wrfic_challenge - Profile (original) (raw)

This is a fanfic challenge community for Wolf’s Rain, with a focus on shorter stories.

aiffe is mod here, (that’s me!) but is still getting the hang of the whole responsibility thing.

Forgive the rule changes, I wanted to make this community more interactive, less stodgy, lower-maintenance for me, (good old laziness talking there) and hopefully more fun for everyone.

As always, this community is open to non-challenge drabbles. Speaking of open, we’re also friendly to yaoi, yuri, het, bestiality, (um, tasteful I hope on that one, much as I love Kiba/Cheza) and the occasional bit of smut, if prudes are given fair warning. Not that I’ve seen any prudes here.

Just to be clear on the definitions, a drabble is a story between 50 and 250 words, but can be restricted to anything within that range. A oneshot is anything longer than that, but not an ongoing fic, and generally not a chaptered one. They tend to be under 4,000 words, but some are a tenth of that… it varies. Flash fiction can go to drabble-length, but unlike a drabble, it can be really short, say, one sentence, or eight words, or however we feel like challenging ourselves.

Unlike in other communities, I’ve decided to let the users post the challenges. This is because schedules get boring to me, and I’d like to get the users involved and see more variety, a la fic_on_demand.

There is no limit as to how many challenges you can post.

So, when making your challenge post, include the following:

Theme: This can be a noun, a verb, an adjective, a character, a pairing, a type of character or pairing—whatever your imagination can come up with, I only ask that it be simple, in order to allow multiple interpretations. If you can’t say it in one sentence without conjunctions, it’s not simple.

Word Limit/Minimum: You can have only a maximum, (e.g. under 200 words) only a minimum, (e.g. over 300 words) both, (e.g. between 50 and 150 words) or an exact requirement. (e.g. exactly 100 words.) There are other options, such as free word count, (no restrictions on length) or unusual things like one-sentence fics. Just make sure to tell us what you want, or say that word count is free if you couldn’t care less.

Deadline The date on which the challenge ends. Unless noted otherwise, it will be assumed to end at midnight EST of the day specified. Extensions may be granted only by the original poster of the challenge. If there are six entries or more, I’ll hold a voting post. (Details on that further down.)

Anyone can enter in anyone else’s challenge, including their own. You can enter in as many challenges as you want, but each one only once. You can also post a drabble/flash fiction/short oneshot that has nothing to do with the challenges. If you want a template, feel free to yoink any of the following:

Title: Word Count: Genres: Rating: Pairings/Characters: Warnings/Spoilers: Summary:

The only ones that are actually required are the title, the word count, and some kind of warning if there is graphic sex or violence. Summaries are strongly suggested for any story over 50 words.

Given the recent fuss with the MPAA, ratings are up in the air. You can use their ratings, FFN’s new ratings, or age as a guide to maturity… whatever. We’ll figure it out. ^_- It’s not even necessary to have a rating if you don’t want one.

Tell us which challenge you are entering, if any.

Of course, stories must be behind an lj-cut. (I make an exception for one-sentence fics.) Stories that missed the deadline or the wordcount are welcome, but aren’t eligible to win anything.

The voting aspect of the challenge is purely for fun, and to make the challenges a little more interesting. Since some people might want to enter without having their fics voted on, they may say, “do not enter for voting,” or anything like that in their story post. This can be changed either way later on if the author so chooses.

Actual tallying of the votes may be done by ariyanaforever, because she is impartial, and won’t be in any challenges. (She hasn’t seen the show… poor soul.)

There must be at least six participating entries in order to hold a voting post. Otherwise, everyone gets a round of applause for participating. ^_^

The system I’ll most likely be using is 1st/2nd/3rd, with weighted votes. In that system, each person selects three entries, with three points going to first place, two to second, and one to third. I like this system because you can still help the other stories you thought were good, without hurting their chances the way a system of averaging rankings would. Plus it’s simple mathematically: addition, how easy is that? Voting in this system is done via a screened post.

I may experiment with the for/against/abstain method of voting in the future, but for now, it’s the 1st/2nd/3rd system. I’ll always be clear on how the voting works in the voting post.

You can vote for anyone but yourself. Please read all the entries before voting.

Prizes are a mixed bag, and determined entirely by my whim. I may give out fanart, (drawn by me) banners, icons, giftfics, marriage proposals, mp3s, anything that strikes my fancy.

This community was inspired by iyfic_challenge, iyfic_contest, and 100_fruit which are all similar communities, two for Inuyasha and one for Fruits Basket. I had a lot of fun in those, and thought it would be nice if Wolf’s Rain had a community like that as well. If you enjoy writing Inuyasha or Furuba fic, I suggest you give those communities a shot. ^_^