WRC-Seattle (original) (raw)

(no subject) [Nov. 16th, 2005|08:55 pm]Washington Reading Corps - Seattle
Coldplay and Fiona Apple are playing on Jan. 25Who wants to go with me? :D
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Rock for the kids [Nov. 16th, 2005|06:39 pm]Washington Reading Corps - Seattle
Here's the link for the music venue/workshop space I mentioned at the meeting:http://www.theveraproject.orgDefinitely worth checking out.
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fyi for you crazy coffee drinkers [Nov. 9th, 2005|08:38 pm]Washington Reading Corps - Seattle
fair trade coffee yay for fair trade!
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(no subject) [Nov. 7th, 2005|11:59 pm]Washington Reading Corps - Seattle
Today, a fifth grader told me "don't take this as an insult, but you remind me of Napoleon Dynamite." I told him no offense taken, but that he should meet my friend Trevor.
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an event! [Nov. 6th, 2005|07:54 pm]Washington Reading Corps - Seattle
Hey everyone, here's an event! I'm going, so you should as well. International Speaker, open mic, pot luck... need I say more?
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Greetings! [Nov. 6th, 2005|02:51 pm]Washington Reading Corps - Seattle
Hey everyone, leave your first post here! Feel free to say what ever you want. If you're leaving an anonymous post, remember to sign your name at the end so we know who you are! Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend.
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