We're nerds. (original) (raw)

Saturday, February 24th 2007 at 12:14 pm
[ mood** | guilty ] A Furby (the new version) with tree tinsel around it, a suction cup hook thingy, a watermelon Blow Pop, and one of those dorky hats with the flaps that snap and unsnap. I shall commit the perfect crime with these, oh yes I shall.( Doom, Thy Name Is FurbyCollapse )**
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Well now. [
Thursday, February 22nd 2007 at 10:04 pm
[ **mood** | sick ] I'm not new. I'm actually the creator on a different journal. :]Prompts coming soon, as well as more posts for me. I've been sick.WHICH MEANS MORE INTERNET TIME AND LESS SCHOOL. BD
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Friday, February 16th 2007 at 11:56 pm
PROMPT: Pick one closet in your house and explore. Take four of the items you find and use in a short story. Let one item designate your location (Hawaiian shirt, vacation photo, etc.), one be your murder weapon, one be used for cleanup and a final item to be used any way you see fit.
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Prompt #27 [
Friday, February 9th 2007 at 1:36 pm
[ **mood** | cold ] I'm new to the group, please bear with me..Prompt #27 - Write a story about an empty glass.I empty my glass only to discover that at the bottom of it lies another, and yet another void. So I fill it up again, in hopes of somehow filling myself up as well. The bottle is still full, so I pour and pour. After one bottle there appears another and after that one, another. But, I’ve noticed that over the course of time the bottle has changed. Now, instead of holding drink, it holds poison. I fill my glass with poison just the same, as my emptiness has not been satisfied. The bottle remains full, but the glass always empty.It's short. :-/ Any thoughts?
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Friday, February 2nd 2007 at 12:31 am
Aw. My poor, poor dead community.I hate school for taking me away from my internet activities. ;;
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Lyrical quotes [
Tuesday, January 9th 2007 at 1:52 am
100 song lyrics. Either write down a few numbers from 1-100 before you open the cut, and use those, just pick one or there is a handy random number generator here. They're all scrambled up anyway.Going to try this myself as soon as I get some sleep.(Cut for length.)( Read more...Collapse )
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Friday, December 29th 2006 at 1:34 pm
Name: Vickie (I'm new. I like criticism.)Prompt #: 27Date: December 29, 2006Re-state the prompt: Write a story about an empty glass.This turned out... interesting. it's a bit depressing.( ParchedCollapse )
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Saturday, December 9th 2006 at 2:40 pm
[ **mood** | busy ] gfkdlghdfghdhgdhgdjgdfgdOkay, I am seriously sorry about this community going under so early. I've been terribly busy and haven't even had time for my REGULAR journal.Anyhow, yes yes. I suppose I should choose someone to run this for when I'm too busy. Anyone want to? Just, you know, reply to this and I'll choose one sooner or later.Yeah. In the rules it says to leave the prompts to me, but scratch that. Anyone can post a prompt from now on.Anyhowwwww. Here is a prompt:Prompt # 83_Explain sleep to an alien who has never slept before. This can be a sentence long or pages long, you decide._SORRY SORRY SORRY AGAIN.
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Prompt #28 [
Wednesday, December 6th 2006 at 10:03 am
I'm not usurping the group or anything, but it's awfully lonely in here with no prompts. I figured I'd just jump in here and throw one out. And so, without further ado:You’re out with some old friends and they’re all rehashing amusing holiday stories. You tell them that you have one to top them all. In telling your story, there are two rules: Your story must begin with, “I remember that Christmas like it was yesterday” and must end with, “And that’s how (fill in the blank) got stuck inside the turkey.”
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Prompt # 27 [
Saturday, November 11th 2006 at 8:05 pm
Sorry I'm so late on today's prompt, guys.Here it is:**Write a story about an empty glass.**Gah.
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Friday, November 10th 2006 at 9:49 pm
[ mood** | creative ] Name: JaneyPrompt #: 21Date: November 10, 2006Re-state the prompt: A drunk man sits next to you in a bar, thinks you’re his buddy and starts confessing “the truth.” Write about what “the truth” is.( The Rum-Loosed TongueCollapse )**
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Friday, November 10th 2006 at 11:38 am
Name: Sarah.Prompt #: 21Date: November 0, 2006Re-state the prompt: A drunk man sits next to you in a bar, thinks you’re his buddy and starts confessing “the truth.” Write about what “the truth” is.I did something I've never done before with this one. I wrote a script for this scene. It's kind of cliche, but it's only for parctice, right?Kind of cliche? Try severely. But I don't mind people reading it.
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Prompt # 58 [
Friday, November 10th 2006 at 11:32 am
Here it is:**A drunk man sits next to you in a bar, thinks you’re his buddy and starts confessing “the truth.” Write about what “the truth” is.**Hm.
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Thursday, November 9th 2006 at 8:14 pm
[ **mood** | crazy ] Name: Janey Prompt #: 21 Date: November 0, 2006 Re-state the prompt: Write a letter to the ten-year-old child you had been. ( Dear MeCollapse )
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