PennSound: Classics (original) (raw)
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Arnold, Matthew
Auden, W.H.
Blake, William
- William Blake: recordings from Allen Ginsberg, Charles Bernstein, Anne Waldman, Lee Ann Brown
- John Richetti reads selected poems of William Blake
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett
Browning, Robert
Bunting, Basil
Byron, George Gordon (Lord Byron)
Chaucer, Geoffrey
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
Dickinson, Emily
Donne, John
Eliot, T. S.
English Renaissance Verse
Fitzgerald, F. Scott
Frost, Robert
Greek Poetry
- Chris Mason, Mark Jickling, and Liz Downing translate Archaic Greek poems and put them to music
- Thomas McEvilley reads Homer, Sappho, Aeschylus, and Meleager in Greek, with translation and commentary
Herbert, George
Jonson, Ben
Keats, John
Lamb, Charles
Landor, Walter Savage
Langland, William
Love Poetry
Marvell, Andrew
Milton, John
Poe, Edgar Allan
- Jerome McGann reads selected poems by Edgar Allan Poe
- John Richetti reads selected poems of Edgar Allan Poe
Restoration and 18th-Century Verse
- The PennSound Anthology of Restoration & 18th-Century Poetry, edited and performed by John Richetti
- John Richetti reads Pope, Swift, and Dryden
Scottish Ballads
- MP3 Ruth Perry sings "Burd Ellen," a ballad by Anna Gordon Brown, transcribed by her nephew Robert Scott in 1783
- John Richetti reads a selection of Shakespeare's sonnets, John Richetti reads a selection of excerpts from Shakespeare's plays
Shelley, Percy Bysshe
- John Richetti reads selected poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley, A Concert Reading of Prometheus Unbound at the Kelly Writers House
Swinburne, Algernon Charles
Tennyson, Alfred Lord
Whitman, Walt
- Aaron Kramer reading Walt Whitman's "Song of Myself," I-XXXII
- John Richetti reading from Walt Whitman's "Song of Myself" and other works
Wordsworth, William
- Jennifer Moxley reads William Wordsworth's "Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood"
- John Richetti reads selected poems of William Wordsworth
- Jefffrey Robinson video featuring readings from the manuscripts and late poems by Andrea Brady, Judith Goldman, and Peter Manson
- Rachel Blau DuPlessis reads Wordsworth, Coleridge and Keats
Yeats, William Butler
- William Butler Yeats reading from his work
- John Trimmer reading from the work of Paul Valery and William Butler Yeats
- John Richetti reading from the work of William Butler Yeats
Also of Interest:
- Aaron Kramer, Robert Browning's 150th Birthday Celebration, May 3, 1962
- Aaron Kramer reading and discussing Morris Rosenfeld
- John Richetti's 100+ Favorite Poems for Memorizing
PennSound Classics on PennSound Daily
- May 1, 2009: "PennSound Classics: Richetti Reads Dryden, McEvilly Reads Sappho"
For other "classic" readings, go to the Romantic Circles audio archive.