year

C. Listener satisfaction survey record
Legal basis : Consent from information subject
Retention period : 1 year

D. Upon individual consent from the member
Retention period : Period to which the member has agreed

4. Process and Method of Personal Information Disposal

Personal information that has been collected shall be promptly disposed of upon fulfillment of the purpose of its collection and use. The process and method of disposal of personal information are as follows.

A. Disposal Process
After the information provided by the user has served its intended purpose, the information shall be migrated to a segregated DB (a separate box in case of documents on paper) and shall be deleted after being preserved for a specific period of time as required by internal policies and reasons for information protection stipulated by relevant laws and regulations. Except as required by law, all personal information transferred to the segregated DB shall not be used for any purpose other than that of intended storage.

B. Disposal Method
Personal information on electronic files shall be deleted through a technical approach which ensures the information cannot be recreated or reconstituted. Information on paper shall be physically destroyed by means of shredding using a paper shredder or incineration.

5. Provision and Entrustment of Personal Information

KBS does not provide personal information received from the user to third parties without prior consent from the user. Provided however when the user has agreed with provision of his/her personal information for the purpose of using services, or when KBS is obliged to submit the personal information in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, or when there is a verified serious and immediate threat to the life and safety of the user, KBS may provide information for the purpose of resolution thereof.

KBS entrusts handling of personal information as follows to enhance service quality. When entering into an entrustment agreement, KBS specifies terms and conditions of accountability including prohibiting the entrusted party from processing personal information for any purpose other than for the performance of entrusted affairs, ensuring technical and administrative measures to protect personal information, restricting sub-contracting of personal information processing, oversight and supervision of the entrusted party and liabilities including damage compensation. In addition, KBS shall have oversight on whether the entrusted party handles personal information with safety.

Entrusted Party Entrusted Affair Period of Personal Information Retention and Usage
GS Neotek Operation of website infrastructure Until termination of entrustment contract

Furthermore, in addition to the entrusted party mentioned above, the KBS website runs Google Analytics, a log analytics tool, for service usage and statistical analysis. In case the user wants to stop analysis of his/her access log, the user may opt out by changing the setting as provided in the guidance page below.
- Google Analytics opt-out guidance page (link : https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout/)

6. Rights of the User and Legal Agent and How to Exercise Such Rights

With respect to personal information of a user, a user him- or herself, or in the case of a minor who is under 14 years of age his or her legal guardian, may request at any time access to, correction and/or deletion of, or revocation of consent for, his or her personal information. Please make a request to person in charge in order to exercise the user rights.

Upon request from the user for correction of error in his/her personal information, the concerned information shall not be used or provided to a third party until correction is complete. If the erroneous information has already been provided to third parties, they will be promptly be informed of the correction.

KBS handles personal information which has been terminated or deleted upon request from user or legal representative/guardian in accordance with its policy on “retention and usage period of personal information” and prohibits access or usage for any purpose other than as provided in the policy.

7. Matters Related to Installation/Operation and Refusal of Automated Information Collection Programs

KBS embeds cookies in its websites to store and generate user data at any time. Cookies are small text files that are placed on the user’s computer by the used web browser from the server that runs online services on online and mobile versions of the KBS WORLD Radio website. KBS uses cookies for the following purposes.

A. Purpose of Cookie Usage
- Cookies are used to ensure and support secure and efficient usage of the website.

B. Setting Refusal Cookie
The user can choose to opt in or opt out of placing cookies. As such, users can set options to allow all cookies, confirm whenever cookies are placed, or decline cookies completely. When cookies are declined completely, the user may face difficulty in using certain services.

How to set options:

  1. Internet Explorer
    Tools in the upper-right corner of the browser window > Internet Options > Privacy > Settings > Advanced Settings

  2. Chrome
    Settings in the upper-right corner of the browser window > Advanced Settings at the bottom > Content Settings under Privacy > Cookies

* Adjusting settings may differ depending on version of browser.

8. Measures to Secure Safety of Personal Information

KBS takes proper technical and supervisory measures as follows to ensure that personal information provided by users is processed with safety and to prevent data loss, theft, leakage, forgery or impairment.

A. Set-up and Implementation of Internal Management Plan
- KBS formulates and implements internal management plans to process personal information with safety.

B. Installation and Operation of Access Controls
- KBS applies intrusion prevention systems (IPS) for control over unauthorized access from external and is committed to establishing a technical environment based on which system security can be secured.

C. Countermeasures against Hacking, etc.
- KBS takes measures to prevent damage from malware using vaccine programs.
- KBS adopts Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology which enables safe network transmission of personal information by establishing an encrypted algorithm.
- KBS holds information security to the highest standards using intrusion prevention systems and vulnerability analysis systems against external threats such as hacking.

D. Limiting Access to a Minimum Number of Staff and Training
- KBS limits authorization of access to personal information to those members of staff who are in user-facing roles, who perform personal information management duties such as personal information protection officer and manager, or other individuals who engage in work which inevitably involves handling personal information.
- Periodic training on duty of personal information protection, etc. is provided to members of staff who process personal information.

9. Personal Information Protection Officer and Responsible Departments

For the purpose of protecting personal information provided by users and addressing complaints with respect to personal information, KBS designates the Personal Information Officer and Managers as follows.

Role Department/Title Email
Personal Information Protection Officer Management IT Division/Director member@kbs.co.kr
Personal Information Protection Manager KBS WORLD Radio/General Manager arabic@kbs.co.kr chinese@kbs.co.kr english@kbs.co.kr french@kbs.co.kr german@kbs.co.kr indonesia@kbs.co.kr japanese@kbs.co.kr korean@kbs.co.kr russian@kbs.co.kr spanish@kbs.co.kr vietnamese@kbs.co.kr

Please direct your inquiries to the organizations below to file a report or to seek counsel on matters involving privacy infringement.
- Personal Information Protection Center : 118 (http://privacy.kisa.or.kr)
- Cyber-crime Investigation Department of the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office: 1301 (http://www.spo.go.kr)
- Cyber Bureau of the National Police Agency: 182 (http://cyberbureau.police.go.kr)

10. Disclosure of Change in Privacy Policy

KBS reserves the right to revise and/or change this Policy Statement whenever the need arises. In the case of such, KBS will make a disclosure through its website and will seek user consent if necessary by laws and regulations.

Addendum – Safeguarding Rights of Users in the European Union (EU)

This addendum (hereinafter, “Addendum”) applies when services are provided to users in the EU. The Addendum is a part of the Privacy Policy Statement and is subject to the Privacy Policy Statement. So far as it is prescribed in the Addendum, the Addendum overrides notwithstanding any inconformity with the Privacy Policy Statement. Unless the Addendum specifically defines otherwise, definition of terminology is in accordance with the Privacy Policy Statement.
(1) Off-shoring of Personal Information
All personal information that KBS collects from users to provide services is transmitted to a data center located in Korea based on network encryption at the point of collection, which is then stored during the retention period laid out in the Privacy Policy Statement. To ensure protection of personal information of users, KBS has implemented proper technical/administrative security standards including tools deemed standard in the industry.
(2) Rights of the Data Subject
In accordance with applicable laws and regulations including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the EU, users can request for their personal information to be transferred to another manager or decline processing of their data. In addition, the user reserves the right to file a complaint to authorities with regards to personal information protection.
Furthermore, KBS can use personal information for marketing purposes including promotional events and advertising, for which consent will be sought from users in advance. Users may cancel the consent at any time if they do not wish for their information to be used for such purposes.
Please contact our customer service center in writing, by phone or email for prompt action regarding aforementioned matters.
(3) Protection of Personal Information of Children
In principle, KBS does not collect any information from children under 13 years of age or an equivalent age of minimum prescribed by laws in the concerned jurisdiction. The website, services, etc. of KBS are targeted for the general public and do not wilfully collect personal information from children.
Provided that however KBS inevitably collects personal information of children under 13 years of age or an equivalent age of minimum prescribed by laws in the concerned jurisdiction for usage of service, the following additional steps shall be taken to protect the personal information of the child.
• Obtain consent from a guardian to collect the child’s personal information and directly send the service information of KBS to the child.
• Notify the guardian of the Privacy Policy Statement of KBS including personal information items collected, purpose of collection and whether the information will be shared with third parties.
• Entitle the legal guardian with the right to request to access / edit or delete / temporarily discontinue processing of / cancel consent given thus far of personal information on behalf of the child.
• Restrict collecting personal information in excess of what is required for participation in online activities.

Date of Release : 18/12/2019
Effective Date : 01/01/2020