World of Warcraft Challenge Community (original) (raw)

Heroic Round!

How is this different from the official challenges? These are written drabbles only. Also, you will be posting your replies to this post instead of to the community.

So read the prompts, write a story, submit prompts! But most of all, have fun!

( RULESCollapse )


  1. Desolace reborn
  2. Heaven
  3. Burn
  4. Where there's no law
  5. You've got me
  6. Mmm dirt
  7. Voodoo
  8. Kisses
  9. Roses
  10. Durotar

Heroic Round!



January 19th, 2011

How is this different from the official challenges? These are written drabbles only. Also, you will be posting your replies to this post instead of to the community.

So read the prompts, write a story, submit prompts! But most of all, have fun!

( RULESCollapse )


  1. Silvermoon at night
  2. Black
  3. Kings
  4. Death
  5. Exodar
  6. A nice warm meal
  7. It's so FLUFFY.
  8. Help!
  9. Flirty
  10. Punch that dragon in the face

(no subject)

work?, working 2, writing 2, fanfiction keeps me (in)sane


January 12th, 2011

How is this different from the official challenges? These are written drabbles only. Also, you will be posting your replies to this post instead of to the community.

So read the prompts, write a story, submit prompts! But most of all, have fun!

( RULESCollapse )


  1. Killing critters
  2. Soul
  3. Puppy!
  4. Sunshine
  5. Lordaeron
  6. Get down!
  7. Shivering
  8. Fishing is boring.
  9. Dragons
  10. So tired...

Heroic Round!



January 5th, 2011

How is this different from the official challenges? These are written drabbles only. Also, you will be posting your replies to this post instead of to the community.

So read the prompts, write a story, submit prompts! But most of all, have fun!

( RULESCollapse )


  1. Kaja'Cola -- IT GIVES YOU IDEAS!
  2. Ragnaros
  3. Trees
  4. Honesty
  5. Baby murlocs
  6. Siblings
  7. The stroke of midnight
  8. What it means to be ____.
  9. Just get it over with!
  10. Tea

Heroic Round!



December 28th, 2010

How is this different from the official challenges? These are written drabbles only. Also, you will be posting your replies to this post instead of to the community.

So read the prompts, write a story, submit prompts! But most of all, have fun!

( RULESCollapse )


  1. Stars
  2. Uldum
  3. Cooking
  4. Why did you do that?!
  5. Hard as a rock
  6. Yellow
  7. Hopeful
  8. Flying for the first time
  9. Bite
  10. Harrison Jones

Heroic Round!



December 21st, 2010

How is this different from the official challenges? These are written drabbles only. Also, you will be posting your replies to this post instead of to the community.

So read the prompts, write a story, submit prompts! But most of all, have fun!

( RULESCollapse )


  1. Water
  2. Highborne
  3. Duskwood
  4. Thunder Bluff
  5. Wife
  6. Breakfast time
  7. Ironforge
  8. Laughter rang out
  9. Peacebloom
  10. Ghouls

Heroic Round!



December 14th, 2010

How is this different from the official challenges? These are written drabbles only. Also, you will be posting your replies to this post instead of to the community.

So read the prompts, write a story, submit prompts! But most of all, have fun!

( RULESCollapse )


  1. Mt. Hyjal
  2. Kaja Cola
  3. Winter
  4. Monkey
  5. Wet
  6. Garrosh Hellscream
  7. Genn Greymane
  8. Cat
  9. Yellow
  10. "Put. It. Down."

Heroic Round!

work?, working 2, writing 2, fanfiction keeps me (in)sane


November 30th, 2010

How is this different from the official challenges? These are written drabbles only. Also, you will be posting your replies to this post instead of to the community.

So read the prompts, write a story, submit prompts! But most of all, have fun!

( RULESCollapse )


  1. Tauren
  2. Giggle
  3. Graveyard
  4. Overwhelmed
  5. Precious
  6. Snow
  7. Pilgrim's Bounty
  8. Style
  9. Azshara
  10. Dwarven

Official Challenge #4



November 30th, 2010

( FULL DETAILSCollapse )

When replying to a challenge, unless it is a one-comment drabble, create your own post rather than replying here. If it is a one-comment drabble, feel free to reply here, so as to keep down on the spam. Works for both canon and original characters are acceptable for these challenges. If a post is NSFW or contains spoilers for Cataclysm, please mark it as either NSFW or SPOILERS, respectively.

And if you have any suggestions for future challenges, feel free to send me a PM about it!

A quick brush up on the rules, if needed.

Heroic Round! Special THE WORLD IS ENDING Edition!



November 23rd, 2010

How is this different from the official challenges? These are written drabbles only. Also, you will be posting your replies to this post instead of to the community.

So read the prompts, write a story, submit prompts! But most of all, have fun!

( RULESCollapse )


  1. Dwarf shaman
  2. Auberdine
  3. Tidal wave
  4. Fire
  5. Troll druid
  6. Where'd the portals go?!
  7. Deathwing attacks
  8. Gates of Gilneas
  9. Undead hunters
  10. Everything is changing

Heroic Round!



November 16th, 2010

How is this different from the official challenges? These are written drabbles only. Also, you will be posting your replies to this post instead of to the community.

So read the prompts, write a story, submit prompts! But most of all, have fun!

( RULESCollapse )


  1. Thrall
  2. If this is goodbye...
  3. You're an animal
  4. Explosive
  5. That smells wonderful!
  6. Borean Tundra
  7. Ancestors
  8. Slave
  9. Is that... bacon?
  10. Magni Bronzebeard

Official Challenge #3



November 15th, 2010

( FULL DETAILSCollapse )

Before anybody asks, yes, all classes and/or races are going to be covered in the challenges, though not in any particular order. ;) And if you have any suggestions for future challenges, feel free to send me a PM about it!

A quick brush up on the rules, if needed.

Heroic Round



November 9th, 2010

How is this different from the official challenges? These are written drabbles only. Also, you will be posting your replies to this post instead of to the community.

So read the prompts, write a story, submit prompts! But most of all, have fun!

( RULESCollapse )

And by community ruling, any drabble with CATACLYSM SPOILERS needs to be noted as such in the title of your comment!


  1. Worgen
  2. Defias
  3. My lucky weapon
  4. Ashenvale
  5. Father
  6. Peace
  7. Searching for release
  8. You're bad at cooking...
  9. Paladin
  10. Goblins

Heroic Round!



November 2nd, 2010

How is this different from the official challenges? These are written drabbles only. Also, you will be posting your replies to this post instead of to the community.

So read the prompts, write a story, submit prompts! But most of all, have fun!

( RULESCollapse )


  1. Bolvar Fordragon
  2. I got what you need!
  3. Twilight Hammer's cult
  4. I miss you
  5. Lucky
  6. Wait for me!
  7. A storm is rolling in
  8. Onyxia
  9. Voodoo
  10. Saurfang

Spoilers -- Yes or No?



November 1st, 2010

I've been trying to think on this for a while, and I'm torn. So, I'm asking for the opinion of our members to a question:

Should spoilers for major lore stories -- whether before or during Cataclysm -- require warnings in the title or links in the same way that NSFW artwork already is?

Not everyone is up to date with what's going on in Cataclysm and likes it that way. Some of us, such as myself, know what some of the bigger story stuff such as Horde/Alliance storylines is but are choosing to remain in the dark about smaller details like zone/quest/NPC changes. And some are jumping right into the deep end with gusto.

But given that we *are* already so close to Cata's release, everyone is on the verge of seeing and hearing a lot of these things first hand anyway. And I'm not sure if the spoiler tag should be applied to things that have already happened in game for a month or longer (i.e., Arthas' death), etc.



Yes -- there should be a warning

No -- there shhould NOT be a warning

If you can explain why you voted the way you did in the comments, it's appreciated! We'll probably have a response to this by the end of the week if not sooner.

f-first post?


November 1st, 2010

Fanart posts are allowed, I hope? D:

My human hunter Khyle as a pirate. (he reuses this costume for Talk Like A Pirate day)

Official Challenge #2



October 30th, 2010

For October's latter bi-monthly challenge:

( FULL DETAILSCollapse )

When replying to a challenge, unless it is a one-comment drabble, create your own post rather than replying here. If it is a one-comment drabble, feel free to reply here, so as to keep down on the spam. Works for both canon and original characters are acceptable for these challenges. If a post is NSFW or contains spoilers for Cataclysm, please mark it as either NSFW or SPOILERS, respectively.

And if you have any suggestions for future challenges, feel free to send me a PM about it!

A quick brush up on the rules, if needed.

Official Challenge #1



October 27th, 2010

First off, thanks to everyone who's shown interest and joined! Please feel free to spam this around to your friends, neighbors, guildies and maybe even random strangers who pass you on the street. Ignore their looks of disdain and fear, it just means you're good at what you do. ;)


( Full DetailsCollapse )

When replying to a challenge, unless it is a one-comment drabble, create your own post rather than replying here. If it is a one-comment drabble, feel free to reply here, so as to keep down on the spam. Works for both canon and original characters are acceptable for these challenges. If a post is NSFW or contains spoilers for Cataclysm, please mark it as either NSFW or SPOILERS, respectively. And if you have any suggestions for future challenges, feel free to send me a PM about it!

A quick brush up on the rules, if needed.

Heroic Round!

work?, working 2, writing 2, fanfiction keeps me (in)sane


October 26th, 2010

How is this different from the official challenges? These are written drabbles only. Also, you will be posting your replies to this post instead of to the community.

So read the prompts, write a story, submit prompts! But most of all, have fun!

( RULESCollapse )


  1. The Alliance
  2. Thrall meets some kids
  3. The Barrens
  4. Attack!
  5. Stars
  6. Brothers-in-arms
  7. The Light
  8. Help me!
  9. Solitude
  10. The Horde

Mrglgrlgrlgrlgrrrrrrrr! (aka Plot Murlocs)



October 26th, 2010

Like Plot Bunnies, but more likely to chew on your foot.


How this works:
1. Comment with a request for fic/art/icons.
2. Fill out someone’s request for fic/art/icons.
3. Everyone goes home happy!

1. Fic can either be posted directly in the comment, or it can be put up as a link.
2. Art can be posted directly in the comments. However, NSFW artworks need to be put as a link.
3. Icons can be posted directly in the comments.

1. No wank.
2. Try to follow the guidelines if possible.
3. No wank.
5. No wank.
6. Have fun!


For more questions/concerns/comments, please PM me, popehippo.

Official: Help and FAQs



October 26th, 2010

Howdy!! This is a creative challenge community for the Blizzard single-player and MMO World of Warcraft and all the creative works associated with them (official novels, comic books, etc).

popehippo -- Creator and currently solitary moderator of the community.




Do you have a question, concern, need to report something or want to request a tag? Comment below!